Thursday, April 30, 2009

Apr 30th and about 1/3 way thru this year of reading our 365 Bible to know The LORD. What has changed about your concept of GOD?What ha changed about your conversation?How many names of GOD have you come to know?How many traits and attributs have you put in your memory band along with Bible verse that are scurity for you and your family?God loves His children AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT.
Judges 11:1-12:15 tells a sad tale of greed and disobedience. What did you learn about the childen that you do not want in your family?Did you see the impact of comingling truth with pagan practices? It is work to maintain a Biblical concept of GOD.Have you made a vow to The LORD that overshadows truth? Let us agree that the children of Israel were at war/jihad with the nations of Canaan about who was GOD.We are at war today with the descendants of those same nations about who is GOD.It appears easy to offend people who watch the people who are working and to set things in order it takes a good knowledge of history. Who is in charge? The use of a password for security demonstrates that securitry is necessary and the enemy should not know everything we are doing. We are at war!GOD hates sin! God loves sinners.
John 1:1-28 Begins the fourth gospel and tells us the story of Jesus.Read to know Him. Check your testimony with scripture and know that you have the gift of eternal life.pj

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Apr 29th What a good day to be an American!There are many pleasures and benefits we take for granite because of who we are and where we live. Let us practice humility before our GOD, honor our families, respect and serve others and be willing to go the 2nd mile. We get to read every day the Truth and to know GOD.Selah. Amen.
Proverbs 14:11-12 sets the tone for the reading today by declaring a promise of protection and prosperity for the upright and destruction for the wicked. Perhaps everything under the sun is vanity. Who is directing your steps?
Psalm 100:1-5 declares some of the traits and attributes of The LORD. If and when He orders our steps and we obey, then we see that He is good, great and His mercy endureth forever, therefore we sing and serve HIM with gladness. We are blessed!
Judges 9:22-10:18 reports a saga of deceit,sedition,envy,pride war and death involving Abimelech and his neighbors. Again we see the cycle of sin, oppression and deliverance, yet it appears that the children of Israel still do not or will not learn to simply obey GOD.How many times must they, and we,hear the report of doing evil again in the sight of the LORD?We get to see the "compound"effect of sin in that they forsook The LORD and also served Baalim.One of the saddest phrases in the Bible,verse10:13 may well be,"Yet ye have forsaken me,and served other gods: wherefore I will deliver you no more".We MUST BE careful not to offend GOD and, if and when we do, we MUST BE prompt and sincere to confess our sin, repent and trust The LORD.We need to act as if we are the sons of The King. Be right and do right.
Luke 24:13-53 allows us to see GOD at work. When we understand the sacrifice Jesus made for us and learn about His great love and provisions for us, WHY wouldn't we give all unto Him and be at His call, willing to live and die for His name's sake. We are given insight to the mighty work to be accomplished by the local church of preaching repentance and remission of sins in His name among all nations.Jesus told His disciples(1stchurch) to wait for power from on high, but for us who are saved today we need to be busy about our Father's business. What is your joy level? We know that He has ascended and that He is coming back to receive us to Himself, Maranatha, but until then watch the clouds,get busy, work,watch and wait. Selah. pj

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Apr 28th Good morning to you all. As you read to know Him, please be grateful for all His favor, mercy, kindness, provisions, protection and grace given for you. Be sensitive to the leadership of The Holy Spirit as you read,pray and walk this day so that you are being conformed to the image of our saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Judges 8:17-9:21 tells a sad story about the life of Gideon and his sons.We need to be careful and recognize the "gifts" from GOD and be careful to not let them become a snare and a curse. ALL things are of GOD! We need to focus on Him, not his.What does it profit a man with all the gold and a lost life? What did Gideon do to cause to children to go astray?If ANY THING comes into our life that draws our attention away from or comes between us and our Lord, consider it a snare,hindrance and sin.
Luke 23:44-24:12 I hope your imagination is so vivid that you can sense the stormy conditions,hear the crying people, watch the soldiers and hear the words of Jesus. The triune GOD at work! The Father, The SON and The Holy Spirit fulfilling scripture for all mankind, bruising the head of Satan, renting the vail so that all/any might come boldly unto the throne of GOD and be redeemed. What an experience Joseph of Arimathaea had of taking down the naked,broken,bruised and bloody body of Jesus from the cross.Then wrapping Him and putting His body away in his tomb. What an experience for those who came on Sunday morning to see the tomb empty and being told the good news "He is not here". Make your reading personal, read to know Him.
Psalm 99:1-9 Tells us that GOD is Holy. We ought to act like He is our heavenly Father and that as brothers with Jesus, we are to be Holy. Be right and do right now.
Proverbs 14:9-10 reminds us to be careful. Choose your friends spiritually.Selah. pj

Monday, April 27, 2009

Apr 27th Hello Monday, and what a wonderful day in the wind and the rain to be a child of The King. We read this AM out on the patio and the lightening was flashing, thunder was rolling, wind was howling and we were enjoying the Bible and communing with our GOD as He demonstrated His power, might and mercy.Wow, what a GOD! Did His still small voice comfort you this day as He told you of His love toward you? Let us be glad of who we were, who we are and who we will be upon death or the rapture. We have His promises that we are His sons, Jesus Christ is our friend and big brother, we have been justified, united with GOD by His Holy Spirit, bought with a price, a member of Christ's body and a saint.We are accepted in the beloved!Saved and know it.

Judges 7:1-8:16 records that what The LORD tells His people to do, they can do it. We can be multi-tasked and still act for the glory of GOD.Gideon was tried by GOD and he stood, took the test and passed. One with GOD is far better, yea best, than thousands w/o The LORD.All servants of God need to be attentive to how they act, for there is nothing hid from Him. This is a good example of phy-war to prove that men love darkness and two of the greatest fears of the enemies of God/thieves is light, noise and the Name of GOD .Yet,even when The LORD causes man to win a victory, peers will/may be jealous of others blessings. Let us learn a BIG lesson, mind our own business. Be right and then do right.Look at verse 8:16 and determine for yourself what does it mean to be taught.Gideon like a stamp,stuck to it till the job was done.

Luke 23:11-43 Displays the depravity of men who knew not GOD.Look at John 3:36 and then II Corn 5:17-21. Where do you fit in this picture?It is not enough for anyone to just own a Bible, know the Law,hear truth come face to face with Jesus who is GOD in the flesh and talk with Him to be saved. What a shame to be so close and then turn away from Him. Look at John 1:12 and take note that you must receive Him. What a sad day that man would mock,curse, spit on, ridicule and crucify their Creator. Perhaps they had not heard what was going to happen on the first day of the week.

Psalm 97:1-98:9 Do you "really" believe what you read about GOD? How has your life been "Changed" since salvation?Do you hate evil?Do you consider yourself righteous? Do you agree with the psalmist and say"For thou,LORD, art high above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods"? What do you sing unto The LORD? Let us be thankful that one day He will judge the world and the people with equity.

Proverbs 14:7-8 Be prudent, flee the appearance of evil, choose your friends carefully and seek the understanding of The LORD. Selah. Amen. pj

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Apr 26th Sunday, we are still alive, here, and waiting for the appearing of The Lord Jesus Christ in the sky. Are there any clouds in the sky this AM? Maranatha.
Judges 6:1-40 tells about the consistency of The LORD. We may be in a palace or a prison, but He is always on The Throne!When we see men and women doing great things for GOD remember it is by GOD's GRACE/Divine enablement and not by the humans skill or talent alone.How similar to Gideon do you consider yourself?How has The LORD dealt with you in matters that are "serious", big and or small? Please be grateful for God's intervention in matters concerning your life.God is Omniscient and will share insight for us a to know how to fight the battle and win the war.Did you notice God's tolerance toward Gideon as he wanted to play with the fleece to see if God would respond to his demands.Is there any thing too hard for GOD?
Luke 22:55-23:10 be careful to compare the attitude of Peter and Judas.We can truly say" no man spake like Jesus." There has only been one trial like this in all history. Please consider what you are privy to in these scriptures, Selah.Certainly all men will forsake Him, but thanks be unto GOD in that He is willing to receive a repentant sinner whose heart is broken and contrite.Hear His response as He allows His creation to mock and curse God in the flesh. They would not/could not believe.We need to be aware of the (limited) power of Satan and the impact it has on man. GOD in their midst! It seems foolish for man to say I find no fault in Him. I wonder what did he find or what was he looking for yet it was hidden from his eyes. What does it take to please GOD? How is your sight? Remember that there will be an accounting of ALL words, and one day the books will be open and judgment will come.

Psalm 95:1-1-96:13 tells us about our GOD. How is your song today? How many names, traits, attributes, promises and wonderful works did you see today? How is your stewardship? Who will speak of His wondrous works to the lost and dying world?

Proverbs 14:5-6 Can you and I be trusted? Are we faithful witnesses? Do you understand truth and does knowledge come to you easily? IF not, why not? Pray that The LORD will cause you/us to fear Him and then to obey Him in all things always. pj
Apr 25th What a great day to read! I hope you sense fear, terror, delight and unexplainable HOPE. Excuse my language, but Ain't GOD great! I suggest you consider taking Psalm 94:16-18 and ponder what is being ask and said and then re-read Judges, Luke and Proverbs for today while asking and answering those questions. It is amazing the connectivity of The Word of GOD as it is written for us today.Be glad! Hope to see you in SS @9:45, read and prayed up ready to testify of His Greatness.

Psalm 94:1-23 Tells us that vengeance belongs unto The LORD and in ALL things we are to be grateful for His mercy and help.How many questions are asked that only The LORD knows the answers?How many attributes, traits, names and characteristics did you discover? Now ask the question that GOD asked of who will rise up, stand up for Him? What will you do sinner for your saviour? What does the title of "Lord Jesus" mean to you? One day all will see The True and Living Lord and it could be today.

Proverbs 14:3-4 How many have we said"I wish I had not said that".Pray not to be foolish and prideful. Be right, do right and trust The LORD.

Luke 22:35-54 How many "snapshots of God in the flesh" did you see?What is your favorite memory of these verses?Read to know Him.Watch for the dependence of Jesus on The Father as it is demonstrated and let these actions cause an effect upon your prayer life and faith. How many people are reported to have "kissed" Jesus? Can you imagine what the chief priest and elders thought they had accomplished when they took Him and led Him to the high priest? What is significant about darkness? This is no surprise to The LORD. It is according to the scriptures. Please recall what you have read in Matthew, Mark and Luke about this time where the will of GOD is being accomplished and Jesus is being man-handled. The next few days we will read about the trial and see the only One to stand up for GOD. How do you know this Jesus?

Judges 4:1-5:31 I suggest you do some math and determine how many years the children were in the wilderness, how many years of "success" under Joshua's leadership and then how many years there has been of freedom versus bondage and we have 16 more chapters to read. How does this affect your concept of GOD? How many people judge GOD by how His children act? The cycle of sin-bondage-repentance-deliverance-prosperity-sin-bondage is very sad. How do you compare the lifesttyle of the chosen people in the Promise Land to your own lifestyle and that of the USA?A very harsh question is asked by Judge Deborah, "Hath not The LORD God of Israel commanded ...", perhaps we might restate this and ask "Who will believe The LORD and serve Him"? How does your reply give glory to GOD?It is very evident that the servant is not greater than the master and what is in the vessel is more important than the vessel. GOD will use men and women to do His will. If there is one who writes music it would be neat to hear Debroahs song. How does this follow the A.C.T.S. of praying? Let us praise God and speak of His great deeds, acts, traits, attributes and promises.

Do you remember what was said in Judges 2:10b"and there arose another generation after them which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel". What does that say about the responsibilities of the fathers in Deuteronomy chapters 4 and 6 being FORGOTTEN. Please draw yourself a graph/timeline to put this in view. What we read in a day may very well cover a few days or perhaps 200 years. Now what have you learned about GOD and yourself? Read to know Him. Selah. Amen. pj

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Apr 24th Have you considered where you would be if you were not saved? Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were obedient in all things of GOD?
What difference has your prayers made in the life of the lost man you met today?

Judges 2:11-3:31 shows us the impact and consequences of failure to obey known truth.If we do not learn from these verses how to obey and serve The LORD we will suffer the same type of rejection, undergo similar trials, be plagued with fear and doubt and be out of fellowship with our Saviour.We need to pray that we do not cause Almighty GOD to be angry with us and sell us off into servitude of unbelievers.We need to pray for deliverers. We need to be sensitive to men in leadership positions so that when or if GOD decides to free His people from their oppressors, we will know if it is of GOD or of man.Be thankful for God's mercy.

Luke 22:14-34 Jesus sets the scene for the last meal and then shows His disciples the first communion table and explains to them the cup of the new testament. As you read to know Him, I hope you picture yourself being there with Jesus in these last hours and try to imagine how you would have acted. Hopefully our appreciation of The Lord's Table/Communion will be more real and important the next time we partake.

Psalm 92:1-93:5 challenges us to give thanks and be appreciative for Him! It is sad that we major on His things and not on Him as a person. He is GOD!I really enjoy verse 12-15! How do you see The LORD involved in your life? When you read to know Him what trait or attribute grabs your attention? Remember the two word"no where and now here" have the same letters but tell very different views of GOD. Can and do you say He is now here in my life or does the world watch you and say God is nowhere in their life? Holiness ought to be evident in our life.

Proverbs 14:1-2 Do you consider yourself perverse?Do you walk in unrighteousness?If you fear GOD do you walk in uprightness? How does a woman build a house and or tear it down? Perverse means to turn aside or depart. Selah. pj
Apr 23rd Now we are entering the days, as recorded by GOD, that makes us wonder at the hearing and reasoning ability of the children of Israel. Let us pray that The LORD will cause us to see the mistakes,sins and errors that they made and then that He would gently guide us into truth and then, that we would obey.

Judges 1:1-2:10 This is a sad picture of men, grandfathers, fathers and sons that did not hear GOD.The Book of Judges will cover many years,many men and women who stood for GOD,demonstrate the effect of sin and compromise and will cause us to see the consistent hand of Almighty GOD who rescues His people when they cry out and repent.We need to be careful to watch for the names,traits and attributes of GOD.Learn the cycle of conduct: prosperity, forgetfulness/sin/trespass, overtaken by evil rulers, cry out/repent/beg for relief, a judge will be sent to rescue and the prosperity for a season and then promiscuity/sin/indifference/greed and disobedience.How many times did you read where the children "almost" drove out the enemies? What about the fight in Jerusalem?What is so important about "the angel of the LORD" reminding the children of GOD's covenants?Some of the saddest verses are2:10 when compared to 1:1 in that in a generation(40 years?) there were Jews/children of Israel who lived in the Promise Land which knew not The LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.What happened? Who is to blame? How does this information affect your concept of GOD?

Luke221:29-22:13 The last days are here.Jesus will prepare for the passover meal with His disciples, meanwhile Judas is conspiring with the chief priest to betray Him.One of His last lessons is about stewardship reminding all that there would come a day of accountability.He reassured the disciples that regardless of what would happen even that if heaven and earth shall pass away, HIS Words shall not pass away.Take that promise to the heart and believe!

Psalm 90:1-91:16 In Psalm 90 look for God in all His glory and compare that to His creation, man and our frailty.Verse 10 is a reality for me and I pray that The LORD teach me to number my days to 80 and beyond, the Rapture or that day of entering into the valley of the shadow of death. How wonderful is GOD to you? When you read to know Him and then walk outside to see His creation how does this impact your concept of GOD? Psalm 91 speaks of all the things we have in The LORD. Look back at last Monday's blog and recall who you are because of your salvation experience.Let us read these promises and shout for joy!!Let us not get over the FACT that He has set His love upon us.The LORD ha redeemed us and watches over us faithfully. Selah.

Proverbs 13:24-25 ask the hard question, are you satisfied in your soul?What do you still want that The LORD has not given you yet? We need to learn the lesson given by our GOD concerning how to rear our children. How does He treat you? God loves you. pj

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Apr 22nd What a great day for the Rapture. Hope you read to know Him.
Joshua goers the way of all men. Are you prepared to go that way? What a great history lesson is given by an old saint and the children made some very serious vows to GOD, Joshua and each other. How similar to this is the local church charter that we all "signed on for" when we joined? Again it appears that a choice is given that results in a blessing or a curse, and how many times has this statement been made? Look back at what we have read in a few days, The Book of Joshua, that took 30 years to accomplish. What did you learn about GOD? Please don't focus on the vessel, but partake and enjoy what is in the vessel.
Joshua 24:33 Requirements to serve The LORD are specific and consistent with all previous commandments,charges,statues and laws.From the other side of the flood, through all the wanderings to taking the Promise Land GOD has not changed! Get over it and learn from these old people. We need to be careful "to hear" and obedient to do what we have been told to do and what we said we would do. Stewardship and always being prepared to give an account. The same option is given to believers of today as it was with Joshua and the children"choose you this day whom ye will serve". Now whom did you choose to serve today? What "stone" is your witness before GOD? If this is your first time to read the 365 then take note this is the end of the good old days. Review your names,attributes,traits and characteristics of GOD. Selah.

Luke 21:1-28 One day it will be worth it all. We can, those that are saved today and before the rapture,can watch this all come to pass.We can read about the tribulation period and be grateful for our salvation. The prophets told the children and Jesus told the disciples that there would be deceivers, wars and disasters in the last days, days of apostasy, even that not one stone of the temple would be upon another.How does this "news" affect your concept of The LORD? When you see how Jesus watched the poor widow give her offering and then comparing the offering of the "rich" people how does this impact your concept of stewardship? Does the giving start in the heart or in the pocket? There are probably 1-300 one dollar bills given in the offering plate when compared to the $50.00 bills. Next time compare what you give versus what you hold on to for a season. Every thing ought to be in respect to the immanent return of The Lord Jesus Christ for us Christians.

Psalm 89:38-52 This song has told the story of a man's desire for his GOD.Who gives us mercy? What is the name of the God that is Almighty GOD? How have we seen His power?Is He a covenant keeping GOD?How often do we plead for Him to keep His promises?Let us be grateful, thankful, fearful and respectful of our LORD and Saviour. Let us read to know Him, pray to thank Him and walk with Him confidently.

Proverbs 13:20-23 draws a harsh comparison of men and calls them wise of fools.How do you think of yourself? How/what does The LORD think of you, your companions, your conduct and your stewardship? We all must give an account of our thoughts and deeds. Thanks be onto God for our salvation and that we do not pay for our "sin debt"! pj

Monday, April 20, 2009

Apr 21st Are there any clouds in the sky this day? Have you prayed for the leadership of our country, church, class and families? What missionary or country are you praying for today? Remember to pray for Connie and her safe delivery.

Joshua 22:21-23:16 War is averted because of the acceptable explanation of what type of altar was built and for what purpose it as erected. This altar as not to be used to worship in lieu of the altar/tabernacle at Shiloh. This altar was called "Ed" for it shall be a witness between the tribes that The LORD is GOD. This altar would remind all the children of their heritage as a monument only. Thank The LORD they all agreed and it was left standing and war was averted. Many years have passed, wars have been won and Joshua is getting old and preparing to die.Joshua reminds the children of Israel of the promises, laws and covenant of GOD which carry either blessings or cursing. Warnings about becoming ensnared by the people of the land and reminders of the prosperity to come by their obedience, it was to be their choice. What attributes of God does Joshua remind the people to consider?

Luke 20:27-47 deals with the Sadducee firmly concerning their bad concept of GOD and plainly stated that GOD is The GOD of the living and not of the dead. How does this affect your concept of eternal life? Jesus is careful to give notice to His disciples about the scribes and reminded them that they will know them by their acts.How does this instruction impact your conversation?

Psalm 89:14-37 allows us to know GOD, to see His attributes and traits, marvel at His blessings, grow in confidence that He will do what He promises. We are His children. He is our King.He is the true and faithful Judge.He will not lie. YEA!

Proverbs 13:17-19 Do you consider yourself a faithful messenger/ambassador from The LORD to the lost and dying world? Has GOD dealt with you about the matter of being a witness?If so, how did you accept the reproof and react to the encounter with GOD? We that are saved do not have a choice, we are to be ministers of reconciliation. Look at II Corn.5:17-21, confess, repent and do right.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Apr 20th Are you glad that you are who you are? What did you say the first thing this AM? Did you remember that you are a child of The King, a son of GOD, redeemed, saved, brother to Jesus Christ, united by The Holy Spirit,accepted in the Beloved,justified, bought with a price and a member of Christ's body.I am glad who I was,am and will be because of Jesus coming to the world for me while I was yet a sinner. We can choose to live in a state of revival.What change must be made in your life to cause you to live today as if Jesus was really coming back today?
Proverbs 13:15-16 please get good understanding and be prudent today for Jesus' sake.

Luke 20:1-26 Jesus uses another parable to teach a fundamental truth of stewardship in that all will give an account, truth dictates consequence and God will judge according to the Word of GOD against the deeds of the individual. Where is the fear of GOD demonstrated in this parable?What attributes of GOD did you see?How does this parable relate to your life?What did you learn from verses 17-18 about faith, repentance, and faith in Jesus? How many master can a man have? Do you marvel at Him?

Psalm 89:1-13 What makes you sing?Take time to recall the attributes of GOD and tell Him what you adore about him. * look up and compare adore with admire. Then choose what"word" you want to use that best describes what you want to say when you speak to The LORD in prayer.How do you rate your fear factor of GOD, if no fear is 0 and much fear is 10? Where does wisdom begin? Read to know Him.

Joshua 21:1-22:20The final division of the land is made, cities given for the Levites and confirmation of where the cities of refuge are to be located. The tribes of Reuben, Gad and 1/2 tribe of Manasseh prepare to return to their territory, but along the way they built an altar near the Jordan river. War is declared upon these tribes and they are called rebels. How does this affect your concept of God? It is unfortunate for this saga to be divided by our daily reading division, so we will wait for the full story to unfold tomorrow. Read to know the full story.
This may be the last Monday of your earthly experience or it could be the first Monday for someone you cause to get saved because you tell them the Gospel,how do you choose? Who was the person most influential in your salvation experience? pj

Friday, April 17, 2009

Apr 19th, Sunday, the first day of the week and we get to meet each other at church.Hopefully you will start the day with your Lord and receive His words with meekness early in the AM, first priority. What would it be like for all the members of our church to come this Sunday, having read The 365 Bible daily reading, prayed up, filled/led by The Holy Spirit, letting the light of GOD shine forth from their face, joyfully singing the praises, being edified by the preaching of the Word and then going out to demonstrate the love of their GOD to the lost and dying world? Is this possible? How do you think The LORD would respond to our church? What do you have to do to participate? Do you want to? What is the will of GOD?

Psalm 88:1-18 sounds like the cry of a desperate person. Have you ever felt alone?
There is no joy, pleasure nor peace when a person is far off from The LORD. When you sense a great need, whom do you cry unto? Do you know God well enough to realize when He is not first in your life? How do you get relief from your despair? O that men would seek GOD and pray, claim 1stJohn 1:9. Repent!Confess! Agree with God!

Proverbs 13:12-14 describes a similar predicament as the 88th Psalm. Where is your
hope coming from?How does The Word affect your daily activities? What are you sick for today? If you are not sick are you overcome with joy because that what you desired has come? Who have you told of your blessing?

Joshua 19:1-20:9 if you would take a map and look and compare with the record that The LORD has set before us you might be amazed at the land mass and how the tribes are distributed. Judah probably had the largest territory and had four of the tribes as neighbors, between the Great Sea and the dead Sea, with two different enemies to the South. As a reward for service Joshua was given a city, Caleb a mountain and Eleazar the high Priest also a city. Thank The LORD for His provision and protection in accidental death cases for establishing six cities of refuge. How many attributes did you notice as you read to know Him? Is He the same today?

Luke 19:28-48 do you consider yourself "very attentive" to hear Him? After you read, find a map showing the area around Jerusalem and look for the towns mentioned in the scriptures. Jesus walked! Did you see the attributes of GOD in the flesh in the provision of the colt? This event was taking place just a few days before the trial, crucifixion, death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus. How are you impressed by the fact that Jesus wept over the city? Have you considered how He wept over you? What impact on your concept of God is made by the demonstration of Jesus being angry and sinning not or acting with righteous indignation? We are to be like Christ! What does it mean to you to be told to have the mind of Christ? Are you obedient? Now, are you very attentive to hearing Him? If not, why not? Be right and then do right.
How would you respond if two strangers walked up to your house and took your car? If they said to you, The Lord hath need of it, what would you say? Selah.

When you read, ask The Holy Spirit to cause you to see Truth alive and see Him as GOD in the flesh, all man/human and all God. This is in response to the provision and promise of Genesis 3:15 that we read on the 2nd of January. Read to know HIM.

We will be back in our class 26 April, FLC-VBC, please be on time and excited about Him and what He has done and is doing in your life.Selah pj.
Apr 18th What a great day is set before us. Do you remember where we were a week ago and what we were happy about? Are you still amazed at His crucifixion and resurrection or have you forgotten and gotten busy with the things of the world? Pause and think, SELAH. Where is Jesus right now and what is He doing on your behalf?

Joshua 16:1-18:28 As the land is parceled out, the compromises of the tribes becomes evident. Look at the map prepared for Joshua and consider all the land West of the Jordan river to the Great Sea was to have been cleared of all of it's inhabitants, but it was not and trouble has been and still is brewing. Obedience is better than sacrifice. When will we learn from their mistakes?Let us agree that it is better to obey.Obey!What you,I or we do or don't do affects us and others.Don't listen, hear.

Luke 19:1-27 The Lord teaches about stewardship telling the story of a certain nobleman and reminded all of them,and us, that there will be a time of accountability. The final "fixing" of the books will be done by The LORD so that the true and just reward will be given to every person.The key verse is #10 and we need to remember eternity is at hand and our days of service are few, get busy.

Psalm 87:1-7 shows us the Cornerstone, where It is to be placed and how all that is built on It will appear, O City of GOD. Selah. One day we will be there and see It.
Proverbs 13:11 tells us honest work is worthwhile and will be rewarded. Be/do right.
Please do not waste the things of eternal value on the altar of the immediate. We are the sons of GOD, brothers to The Lord Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed and taken from under the wrath of GOD, indwelt with The Holy Spirit, predestined to be conformed to Christ likeness, left in this world to be busy about our Father's business and waiting for the coming of Christ in the clouds, Maranatha. Yea! pj
Apr 17th Thanks for looking on the blog today. Please remember that I cannot discuss every theme, parable, miracle and healing accomplished by Jesus. We all get to read to know Him and our teacher must be The Holy Spirit.My goal is to share some of the snapshots of GOD I see, some key verses that have caused me to ponder and to enjoy the truths given and then to share how they may be applied. Read and enjoy, get to know Him. Selah is added to suggest you pause, rethink,meditate and hide the truth you have been made aware of in your heart so that "we" do not sin against The LORD.

Psalm 86:1-17 speaks for my souls desire to know GOD. Look at the ways we can give a testimony to The Lord for His gifts that He has already given us. Why do we ask GOD to bless and empower us, if we do not expect to do His will? How many times have you claimed the provisions of 1stJohn 1:9 today, yesterday and last week? Verses 11,12,7,16 and 17 sound like promises/vows made to GOD because of the favors given by The LORD.Have you made a vow(s) to GOD?Has He ever heard and answered your prayer(s),preserved your soul and saved and been merciful to you?Is He not great and doest wondrous things? Now Selah.
Proverbs 13:9-10 challenges us to hear truths from our advisers and obey. What have we done beyond our obligations? Watch out for pride to take away your humility.

Joshua 15:1-63 reports on the land for the tribe of Judah. It is the largest assigned territory of all the tribes. You may need to look at a map that shows The Holy Land during that era, because there are many critical towns and places of historical importance then and today. Caleb is a key servant of GOD and he gives blessings to his children.The saddest verse is #63 which indicates a grave mistake by the tribe of Judah of not destroying the Jebusites. We see today the divided city of Jerusalem and wonder what if they had done the work given to them then, how different might Israel be today.Compromise is costly and deadly.Disobedience will always affect the doer and his family. Remember Jericho and Achan/valley of Achor.

Luke 18:18-43 begs the question of "How is your faith"? Another good question is what do you treasure most, the answer or the faith to apply the answer? What a great snapshot of The Lord Jesus do we see as He responds to this lost man. How did He respond to you and how did you respond to Him? If you want a stewardship principal, look at verse 26-30, and then look at your asset sheet to see where your "real" treasure is. The option is, HIM or His. Temporary or eternal security, which do you choose? Be assured,if you trust and give to The LORD, the promise made in verse30 to the disciples apply to you. He is trustworthy! Hear, believe, do and see.WOW! pj

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Apr 16th Joshua 13:1-14:15 describes the work of all men to be obedient, blessed, fruitful and multiply. Remember, Joshua was about 80 when Moses died and his life's work was to get the children into the Promise Land, defeat the enemies of GOD, divide,occupy and enjoy representing The LORD. Caleb is a real"old"hero who for 5 years had been helping get the land settled and now at 85 wanted to "take his mountain". What do you want to do for the glory of GOD? Age should not limit you.

Luke 18:1-17 ask a question that requires an answer, how is your prayer life? It is not a format but an attitude. Are we persistent when we ask, knock and seek?Are we honest, humble and contrite? Is what the Pharisee said in his prayer wrong or was what he said wrong because he was arrogant when he compared himself to another person and not humble before GOD? Is it possible to be proud of our humility and say "Oh I'm so glad I'm not proud like him!"? How does this impact your concept of GOD? What does verses 16-17 mean to you concerning salvation?

Psalm 85:1-13 reminds us that "salvation" is a word with many ways of being used.Let the words of truth cause you to believe and trust GOD for all you need today and for eternity.One day our "salvation" will be complete and we will be in the presence of our heavenly Father and "sin" will be no more. Thanks be unto our Lord Jesus Christ "now" as we are in the world,in the presence of sin, but sin's penalty is not on us.
Proverbs 13:7-8 how is your account holding up? Are you rich and your soul fat or are you making yourself poor? We need to practice "good" stewardship. Does pride "ever"creep in when we take our own spiritual inventory? Selah. pj

PS: The T.E.A. party for Weatherford was successful! We have drawn a line in the sand and said "no more" to increased taxes, bad government and abuse of power. We need to do what is right in our own homes so that our city,state and nation will be right.We should not complain if we are not doing right and when we do right, what have we done more than our duty? We represent Almighty God! We are living proof that He lives.Selah. Let us get ready to give an account of our stewardship. Any clouds?
Apr 15th, Thanks be to God that we are able to, and have paid our taxes.Every American should pay his taxes. If we don't like the system, so what, do right and then work to vote people into office who represent your views. Don't complain, comply. Don't murmur, pray. Read your BIBLE to know Him and obey His instructions.

Proverbs 13:5-6 shouts that we shall know them by their fruits. Does GOD consider you a righteous person? If not, why not. What is keeping you today? If it is not the righteousness of The LORD, please confess your sin and repent to GOD.

Psalm 84:1-12 declares many wonderful aspects of GOD. Is He your LORD of hosts, King and GOD? The next time you want to pray in the will of God read as a part of your prayer verse 8-12 and ask for His will to be done and be thankful that you know Him and may call Him Father.

Joshua 11:1-12:24 begs the question, Who is the KING of kings? Read to know Him and learn how His will is accomplished when His children obey. Don't try to mix in "pity or envy" with obedience. Read what land mass was under the control of Israel then and compare that to what the world is trying to do today. The epicenter of the world is Jerusalem! All roads lead to that city chosen by God. One DAY!

Luke 17:11-37 should cause us to see the difference between being healed from a disease like leprosy and that of having our SINS forgiven so that we do not suffer the wrath of GOD. Jesus gave the answer and it is FAITH. It is preached that all men should repent to God and have faith in Jesus. Jesus warns all of His listeners that trials and tribulations were coming and gave advice on how to be a winner by being a loser, that is explained in verse 33.This time He is referring to is known as the time of Revelation and not the Rapture.Are you prepared to meet The Lord in the air? If not, I beg for the opportunity to share His truth with you that you may know Him personally as Saviour. Jesus has prepared the way for all men to come unto God The Father. In so doing by faith, you will not have to suffer GOD's wrath forever. Please E-mail me your concerns about being saved and becoming a child of The King.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Apr 14th Get ready for tax day and the Weatherford TEA Party. Hopefully you will rally with us at 4-7PM. We will start from the 1st Monday area, walk to courthouse area and return while waving flags and making peaceful noise. Then we will be encouraged by many speakers. Pray for good attendance, God's protection and direction for all that is said and done so that He will be honored and glorified. Hopefully you have been reading and getting better acquainted with your LORD.

Proverbs 13:4 outlines the perfect exercise and diet program for the believer with results guaranteed. How fat or lean is your soul today? Are you better off because you have been reading or are you in poorer condition? Stronger or weaker?
Psalm 83:1-18 declarers The Name of the most high over all the earth as JEHOVAH. How does this affect your concept of GOD and how many attributes do you think of because of this declaration?As you see the conditions in our homes, city, state and country how do you pray?What do you expect GOD will do because of our sins? Do you trust Him?

Joshua 9:3-10:43 allows us to see what self confidence and acting without seeking counsel from The LORD can happened that affects us, our children and others. Didn't you want to shout to the leaders and say "wait"! A lie that leads to a tradition. Even if we curse them, it does not absolve us from our sin of disobedience. GOD's leadership and tactics causes the children to defeat the five kings and all their armies.WOW!What did you learn about yourself and how you ought to face your next great challenge? The easy way, believe a lie and be deceived or seek advice, counsel and orders from The Lord, which way will you choose? Ask,seek and knock.

Luke 16:19-17:10 Do you "really" believe that the great gulf is fixed? All men will know this for sure one millisecond/immediately after death. Whose brother are you to visit? Death/separation from GOD is permanent for the unbeliever!When we are sent to others to tell them about salvation from the wrath of GOD according to Bible, we must use The Word of GOD.We are to live righteously and treat our brothers as we have been treated by The Lord.Our conduct reveals our character and whom we are following. Even when we "really" do a great work,excel and think highly of our selves,what have we done that was not our duty? What does JEHOVAH expect of us? How much faith do you have and can "it" move trees? As we get to know our Lord better, our priorities will shift from self to others and we will be changed to be Christlike, to be more like Him. Now pray unto The LORD and ask Him to increase your faith as the apostles did in verse 5,or say LORD help Thou my unbelief.Read to know Him.Repent,hear,believe and seek to be like Him. Selah. pj

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Apr 13th This is Monday and I encourage you to remember/recall the promises of GOD. If you are a born again/saved/baptized/practising Christian then you are accepted in the Beloved,a child of The King,a friend of Jesus, you have been justified, you are accepted and united with The LORD by The Holy Spirit and you have been bought with a price(1Cor 6:20)therefore glorify GOD with your body. Be thankful for who you were, who you are and by the Grace(Divine enablememt)of God who YOU will be. This could be the day! Maranatha!Are there any clouds in the sky where you are? Look out then up.
Joshua 7:16-9:2 describes the sin of one man(LSD), judgment and punishment ordained by GOD,the death to Achan and destruction of his stolen items, all of his family and everything he had, and how "ALL" Israel stoned and burned them and then covered the residue with stones and gave the place a name,The Valley of Achor. We are taught how to fight the war, obey GOD, and to take the property in the destruction of Ai. Joshua was prompt in reminding all the children of the words that Moses had written in the Law and unity was achieved as they were in one accord. How does this affect your concept of GOD? We need to determine from the Bible why GOD wanted ALL the enemies in the Promise Land to be destroyed. Have you found those things that only GOD can/will do and those things He expects/declares that we do? His will or mine?
Luke 16:1-18 Accountability is required for every person. What kind/type of steward are you? All things are worked for, stolen or given to us. How did you get what you got?Selah.Look at verses 10-12 and find if you and The LORD find you faithful.The hard choice of whom will you serve is made every day. Please consider confession is far better than being covetous.God is TRUE and His Word will not fail,believe and heed.Be right and do right by the grace of God for the glory of God.
Psalm 82:1-8 We must give an account to GOD for all we think, do, or not do.
Proverbs 13:2-3 What is that you are putting into your mouth? We get to choose what we eat every meal every time, good or violence. How is your appetite for the things of GOD? We are what we eat and we reap what we sow. Choose the BEST! Selah. pj

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Apr 12th He:GOD,God,The LORD,my Lord has risen! Hope you visit the local church today that honors GOD, declares victory in Jesus, tells the story of the life of Jesus-His death,burial and resurrection and preaches repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is alive! How does your life prove this truth?
Proverbs 13:1 challenges us to be wise sons and hear our father's instruction. Have you heard Him speak this day and are you obedient to what you know?
Psalm 81:1-16 How do you see GOD responding to the cries and pleas of His children? How can you relate to the provisions, protection and promises that GOD demonstrated in these verses? How has The LORD proved you? As you think of how to respond to these questions look again at verse 10 and consider your acts of obedience to Him.
Joshua 5:1-7:15 How does it feel to be in the Promise Land? Joshua had to wait nearly 40 years to walk again on God's "land" gift to His children. I often wonder about his attitude and what his thoughts were about time spent wandering and 600,000 men of war dying in the wilderness. Now we will be able to see first hand the promises in action of victory for the children as they walk,fight and follow GOD.Learn about how God expects His children to act and take note of their first requirement of circumcision, acts of worship and preparation for battle. Remember where The Lord guides He provides. The plan to destroy Jericho was devised by GOD and the verbal orders were given to Joshua in verse 14-15.Rahab and all her family were rescued, victory seemed to be complete, however because of the sin of one man 36 men died later at AI and the army of God's children was put to flight. Up and down.What will it take for these people to learn to hear the orders and then obey? What do you learn about the character of God and how does this affect your behavior?
Luke 15:1-32 Jesus uses stories that His audience can relate to such as shepherds, women at home and fathers to teach truths of GOD.Stewardship is the way of life that pleases God and accountability is the test. Consider the phrase"Envy is contagious" and then look up the definition of envy and apply the answer to your life as it is needed in light of what GOD says about lust,greed or covetousness. Selah. pj
PS Let us be thankful for today in that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. He is risen!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Apr 11th It is Saturday and do you "wonder" what was going on 2000 years ago while Jesus was in the tomb? Aren't you glad that you have read Genesis 3:15, Matthew, Mark and the Psalms to assure you of the forgiveness of sin, no longer under the wrath of GOD, are accepted in The Beloved and that you have eternal life?YEA & Amen! Hope to see in our worship service this coming Lord's Day. If you see any clouds in the sky think about His promise of returning to bring us to The Father. Look up our redemption draweth neigh. Maranatha. Selah. Who will be in heaven because of your testimony, giving, sharing, going and interceding for them to GOD?
Joshua 3:1-4:24 reveals how GOD used Joshua to prepare and lead the children through the Jordan river and set up camp in Gilgal.All the promises made to Moses are transferred to Joshua for the glory of GOD.The commandment concerning the 12 stones taken out of the river bed and the 12 stones placed in the river bed are to be used as a testimony of GOD's power, provision, presence, promises and victory. Where are the stones in your life that serve as a reminder of GOD doing the miracle in your life?Have you shown this monument to your family? The reason for this great event is given in verse 24 and the application for us today is the same, that all the people of the world might know God. How is your knowledge level and fear of GOD factor? Remember that GOD spoke to Moses and then to Joshua and now we get to hear Him speak through the BIBLE. Read to know HIM. Hear and obey. Obedience cannot be separated from the love of your GOD. THE LORD places reminders in/near our path of life to cause us to repent toward GOD and have faith in Jesus.What does the Word of GOD mean to you and your family?How have you been changed because you have read?
Luke 14:7-35 It may be helpful to look back to verses 1-6(10 Apr)to better understand who Jesus is teaching these truths by parables.Try to see the setting and the audience while trying to grasp the significance of what Jesus is saying.Conduct reveals a lot about character.Selfishness is displayed often when we do not serve others or even love others as we say we love our Lord. Be careful when you read verses 25-27 and seek understanding/teaching from The Holy Spirit concerning your love and obedience as a disciple of Jesus as compared to love of your family.
Psalm 80:1-19 Note the number of times the name of GOD and the compound name with trait/attribute are used to adore and respect Him. Have you ever ask The LORD to turn you again(vs19)? Have you ever sensed that you have offended GOD by word,deed or thought, resulting in a loss of fellowship, and then ask the question how long wilt thou be angry(vs4)against the prayer of thy people?Confess and claim 1stJohn1:9.
Proverbs 12:27-28 states the benefits of knowing God,doing right and working. Remember, read to know Him and then be/get right and then do right. Selah. pj
PS: Sunday is coming and we know that Jesus is not in the Tomb, He has risen! YEA!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Apr 10th Many people will be thinking about the crucifixion of Jesus and hopefully anticipating the glorious good news that He had risen. Tell somebody today about what all "this" means to you and pray for their salvation.
Proverbs 12:26 makes me to wonder who is being seduced? We ought to be very careful who we walk, stand and sit with in order to not be a victim. We are blessed to have the righteousness of Jesus put into our account at salvation.By Grace we are saved.
Psalm 79:1-13 How do you pray for your enemies? How do you pray for the unbelieving people you associate with each day?How do you pray for the brother that is weak and perhaps over taken in a fault? Surely as the people of GOD we pray daily. Selah.
Luke 13:23-14:6 Have you entered in at the strait gate? Who have you helped find the way to the strait gate? Remember there is only ONE way to be saved. If you have entered in at the strait gate, turn around and stand up and shout and signal to those behind you to follow, lest GOD shut the door and they be turned away as workers of iniquity. Let your light shine, put it on a candlestick,warn them today.Look at verse 32 and think about what Jesus was referring to in His life.
Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Deuteronomy by definition means "second law" while we consider the first law was given by GOD on Mount Sinai. Perhaps you may want to make a summary of this book and focus on how many times Moses spoke the history and commandments to the children. If you were Moses how slow would you have walked up to the top of mount Nebo? Verse 5 states:"So Moses the servant of The LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of The LORD", how does this information affect you concept of GOD The LORD? Moses spent almost a month preparing the children for their great adventure into the Promise Land.Look at the reputation of Moses but linger on the attributes, traits and words of GOD. As you pray ask to know GOD and then be bold and ask for Him to speak to you face to face. The LORD chose Joshua to minister and to lead the children into the Promise Land. The Lord equipped Joshua and gave him a spirit of wisdom. What has The LORD done for you and me? Why do we read the Bible? Look at a map and review the land area The LORD described to Moses and ponder why any politician would say the land does not belong to the Jews
Joshua 1:1-2:24 The day is coming!Look for the promises that GOD makes to Joshua and to the children of Israel and pay attention to their conditions.How do you see these promises/conditions applicable to your life today?Does it take strength and courage to follow GOD? Why is The LORD so adamant about following Him alone?Why is the book of the law so important?Are the commandments of The LORD grievous?What was the benefit of sending out the two spies to view the land even Jericho?Why did the spies go into Rahab house? What was the result of this spy mission? What had the children of Israel been doing for the past 38 years? Let us read to know GOD and learn how He responds to the obedience and disobedience of His children.
Maranatha!! Selah. pj

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Apr 9th As this week unfolds I hope you focus on the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. We, as born again believing and practising christians, are the ONLY group of people who worship a risen Saviour. Be thankful that you are a son of GOD! Remember who/what you were before your salvation experience and tell someone that you are saved from the wrath of GOD and He wants to tell them how to be saved.
Deuteronomy 33;1-29 Moses was on death's door step and STILL telling the children about God and His blessings. As you see various traits and attributes of GOD these ought to cause you to "refine" your concept of GOD. Think on these and then look at Psalm 78:72 and be confident that He is able to accomplish His will.
Luke 13:1-22 When you see Jesus serving this woman how does this impact your concept of Jesus as Lord and Master
Psalm 78:59-72 Please consider GOD to be true and trustworthy. Claim the promise associated with verse 72,"So he fed them according to the intregrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands". Let us be careful to not offend GOD. Pray to seek Him, to hear His instructions and obey His commandments.
Proverbs 12:25 Hope your heart is glad and full of hope and joy because you read The Word of GOD today. Selah. pj
Pray for the rally coming up on the 15th and pray for The President of The USA.
Apr 8th This may be one of the shortest readings we will have this year. Remember we read to know Him and volume and quantity of words are not what we measure by to sense Him and His truth.
Deuteronomy 32;30-52 Let us learn the lesson that is demonstrated by the life of Moses and consider that 40 of the 120 years was spent serving the children of Israel. Moses has a great testimony of service, but one time he presumed on GOD and struck the ROCK instead of speaking to the ROCK. This one sin kept him from entering into the Promise Land.How does this affect your concept of GOD and His attributes? Please focus on GOD as you read and try not to judge GOD because of the way His people act in response to the commandments, statues, charges of The LORD.
Luke 12:35-59 The Boy Scouts did not start the "Be Prepared" slogan, GOD did. We need to be careful how we respond to the Holy Spirits leadership because He never differs with the Bible. Be alert and sensitive to your surroundings for the Enemy is wanting to attack and destroy you and your testimony for The Lord.
Psalm 78:46-58 It may be a gift to be able to predict the weather, but it best to know GOD. Let us know the way, the truth and then follow The Lord, lest we provoke Him The most high GOD, and not keep His testimonies.
Proverbs 12:24 Consider that it is best to work hard because payday is coming. We have a choice to make each day as to how we live and prosper by either being diligent or slothful. Selah. pj
Hope to see you next week at the "tea party" rally Apr 15th, 4PM 1st Monday grounds.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Apr 7th Hope you are enjoying reading about these last few days of the life of Moses. What a great lesson we are being taught by GOD about what He expects His servants to be and to do.It will take us about two weeks to read what takes the children of Israel two months to accomplish. I wish there were ways to put to music and act out the reading today. I often think about why did the Jews not believe God, but they did not operate by faith nor by sight. How did you operate today? Where do you separate sight of following GOD and faith of believing what He said? Selah.
Proverbs 12:21-23 Seek to know Him and be a prudent man, woman or child. We have a grave responsibility to be right, do right and be just today and until we see Him.
Luke 12:8-34 Jesus teaches a very strong lesson about stewardship with the parable about a foolish man. What will it take for us to pay attention to God's ways? Jesus plainly speaks about the "sin" that will not be forgiven in verse 10. If we could grasp the full magnitude of verse 32 our concept of God would change and our conversation would be more God honoring and our joy would be overflowing.
Psalm 78:26-45 causes us to remember that God is our Rock. He has compassion on His children and will forgive them of their sins and remembers they are but flesh.Thanks
Deuteronomy 31:1-32:29 How many names of GOD did you take note of today? How significant to you is the title "The Rock"? Were you impressed with "the Most High" and His Omnipotence, Immutability an Immanence? We often ask the question of what more did God have to do to get the children to obey? What about you and me today? Moses celebrates his 120th birthday by writing a song, preparing Joshua for leadership and being reminded he must die. How would you like that for your next birthday? Let us pray for The LORD to teach us and cause us to number our days and be ready to meet Him in the air today. Selah. Pray for The USA to repent and return to GOD and His ways. Let us read the charge that God gave Moses to give to Joshua and claim the charge for ourselves, "Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for The LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee:he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee". Selah. Remember who you were, who you are and who and where you will be in 120 years. Selah. pj

Monday, April 6, 2009

Apr 6th Did you remember who you are this morning because of your salvation experience? Can you say that you are glad for who you were, are now and will be?Can you say that you are accepted in The Beloved, a child of GOD, Christ's friend, have been justified, united by The Holy Spirit and according to 1st Corn 6:20 you've been bought and you belong to GOD? Try reminding yourself the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night of these truths. GOD did these for you and me while we were yet sinners. Pray without ceasing a prayer of thanksgiving.
Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20 Do you think that because you have read through the Bible more than one time that you will not need to read it again? Go back and count the number of times that GOD has caused the children to be told the history, commandments, statues, covenants and charges in the last 40 years and you know already how they are going to be and do when they Cross the Jordan river. Let us be grateful for the gifts that God gave them and us that we might know Him. Let us be aware of the wrath of God, fear Him and be careful not to turn away from His words and walk in the imagination of our own hearts to forsake Him. We can expect His compassion and mercy, but do not offend Him. Look for His attributes and traits.
Luke 11:37-12:7 Jesus said to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy in verse 1 and how does this affect your lifestyle? Perhaps it is easier to do what we think is good, but when we do not obey we are in sin. Let us not hide behind a mask of deception. We should have confidence toward GOD because of our salvation and know that no one can cast us into hell. He knows me! Yea! I'm His.
Psalm 78:1-25 warns us to hear what He has said. Look for the attributes and traits of GOD. Now, do you believe God? If not, then what/who are you trusting?
Proverbs 12:19-20 ask The Lord to cause you to be honest and careful in your conservation and when this happens you will have joy. Selah. pj
PS Tell someone about your Lord today.
Apr 5th Hope you had a good time in church. Our class attendance was down and I'm concerned that the stress of trying to start a new reading habit and not being 100% successful will cause some people to pick up a guilty feeling when it is not required. We want to see our members to grow in Grace and knowledge of their Lord by reading daily--reading to KNOW Him and not to make Him happy with any that read and mad at those who don't read.
Deuteronomy 28:1-68 causes us to check our concept of GOD. His promises are true an fair for all that believe, but we need to become sensitive to the conditions that are associated with the promise. We,like the children, get to choose which way we walk and the results are blessed or cursed. How does the constant reminder of being obedient affect your concept of God's love, mercy and protection? Verse 15 states that they(you and me) were to observe to do all his commandments and his statues which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall not come upon thee, and overtake thee. How many attributes of GOD do you see in this verse? Consider verse 58 to see a first use of His name. Selah.
Luke 11:14-36 allows us to see Jesus cast out demons and hear Him to claim it is by the power of GOD. We, like the those around Him, are put in our place in verse 23 in that "He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth". Where are you today?
Psalm 77:1-20 reminds us to be grateful for the Omniscience of GOD.How many other attributes and traits did you see of The LORD? Selah.
Proverbs 12:18 teaches us to be careful with this little member called the tongue. We need to ask The Lord of our life to direct our thoughts and words so that all we speak will bring Him honor and pleasure. Selah. pj

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Apr 4th Saturaday is here and Sunday is coming. Let us decide now to put things in order so that there is a minimum chance of conflict late at night or early Sunday morning. As we read today and tommorow to know Him and pray for His will to be accomplished in our lives let us EXPECT Him to have His way with us.
Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26 They are not there yet, but they are still being instructed on "how to" honor The LORD with their offerings.Moses warns the children and demonstrates this with an object lesson by using two mountains.They are to remember all the commandments, statues and charges when they cross over and do them because they have made their vow and sealed it by an oath, AMEN. They were not ignorant of the whole truth as given by GOD through Moses. They were aware of the consequence of not doing the will of GOD. What have we learned about GOD because we have read ?
Luke 10:38-11:13sets for us an example of how we ought to organize our day and to put Our Lord first.Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray to The Father. Suggest you look up the word"importunity" and see how this trait might affect your prayer life positively. WE SHOULD ALSO BE PRUDENT AND DILIGENT.
Psalm 76:1-12 One day this will be accomplished! But already it is so in the mind of GOD and we are just waiting for His perfect timing.
Proverbs 12:15-17 identifies some traits of a "smart" man.Let us work at hearing what is said by GOD and others.A prudent man is wise, thinks on his feet and avoids evil. Let us be careful how we respond to evil words and not add to their turmoil nor agree with unwise speakers. Selah. O Lord, please cause us to be right, attentive, caring and doing right for Your honor and glory, Maranatha. Selah. pj

Friday, April 3, 2009

Apr 3rd Are you getting ready for the Rally on the 15th? Hope you are having a fine day and enjoying the blessings that GOD has bestowed upon His creation. For those of you are "following", thanks and if you see/read something that causes your spiritual antenna to go up, please note your comment or E-Mail me your concern. Let us read to know Him and be more like Christ.
Proverbs 12:12-14 What would it be if all of our conversations were God honoring? It may be harsh to say and think that we should only get what we deserve, but what do we do to honor and glorify our GOD? Be careful with our lips. Guard our thoughts and be quick to hear what sayeth The Lord, slow to get angry and careful to treat others as if they were The LORD. Read to know Him. Choose to be Christlike.
Deuteronomy 23:1-25:19 continues the instruction for the children concerning their conduct when they enter the Promise Land.They were to represnt GOD to the Gentiles. There were restrictions to be followed and personal hygiene was important. We have been told by our parents that cleanliness is next to Godliness.They were to be alert and faithful to what they had promised to The LORD.GOD's people were to be fair, just and honest in all their conduct with other Jews and Gentiles. Promises have conditions and everything was being made clear as to what God expected from His own.
Luke 10:13-37 Jesus receives the report from the 70 and reminded them the difference between tempoary gifts and blessings and the eternal gift of salvation. Do you know Him as saviour? Please read carefully verses 21-22 as to whom Jesus prayed. We have an opportunity to read again of men who asked the right question to the right person, got the right answer and then did the wrong thing.Let us apply the truths revealed in the story of the Samaritan and keep our eyes on Jesus, our ears to the cry of the wounded lost man and be sensesative to the Holy Spirit's leadership.
Psalm 75:1-10 How many different names of GOD did you use and think about yesterday? Let us consider Him, fear Him, respect Him, trust Him, declare HIM and thank Him for He is our GOD that has redeemed us to Himself. YEA!
Remember, if the 365 you are reading has a blue cover, some of the verses may start or stop differently than mine. Read to know Him and we will all end at the same place on 31 December or in Glory. Selah. pj

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Apr 2nd Hope you have had a great day. I had a stress test very early this AM and realize how difficult it is to try to be on the road by 6 AM and have read all the reading before departing.We read the Psalm/prayed and left. The stress/walking test was easy to pass and we are waiting the results of the blood flow evaluation by the Doctor.We expect great results. What I liked about Psalm 74 today was that it appeared that the writer was trying to remind GOD of all the great things He had done. How many times do we focus on what we think He has not done or not according to our time schedule and prayed in unbelief? Let us start to be more appreciative of what He HAS DONE, even if we haven't seen His miracles, presence and provisions.
Proverbs 12:11 shows us that GOD rewards work. Let us be diligent stewards. Selah.
Deuteronomy 21:1-22:30 The lifestyle for the child of God is easily understood, but not always accomplished.The man is given very specific instruction as to how to treat women. Parents are instructed on how to deal with rebellious children.God's people are reminded about how to care for your neighbor and his property.Protection is assured the virtous daughter from being set aside by her husband when the parents provide proof of her virginity. Can we sum this up and say that we ought to treat others best, be honest, be right with GOD, hear and do the commandments and live daily in view of the immenient return of The Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds.
Luke 9:51-10:12 records for us a clear and distinct purpose for Jesus' life in verse56 "For the Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them".It is fascinating to me how the OT/NT writings are so interwoven when it describes the lifestyle God desires for His children. Jesus in verses 9:55-62 declares Himself as the model to be like, specifies the message to proclaim and the mannerism to go by. The seventy appointed to preach are sent with His blessings and directions. Should we live that type of life today? Have you been called to go? Let us consider and agree that this represents what the church and its members ought to be doing today. Who will be saved and go to heaven forgiven of their sin and free of the wrath of GOD because you spoke the gospel to them today? Selah. pj