Thursday, January 31, 2019

Yea, it is Thursday the 31st of January and Sunday is coming! Hope you have been reading the Bible to know God. There are many who own and read a Bible often, yet they are lost because they have not believed. Read John 3:12 and then read John 3:1-36 and learn Truth, You must be born again. Reading the entire Bible multiple tines will not get your SIN forgiven nor earn you salvation, Hearing//reading will only be beneficial when you BEIEVE and do what God tells you in the scriptures being led by God The Holy Spirit.

Read Psalm 19 and then ponder what you have read. Read Romans 5:8, 6:23, 10:1-13, Ephesians 2:8-10 and John1:1-14, the admit your SIN of unbelief. Confess your need for forgiveness, repent from self righteousness UNTO The LORD God and call out in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ for the GIFT of eternal life. Believe these Truths and RECIEVE them into your heart//mind with thanksgiving. When you stand before God and He ask why He should allow you to enter heaven you can say WHOM and what you have believed and received according to the Scriptures, Jesus' paid your sin debt and you were given His righteousness to your account, Debt Paid in full, saved.

In our class this week we review our reading results for each day. We focus on the Names of God and how they are written. Look at Exodus 6:1-8 and enjoy this wisdom provided to you and allow IT to influence your fear, respect and adoration of GOD.

Read the trilogy of Psalms 22,23 &24 as a love story for all people. See the past, present and future of how God The Father shows and gives to His creation the opportunity to know and believe Him and His Son. Take time to revisit Genesis 22 to see this being demonstrated in the life of Abraham and Isaac and focus on verse 8. Note the name of God given at verse 14 "Jehovah-Jireh" and meditate on what God has provided for you, a ram in the thicket///The Lamb of Calvary.

Read Matthew and relate the parables as if it is showing/hiding Jesus as the King of Israel for the Jews and the Law of God. Pay attention to the genealogy of Jesus and of Joseph and Mary both in the New Testament and Old Testament.  For example why did the people call Jesus "The son of David"?

Pay attention to the Proverbs when you read them as if your father was speaking to you face to face.
Read the Bible daily using the on-line Bible at the blog, God bless you to understanding.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Hopefully you are striving to read the on-line One Year Bible daily desiring to read, hear and know God and His will for your life. Considering your daily reading of the Bible as taking a meal of fresh bread with honey and clear clean cool holy water being instructed by The Holy Spirit will satisfy your taste so that you do not desire the things of the world. We ought to be satisfied with stale bread  and flat wine.

 God wants to meet with you early every day down by the still water and peaceful surroundings. You may start your day by reading Psalm 19 first then as you watch God demonstrate his creation coming into view be amazed. This seems to calm our spirit and prepares us to open the daily Bible reading to hear God speak to us and for us to pray and speak/pray back to Almighty God our praise and thanksgiving. God loves you. God will not love you more or less because you do or do not seek Him.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Good morning to all who seek to know The LORD God by reading The Bible every day to see and hear what thus sayeth The Spirit to the churches. As a child of the most high god whose name is Jehovah we are blessed to be a blessing.

When we read and use the Bible that is formatted for reading daily some of the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and Proverbs we are afforded knowledge that causes us to sense God breathing and speaking to us Truth. If one has not read every word written in the Bible (KJV) it is not possible to know the mind nor will of The LORD God for their life. Read James 4:17 and Psalm 119:165 and John 3:1-36. Go back and ponder John 3:12 and determine what you have seen, read, heard and are following today.

These last few days of reading the history of the seed of Abraham we are made aware of the frailty of the man-Jacob, and the potential of the obedient/blessed man-Israel. How do you see yourself in this picture? Selfish or obedient? If you determine you are disobedient-living in sin, what do you do with your sin? (James 4:17) Are you aware of Isaiah 1:16-20 and 59:1-8? Have you read and accepted the Truth given at 1stJohn 1:1-10?

My life in Jesus Christ began with hearing Hebrews 9:27 and every day I am aware of my potential for disaster and possibility for grand prosperity. Stewardship is the theme of application and obedience preparing for the face to face accounting to EL Shaddai for my gifts and talents given me to serve GOD.

This is your future. All will give an account of the blessings received so that we might go into the world and tell men all we know about our God and Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ. We learn this by reading our Bible to know God.

Suggestion for today is Get Right to Be right with GOD (Repentance-confession-calling), Know right by reading the Bible (Every Day till Jesus comes), Do right as an obedient child and do not quit. You must be born again! All men are sinners. GOD is the only Saviour. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only way. Admit your need, call unto The Father in Jesus' name, ask for forgiveness for Jesus' sake, believe God will give you the gift of eternal life for Jesus' sake and be thankful.

Read again John 3:1-36 and see your standing before GOD. Ponder Ephesians 2:8-10 and accept the new life to be as written at 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21. John 1:1-18 will assure you of the new life. God bless you as you seek to know God.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday 23 January 2019. Please read again Psalm 19 and spend much time in thanksgiving for the opportunity to know God and to be born again becoming a son of God. Try watching the sunset to night and then watching the Daystar arise at SONup eary in the morning.

This is the same sun that Adam saw in the garden of Eden, Noah from the top of the ark after the flood that you see each day. What do you learn about GOD? Read to know Him as Creator, Saviour and soon coming King.
22/23 January 2019. We are waiting for the trumpet and expecting to see graves open and The Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds calling all redeemed to be with Him in the air-heaven forever. Death is coming for all men. All men are born of water as sinners and will live out their lives in sin on earth as unbelievers knowing at their death (Hebrews 9:27) they will face judgment and hell. The sin of UNBELIEF will cost you forgiveness of sin

The on-line One Year Bible is available at the blog site for your benefit, read the Word every day. Our Sunday School Class is making progress. This is the first year for some to read their Bible in this format. They are learning to sense the "connectivity" of the Old Testament with the New Testament. They see how the Psalms teaches praise and thankfulness while the Proverbs encourage all to hear and heed the Word.

We are exposed to how to deal with envy by reading the life story of Jacob's family. We are taught that the place for worship is at Beth-El ( Church-house of God)  yet to focus upon EL-Beth EL, The God of the house of God. Stewardship is the guiding practice as we understand God has entrusted all men with scriptures. There are many that will not believe and nor receive mercy. We know joy is made available to believers for Jesus' sake,

I hope and pray you respond to the wooing of God, The Holy Spirit as he makes you aware of your status before The LORD, so that you will call out in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, forgiveness and salvation. Read Ephesians 2:8-10 and II Corinthians 5:17-21. Ponder these Truths and now read John 3:1-36 responding to verse 16. God saves.

All me are sinners. The wage of sin is death. Jesus has paid the sin debt for all mankind. You have the choice to make of admit  to be a sinner, believe God wants to save you today, and call according to scriptures, LORD save me for Jesus' sake.

Monday, January 7, 2019

I will share with you some of the comments we shared in the first class for 2019. These are some of the acts by God that caught my attention. PLEASE there are many acts that we did not discuss due to just 55 minuets allotted for the class. I sense that if we were to sit down and scan each days reading for 1-6 January you and I would spend 2-3 hours and still not cover everything.

For example 1 Jan; Gen 1:1-2:25:Creation,2 trees, day-years, genealogy, Trinity. Matt 1:1-2
:12 virgin birth, The LORD said name His Son Jesus. Psalm 1:1-6:First promise and the conditions, two class of people. Prv 1:1-6: To Know.

2 Jan; Gen 3:1-4:26: relationship to Heb 9:27, the curse. Matt 2:13-3-6:two Kings so different. Psm 2:1-12:verse 12 and our fear factor?. Prv 1:7-9:Relationships.

3 Jan: Gen5:1-7:24:Pre-post flood, Ark. Matt 3:7-4:11:Trinity, Jesus-tempter , how-why. Psm 2:1-8: Protection man-God. Prv 1:10-19: compare to Psm 1.

4 Jan Gen:8:1-10:32: Rainbow Covenant hand painted by GOD, seasons, conduct, Nimrod. Matt4:12-25: Kingdom of Heaven-Kingdom of God. Psm 4:1-8: Selah. Prv 1:20-23:Hear.

5 Jan Gen:11:1-13:4: Bricks, tower language, genealogy, Elohim. Matt 5:1-26: ceremonial-civil-morale Law, Will of God revealed. Psm 5:1-12:?? God hates. Prv 1:24-28:truth, God's attributes.

6 Jan Gen: 13:5-15:21: Abraham, Lot, Melchizedek-Priest-king?? Matt 5:27-48: sin/acts=intentions, hand-eye, James 4:17. Psm 6:1-10: Man-God. Prv:1:29-33: fear or not?

As you can see this does not touch the hem of God's garment. My intent is and was to share some of the "snap shots" I saw as I read. I challenged the class to seek to receive the Word that The LORD has "Entrusted " to them/us and to be good stewards. It will take self discipline to read every day to know God. God is faithful to provide for us breath, life and opportunity to seek for Him early while He may be found and to show reverence, fear and love for our Creator and Saviour.

Obedience to the wooing of The Holy Spirit as we are read the Word will cause us to believe and to act by faith responding to The LORD in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. We have the choice to make, make it wisely. God loves you and wants all men born of women to repent and to be saved, free from the wrath of GOD forever.

The on-line One Year Bible is available for you  read at the blog site. Hope to see you in heaven, perhaps to day.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Started the new One Year 365 Bible class 6 January 2019 and very grateful for those who are starting this journey. Will post some highlights of this weeks past reading soon. Please read every day. If you are caught up and miss some days, Don't TRY to catch up. This may cause you to develop a "habit" of thinking God's love for you is based upon how often you read the BIBLE. God loves you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2nd 2019, Wednesday and we are either ready to meet The LORD God in the air or we are accepting the fact and reality of being left behind. You are without excuse for not knowing The LORD God as Saviour.  You cannot say He has not made himself known to you. I offer this evidence a recorded in the Holy Bible at Psalm 19.

If you have accepted the offer to read the on-line One Year Bible and have read what was written on January 1st to know God you have been given ample opportunity for salvation.  You have been given warning about sin, knowledge that only God gives forgiveness, only The LORD God is Creator and Saviour, all men born of women are sinners at birth and by personal choices. You have enough understanding to admit you are guilty, only God saves and that Jesus has paid your sin debt already. You have been extended the hand of mercy and only you can accept or reject, it is your only choice. Please repent, confess your guilt and cry unto God in Jesus' name for mercy and salvation. You are like the thief on the cross at Calvary crucified and dying with the ultimate choice, die in your sin of unbelief OR Call unto Jesus, Lord remember me.

I pray you determine in your own self will to read every day the Bible (( One Year 365 Bible on-line at the blog site)) to know God. I am not suggesting that you try to "study" your Bible, JUST READ.

Pay attention to the names of God as you read for these are given that we might know Him. Note the various spelling of LORD, Lord, lord, LORD God, GOD, God and  god. When you see a name that is capitalized take note of who is speaking. When you see something for the first time, that catches your attention, read it again and think about it often during the day.

Pay attention to Truths that are given as promises such as Psalm 1:1-6 and Proverbs 1:1-6 while learning the conditions related to the promise. For example verse 2 of Psalm 1 is key for your prosperity or will perhaps lead to disaster if violated. Determine in your heart to be wise unto understanding as you receive (by reading)  instruction from GOD.

It is your choice and your are and will be held accountable to The LORD God for your thoughts, action, deeds, words and intents of your heart. Read to know God.