Wednesday, December 30, 2015

30 December 2015, Wednesday and what do you thank God for  in his blessings in 2015? What do you expect from the LORD in 2016? I hope you want to be influential in causing someone to become aware of God's forgiveness, his Holiness, their sinfulness, the debt they owe because of sin, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and that they be drawn by the Holy Spirit to faith and eternal life.

You are important. If you are saved, don't believe the lies that Satan will tell you about God, yourself and others. Read your Bible to know God and his Truths. I plan to prepare and share in  2016 comments on the weekly reading. You may follow the schedule posted in the blog.

God bless you all that have visited this site. Hope you enjoyed a Merry Christmas and are expecting a great and Happy New Year.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, 18 December 2015, many are unsure about the days ahead and many are lost. What is your status? If you were to die today and stood before Almighty God and he asked you why he should let you into heaven, what would you say? It will be too late to seek forgiveness after death. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The wage of sin is death. Eternity is too long to be wrong about salvation and the second death. Jesus said "ye must be born again." Read the 3rd chapter, verses 1-36,  of the Book of John in the New Testament and believe what thus saith The LORD.

This is the last lesson for the 2015 year.  Lesson # 49  One Year Bible Comments for 14-31 December 2015.

This will be the last lesson presented for this year for the class. Our last “in class” session was held Sunday 13 December. You are encouraged to continue to read each day your Bible to know God. Hopefully by now you have developed the self discipline of making your daily reading a priority and necessity thereby causing the word of God to be preeminent in your life. Strongly suggest you make reading the One Year Bible your daily conversation.
We will complete reading the last of the Old Testament Prophets letters, Proverbs, Psalms and the Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ. Continue to look for God’s attributes, his names, promises that are applicable for you today, admonitions to avoid sin (s) and the path made plain as per John 3:12.

Hopefully you gained an appreciation for obedience as you read Jonah. Perhaps you have decided that even when you are overtaken by a fault, caught and chastised, that you will “yet look again toward thy holy temple” Jonah 2:4b. Revelation 5 makes plain “who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof” so that we may say Amen. Psalm 133 provides encouragement to keep on being thankful and grateful.
As you read Micah on 15 December you were reminded of God’s holiness and the sinfulness of all men. Every man has the choice to make and that is to either follow The LORD or a god of their imagination. The man that sat on the white horse in Revelation 6 was not the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed are those who will believe the gospel and “we” will wear white robes.

Look at Micah 5 for the prophecy of the birthplace of ruler in Israel. Make Micah 6:8 a pattern for the rest of your life. Look forward to that Day when God will bring you forth to the light so that you may behold his righteousness. Rejoice as you read Revelation 7 knowing where you will be when this grand event will take place. Take time to read Psalm 135, Selah, and then bless the LORD. Believe that every word of God is pure.
Nahum is the history of Nineveh. Pay attention to God’s warnings not heeded and allow this to temper your obedience to His Commands. How is your “fear of God” impacted because you have read today?  Woe, woe, woe is pending those of unbelief. Be persuaded to win the lost at any cost. Read and re-read Psalm 136, then give thanks. **Take time to make Proverbs 30:7-9 as your stewardship guide / checkbook verse.

Habakkuk is applicable today if one is concerned for his nation. How do you pray for your people? There is hope for us when we hear, believe and obey God and then be just and live by faith. Pray verse 3:1-2 with tears and righteous hope. Read and believe 3:17-19 and live like you are a son of God. Allow Revelation 9 to impress you with the deceitfulness of sin and the stronghold Satan has on unbelievers, yet it is the LORD who opens and closes the bottomless pit. What song are you singing today?
Zephaniah records that God will and has judged all men, judged all families and all nations, then read 1:14-18. Look carefully at 2:3 before you read 3:5-8. Now rejoice by reading 3:9-20 and be thankful for God’s mercy and provisions. Our work as ministers of reconciliation is not over, so be busy about our Father’s business. Appreciate Psalm 138:2b as you read the Word to know God. Consider the “promise” at verse 8 when you are overcome and in doubt.

Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are the prophets God provided to the Jews as they returned to Jerusalem after their 70 years of captivity. All men are warned to “consider your ways” when establishing priorities for daily life. Is the LORD preeminent in your life? Revelation 11 shows the activities of the two witnesses that are to occur in the midst of the seven years of the tribulation what attributes of God did you see today? God is shown to be Omniscient in Psalm 139 and believers will call for the LORD to make verses 23-24 real and true each day. Read your Bible to know God.
Thanks for sharing your time with us this year in our class. We pray that you have been blessed as you made the LORD your Lord each day because you read your Bible to know Him.

We pray as you return to your regular class Sunday 20 December that you will be fruitful and participate by encouraging others to read their Bible to know God. When we start the new year with emphasis on “Stewardship” I believe we all will be better prepared to believe God and then to “DECIDE” to commit to Him our all and all. God bless you.
If we can be of any assistance to you in the matter of salvation, please follow at facebook BarnabasImpactMinistry.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, 8 December 2015, and we are waiting for the trumpet to sound and then to be called out to be with The Lord, Maranatha.  To all of you who have looked at this blog I hope and pray you will be saved, read your Bible to know God and share your faith.

Lesson # 48  One Year Bible class  Comments to be conducted at  VBC 13 December 2015. 
The twelve (12) Minor Prophets are used by the LORD to speak to his people about their sin and future state. Jonah, Amos and Hosea served with the tribes of Israel. Obadiah, Joel, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah were associated with Judah prior to captivity. After the Jews had returned from captivity God used Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi as the Postexilic prophets.
Mon-7-Hosea 6:1-9:17, 3rd John 1:1-14, Psalm 126:1-6 & Proverbs 29:12-14. Allow Hosea 6:6 guide you as you read to know God. Be aware that your walk is to be a joy to your earthly and heavenly father. Remember that joy comes in the morning.

Tue-8-Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Psalm 127:1-5 & Proverbs 29:15-17. Be admonished to exalt the most High and to be bent to backsliding. Practice Hosea 14:9 as you wait for the Lord. Allow Jude’s advice at verses 19-23 be your conversation. Step aside and allow the LORD to build your house/home. Correct and be corrected so that you have delight in your soul.
Halley’s Bible Handbook, p282,”Failing to save the Unholy Holy City, the Prophets literally glow with Divine explanation and assurances that the collapse of God’s nation does not mean the end of God’s plans; that, after a period of punishment, there would be a Restoration, and for God’s people a Glorious Future.”
 Wed-9-Joel 1:1-3:21, Revelation 1:1-20, Psalm 128:1-6 & Proverbs 29:18. Read and read again Joel and learn that repentance is the beginning of avoiding disaster. Allow the description of Jesus given at Revelation 1:13-18 to demonstrate God’s attributes.  Psalm 128 advises all men to fear the LORD and walk in his ways. What vision of Almighty God do you have today?
Thu-10-Amos 1:1-3:15, Revelation 2:1-17, Psalm 129:1-8 & Proverbs 29:19-20. Amos 3:3 set the standard for fellowship and obedience. Look for the “common” promise given to the seven churches that are for believers today. Believe what you read and practice what you believe.

Fri-11-Amos 4:1-6:14, Revelation 2:18-3:6 Psalm 130:1-8 & Proverbs 29:21-22. Does the warning given at Amos 4:9-13 impact your concept of God? What attributes of God are demonstrated in today’s reading? What promises did the LORD make in Revelations? Compare Psalm 130 with Psalms 40 and 51.
Sat-12-Amos-7:1-9:15, Revelation 3:7-22, Psalm 131:1-3 & Proverbs 29:23. When will the promise/prophecy come to pass as given in Amos 9:8-15 and where you will you be that day? How did you find Revelation today to be like the writings of Amos? DO you believe the promises given by the Spirit of God and obey His words? Be humble in spirit.  
Sun-13-Obadiah1:1-21, Revelation 4:1-11, Psalm 132:1-18 & Proverbs 29:24-25. Obadiah demonstrates again that God is not willing that any perish, even those of Edom, but the wage OF SIN IS DEATH. How long have the seraphims of Isaiah 6 and the four beasts of Revelation been saying Holy, holy, holy?  Believe that whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Halley’s Bible Handbook,p282 “Message of each Prophet in one line: JOEL a vision of the Gospel Age, Ingathering of the nations; JONAH interest of Israel’s God in Israel’s enemies; AMOS David’s house will yet rule the world; HOSEA Jehovah will one day be God of all nations; ISAIAH God has a Remnant, and for it a glorious Future; MICAH Coming Prince of Bethlehem, and his Universal Reign; NAHUM impending judgment of Nineveh; Zephaniah coming of a New Revelation, called by a New Name; JEREMIAH Jerusalem’s sin, doom and future glory; EZEKIEL the fall of Jerusalem, restoration and glorious future; OBADIAH  Edom shall utterly perish; DANIEL the Four Kingdoms, and God’s Everlasting Kingdom; HABAK KUK  ultimate triumph for Jehovah’s people; HAGGAI the second temple, and coming Greater Temple; ZECHARIAH the Coming King, his House and Kingdom; MALACHI closing message of Messianic Nation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tuesday, 2 December 2015, and we are not fearful for global warming, ranks of the extremist roiling but that you are not saved. As a watchman for the LORD I have warned you with the Truth, Jesus is coming back for the sinners that are saved, and you have not believed. These lessons are prepared for the people who are reading the Bible to know God.

Knowing about God is not enough! The Bible records at James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God, thou doest well: the devils also believe, and they tremble." Psalm 19 declares that all me know that there is an Almighty Creator. You have been exposed to the Light and have turned back to walk in darkness. The wage of SIN is death. All have sinned. There is none righteous.

Every person born after Seth, the third son of Adam was born in sin. Sin is not a choice. Sinners don't break the Word of God, they break themselves on The Word. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and he who cannot lie and does not change said "YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN."  Read the Bible to know God.

Lesson # 47  One Year Bible Class to be conducted at VBC 6 December 2015.
The Book of Daniel may be reviewed as chapter 1 being the introduction, chapters 2-7 written in Aramaic dealing with the nations. Chapters 8-12, written in Hebrew, apply to the Jew’s restoration.
Mon-30-Daniel 7:1-28, 1st John 1:1-10, Psalm 119:153-176 & Proverbs 28:23-24. As you read, be as Daniel at verse 15-16, and ask the Holy Spirit to make known to you Truth. Read and re-read 1st John 1:1-10 and sense what you are near to and then be grateful. Accept the wisdom that you have gained from Psalm 119 and trust God.

1st John is being transmitted to the “new” Jewish Christians for their protection. The conflict of depending only on the LORD and of forsaking the option of co-mingling Truth with worldly habits was causing doubt and loss of joy. They are encouraged to be sensitive to sin and to walk in the Light and believe in God.
Tue-1-Daniel 8:1-27, 1st John 2:1-17, Psalm 120:1-7 & Proverbs 28:25-26. Focus on the LORD as you read about the uprising and downfall of the Nations at war. This “time of the gentiles” is from the end of the exile until the second coming of Christ, Maranatha. We have the Truth. God’s wants that we sin not.

Wed-2-Daniel 9:1-11:1, 1st John 2:18-3:6 Psalm 121:1-8 & Proverbs 28:27-28. Consider the prayer at verse 9:3-19 and determine if you should make a prayer like this for our country? How many times have you been told what you have read at 1st John 2:18? Be amazed and thankful for the love that the Father has bestowed on us. Shout Palm 121.
Thu-3-Daniel 11:2-35, 1st John 3:7-24, Psalm 122:1-9 & Proverbs 29:1. The prophecies at verse 6-7 are concerning the war between Egypt and Syria about 3-400 years before the birth of Jesus. The truth given at verse 27 still applies to all men, be careful of your friends. Compare 1st John 3 to James 4:17 and note how others act Is verse 3:17 a part of your stewardship? Pray oftenfor the peace of Jerusalem? Get right.

Fri-4-Daniel 11:36-12:13, 1st John 4:1-21, Psalm 123:1-4 & Proverbs 29:2-4. Our enemy is described and well defined today by Daniel 11. Our hope and protection is given at chapter 12 and now we wait for His coming, Maranatha. When He comes in the Revelation, the redeemed will be coming with the Lord. Try the spirits. Use verse 4:3-4 as your standard for fellowship. Lift up your eyes & voice to the LORD.
Sat-5-Hosea 1:1-3:5, 1st John 5:1-21, Psalm 124:1-8 & Proverbs 29:5-8. Hosea was a prophet to the northern kingdom 753-715 B.C. and God caused him to expose sin and disobedience of the Jews against God. Carefully consider God’s command for Hosea to marry a wife of whoredoms and learn the parable as it applies to disobedience. God hates sin yet loves the sinner. Why was 1st John written for you? Be righteous today.

We have 30 days to read the 12 Minor Prophets‘s Books, the 3 letters penned by John to the Christians, Jude’s letter and then the Book of Revelation. Focus on seeing the attributes of God and notice the admonitions given concerning our conversation. God is sovereign over all.
Sun-6-Hosea 4:1-5:15, 2nd John1:1-13, Psalm 125:1-5 & Proverbs 29:9-11. As you read Hosea 4:6-19 what attributes do you see of God? How are people being destroyed today? What did you learn from 2nd John that will protect you today? What lifestyle is to be followed based on Psalm 125? Are you a wise?

Consider how your testimony has become more defined and scriptural causing you to be more apt to share than before. Be grateful for your Holy Ghost’s instruction in matters pertaining to the past, present and future because you have been reading your Bible to know God. Determine to be disciplined to read each and every day to know God.
Eternity is too long to be wrong. Repent. Repent and agree with the LORD that you have sinned against Him, confess and forsake your sin of unbelief. Hear the gospel, believe, receive the gift of eternal life. Romans10:9 " That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him rom the dead, thou shalt be saved." Trust God for he has promised at John1:12 " But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." Today is your day of salvation.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thursday, 26 November 2015.  Blessings are hoped for all of you that you Know God, have a settled and happy home, read you Bible every day to know God and have shared your blessings with others.

This week we begin the Book of Daniel and we will be exposed to the Bible facts that God does rule the world. We were encouraged by the Book of Ezekiel as we learned that all the facts that were given and recorded to the Jews, their enemies and applicable to us are that "ALL may know that God is The LORD." God loves you and wants all men to be redeemed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

This is the document for the class 29 November. Read your Bible to know God first, then consider the comments.
Lesson # 46 One Year Bible Comments VBC 23-29 November 2015

According to the Prophets; Isaiah stressed the Glorious Throne of Jehovah the Holy One; Jeremiah focused on the Book of Judgment and the Mourning over Afflictions in Lamentations, while Ezekiel recorded The Glory of the Lord so that “They shall know that I Am the LORD. We will find in Daniel That God rules the world.

Mon-23-Ezekiel 45:13-46:24, 1st Peter 1:13 -2:10, Psalm 119:33-48 & Proverbs 28:11.Look for the attributes of God and apply them to the stewardship in your family. Accept and practice God's call for holiness. Compare the synonyms in Psalm 119 that describe the Word.

Tue-24-Ezekiel 47:1-48:35,1st Peter 2:11-3:7, Psalm 119:49-64 & Proverbs 28:12-13. The land that the LORD promised to the Jews in the beginning is described and measured. Attend to the admonition of Peter concerning those things we should abstain from in our lives. We are to be examples of God's love. Have you said Psalm 119:54-60 back to God?

According to Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament, p379, Daniel is an apocalyptic book, the only Old Testament book so classified '5. Revelation is the one New Testament Apocalypse '6. The word apocalypse in its Greek form is translated as “revelation” in Revelation1:1. Apocalypse is a revelation, an unveiling. Those purposes concern particularly world events leading up to the Messianic Kingdom and consummation of things in the end of the world. The manner in which these events are unveiled is mainly by visions, where imagery and symbolism appear throughout. In Daniel the word “vision” appears twenty-two times; and “visions,” ten times. Consider the key verse to be 4:17 and “dream” as a key word.

Wed-25-Daniel 1:1-2:23, 1st Peter 3:8-4:6, Psalm 119:65-80 & Proverbs 28:14. What example of faith did Daniel say and live out before his captors and his family? How did the LORD show his approval of Daniel? Did you compare Daniel's testimony to Peter's instruction to the Jews as given in chapter 3? Are you happy?

Thu-26-Daniel 2:24-3:30. 1st Peter 4:7-5:14, Psalm 119:81-96 & Proverbs 28:15-16. What attributes of God did Daniel express to the King concerning his dream? What faith principle did the three Hebrews demonstrate by not bowing to the image? How is 1st Peter 4:7 similar to what was facing the Jews before the burning fiery furnace? What is unusual about Psalm 119:90-91?How may a man prolong his days?

Fri-27-Daniel 4:1-37, 2nd Peter 1:1-21, Psalm 119:97-112 & Proverbs 28:17-18. What did you learn about God's Omnipotence today? What attributes did Nebuchadnezzar finally ascribe to the LORD? What did Peter tells the Jews to add to their faith? How can a man “give all diligence” when increasing his faith?How is Peter's letter similar to that of Paul's instruction in 2nd Timothy? What salvation is described in Proverbs 28?
Sat-28-Daniel 5:1-31, 2nd Peter 2:1-22, Psalm 119:113-128 & Proverbs 28:19-20. How did Belshazzar show his ignorance and disrespect to the LORD today? How does this correspond to Hebrews 9:27? What hope for the godly is recorded in 2nd Peter? What stewardship principle is demonstrated in the Proverbs today?

Sun-29-Daniel 6:1-28, 2nd Peter 3:1-18, Psalm 119:129-152 & Proverbs 28”21-22. What lifestyle did Daniel live before King Darius and the kingdom? How and why did God protect Daniel in the den of lions? How can you use 2nd Peter 3:1-18 to witness? What salvation principle is given in Psalm 119:155? How is judgment a part of respect for others?

You will be on your own in just a few days and we will not be meeting as a class, but please do not stop reading every day your One Year Bible to know God. The discipline you have developed in and by feeding yourself and your family the Word of God will continue to protect you as you seek to meet with the LORD early each day with all your heart.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015 and still there are many who are confused about being saved. If you have read your Bible to know God it should have been made clear that the LORD caused the Old Testament to be written so that all men, nations and survivors would know that He was GOD!

After reading the New Testament all men should have been made aware that the promises of a Messiah. It was recorded that it had come to pass in the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of The Lord Jesus Christ. Now your responsibility is to respond to "HIS" ability to be and do all that He has said He would do to reconcile the lost.

All men are born LOST. Jesus came to earth to seek and save. Sense your lost condition, read and hear the invitation, believe and receive the Gift of forgiveness and eternal life by faith, trust the Bible and be thankful. This applies to ALL of you. The lesson is prepared for next week, but I have difficulty attaching to the blog. Check the schedule and read to know God. When you do believe, please let us know that we may pray particularly for you. Thanks, Happy Thanksgiving. God wants to bless you!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, 18 November 2015, summer is going, winter is coming and there are many still in the trap of Satan's deception, that is, sure get salvation tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation. Read your Bible to know God.
 The promises and prophecies given by the LORD to Ezekiel for the Jews makes it clear and plain, judgment is coming, sin will be punish, some will live and restoration is coming One Day. If you are a Jew, Gentile or Christian, the wage of sin is death. The Christian will never die the second death! The Christian has the second birth. Jesus said, You must be born again.

This Lesson # 45 One Year Bible with Comments will be presented at VBC 22 November 2015.

Now that you have completed reading Hebrews, pause and consider the encouragement you have been given causing you to appreciate the better testament through Christ Jesus your Lord. Recall often that Jesus Christ is greater than the sacrificial system of the Jews. Read Hosea 14:2 “Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips”. SELAH, pray with your sacrifice of praise. Strive to enjoy fellowship with your Saviour.

Mon-16-Ezekiel 33:1-34:31, Hebrews 13:1-25, Psalm 115:1-18 & Proverbs 27:21-22. Each of us need to (must) accept the responsibility of being a watchman in our homes, families, churches, cities, state and sphere of influence, lest they perish. Tell them! Apply the admonishment of the letter to the Hebrews, be apt to hospitality. Allow Psalm 115:17-18 to cause you to pray fervently. You are someone's only hope. Be a watchman.

Tue-17-Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalm 116:1-19 & Proverbs 27:23-27. Allow Ezekiel 36:24-32 to encourage you trust the promises of God for the Jews . Determine how and if these promises apply to you today. James 1:5-8 is the test for understanding and fellowship with God and man. Pray back Psalm 116. Be diligent in all that you do.

Wed-18-Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalm 117:1-2 & Proverbs 28:1. After reading Ezekiel 37, pause-Selah, and shout “One Day” Praise The LORD. Consider the prophecy at chapter 38 and know that we, the saved, will watch this all come to pass from heaven. Allow James to instruct you in your daily conversation. One day Psalm 117 will be so.

Thu-19-Ezekiel 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Psalm 112:1-18 & Proverbs 28:2. Enjoy reading the attributes of the LORD and rest in His promises to His people. Learn that God is providing for His people when they are in captivity. He loves us Unconditionally! James challenges all men to works because they are saved. No man can save himself by his works. Read and believe Psalm 118:8-9 and trust God as you read verses 14-18. He is faithful!

Fri-20-Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalm 118:19-29 & Proverbs 28:3-5. One day the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt and then destroyed again by man. One day the temple will be rebuilt and the LORD will be there. One day and for a thousand years! Read and learn to pray. Is your heart purified? Allow James 4:17 to direct your life. Give thanks unto God.

Sat-21-Ezekiel 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20, Psalm 119:1-16 & Proverbs 28:6-7. One Day the glory of the LORD God will enter Jerusalem! One Day the prophecies will be fulfilled just as they were spoken to Ezekiel. Learn what the Lord Sabaoth means to believers. Believe the effectual prayers availeth much when the conditions for praying are met. Learn and enjoy the words used by God to describe God's promises for hearers and believers.
Sun-22-Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1st Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32 & Proverbs 28:8-10. Receive Ezekiel 44:5 as if were spoken directly to you and seek to know God. As you read learn the difference between the holy and the profane. Jerusalem and the associated land belongs to the Jews as it was promised to Moses and the seed of Abraham. Peter is inspired to pen his letter to the scattered Jews causing them to remember what the LORD had done for them and what He had promised. Believe God in spite of circumstances. We all need to consider Psalm 119:17-19 in the good and bad times. Be careful in your conversation every day.

When you start a new Book or a Prophet's letter ask to whom is this written, what did it require of them, if and or how does this apply to me today, what attributes of God are plain, is there a sin to avoid or a promise to claim. Read your Bible to know God. Get right so that you may enter into the throne room of God.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday 10 November 20125, some are sighing, some crying, some sick, many dying and most of those without the benefit of the LORD's salvation for eternity, forgiveness of sin and never having to pay the penalty of no faith in God, suffering GOD's wrath forever. Please read the Bible to know God. This is Lesson # 44 One Year Bible w/ Comments for the class given at VBC, Sunday, 15 November 2015.

As you read this week consider the instructions given in Hebrews for the Jewish Christians is appropriate for those in Ezekiel. What did you learn about the LORD that solidifies your concept of Jesus as the promised Messiah for the Jews?

Mon-9-Ezekiel 20:1-49, Hebrews 9:11-28, Psalm 107:1-43 & Proverbs 27:11. What attribute of God is shown at 20:14, 17 & 44? How did the the death of Christ rescue people who lived and died before his birth? What did you learn about yourself at verses 9:24-26 and verses 27-28 when read as complete sentences? What phrase is repeated in Psalm 107?

Tue-10-Ezekiel 21:1-22:31, Hebrews 10:1-17, Psalm 108:1-13 & Proverbs 27:12. What attributes of the LORD did you find in Ezekiel 22? What hope is there for those who do not believe Hebrews 10:4 & 9-12? Is your heart fixed? Are you a prudent believer?

Wed-11-Ezekiel 23:1-49, Hebrews 10:18-39, Psalm 109:1-31 & Proverbs 27:13. How did God describe Jerusalem today? Have you made prayers like Psalm 109? What should be our conversation / lifestyle based on Hebrews 10:23-25?

Thu-12-Ezekiel 24:1-26:21, Hebrews 11:1-16, Psalm 110:1-7 & Proverbs 27:14. Take time to connect Psalm 110 with Matthew 22:41-45, Revelation 20:1-7, Hebrews 5-8 and Revelation 19:11-21 to better understand the work of Christ then and in the future. How does Psalm 110support Hebrews?

Fri-13-Ezekiel 27:1-28:26, Hebrews 11:17-31, Psalm 111:1-10 & Proverbs 27:15-16. What did you learn about the King of Tyre? Has Ezekiel 28:24-26 been fulfilled? Did you link Genesis 22 to Hebrews today? How do you relate to Rahab from Hebrews 11:31? If you do not praise the LORD with all your heart, why praise Him at all?

Sat-14-Ezekiel 29:1-30:26, Hebrews 11:32-12:13, Psalm 112:1-10 & Proverbs 27:17. What did the LORD cause Ezekiel to say unto and about Egypt and the Jews who trusted in them? What attributes of God are shown at Hebrews 11:32-40? What promise is given in Psalm 112?

Sun-15-Ezekiel 31:1-32:32, Hebrews 12:14-29, Psalm 113:1-114:8 & Proverbs 27:18-20. What false belief system is described at Ezekiel 32? What promise did God declare in Hebrews 12? How is stewardship addressed in Proverbs today?

Read to know God. Notice those things that easily distract you from reading, getting to know the LORD and affecting you obedience, write them down, claim a victory verse to defeat them. Suggest you give that distraction to God, cut the note into small pieces, dig a hole, burn the note, bury the ashes and forget where you buried your enemy.

Share your testimony, start where the Word of God was used to convict of sin. Report how Jesus Christ was expressed as your pardon from your sin debt. Tell how the Holy Spirit drew you to God the Father and how you heard and believed the Truth. Tell that you received the gift of eternal life from God. Share that you were grateful for the knowledge of salvation and that you wanted to tell everyone this good news.

If you need and want a Bible please let us know.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday, 2 November 2015, a day for some to vote, some to be born, some to be born again, some to die and some to believe the lie of the Devil that what the LORD has said is not true. The sin that separates heaven from hell, the sin of unbelief. Please read the Bible to know God.

This is Lesson # 43 One Year Bible for the class to be held at  VBC on 8 November 2015.
This week as you read the Old Testament determine to sense yourself in the time past (597-516 BC) being in Jerusalem then at Babylon as a Jew going into captivity. Then fast forward as you read the New Testament to being either an unsaved Jew or Gentile during the time of the Gospel writers. Remember, we read to know God. Pray, get right, clean and holy so that you may boldly come before the LORD. Seek to sense His presence and have fellowship.

Mon 2-Ezekiel 3:16-6:14, Hebrews 4:1-16, Psalm 104:24-35 & Proverbs 26:27. What attribute of God is demonstrated at verse6:7-12? What privilege is afforded the redeemed in Hebrews? What warning is given in the Proverbs?

Tue 3-Ezekiel 7:1-9:11, Hebrews 5:1-14, Psalm 105:1-15 & Proverbs 26:28. What attribute of God did you discover in Chapter 7? What did you discover in Hebrews 5 that causes you to have confidence in Jesus as the high priest of Melchisedec? Are you “chewing” on strong meat? What marvellous works of the LORD did you discover in the Psalms?

Wed 4-Ezekiel 10:1-11-25, Hebrews 6:1-20, Psalm 105:16-36 & Proverbs 27:1-2. How is the mountain at Ezekiel 11:23 connected to 43:1-4? What promise is given in Hebrews related to the veil? How is warning given concerning pride in the Proverbs?

Thu 5-Ezekiel 12:1-14:11, Hebrews 7:1`-17, Psalm 105:37-45 & Proverbs 27:3. What did you learn about God from His message at Ezekiel 12:1-12? What instructions for coming before the LORD are given at 14:4-7? What did you learn at Hebrews 7:2-16 when you compared this with Psalm 110:4 and Genesis 14:18 about Jesus being the high priest?

Fri 6-Ezekiel 14:12-16:42, Hebrews 7:18-28, Psalm 106:1-12 & Proverbs 27:4-6. What caused the LORD to declare that Noah, Daniel and Job could not have saved Jerusalem? What “better testament” is available for men today? Do you have friend that will wound you?

Sat 7-Ezekiel 16:43-17:24, Hebrews 8:1-13, Psalm 106:13-31 & Proverbs 27:7-9. How and why did the LORD confront Judah in chapter 16 calling her the sister of Sodom and Samaria? What did you gain from Hebrews 8? What did God do in Psalm 106: 8-15?

Sun 8-Ezekiel18:1-19:14, Hebrews9:1-10, Psalm 106:32-48 & Proverbs 27:10. How is a just man described in Ezekiel18? What counsel did the LORD give Israel concerning sin? Why were the Hebrew Christians reminded of the tabernacle, the furniture and the cherubim?

How might you have received the rebuke of a prophet of God or of a disciple of Jesus Christ saying you were a sinner and in danger of suffering the wrath of God for your sin of unbelief? Yet, would you have repented, believed the rebuke and obeyed the prophet or the Apostle even to the point of being saved?

Because you have read your Bible to know God, enjoyed having fellowship with your Saviour, now follow the leadership of the Holy Ghost and show and tell what great things God has done for you. The language is used to communicate Truth to all men.

He is not willing that any perish.  Psalm 19 indicates that all men are aware that there is a GOD who has made all. If you will allow the Holy Spirit of God to show you your condition before Holy God, agree with God that you are a sinner and hear His offer of the free gift of redemption, you may seek his forgiveness and ask Him to pardon and save you.

 God demonstrated His love to and for you as He sent His only begotten Son to earth, born of a virgin according to the scriptures to live the perfect life and die the death on the cross, making payment for the sins of all men. God will accept you in the beloved if you believe and receive the gospel. Salvation is by faith. Salvation is not by works. If you will believe that God the Father raised Jesus, the Son from the grave the third day according to the scriptures, thou shalt be saved, Romans 10:8-13. Please believe.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday 31 October 2015, are you prepared to meet the LORD? I've had some cpu problems and this caused me to be late posting the lesson for this week. I hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. If you do not have the One Year Bible you may check the link in the Blog for daily Bible reading schedule.

Lesson # 42 One Year Bible Class to be conducted at VBC 1 November 2015.

Have you settled all matters with the LORD relative to being in revival and are you walking with Him?

Mon-26-Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalm 97:1-98:9 & Proverbs 26:13-16. Is not the LORD just with the nations that He judges? Did 50:4-5 impact your concept of God? What promise is given at 50:34? What application is for the Christian? What conflict did Paul warn Titus to be aware of in the church? Who gets the victory in the Psalm 98?

Tue-27-Jeremiah 51:1-53, Titus 2:1-15, Psalm 99:1-9 & Proverbs 26:17. What attributes did God demonstrate against Babylon? What was Titus to encourage the church to look for every day? Does Psalm 99:1-5 encourage you to pray? Why is pulling a dog by the ears dangerous?

Wed-28-Jeremiah 51:54-52:34, Titus 3:1-15, Psalm 100:1-5 & Proverbs 26:18-19. Did you have sympathy for Judah today? How did the Chaldeans show kindness to the Jews in captivity? What happened to the Ark of the Covenant? How can you use Titus 3 to witness? What actions for believers are dictated in Psalm 100?

How did the object lessons used in Jeremiah cause you to better know God? How did The Holy Spirit teach and show you the Lord Jesus Christ? We have been preached to every day since 3 October a series of messages by Jeremiah that have been for the Jews in Jerusalem and yet that have application for us today, hear and obey God. Hope for God’s restoration.

Thu-29-Lamentations 1:1-2:19, Philemon 1:1-25, Psalm 101:1-8 & Proverbs 26:20. It has happened as Jeremiah prophesied now he shares the reality of the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of the Jews. Look to see how Jesus Christ is portrayed as the Righteous Branch. What is significant about 2:9? How did Paul intercede for his son Onesimus? How have you acted as Paul for your friends? What hope and conditions are expressed in Psalm 101?

Fri-30-Lamentations 2:20-3:66, Hebrews 1:1-14, Psalm 102:1-28 & Proverbs 26:21-22. How did Jeremiah expressed appreciation for the LORD’s mercy? Is chapter 3 a prescription for preparation for revival? How does Hebrews 1 describe The LORD? Why was this letter written to Jewish believers? Why should God not hide His face from you?

Sat-31-Lamentations 4:1-5:22, Hebrews 2:1-18, Psalm 103:1-22 & Proverbs 26:23. How did Jeremiah compare the judgment of Judah’s sin to those of Sodom? Is 4:11 similar to the crucifixion of Jesus? Is 5:22 the saddest verse and does it not cause fear of judgment? How does Lamentation impact your concept of God? How may we use Hebrews 2:3 to witness? Did you see Psalm 22 in Hebrews 2:11-13? How is Jesus described in Hebrews today? Pray back Psalm 103 and shout for joy.

Sun-01-Ezekiel 1:1-3:15, Hebrews 3:1-19, Palm 104:1-23 & Proverbs 26:24-26. What attributes of the LORD are given by Ezekiel today? Why did God cause Ezekiel to be taken captive? What is a vision? How is Jesus described in Hebrews 3? Why should we exhort one another every day? How are the works of the LORD described in Psalm 104? Who ought we to hear and believe?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday, 28 October 2015, time change is coming on fast and there are many who have never heard that Jesus saves! If you know the Truth, please share. We wish all men (male and female)  would read the King James Version of the Holy Bible every day, every where and believe what they read.  Hear, heed, believe, receive, be grateful/thankful and tell. When the new device comes on line I will post the lesson #42 for Sunday 1 November for you to read.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tuesday, 20 October 2015, people are dying, storms are brewing, pestilence is in our harvest, wars and rumors of war, liars are in charge and uninformed masses are not prepared for the rapture nor the Day of Christ the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Maranatha. You are not hopeless, hear the truth, Jesus saves, you must be born again! Read the Bible to know God and believe what you read.

Lesson # 41 for the  One Year Bible Class to be conducted at  VBC 25 October 2015.
Mon-19-Jeremiah 33:1-34:22, 1st Timothy 4:1-16, Psalm89:1-13 & Proverbs 25:23-24. Did Jeremiah have to be shut up in prison to call unto God?  What are and when will the good things come for the Jews? How was God’s liberty misused in Jerusalem? How is God’s liberty expressed in Timothy 4? What attributes of God are shown in the Psalm and Proverbs?
Tue-20-Jeremiah 35:1-36:32, 1st Timothy 5:1-25, Psalm 89:14-37 & Proverbs 25:25-27.How is stewardship related to revival? What work did Baruch accomplish? How did God identify the infidel in Timothy? What promises did God make in the Psalm and what are their conditions? What is good about good news if it is late?
Wed-21-Jeremiah 37:1-38:28, 1st Timothy 6:1-21, Psalm 89:38-52 & Proverbs 25:28. What great question did the king finally ask Jeremiah today? How was Jeremiah extracted from the dungeon? Should we (you) consider ourselves under a yoke serving a master? What cure for poor stewardship is given by the LORD through Paul to Timothy? How did you answer the question at Psalm 89:48? What admonition did you take from Proverb25:28?
God causes Paul to write this last letter of instruction and encouragement to Timothy to keep on witnessing and being a good servant and soldier of Christ Jesus. Note the key verse 4:5 and consider these key words: not ashamed, endure, word, charge and diligence.
Thu-22-Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2nd Timothy 1:1-18, Palm 90:1-91:16 & Proverbs 26:1-2. What fact of fate is shown at Jeremiah 39:2? What did the LORD cause the guards to know about Jerusalem and the Jews? How did God use Paul to encourage Timothy and us? Note at verse16 the connection with Philemon. What is our testimony of service? What attributes of God, Elohim and Jehovah are given in Psalms 90 & 91?  Have you claimed Psalm 91:15-16?

Fri-23-Jeremiah 42:1-44:23, 2nd Timothy 2:1-21, Psalm 92:1-93:5 & Proverbs 26:3-5. How is the prayer of the remnant like those of missionaries? How did the LORD compare disobedience to wickedness? How was Timothy (and you and I) to be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus? How are men to be vessels of honor? How is the LORD described in the Psalms?
Sat-24-Jeremiah 44:24-47:7, 2nd Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalm 94:1-23 & Proverbs 26:6-8. How is your concept of God impacted by Jeremiah 44? What prophecy did you see in chapter 46? What did you learn speaking to the sword of the LORD? How does the admonition to Timothy apply to us today concerning our conversation? Are we in the last days? What will those that live righteously suffer in these last days? When will that persecution end? What are we to be and continue to be and do in these last days or until the rapture?  Jesus has not yet come in the clouds as promised, but He is coming.  Selah Psalm 94:11.
Sun-25-Jeremiah 48:1-49:22, 2nd Timothy 4:1-22, Palm 95:1-96:13 & Proverbs 26:9-12. How may a man not be cursed? How did God treat those of Moab and Ammon and Edom? How may we make full proof of our ministry? How did Paul’s letter instruct Timothy to be diligent? Take time to pray back Psalm 95.How and where are we to declare God’s glory? Does God reward all men? Read again Proverbs 3:1 (5-7)-12.

As you prepare for reading next week remember that Paul penned the letters to his sons in the faith and co-laborers in this order; 1st Timothy, Titus and then 2nd Timothy. These letters provide information relative to those in Christ’s service as Pastors and deacons.


Friday, October 16, 2015

When will some of the other readers from the 22 countries join this site? Hopefully those that look in on the post are sharing their faith after they have read each day the Bible to know God. Seek to know the LORD as your savior, adore the handiwork of Elohim each day and live in His love and in the grace of Adonai so that The Lord Jesus Christ is magnified and you have communion with The Holy Ghost. Tell someone, yea show someone, what great things God has done to and for you!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, 12 October 2015, summer is gone and there are many who have not heard the Good News! Read your Bible to be warned, wounded, wooed, won and to be saved. God loves all mankind, and is not willing that any should perish, but...... Except you hear and believe the Gospel, trust God as you repent, confess your sin (s), call upon His name, respond to The Holy Spirit 's drawing by the Father,and by faith receive the gift of eternal life you will die and forever be separated from God and suffer the wrath of God for your sin of unbelief. This is the class lesson, Lesson #40 One Year Bible for the class to be presented at VBC 18 October 2015 . Please read your Bible first to know God. then consider:
Mon-12-Jeremiah 19:1-21:14, 1st Thessalonians 5:4-28, Psalm 82:1-8 & Proverbs 25:8-10. After your daily reading, re-read Palm 81:9-13 then Selah, pray and be thankful. Consider God’s names and attributes as you ponder the promises of desolation because of Judah’s forsaking God. Take time to be thankful for God’s promise of deliverance for the believers at the rapture. Consider the consequence of hasty deeds.
Tue-13-Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2nd Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalm 83:1-18 & Proverbs 25:11-14. What did you learn about “God’s will” for your life today? How did the LORD forecast the thousand year reign? Spend much time meditating upon the names given to describe our God.
Pause, re-read 1st and then 2nd Thessalonians so that you get the theme of the 2nd letter which is reminding the people there would be persecution of believers before the “Rapture”. Then the Antichrist will come and then seven years of tribulation before the Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ. The admonition is for believers to live right in trials.

Wed-14-Jeremiah 23:21-25:38. 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalm 84:1-1 & Proverbs 25:15. We can protect ourselves from false prophets by reading God’s Word and being taught and lead by the Holy Spirit. What has the LORD shewed you today? We have read the forecast of things to come so that we ought not to be surprised by events each day. Read the Bible each day to know God if you want to be comforted. Are you acting as a doorkeeper in the house of your God?
Thu-15-Jeremiah 26:1-27:22, 2nd Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalm 85:1-13 & Proverbs 25:16. How does chapter 26 impact your concept of God, His commandments and the promise of the cursing of the city? How have you “amended your ways” because you read today? Remember, The Lord has not yet returned in the clouds as promised, but He is coming!  Maranatha.! Now,  get right, be right and do right-don’t quit. Believe Psalm 85:9 and share Truth with others.

The Pastoral Letters 1st Timothy and Titus were written by Paul after his first imprisonment.  2nd Timothy was prepared during his second imprisonment and prior to his death. Philemon records the plea for forgiveness to a friend concerning a friend.
Fri-16-Jeremiah 28:1-29:32, 1st Timothy 1:1-20, Psalm 86:1-17 & Proverbs 25:17. Read to know God and appreciate the provision He has made for believers regardless of their circumstances. Recall how John 3:12 and 10:25-30 as you meditate after reading today. Compare what you read on 3 October at Jeremiah1:5 to 29:11. Pray as did Paul for the opportunity to be a disciple and then strive by charity to be a mentor for a young believer. Pray back Psalm 86 as you teach others.

Sat-17-Jeremiah 30:1-31:26, 1st timothy 2:1-15, Psalm 87:1-7 & Proverbs 25:18-19. Be grateful that men like Jeremiah obeyed God and wrote His instruction in a book for us today. What promise did the LORD make concerning the return from captivity that provides us insight for today? Is your prayer life according to Timothy 2:8? Are you a maul? How have you guarded giving others your confidence?
Sun-18-Jeremiah 31:27-32:44, 1st Timothy 3:1-16, Psalm88:1-18 & Proverbs 25:20-22. Is it possible that if we do not repent and seek revival, God’s will given at Jeremiah 31:27-30 will come to pass? Do we fear man or do we fear the LORD? How is the coincidence of thousands of years ago that this was prepared for the Jews in captivity, yet it applies to us today? We have a choice. Believe verse 32:27 and repent. What good work do you desire? Pray for your Pastor. We all need to practice charity.

Re-read Jeremiah 29:11-14 and consider “both” the promises and the conditions made for the Jews of Judah concerning their captivity, release and restoration back to their homeland in Jerusalem. Draw your own conclusions as to the application for “us” today as we prepare for our revival. We must seek the LORD with all of our heart. Be holy!!!
If you are one of the daily Bible readers, please share the Bible Truths with your friends.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday 5 October 2015 and we are still expecting the trump to sound and we all (believers) be changed in the twinkle of the eye and begin our eternal life with God in a glorified body. As you read this week "check your plans that you have for ever" to see if they are the same as the LORD's plans. if you read every day this week the scriptures you will be made aware of the Truth that will set you free and assure you of the Blessed Hope  that we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Read the Bible, and then, as you like,  consider the comments.
Lesson # 39 for the One Year Bible Class that will be held at VBC 11 October 2015.
Mon-5-Jeremiah 4:19-6:14, Colossians 1:21-2:7 Psalm 77:1-20 & Proverbs 24:23-25. How and where is God’s offer for pardon shown today? How has Jeremiah’s letter impacted your concept of God? What attributes of God are shown today? Do you have peace with God? How do you protect yourself from being beguiled? What did you learn about God in the Psalm?

Tue-6-Jeremiah 6:15-8:7, Colossians 2:8-23, Psalm 78:1-31 & Proverbs 24:26. Does God consider you as a watchman? What impact does 7:16 have on your prayers? Did the warning in Colossians 2 affect your conversation? Take time to compare Psalm 78 to Exodus.
Wed-7-Jeremiah 8:8-9:26, Colossians 3:1-17, Psalm 78:32-55 & Proverbs 24:27. Do you have pity and or compassion for sinners? Have you applied the admonition of 9:23-26, if why not? Are you risen with Christ? Where then are your affections? How is the “sin cycle” shown in Psalm 78? What priority is given in the Proverb today?

Thu-8-Jeremiah 10:1-11:23, Colossians 3:18-4:18, Psalm 78:56-72 & Proverbs 24:28-29. What did the LORD say that men ought to learn? Did chapter 10 impact your prayer concept? What declarations were made by the LORD in chapter 11? What names did God use to describe himself in Colossians? What peace did you gain from Palm 78:72?
As Colossians 3:11 reminded us that “Christ is all and in all” the Thessalonians Epistles will focus on “The Lord Jesus coming again” and that “He has not come yet”. Look for these key words: Lord, brethren, sanctification, affliction, coming, gospel, word and day in 1st Thessalonians and consider 5:23b as the key verse. Jensen’s Survey of the New Testament, p356 “The classic New Testament passage on the rapture of the church is 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18. The word rapture is not found in the Bible, but it very appropriately represents the phrase “caught up” of 4:17. (The Latin translation of the Greek word is rapiemur, hence our word rapture.)

Fri-9-Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1st Thessalonians 1:1-2:9, Psalm 79:1-13 & Proverbs 24:30-34. What attributes of the LORD are shown in chapter 12? How and why did the LORD use object lessons in chapter 13? Did chapter 14 cause you to pray for the USA differently? What did God cause Paul to offer to the church in Thessalonica? How is Psalm 79 similar to Jeremiah?
Sat-10-Jeremiah 14:11-16:15, 1st Thessalonians 2:10-3:13, Psalm 80:1-19 & Proverbs 25:1-5. Why did the LORD dictate to Jeremiah how to pray for the people? What did The LORD forecast for those who would not return? How does this directive impact your concept of God? How do believers walk worthy of God? How do you use Psalm 80:19 as you pray? What is required for the king’s throne to be established?

Sun-11-Jeremiah 16:16-18:23, 1st Thessalonians 4:1-5:3, Psalm 81:1-16 & Proverbs 25:6-7. What attributes/traits are shown today in Jeremiah? How is the will of God described? Is God your strength? If not what is the end of those people?
Regardless if you believe or not, God will have his way! His way is plainly stated in the BIBLE and any person may read the Scriptures and if they (you) sincerely want to know the Truth, when you (they), ask the Holy Spirit will teach. Read, Hear, Heed, Obey, Confess, Repent from yourself unto GOD that you have sinned and you tell HIM that you want to be saved from the wrath of the LORD, believe the Bible. Amen. If w can be of any help, please contact us at facebook.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday 1 October 2015 will be someone's day of salvation. Are you prepared to stand before a thrice Holy Omniscient God and answer as to why He should let you enter into heaven, a place reserved for the redeemed? Have ALL your sins been forgiven? Have you received the gift of eternal life? Read your Bible to know God. Review the comments after you read the scriptures.

Lesson # 38 for the One Year Bible Class at VBC to be conducted 4 October 2015. We are entering the last quarter of the year, only 3 months till we get to start again in Genesis 1, so stay by the “Stuff” and finish the year. Soon the effort that you have expended and enjoyed will be the basis for the disciplined life of reading every day through the Bible from now to eternity. Congrats!
Mon-28-Isaiah 54:1-57:13, Ephesians 6:1-24, Psalm 70:1-5 & Proverbs 24:8. What promises did you see in chapter 54? Did chapter 55 change your concept of God’s mercy? How does the armor of God sustain you? Are you a mischievous person?
The Book of Philippians will focus on the Life we have in Christ and abiding Joy. We will be given instructions in Christian doctrines, made aware of spiritual problems and how to correct them. We will be encouraged to put Christ first in everyday living. Consider 1:21 as the key verse and note these key words: Day of Christ, rejoice, gospel, mind, love, Spirit, all and joy. Read and learn to be content in Christ for He is our sufficiency.
Tue-29-Isaiah57:14-59:21. Philippians 1:1-26, Psalm 71:1-24 & Proverbs 24:9-10. How is Elohim shown in chapter 57:15? Have the promises given at chapter 59 comforted you? Is your confidence increased by reading and believing Philippians? What attributes of God are given in the Psalm 71 today?

Wed-30-Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Philippians 1:27-2:18, Psalm 72:1-20 & Proverbs 24:11-12. Compare Isaiah 61:1- to Luke 4:18- to determine who is speaking. How may we have the mind of Christ today? How did Psalm 72 encourage you?
Thu-1-Isaiah 62:6-65:25, Philippians 2:19-3:4a, Psalm 73:1-28 & Proverbs 24:13-14. How did God express “lovingkindness” today? How may we be as co-laborers in the church today? What principle of encouragement did you gain from Palm 73?

Fri-2-Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4b-21, Psalm 74:1-23 & Proverbs 24:15-16. Compare Isaiah 66 to the Book of the Revelation and consider how God will judge? How do you “press toward the mark” each day? How did you compare Psalm 74 to current events?
Jeremiah is referred to as the book of Judgment. Jeremiah, a son of Hilkiah a priest was promoted from the priesthood to that of a prophet by God to minister to Judah for about 50 years. King Manasseh, Josiah, Jehoiakim, Jehoichin and Zedekiah ruled in Jerusalem till the Babylonian captivity in 586. Contemporaries were Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Daniel and Ezekiel.

Sat-3-Jeremiah 1:1-2:30, Philippians 4:1-23, Psalm 75:1-10 & Proverbs 24:17-20. What attributes of God Are recorded in Jeremiah? What did God promise the prophet that is for us today? How do you apply Philippians 4:4 daily? Who gives promotion?
The main theme of Colossians is 3:11 “Christ is all, and in all” for it is the person Jesus Christ that changes lives. Note some of the key words such as mystery, knowledge, wisdom, fullness, perfect, faith, body, love and prayer. You should see the true doctrine given; learn more about living and having fellowship as a Christian.

Sun-4-Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-20, Psalm 76:1-12 & Proverbs 24:21-22. Why did God compare Judah to Israel for Jeremiah? What did God want to-do for Judah? What Truths and doctrines are shown in Colossians 1? Did you see the pre flood events in Psalm 76? How do we stay away from calamity?
Pray and be in agreement with God before you read to know God. Believe and heed what you read.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, 23 September 2015 and we are blessed.  To all the readers from the Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela and Vietnam we got to see the same demonstration of Psalm 19 this AM as did Job, Abram, Noah and Adam.  We all need to focus on He who made all things and praise Him who is Holy, Holy, Holy!  Contact for information. If you don't have a Bible or want to know "for sure" how you can be forgiven, saved and become a son of God, we are here to assist you come to the pure Truth about God's Word.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, 21 September 2015 and some of you are still in your sin of "Unbelief" and some are waiting for the trumpet to sound and we will be Changed, Maranatha. Hope you have a Bible and are reading the scriptures each and every day. I urge you to read the daily suggested scriptures before you spend any time with my comments. Pay attention to the dramatic change in the tone of the LORD's remarks recorded in Isaiah 40. Read and believe the promises offered and also the conditions related to those verses.
Lesson # 37 for the One Year Bible Class   Scriptures & Comments for class at VBC 27 September 2015.Merrill Unger said “ Isaiah…is the great messianic prophet and prince of OT seers. For splendor of diction, brilliance of imagery, versatility and beauty of style, profundity and breadth of prophetic vision, he is without peer.”Unger’s Bible Handbook, p.306. Jensen’s Survey of the Old Testament,p.333 VI.
Key Words and Verses “One of the key phrases of Isaiah is the “Holy One of Israel”. It is the prophet’s favorite reference to God, appearing more than twenty-five times in the book (first appearance at1:4). Isaiah is a book about “The Glorious Throne of Jehovah, the Holy One.” An appropriate key verse is “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory” (6:3).

Mon-21-Isaiah 37:1-38:22, Galatians 6:1-18, Psalm 65:1-13 & Proverbs 23:24. How did the LORD show Himself for Judah, encourage King Hezekiah and cause the king to pray? What did you learn about “how to pray” from your reading today? How does Galatians 6 relate to Isaiah 37 & 38 and Psalm 65?
As you read Ephesians consider the theme of “Christ and the Church”. Note these key verses, 1:22-23 & 2:8-10 & 2:19-20 and these key words: church, in Christ, in Him, heavenly places, according to, power, riches, glory, grace, Spirit and mystery.

Tue-22-Isaiah 39:1-41:16, Ephesians 1:1-23, Psalm 66:1-20 & Proverbs 3:25-26.How did pride influence the king today and how did he show selfishness? What prophecy did you note at chapter 40 & 41? How do you use Ephesians 1 in your testimony? What do you “Selah” about after reading Psalm 66 and Proverbs 23?
Wed-23-Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalm 67:1-7 & Proverbs 23:29-35. How did you see Genesis 1 and Job in Isaiah’s today? How many promises did the LORD make today? Have you been quickened as described in Ephesians 2? What warning is given in Proverbs 23 today?

Thu-24-Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18 & Proverbs 24:1-2. What names, traits and attributes of God did you note in Isaiah 43, 44 & 45? How is the “Trinity” of God displayed in Ephesians 3?  What name of God did you gain in the Psalm 68?
Fri-25-Isaiah 45:11-48:11, Ephesians 4:1-16, Psalm 68:19-35 & Proverbs 24:3-4. What did the LORD say in Isaiah 45? What promise/prophecy is recorded in chapter 47?  Why will God defer his anger? What is your vocation? What is to be accomplished in the church? What benefits did God load on you today? Know God and gain knowledge.

Sat-26-Isaiah 48:12-50:11, Ephesians 4;17-32, Psalm 69:1-18 & Proverbs 24:5-6. If the wicked have no peace, what do those that are called have? What did the LORD engrave in His hand? What promise is associated with obedience in chapter 50? What have you learned about Christ because you read today? How is God’s Omniscience shown in Palm 69?
 Sun-27-Isaiah51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36 & Proverbs 24:7. What did you learn about Jesus at Isaiah 53? Did you connect Ephesians 5 to Isaiah 53 and psalm 69? Before you go to war get wise counsel.

After reading Ephesians this week hopefully you have gained assurance of our heritage in Christ, we in Christ and Christ in us. We are reminded of “The work of God” leads us to “our walk as a Christian”. Yea, we are in Him and He is in us! Read to know Him.
If you need a Bible contact us at facebook.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, 14 September 2015, and we are still waiting for the trumpet to sound and then we meet the Lord Jesus in the air, Maranatha, Amen. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. If you do not have a Bible then let us know and we will do our best to have a Bible sent to you at no cost.
These lesson comments are provided to all readers so that after reading the recommended daily scriptures you may consider these questions as hints to consider as you meditate. The ONLY and the BEST Teacher of the Word of God is the Holy Spirit. This is Lesson # 36 for the One Year Bible Class that will be conducted at  VBC 20 September 2015

As you continue to read the scriptures in Isaiah look for those prophecies that pertain to the coming Messiah. Isaiah will be dealing with the Nations surrounding Israel and both Judah and Israel for rejecting God. Be alert to the judgments of God and look also for the redemption of His people.
Mon-14-Isaiah 15:1-18:7, Galatians 1:1-24, Palm 58:1-11 & Proverbs 23:12. What attributes of God are shown and recorded by Isaiah? How does 17:10 impact your concept of God? What problem did Paul address in 1:6-7? How do you link Psalm 58:11 with the Proverb 23:12 to impact / change your conversation?

As you read Galatians note how Jesus Christ is portrayed as our Liberty. Read and hear the Gospel presented by Paul and note that some would come behind and add the Jewish requirements and obedience to the Law. Consider this as your letter of Christian Independence and read again John 8:36. Read to know God and believe Him.
Tue-15-Isaiah 19:1-21:17, Galatians 2:1-16, Psalm 59:1-17 & Proverbs 23:13-14. What will happen in Egypt One Day? What is the watchman to be and do? Can a man be justified by the works of the law? What do you sing unto the LORD after reading the scriptures? What will deliver a soul from hell?

Wed-16-Isaiah 22:1-24:23, Galatians 2:17-3:9 Psalm 60:1-12 & Proverbs 23:15-16. What attributes, traits and names of God are recorded in Isaiah 22-24? How did you relate Galatians 2:20 to your salvation? What will protect YOU from being bewitched? What name of God is given in Psalm 60:4? Does GOD call you His son?
Thu-17-Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Galatians 3:10-22, Psalm 61:1-8 & Proverbs 2:17-18. How does Isaiah 25 repair your soul and spirit? Who is described at Isaiah 28:9? How do you react to Galatians 3? Did you connect Psalm 61 with Psalm 5 & 1? What is your hope?

Fri-18-Isaiah 28:14-30:11, Galatians 3:23-4:31, Psalm 62:1-12 & Proverbs 23:19-21. What did God teach in chapter 28? What WOE is described in chapter 30? What follows faith as it followed Law? How or why did you say thanks for reading Galatians 4:1-7? Do you practice Palm 62:5 and Proverbs 23:19-21?
Sat-19-Isaiah 30:12-33:12, Galatians 5:1-12, Psalm 63:1-11 & Proverbs 23:22. Will you change your fear factor and concept of God because you read Isaiah report today? Why will the ambassadors of peace cry? How do you describe the Law verses the grace of God to a child? Pray back Palm 63.

Sun-2-Isaiah 33:13-36:22, Galatians 5:13-26, Psalm 64:1-10 & Proverbs 23:23. What great event is described in chapter 35 of Isaiah? How is this so different from chapters 1-34? Why did the God of Samaria not save the Northern tribes? Can you joy in service without love? What are the fruit of the / your spirit? If you combined Psalm 64:10 and Proverb 23:23 what manner of life will you present to the world? 
Read your Bible FIRST, meditate and then consider the comments.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday, 12 September 2015 and there are clouds in the sky and Acts 1:7-11may come to pass TODAY, Maranatha, Amen.  Are you ready to be judged accepted in the beloved or will you remain in your sin of UNBELIEF and forever be separated from The LORD God Almighty?

The shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for all mankind to be redeemed, BUT it is only efficient for those who have heard, believed and received the gospel. Ye must be born again!

Hopefully you have been reading your Bible this week and have realized that the Truth you have touched, seen, handled and heard is The Word of God. If you are not sure where to start dealing and responding to God re-read Isaiah 1:12-20, read Psalm 51, read John 3:5-21 & 36, HEAR-HEED-BELIEVE so that 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21 may be so. God bless you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, 9 September 2015, time is not our friend when we delay in sharing Truth. What is good about Good News, The Gospel,  when it is late? There are many souls that have passed into eternity and they were NEVER presented the Gospel, Jesus Christ saves.
All of us that claim to be sons of God by faith according to the Bible will give an account of our stewardship of the scriptural Truth that we have been exposed to and yet have not proclaimed it to our family and friends. James 4:17, John 3:12 and Matthew 5-7 admonish all believers and even invites us to be about our Father's business.
Lesson # 35 for the  One Year Bible  Class to be conducted at  VBC 13 September 2015.  Please READ the Bible before you consider the comments.
Take time to “Selah” after reading the Song of Solomon and consider the conflict implied for the Shulamite woman in her being drawn between two men. Consider the dilemma we face each day when we want to seek and follow after The Lord and yet the things of the world call to us and we either hesitate or attempt to serve our two loves and find ourselves frustrated. Be wise and attentive unto the Lord.
Mon-7-Song of Solomon 5:1-8:14, 2nd Corinthians 9:1-15, Psalm 51:1-19 & Proverbs 22:24-25. Appreciate the kindness and enjoy the sincerity recorded that occurs between humans that are a shadow of the love of God for His creation. Learn the stewardship principles taught that ought to be guided by the love of God. Allow Psalm 51 to influence how and why you pray. Obey the Proverb’s admonitions.

According to Halley’s Bible Handbook “”Isaiah is referred to as the Messianic Prophet. It is recorded that Isaiah made ten (10) predictions that came true in his life; Thirteen (13) predictions were also fulfilled after his death. Isaiah also made nineteen (19) predictions about the coming Messiah that came to pass and are recorded in the New Testament.
He was a prophet of the Southern Kingdom, Judah, at the time the Northern Kingdom, Israel, was destroyed by the Assyrians. Isaiah lived in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. His call was in the year of Uzziah’s death, but some of his visions may have been earlier (see 6:1). He was slain, according to Jewish tradition, by Manasseh. Tentatively we may place his active ministry at about 745-695 B.C.”
Tue-8-Isaiah 1:1-2:22, 2nd Corinthians 10:1-18, Psalm 52:1-9 & Proverbs 22:26-27. Focus on the attributes of God that Isaiah relied on. Read & re-read verses 1:15-20 and consider God’s holiness, mercy and perquisites for prayer. Allow Corinthians 10:12-18 to prevent pride to overtake your conversation. Selah is a guide for the readers to “pause and consider again” what you have read.

Wed-9-Isaiah 3:1-5:30, 2nd Corinthians 11:1-15, Psalm53:1-6 & Proverbs 22:28-29. Pay attention to how God is titled at Isaiah 3:1. Even in captivity God will be exalted. Why are you jealous and what are you jealous over? The Psalmist is direct when he refers to those who do not believe God. Allow the warning in the Proverbs to influence what you read and how you apply all of these Truths to your life.
Thu-10-Isaiah 6:1-7:25, 2nd Corinthians 11:16-33, Psalm 54:1-7 & Proverbs 23:1-3. Meditate on the vision of Isaiah at chapter 6. How have you gloried in your infirmities? When you adore God in your prayers how do you describe Him?

Fri-11-Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2nd Corinthians 12:1-10, Palm 55:1-23 & Proverbs 23:4-5. Try to imagine the experience of Isaiah as Almighty God speaking to him audibly and telling him the past, present and the future. Make 8:13 as you role model. Consider the experience of Paul being caught up to the third heaven and living to tell of his trip because God wants all men to know Him. If we depended on the LORD as did the psalmist and read and believed what God did for his prophets, we would be different.
Sat-12-Isaiah 10:1-11:16, 2nd Corinthians 12:11-21, Psalm 56:1-13 & Proverbs 23:6-8. In all of the conflicts God has had a remnant, what does that teach you about His care for you? Take time to meditate on the prophecy given in chapter 11. Appreciate those men and women of God who have served you with the Gospel and make your lifestyle to be as 12:13-15. Enjoy your blessings and take time to be grateful.

Sun-13-Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2nd Corinthians 13:1-14, Psalm 57:1-11 & Proverbs 23:9-11. Note the NAMES of God given at Isaiah 12. Be grateful for God and His attributes as recorded in chapter14. Paul challenges all men to examine themselves and their faith. Take verse 13:11-14 as a Grand Promise for your life, today and forever. Be careful.
Get right, Be right, Do right and don’t quit. Read your Bible to know God. Believe what you read. Share what you have learned with all people in your sphere of influence, God bless you.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday, 1 Sept 2015 I wanted to share some encouragement for you to consider this week as you read your Bible this week to know God. As you read through the Psalms note the names of God and appreciate the attributes recorded that are for the believers benefits. All men would benefit by following the commandments, admonitions, warnings and promises that are recorded in the scriptures. Men can be moral, kind, merciful, forgiving and sincere and yet not being born again thereby they die in their sin of unbelief and are separated from God forever.

On 29 August we read Proverbs 22:7 "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." but most will not learn the stewardship principle of putting God first. Consider in your own life who you are obligated to "financially"  and it will be/should be clear your priorities.

Today we read in 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21 one of the most telling Truths that cannot be denied. You are in Christ or you are in your sin! There will ALWAYS be evidence of your salvation experience in your conversation. Compare these verses to John 3:36 & 5:24. YOU know if you are right with Almighty God. If you are not right, get right NOW.

Any willing unbeliever can open the Bible to Romans chapter 1 and come face to face with Truth. Flee to John chapter 3, read and believe that God loves you and that Jesus came according to the scriptures to save his people from their sin. Turn to Romans 3:10 & 6:23 and then admit/agree to God that you are a sinner. Read and believe Romans 5:8 with a sense of appreciation that God loves you and Jesus has "paid in full" your sin debt.

Hurry to Romans 10:1-14, repent (turn from self and turn to God) for your sin of unbelief to God and believe the scripture and tell God what you have read and that you now believe this good news. Ask Him to take your sin and give you the gift of eternal life as recorded in Ephesians 2:8-10. When you realize that you are free, take time to say thank you GOD for his salvation gift with the assurance that Romans 8:1 is TRUE. This is 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21!!! Please share this Good News.

This Gospel//Good News is to all the readers from the Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Venezuela and Vietnam .  Contact for information.