All of us that claim to be sons of God by faith according to the Bible will give an account of our stewardship of the scriptural Truth that we have been exposed to and yet have not proclaimed it to our family and friends. James 4:17, John 3:12 and Matthew 5-7 admonish all believers and even invites us to be about our Father's business.
Lesson # 35 for the One
Year Bible Class to be conducted at VBC 13
September 2015. Please READ the Bible before you consider the comments.
Take time to “Selah” after reading the Song of Solomon
and consider the conflict implied for the Shulamite woman in her being drawn
between two men. Consider the dilemma we face each day when we want to seek and
follow after The Lord and yet the things of the world call to us and we either
hesitate or attempt to serve our two loves and find ourselves frustrated. Be
wise and attentive unto the Lord.
Mon-7-Song of Solomon 5:1-8:14, 2nd
Corinthians 9:1-15, Psalm 51:1-19 & Proverbs 22:24-25. Appreciate the
kindness and enjoy the sincerity recorded that occurs between humans that are a
shadow of the love of God for His creation. Learn the stewardship principles
taught that ought to be guided by the love of God. Allow Psalm 51 to influence
how and why you pray. Obey the Proverb’s admonitions.
According to Halley’s Bible Handbook “”Isaiah is referred
to as the Messianic Prophet. It is recorded that Isaiah made ten (10)
predictions that came true in his life; Thirteen (13) predictions were also
fulfilled after his death. Isaiah also made nineteen (19) predictions about the
coming Messiah that came to pass and are recorded in the New Testament.
He was a prophet of the Southern Kingdom, Judah, at the
time the Northern Kingdom, Israel, was destroyed by the Assyrians. Isaiah lived
in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. His call was in the year
of Uzziah’s death, but some of his visions may have been earlier (see 6:1). He
was slain, according to Jewish tradition, by Manasseh. Tentatively we may place
his active ministry at about 745-695 B.C.”Tue-8-Isaiah 1:1-2:22, 2nd Corinthians 10:1-18, Psalm 52:1-9 & Proverbs 22:26-27. Focus on the attributes of God that Isaiah relied on. Read & re-read verses 1:15-20 and consider God’s holiness, mercy and perquisites for prayer. Allow Corinthians 10:12-18 to prevent pride to overtake your conversation. Selah is a guide for the readers to “pause and consider again” what you have read.
Wed-9-Isaiah 3:1-5:30, 2nd Corinthians
11:1-15, Psalm53:1-6 & Proverbs 22:28-29. Pay attention to how God is
titled at Isaiah 3:1. Even in captivity God will be exalted. Why are you
jealous and what are you jealous over? The Psalmist is direct when he refers to
those who do not believe God. Allow the warning in the Proverbs to influence
what you read and how you apply all of these Truths to your life.
Thu-10-Isaiah 6:1-7:25, 2nd Corinthians
11:16-33, Psalm 54:1-7 & Proverbs 23:1-3. Meditate on the vision of Isaiah
at chapter 6. How have you gloried in your infirmities? When you adore God in
your prayers how do you describe Him?
Fri-11-Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2nd Corinthians
12:1-10, Palm 55:1-23 & Proverbs 23:4-5. Try to imagine the experience of
Isaiah as Almighty God speaking to him audibly and telling him the past,
present and the future. Make 8:13 as you role model. Consider the experience of
Paul being caught up to the third heaven and living to tell of his trip because
God wants all men to know Him. If we depended on the LORD as did the psalmist
and read and believed what God did for his prophets, we would be different.
Sat-12-Isaiah 10:1-11:16, 2nd Corinthians
12:11-21, Psalm 56:1-13 & Proverbs 23:6-8. In all of the conflicts God has
had a remnant, what does that teach you about His care for you? Take time to
meditate on the prophecy given in chapter 11. Appreciate those men and women of
God who have served you with the Gospel and make your lifestyle to be as 12:13-15.
Enjoy your blessings and take time to be grateful.
Sun-13-Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2nd Corinthians
13:1-14, Psalm 57:1-11 & Proverbs 23:9-11. Note the NAMES of God given at
Isaiah 12. Be grateful for God and His attributes as recorded in chapter14.
Paul challenges all men to examine themselves and their faith. Take verse
13:11-14 as a Grand Promise for your life, today and forever. Be careful.
Get right, Be right, Do right and don’t quit. Read your
Bible to know God. Believe what you read. Share what you have learned with all
people in your sphere of influence, God bless you.
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