Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday, 30 August 2016, and this could be the DAY!  Every person has the opportunity to be saved, redeemed and taken out from under the wrath of Almighty God, before they die. But if a person will not confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and they die in their sin of UNBELIEF, they will be forever away from God and spend eternity with Satan in the lake of fire. Hebrews 9:27, John 3:36, Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 1:1-17 & 18-32, 3:22-23, 5:8, 6:23, 8:1-2, 10:4-13 & 12:1-2. If a person sees, hears and believes these scriptures and trust what thus saith The LORD, they can be saved.

Read your Bible to know God. This week you may have seen 1st Corinthian16:22 and not understand that verse.  Read it again and know that God knows if you have received His gift of eternal life or that you have not. If a man loves not the Lord Jesus Christ---let him be accursed! YEA, Maranatha, Jesus is coming!  Ready or not, He is coming in the clouds for all believers, 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18.  Read your Bible to know the past, present and future. To fear God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of The Holy is understanding.

Read Proverbs 3:1-12 and believe and heed verses5-7.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday 22 August 2016 and we are waiting for the trump of God. It has been a busy two weeks and many good things have happened. I hope you have been reading your Bible to know God and as you believe Him, you see and enjoy the blessings. The key to prosperity is learning and enjoying as you Trust and Obey.  We have completed the 8th chemo treatment, minimal side effects, labs results are in the normal range and the heart is showing routine  patterns of activity, I say carefully, all appears to be well. Thanks be to The LORD for His over watching care, medicines, provisions of great doctors and care givers. 

To all Nations that read Barnabas Blog: Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam, thank you.
I hope you will share what you read in your Bible. I hope you would reach out to others who do not read this blog, both of your country and in other Nations. People need the TRUTH. We are responsible to be ministers of reconciliation ( II Corinthians 5:17-21) and strive to gossip the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. It may be said that all must sense the need, see the hope in Jesus and secure  the benefit s of God's salvation. Today is the day of salvation, but for some Hebrews 9:27, Maranatha.
We are reading the Book of JOB in the Old Testament and soon you will be able to discern the reality of friends and judges. There is only One True Judge. There is nothing hidden from God. Be careful as you read JOB to maintain separation of each of the three "friends" comments, a they are distinctly different.
As you read the two letters written by Paul under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit to the church members in Corinth focus on why these are required. Take time to read chapter 13 and allow The Holy Spirit to overtake your attitude as you hear hard truths, sad situations and impact of sin in the lives of your family and friends.
As you visit Psalm 30-40, look for the attributes of God and seek those "promises" afforded to practicing believers. Obedience is The Key to Love.
Check your "fear" factor of God. Look for the situations that concern knowledge, wisdom, understanding and learning. All these blessings, benefits and provisions are available to "those that Hear."

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday 8 August 2016, and we are still watching the cloudy sky, expecting the trump of God to sound and The Lord Jesus Christ to appear in the clouds and call out His bride, the local church to be with Him in heaven.  You may read this as it is recorded in the scriptures at 1st Corinthians 15:23; 51-58; 16:22 and 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18. The option to be saved is given to every person before death. The two thieves  that were crucified  with Jesus had the option to repent and be saved, one did and one did not and now they are living in their choice. One is in heaven with Jesus and one is in hades, forever separated from God. This could be your day of salvation. Read John 3:1-36, Romans 3:23;5:8; 6:23;10:8-13; Ephesians 2:8-10, John 1:1-14, marvel not, ye must be born again. Read your Bible to know God.

Our daily reading in the One Year Bible is Ezra 7:1-8:20. You will be shown the importance of keeping records and proper genealogy. God wants His people to be separate. When God gives a charge to one of His people, God will equip and qualify that person to be and do the work.

1st Corinthians 4:1-21 makes plain what God expects of His people-be faithful.

Psalm 30:1-12 reminds us that God is near and hears and knows our situation. Take verse 5 and build a  faith that believes God, even while you are in the dark and under duress.

Proverbs 20:28-30 demonstrates the concern of God for all ages and stations of life. There is nothing hiding from God and He is able to do all things. God is good, all the time.

I hope you have a Bible and that you read it every day to know God. We all have a future. We all will be somewhere 100 years from today, either with God or separated from Him forever. You have a choice today, choose wisely, choose to hear and believe God and respond to The Holy Spirit as you read God's salvation offer of forgiveness. God loves you regardless.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wednesday, 3 August 2016, reading the Bible to know God. I am getting ready for my 8th chemo session next week and refreshing my soul with scriptures that God has made more clear to me because I read to know Him.

Look at Psalm 119:1-176 and find those verses that mention affliction. Look up the definition of affliction and then read again those verses that have been put before you to consider. For me verses 71-80 are those that speak to me of God's gift of my (cancer) affliction. I am learning to embrace my affliction because what bit has caused me learn about myself and about how God has chosen to express His love and provision to me each time I read or think about these truths.

I am learning to say "it is good for me"; "cancer is better than gold and silver"; "thanks for giving me more understanding of your commandments"; "I know that The LORD deals with me in his faithfulness"; "I sense his tender mercies and merciful kindness"; and I am refreshed when people greet me with kind words of encouragement because I believe The LORD has put them in my path because I hope in God.

I hope you are encouraged by reading your Bible to know God and that He has used this testimony to get your attention so that you will seek to know God. If you read Psalm 19 you will learn about God as Elohim, Creator and Almighty God. If read Exodus you will find that God wants all men to know Him as Jehovah, The God who saves.  In my testimony tract you may follow the Bible verses God used to draw me to Himself for salvation. You can be saved.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday, 1 August 2016 and we are still here waiting for the Lord to come for us in the clouds. I hope you are true to yourself by reading your Bible to know God. In our One Year Bible we are reading about the best years of King Hezekiah's reign, a very powerful and encouraging Romans 15, yet being challenged at Psalm 25 while remembering truth and knowledge comes from God.

I've tried to challenge you to discipline yourself by reading your Bible to know God. If you have just a habit of reading, instead of a discipline of reading, you will miss and be uncommitted to live by faith. Many people will then try to read, miss a few days, and then go on a binge read to "catch up". When a person is not consistent in pursuing God, there will be a tendency to read out of guilt. Some will be confronted with thoughts (not from God)  that if I don't read, perhaps God will not love me. God's love for you is constant and not dependent upon your obedience in reading.  The reason we read is to know God.

Learn from 2nd Chronicles 30 how to admit sin, how to get right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit. Take a stand and allow God to use you to influence those in your sphere of influence so that they may know God and enjoy His blessings.

After reading Romans 15, pause and read again verses 13-14 and spend tine being grateful that you know The God of Hope. If you want success, prosperity,  peace, joy hope and a bright future, believe what you read in the Bible.

Take time and go back and read again Psalms 22-23-24 as one continuous story. Jesus is the theme.
Hope you have a good day.  If you do not have a One Year Bible, use the reading plan given at the beginning of the blog to follow the format. Reading in this format causes us to read Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and Proverb every day. The intent is to read through the Bible every year.