Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday 24 March 2015. Hope you are reading the Bible to know God. Our class is staying in touch and people are gaining a better understanding of God by recognizing the attributes and traits as they read. They have changed from the habit of reading some scriptures to the discipline of feeding themselves daily to the point of reading through the Bible in a year.

This is Lesson # 11for the One Year Bible Class to be conducted at VBC on 29 March 2015.
During this week we will read (23-29 Mar) Numbers 36:1-13; Deuteronomy 1:1-12:32, Luke 5:29-8:40, Psalm 66:1-70:5 & Proverbs 11:24-31 & 12:1-4. We will learn more great promises of God as he dwells with his people.  We will be exposed to the last report from Moses, another review of the Jews history, a reminder of God’s laws and some stern warnings. Deuteronomy is often referred to as the Second Law. Remember it has been a long hard 40 years of wandering and the death of the unbelievers. What have you learned about God, his people and yourself?
Take time to look at Luke’s identification of Jesus in Luke 1:1, 4:14, 9:51, 19:28 & 24:53. What is the importance of tracing the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam? The Psalms will encourage us to be joyful as we wait upon The LORD. What military principal did you learn from Palm 68? How oft have you prayed 70:5 unto God?  We ought to practice the admonishment of Proverbs 11:30-31.
Mon –What have you learned about obedience from the man Moses? How is discipleship explained in Deuteronomy 1? How does Luke 6:5 apply to day? How do you declare what God has done for you? Does Psalm 66:18 impact your conversation with God?

Tue –What rebuke did Moses give in chapter 2? What promise did Moses state again for the Jews in chapter 3? What principle of organization did Jesus use today? Did you see similarity in Luke 6 to Matthew 5? Do you say and practice Selah?  We get what we seek.
Wed –Note the similarity of Deuteronomy 4 and Revelations 22. Did Luke 6 challenge you and your lifestyle? Why did Jesus compliment the centurion’s faith? What name of God did you discover in the Psalm? Is it a sin to have riches?

Thu --What covenant did God make with Israel at Horeb that has an application to believers today? Why do men claim the promises of God and do not consider the conditions?  Why are we to be diligent in keeping God’s Words? What attribute did Elohim demonstrate in Luke 7:13-15? Did Psalm 68 encourage you to pray?  Explain Proverbs 11:29-31 admonition.
Fri –Why do we not practice arranged marriages? What did you learn about God because he chose the Jews to be his special people? How do you apply chapter 8 in your home? What makes men to forget God? How did Jesus compare the woman which was a sinner to the Pharisee? How do we measure forgiveness? How do you enjoy God’s reproof?

Sat –Explain Deuteronomy 9 influence in your conversation. How do you separate God’s work from your work? Now, what does God require of thee? What do you do with the mysteries of the kingdom that the Lord has given to you? Did you see John 3:36 in this report? Do others see you apply Psalm 69:30? What Truth did you gain from the Proverbs today?

Sun—How do we get to see all the great acts of the LORD which he did today? What “how to” did you gain from chapter 12? Did you hear the warning at verse 30? Compare Luke 8 to Mark4:35 and Matthew 8:23 and gain a nugget of truth that is so in your life today. What ought we to pray and say to God continually? How ought a man to protect his wife? 
What goal have you set for yourself to become more like The Lord Jesus Christ? What events will The LORD put into your life to cause you to forsake yourself and follow HIM? When you have the opportunity to share your testimony start where God changed your life completely.

The most important part of our day ought to be reading our Bible to know God. Please use the notes and comments after you read. Next Sunday we will celebrate Easter Sunday praising the LORD for making scriptures come true by the resurrection of Jesus from the grave on the third day. A good set of verses to consider is Romans 10:1-13. God bless you for reading your Bible.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday 21 March 2015, we are still here and there are many who have not been saved nor heard the Word of God unto salvation. We ought to confess our sin of unbelief and beg for the opportunity to tell someone the Truth, Jesus saves!

Hopefully you are reading your Bible to know God and being challenged to get right, be right, do right and to not quit. Today's reading in Proverbs 11:22 "as a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion." caused me to consider the pictures on TV news of young females who are acting foolishly during spring break at the beaches.

What a gift women have of choosing to be fair before God showing forth His grace, beauty and talent. What a grave responsibility fathers have in preparing and protecting their daughters so that they not be deceived and drawn into the pig's sty by the lies of Satan.

All of us have the God given ability to choose right or wrong. We all have a conscious to know yea or nay. So what are dads doing today to show and train up these wonderful gifts loaned to us by God how to be a woman of discretion? We need men to be MEN! Men for God! Every man and woman will be accountable unto God for their words, action, deeds, thoughts and intents of their heart, Hebrews 9:27 and James 4:17.

 Lets we forget, the wage of sin is death. Jesus has paid the sin debt for all men by his death at Calvary and his shed blood is sufficient for all men, however it is ONLY efficient for those who hear, believe and receive this good news by faith and are born again by The Spirit of God. A sad account may be written that we all are either on the way to heaven or wallowing in the hog's slop. Yea, if you are wallowing and want out, there is HOPE! Admit, confess that you are a sinner-guilty, repent and cry unto God for mercy, forgiveness, salvation and reconciliation NOW!

If you live in Parker County or within driving distance you are invited to join with us in our class at 9:45 Sunday AM in the Family Life Center of Victory Baptist Church.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday 17 March 2015 a great day to consider Proverbs 21:1" The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as rivers of water: he turneth it whitersoever he will." We are in turmoil around the globe. The believer's hope is that we are in the hand of Jesus according to John 10:25-30 and no man is able to pluck us out of God's hand!

Read your Bible to know God and you will learn Truth. There is only one True Saviour and his name is The Lord Jesus Christ. All men must hear and believe this Truth. And being drawn by the love of God confessing their sin against the LORD they by faith through grace may be forgiven of all their sin, Then are born again, being given the power to become sons of God.

Have you assurance that you are in the hand of God? Agree with God, confess your sin of unbelief, repent and call unto God. Read your Bible to know Him! This is Lesson # 10  for the One Year Bible Class for VBC to be conducted 22 march 2015.

During this week we will read (16—22Mar) Numbers 24:1-35:34, Luke 2:1-5:28,  Psalm 59:1-65:13 & Proverbs 11:14-23. We will learn a great promise of God dwelling with his people because we began by learning from a vision of the Almighty. We will also learn the linage of Jesus, the firstborn of Mary, and observe Him calling Levi to follow Him. The Psalms will encourage us to wait upon The LORD as we are blessed being mindful of our deliverance for our enemies by our God. We ought to receive the admonishment of the Proverbs by carefully choosing our counselors as we strive to be righteous.
Monday-- What attributes of God were given in the parables of Balaam? How did you see the “Trinity” in Luke 2? What promise did you choose in the Psalm and Proverb?

Tuesday—did you discover the linage of Jesus in the tribe of Judah? How did Luke 2 impact your concept of God? What compound name of God is given in the Psalm? What warning did you accept in the Proverb?
Wednesday—How did Numbers 26:64 shock you? What did Moses ask God to do in selecting his replacement? How did John the Baptist present himself to the Jews? What vows do you perform daily unto The LORD? Does God consider you to be gracious?

Thursday—What is Seth’s reputation? Why and how is the lineage of Jesus different in Luke as compared to Matthew? How did Psalm 62 affect your prayer life? Who are you following and why?
Friday—What is the thing that the LORD hath commanded? What was the last act of war God commanded Moses to accomplish? How did Jesus respond to the devil when tempted? What did the Psalmist desire to do before God? How does God respond to the righteous? What is an abomination to the LORD?

Saturday—What attribute or trait does Numbers 32:13 show you? What names did you discover in Luke 5? What hope does Psalm 64 give you?  What is discretion?
Sunday—What warning did Moses give the Jews concerning going into the promise land? What is a city of refuge? What strange things did Jesus show the scribes and Pharisees? What terrible things does God do to answer prayers? What are you expecting from God?

Read the Bible and then consider these comments. If you do not have a Bible so note at facebook.com/BarnabasImpact and we will get you a KJV Bible. Pray for the salvation for all men everywhere and particularily those from the Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Vietnam .  Contact www.Facebook.com/BarnabasImpact for information.

Meditate on the truths you have learned about God and note how you attitude and conduct have become more like Jesus Christ because you have read to know Him.

Take time to be grateful for those who encourage you and spend time encouraging people whom God has put in your path. Read your Bible to know God then act out what you have learned for His glory and your joy.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday 9 March 2015. Today is the Day of Salvation! Maranatha. Hope that you are reading your Bible to know God and He is making the Truth plain and simple for you. Please follow the reading schedule for reading through the Bible in one year and then consider the comments or questions that are shown for our class this coming week.

 Lesson # 9 One Year Bible Class at VBC to be conducted 15 March 2015.
This week we will be reading (9-15 Mar) Numbers 11:24-23:30, Mark 14:2-16:20 & Luke 1:1-1:80, Psalm 52:1-58:11 & Proverbs 11:1-13. Enjoy as you read and re-read the awesome story  of trials and blessing for the Jews moving from one area to another while 600,000 men of war die in the wilderness because of unbelief. Why did Joshua and Caleb believe?
We read our Bible to know God. We are to read and hear what thus saith The LORD. We are enabled to hear, heed, believe and act out in our individual lives God’s Words. We learn His names, see Him show his traits and attributes and enjoy his providence. We study the sins of the children gone before us, and yet we hesitate to obey - why?
What did you learn from reading Monday about personal responsibility of speaking about God? Why did God cause Moses to send 12 men to spy out the Promised Land? How do you apply the admonition given by Jesus at Mark 14:38? What did God do for you today?

What military principle did you note in the Tuesday’s morning reading? How have you tried to appease God in your prayers for yourself, your family, the church, nation and world? What names of Jesus did you see in Mark 14? Why do some men say there is no God? What have you learned about stewardship in the Proverbs?
As you read Numbers 15 & 16 did you consider James 4:17? Do you have an imaginary blue fringe on your clothing that has an influence on your choice of apparel? Are you equipped to identify people like Korah and to separate yourself from them? As you read Mark 15 how did you maintain your focus upon Jesus and not the circumstances? Why apply Proverbs 11:5?

March 12 Thu How is your fear factor of being rebellious to God’s way? How do you justify you sins to be those done ignorantly or presumptuously? What did you learn by the miracle of Aaron’s rod that budded? As a New Testament priest how do you treat your gift of service? What did you learn about stewardship today? How do you explain the stone being rolled away from Jesus’ grave to a child? How are we to accept and believe the testimony of another? How is your life’s work defined in Mark 16? Psalm 55:12-14 alerts us to what lifestyle? What is common among wicked and unjust men?
March 13-What did you learn about being disobedient to the command of God? Today we begin the third Gospel describing the family of John the Baptist. God causes Luke to pen his Gospel to show Jesus as the Son of Man.  God caused Luke to pen this as he travelled with Paul about A.D. 60. What attributes of God did you see today in the Psalm and Proverbs?

March 14-How do you relate to the rebellion of the children, the fiery serpents and God’s mercy and salvation? What opinion did you make of Balaam? How do you deal with the Balaks of your life? Why was the angel of God so specific with Mary concerning her child? What promise did you secure in Psalm 57?  How are the just delivered?
March 15 – What miracle did God do today? What attributes of God did you see today? What good news was announced today for Israel? Who is speaking in Psalm 58? Does Proverbs 11:12-13 affect your conversation? What admonitions did you take for yourself today?
**We all read to know God. God knows everything about everyone regardless of their location and their activities. God's love is unconditional. The shed blood of The Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient to save every soul, HOWEVER it is only efficient for those who hear, believe and receive the gospel as payment for their sin debt. If you have any question about "how to be saved" please note them at facebook.com/BarnabasImpact. God is waiting and time is soon to be ended, it is not good news if you do not receive it.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday 2 March 2015, We are at war, but greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.  Read your Bible to know God, believe what he has caused to be written and put your faith in the finished work for salvation by The Lord Jesus Christ. Consider these comments after you read your Bible.

Lesson # 8 for the One Year Bible Class at VBC, 8 March 2015. This week (2-8 Mar) we will be reading Leviticus 25:47-27:34 & Number 1:1-11:23, Mark 10:32-14:21, Psalm 45:1-51:19 & Proverbs 10:22-32.
Ponder the relationship of what you read on Sunday 8 March with what you read on 3 February and define God’s plan for discipleship, organization and leadership. The book of Numbers reveals how God caused His children to be organized, numbered and better prepared to accomplish His will. Continue your discovery of the names and titles of Jesus in Mark and set them around Mark 8:27.

Continue your meditation and memorization of Psalm 5. Look for the leadership principles that are based on military application in both the OT & NT concerning your enemy, your assets and your mission. How do we provide for our families and those that come into our company? Discover how God shows Himself as the Provider, Comforter and Disciplinarian and Judge.
Learn and experience the joy of exalting God as you read the Psalms and pray them back as your personal offering of thanksgiving. Admire the works of The LORD as given in Psalm 46.Trust the Lord  and seek for that that He will not despise. As you read the Proverbs allow God to renew your vision and concept of what it means to fear the LORD.

Look for key words that encourage you. It has been written that “by His law, God shows us the true nature of sin and His perfect righteousness. In love, He desires to make us holy. So out of mercy, by grace through faith He provides us with the living hope and a new heart in which He can reveal His glory unto us that our joy may be full all eternity.
As you read the acts of the disciples of Jesus recorded in Mark, consider what might be written of them in the Book of Remembrance that is established at Malachi 3:16. What mercy was given to men who were defiled and could not partake of the Passover? Define the difference between a Nazarite and a Nazarene? How many men 20 years old and upward were assigned to be men of war? How are you involved in making Psalm 45:17 so today?

How are we being like The Lord Jesus Christ who is known as a servant of servants?
What obstacles do you face as you prepare to pray? Did you select a “promise verse” for your life this week? How did you apply the Truths made known to you this week?

We all read to know God. Let us practice praying for one another, being an encourager, seeking to bear our brother’s burden and being true to our God.