Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday 9 March 2015. Today is the Day of Salvation! Maranatha. Hope that you are reading your Bible to know God and He is making the Truth plain and simple for you. Please follow the reading schedule for reading through the Bible in one year and then consider the comments or questions that are shown for our class this coming week.

 Lesson # 9 One Year Bible Class at VBC to be conducted 15 March 2015.
This week we will be reading (9-15 Mar) Numbers 11:24-23:30, Mark 14:2-16:20 & Luke 1:1-1:80, Psalm 52:1-58:11 & Proverbs 11:1-13. Enjoy as you read and re-read the awesome story  of trials and blessing for the Jews moving from one area to another while 600,000 men of war die in the wilderness because of unbelief. Why did Joshua and Caleb believe?
We read our Bible to know God. We are to read and hear what thus saith The LORD. We are enabled to hear, heed, believe and act out in our individual lives God’s Words. We learn His names, see Him show his traits and attributes and enjoy his providence. We study the sins of the children gone before us, and yet we hesitate to obey - why?
What did you learn from reading Monday about personal responsibility of speaking about God? Why did God cause Moses to send 12 men to spy out the Promised Land? How do you apply the admonition given by Jesus at Mark 14:38? What did God do for you today?

What military principle did you note in the Tuesday’s morning reading? How have you tried to appease God in your prayers for yourself, your family, the church, nation and world? What names of Jesus did you see in Mark 14? Why do some men say there is no God? What have you learned about stewardship in the Proverbs?
As you read Numbers 15 & 16 did you consider James 4:17? Do you have an imaginary blue fringe on your clothing that has an influence on your choice of apparel? Are you equipped to identify people like Korah and to separate yourself from them? As you read Mark 15 how did you maintain your focus upon Jesus and not the circumstances? Why apply Proverbs 11:5?

March 12 Thu How is your fear factor of being rebellious to God’s way? How do you justify you sins to be those done ignorantly or presumptuously? What did you learn by the miracle of Aaron’s rod that budded? As a New Testament priest how do you treat your gift of service? What did you learn about stewardship today? How do you explain the stone being rolled away from Jesus’ grave to a child? How are we to accept and believe the testimony of another? How is your life’s work defined in Mark 16? Psalm 55:12-14 alerts us to what lifestyle? What is common among wicked and unjust men?
March 13-What did you learn about being disobedient to the command of God? Today we begin the third Gospel describing the family of John the Baptist. God causes Luke to pen his Gospel to show Jesus as the Son of Man.  God caused Luke to pen this as he travelled with Paul about A.D. 60. What attributes of God did you see today in the Psalm and Proverbs?

March 14-How do you relate to the rebellion of the children, the fiery serpents and God’s mercy and salvation? What opinion did you make of Balaam? How do you deal with the Balaks of your life? Why was the angel of God so specific with Mary concerning her child? What promise did you secure in Psalm 57?  How are the just delivered?
March 15 – What miracle did God do today? What attributes of God did you see today? What good news was announced today for Israel? Who is speaking in Psalm 58? Does Proverbs 11:12-13 affect your conversation? What admonitions did you take for yourself today?
**We all read to know God. God knows everything about everyone regardless of their location and their activities. God's love is unconditional. The shed blood of The Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient to save every soul, HOWEVER it is only efficient for those who hear, believe and receive the gospel as payment for their sin debt. If you have any question about "how to be saved" please note them at God is waiting and time is soon to be ended, it is not good news if you do not receive it.

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