Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday 2 March 2015, We are at war, but greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.  Read your Bible to know God, believe what he has caused to be written and put your faith in the finished work for salvation by The Lord Jesus Christ. Consider these comments after you read your Bible.

Lesson # 8 for the One Year Bible Class at VBC, 8 March 2015. This week (2-8 Mar) we will be reading Leviticus 25:47-27:34 & Number 1:1-11:23, Mark 10:32-14:21, Psalm 45:1-51:19 & Proverbs 10:22-32.
Ponder the relationship of what you read on Sunday 8 March with what you read on 3 February and define God’s plan for discipleship, organization and leadership. The book of Numbers reveals how God caused His children to be organized, numbered and better prepared to accomplish His will. Continue your discovery of the names and titles of Jesus in Mark and set them around Mark 8:27.

Continue your meditation and memorization of Psalm 5. Look for the leadership principles that are based on military application in both the OT & NT concerning your enemy, your assets and your mission. How do we provide for our families and those that come into our company? Discover how God shows Himself as the Provider, Comforter and Disciplinarian and Judge.
Learn and experience the joy of exalting God as you read the Psalms and pray them back as your personal offering of thanksgiving. Admire the works of The LORD as given in Psalm 46.Trust the Lord  and seek for that that He will not despise. As you read the Proverbs allow God to renew your vision and concept of what it means to fear the LORD.

Look for key words that encourage you. It has been written that “by His law, God shows us the true nature of sin and His perfect righteousness. In love, He desires to make us holy. So out of mercy, by grace through faith He provides us with the living hope and a new heart in which He can reveal His glory unto us that our joy may be full all eternity.
As you read the acts of the disciples of Jesus recorded in Mark, consider what might be written of them in the Book of Remembrance that is established at Malachi 3:16. What mercy was given to men who were defiled and could not partake of the Passover? Define the difference between a Nazarite and a Nazarene? How many men 20 years old and upward were assigned to be men of war? How are you involved in making Psalm 45:17 so today?

How are we being like The Lord Jesus Christ who is known as a servant of servants?
What obstacles do you face as you prepare to pray? Did you select a “promise verse” for your life this week? How did you apply the Truths made known to you this week?

We all read to know God. Let us practice praying for one another, being an encourager, seeking to bear our brother’s burden and being true to our God.

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