Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday 26 February 2018 may be the DAY that the graves open and the dead/asleep in Jesus Christ are raised and we that are saved will be gathered together in the air to be with The Lord Jesus Christ for ever. We call this DAY to be the rapture. All that have not believed God's provision for the forgiveness for all sins will be left behind. Hebrews 9:27 "And as  it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."

To all those who look and read this blog they should become aware that the Truth written in  the Bible is sufficient, available, adequate an acceptable to and for the most high God whose name is JEHOVAH to forgive those who even as a child read, hear, believe and receive the Truth. This forgiveness is a GIFT! Read Ephesians 2:8-10. You must be born again as recorded in John 3:1-16 and also be mindful of John 3:36. You may read these verses at the On-Line Bible at the blog.

I strongly encourage you to discipline yourself to read EVERY DAY the Bible // On-Line One Year Bible-365 Day Bible, to KNOW God.

We have read Leviticus 19 today and are taught that GOD has standards. The LORD will make it plain that the requirement for His fellowship is made plain at Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Read to be right and to know God, then be obedient and don't quit.

Mark 8:10-38 records how Jesus spoke to the Jews, taught His disciples and challenged them as to their belief of who He was. Jesus teaches us today about how to be disciples and warns us as to the benefit and cost. Our hope is made plain at verse 38, YEA one day. You will be in the crowd looking up-lost unbelieving OR in the crowd coming down with the King of kings.

When you read the Psalms and Proverbs note the word "Selah". This suggest you read again what you have just read, then pause and think/meditate on what you have read, perhaps you will be like Psalm 42:1.

Read to know God, believe what you read, do what is made plain.  Leviticus 19:37 "Therefore shall ye observe all my statues, and all my judgments, and do them: I am the LORD."

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday 21 February 2018. Are you reading your One Year Bible every day to know God? If you do not have a Bible go to the blog site and use the on-line One Year Bible and read each day to know God. I warn you to be disciplined enough to read every day so to be current. If you miss a day or two and think you are "behind" Do Not try to read and catch up because you will develop the idea through guilt that if you do not read every day "God will not love you." There is NOTHING you do/can do that will cause God to not love you, or even to love you less.

The most high God whose name is JEHOVAH wants to have a relationship with you by your "new birth" (John 3:12-16). He wants subsequent  fellowship every hour-day-week-year as you read / hear = BELIEVE His Word and practice your faith by His grace for His glory so that your joy will be full.

Reading the Old Testament allows us to know God's provision for the Hebrews to live in the promise land, observe His laws and worship. Learning the requirements for the Priests to serve the people as they confessed their sins and made their offerings allows us to appreciate the great privilege we have as Christians. The sad report is and will be that the Hebrew people did not obey God's commandments to tell the world about the coming Messiah that was proclaimed at Genesis 3:15.

Take time to consider that Mark was not a disciple of Jesus, yet records the teachings and parables as the Holy Spirit directed. Mark was a young associate of both Peter and Paul and their influence is evident in his adoration of Jesus. Learn the teachings provided so that you may better  share your faith.

Read the Psalms and gain insight to how to judge people and things in the light of God's Truth. Observe Psalm 37 and note the "action verbs" that identify actions each must take to overcome adversity and be victors over trials as we deal with believers and unbelievers.

Go back and read a chapter of Proverbs for pleasure. Accept the attitude that it is written to and for you and that by your prompt obedience you will avoid failure and be blessed. Be sure to consider that reading and not doing these Truths-sayings will cause you to be led astray and fall into the pit.

I say to you to Be right (salvation), Know right (observe-learn God's WORDS), Do right (Faith unto works-obedience), and don't quit. Read The bible to Know The Lord God Almighty.

Monday, February 12, 2018

YEA, it is Monday and Sunday is coming! Hope you had the pleasure of being in your church hearing the gospel, worshipping the LORD, giving your tithes and offerings, being edified and singing for joy. Now it is time to get out of the safe place and enter your mission field and provoke some one to love and good works. Read II Corinthians 5:17-21 and be active as an Ambassador for God sharing the Word of reconciliation so that people may be reconciled to God The Father through Jesus Christ The Son! We have work to do today.

To you of the 34 Nations that read Barnabas Blog and made page hits from
Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks and Caicos Islands,Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, share the Truth of The Bible.
As you read the on-line One Year Bible every day to know God notate those scriptures that warn you to be alert for your enemy, Satan. Pay attention to how God deals with the Jews when they are faithful and when they disobey. This teaching is doctrine and demonstrates the attributes of the LORD that is the basis for your concept of God. We must be alert to hear, believe, practice and share what God teaches us each day. No one will know the will, mind, heart and way of The LORD God Almighty apart from the scriptures as taught by The Holy Spirit. Read your Bible to get right/be right, know right, do right and don't quit.
We have had great advice from the Proverbs at chapter 8. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Read again Psalm 33:1-11 and then rejoice in the counsel of our heavenly Father, the most high God whose name is JEHOVAH. God loves you as a sinner and wants to love you as a son, be born again.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday 8 February 2018. Today may be the day of salvation for some. Today may be the day of death by abortion, murder, disease, heart failure and or ignorance of God's mercy and grace. All have sinned, there is none righteous. The wage of sin is death. After death there is judgment.

Some may read this and turn quickly to the Bible to read God's provision for salvation by faith in the gospel of  the Lord Jesus Christ. You must be born again. Look at John 3:1-36. God wants all to repent, read, believe and be forgiven of their sin of unbelief and receive the gift of eternal life. Ephesians 2:8-10.

If you will read the One Year Bible today at Matthew 25 you will be well informed about your future either with God in heaven or with Satan in the lake of fire which is the second death. YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Please read the Bible to know God.

If you are concerned about how to or what to read, please look at my personal testimony at the blog  I've recorded the verses that The Lord used to show me His love for me, my sinful condition and what was required of me to be saved.  Read the scriptures and believe what the Bible says about salvation. Please, be saved today. God is no respecter of persons.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Hope you are reading the One Year Bible to know God. Today, 7 February 2018, may be one of your best days to learn about God and how He provides, guides, leads, feeds, supervises, rebukes, reproves, corrects and instructs so that those who believe and follow Him are protected. Read II Timothy 3:16-17 to see your future as you follow the Lord in obedience.

As you read today in the Proverbs note the guidance given to young men about their conduct. It was more instructive for me today as I went back to 2 February at Proverbs 6:20 and read through Proverbs 8:10 as a letter of instruction for how to make Psalm 1 real in my life. The warning is to be careful who you sit with, talk with and walk with every day. You are to judge and to make wise choices. Read your Bible to know God.

Monday, February 5, 2018

WOW, here we are at Monday, 5 February 2018 and there are many that have never been presented the Bible verses that God uses to show the gospel unto salvation. The most important question ever asked of any person is "What will you tell the all knowing Almighty God when He ask you why should He let you enter into heaven?" Is your name in The Lamb's BOOK of Life of those who have been forgiven of ALL their sins? Hebrews 9:27 is a good place to start.

O that you were like blind Bartimaeus (Luke 10:46-52) and that the Lord Jesus  would bless you with salvation's Truth and you by faith would believe. "WHAT WILL THOU THAT I SHOULD DO UNTO THEE?" God wants all men to repent, hear God's condemnation of your sin (unbelief), that you would admit that you are guilty and you are asking for forgiveness and salvation from the wrath of God. O that all men would put their trust in the WORDS of God. Romans 10:9-10-11-12-13 tells you how to be saved. Read, believe and by faith call unto The LORD and believe in your heart as you call upon the name of the Lord JESUS for salvation. His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension, The GOSPEL, is the answer for entry into heaven. You were born once of water and now you must be "born again" by The Spirit. Mark it down and be prepared to celebrate your new life.

I really hope that you have disciplined yourself to read the One Year Bible every day. You have access to the on-line Bible so there is no excuse. Choose to read every day the Bible to know God. Exodus 20 tells us the LAW. Exodus 6 (28 Jan)  make it very plain the God wants all men to know Him as The LORD and by His name JEHOVAH.

We have had the pleasure to read the Psalms 22-23-24 learning about the Gospel. We have read through Matthew Chapters 1-24  being taught genealogy, call to service and discipleship and stewardship has been made plain. You can spend time and read the Proverbs 1-7 and accept the challenge to seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding WHILE avoiding the pitfall of sin and death. The LORD makes the way plain as John 3:12 and if we will read to know His will every day He will get glory and our joy will be full.

If you are not right-get right (confess, forsake sin and obey the light), know right, do right and don't quit. Hope to see you in heaven, perhaps even today.