Monday, February 28, 2011

1 March 11, the beginning of the third month of this year.We will read through Proverbs 12, Psalm 72, Luke 9 and Deuteronomy 17 discovering several names of GOD, observe another account of the Life and ministry of Jesus, and peruse promises and provisions for prosperity.This is going to be exciting.We will get to see "Blessed be The LORD God, The God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things" as is recorded in Psalm 72:20. Seek Him diligently, early and with your whole heart. Selah

Leviticus 24:1-25:46 Take time to realize where all of this activity is taking place. Consider how long they have been near Mount Sinai and remember that soon they will send out the spies,but will not enter into the promised land for 38 more years because of unbelief and lack of faith.Let us learn the lesson!!Sin is always personal and costly and against GOD.We ought to observe "A" Golden Rule as recorded at v25:17.Responsibility and being responsive are not the same,yet they are both signs of knowledge and wisdom.Read what is being said and believe, We are stewards.

Mark 10:13-31 all need to read what is being said by Jesus and seek to understand what "IS NOT" being said about salvation and inheriting eternal life.It is FAITH,NOT just being a child nor of doing the laws.How did you get saved?When did you get saved?What evidence is there that a supernatural miracle occurred in your life at a particular time and all things were changed,just like is recorded in II Corn 5:17-21.

Psalm 44:8-26 How has adversity affected your walk with your God and Saviour?GOD knows the secrets!How do you plea for His presence? Pray for Him not His. Selah

Proverbs 10:20-21 How do you look at others and how does The Lord look at you?Take time to pray this back to The Lord and seek to be wise. Selah. luvpj
** PS Take time to be HOLY. Spend quality time with The Lord.
28 Feb 11 and now we can start getting ready for next Sunday. Read,hear and believe what is in The Scriptures. Two of the twelve months are gone, more that 200 names of God have been discovered/read and we have little time remaining before the rapture.

Leviticus 22:21-23:44 reminds all Jews and all of us that a gift given to God ought to be perfect.Care was to be taken when selecting an animal for sacrifice. How does this requirement impact your concept of being a steward today?We know that these commandments belong to the priests and the Jews, yet what did you learn about GOD that affects your conversation/lifestyle? Don't be casual and careless in your stewardship.As you read about these feast consider the lifestyle these people were living and be amazed at the how much liberty we have today.What name did you discover at v22:32?Did you see some 1st mentioned events, such as the use of leaven bread at v23:17?Let us learn the lesson"Put GOD first!"This is His plan for His children's/our prosperity.

Mark 9:30-10:12 The disciples are warned about coming events that will fulfill the Scriptures.Knowledge of The Old Testament is essential in order to understand The New Testament,Proverbs 9:10.The object lesson with the child expresses the fundamentals of kindness,courtesy,love,compassion and obedience to God's Laws.The principals for marriage are explained,leave,cleave and weave.God does not require any person to mutilate himself in order to get to heaven.Misuse or abuse of a gift or capability given by God to a person for His glory is the concern, be right and then do right for heaven is at hand and the consequence of being/doing wrong is fatal.

Psalm 44:1-7 reminds us to trust The LORD and not things or other people who may lead us astray.We are to obey The KING! It is our choice to obey.

Proverbs 10:19 Let us choose our words wisely and be brief.Try writing out your next prayer and pretend you can use only 100 words/50 or 20. Selah. luvpj
27 Feb 11 Sunday is the Best day of the week!We had a good time in our 365 Bible class and the participation was energetic.I'm grateful for those who read and are prepared to participate so as to make our learning experience more exciting.

Leviticus 20:22-22:20 continues to describe the manner of conduct for the priests and the people in the worship service. It is important to put and keep a difference between the clean and unclean animals and people.God does not discriminate,however He establishes high standards for His stewards and He likes them looking good that represent Him.With all the blessings and benefits we have because we are children of The KING, we need to be careful about being prideful and self-centered.There are high standards for priests!

Mark 9:1-29 We need to hear the promises being made and believe they apply to us. Some of us may NEVER taste of death-Maranatha-The rapture may occur today.We get to enjoy a heavenly experience as we read about Jesus as He was transfigured and to hear what GOD The Father said about His only begotten Son.Jesus explained about some of the believer's power and limitation when they are not depending fully upon God.

Psalm 43:1-5 Do you want to enjoy v4?Do you see His qualities so much that they cause you to sense"exceeding" joy?If not,why not? Selah

Proverbs 10:18 warns us to not be foolish and tells us how to be do right. Read to know Him, then be right FIRST and THEN do right. Selah. luvpj

Saturday, February 26, 2011

26 Feb 11 Saturday, and tomorrow we will be in class and church together to learn about The LORD and worship Him of our own free will.

Leviticus 19:1-20:21 Let v2 speak to you plainly, for this is the mind of GOD, for The Jew then and for His children today.It has always been a choice and will always be at our own free will to respond to God.All of the commandments are for our good and when we obey, others will be blessed.We are to be good stewards!Say with the writer of Leviticus,we choose Him because He is The LORD.Sexual purity, separation and sanitation have always been for our good.Let v20:7 be your guide.

Mark 8:10-38 Let these snapshots of GOD in action remind you that it is and will always be a heart matter. We all have a short memory and seems as if we forget easily significant events. Watch the tenderness of Jesus in healing the blind man showing again His absolute control of all circumstances, He never fails nor short changes any person.Now the great question asked of His disciples is asked of all men at v29,Whom say ye that that I am? How do you answer that personal question?Are you prepared to comply with the requirements to follow Jesus?Consider your answer in light of v38. Selah

Psalm 41:1-11 Who are you hoping in?Read and believe v11 and be grateful.

Proverbs 10:17 Are you "in" the way?If not,why not?Do you know how to get in the way? Remember Proverbs 9:10. Apply yourself,read to know Him, then be right. luvpj
25 Feb 11 It is Friday and Sunday is coming!! Are you getting ready? Share with someone the fact that God loves you unconditionally.Tell them you are absolutely sure that He loves them too much to let them go on unsaved and that He wants to draw them to Himself today.Maranatha.

Leviticus 16:29-18:31 This was the way The LORD established for the Jews to be forgiven of their sin each year. The shed blood for atonement applies to us today and we that are saved believe that Jesus is our sacrifice and we are accepted in Him,The Beloved.Allow your concept of GOD be solidified because you read today about the "blood" offering of a perfect sacrifice.God is holy and He expects His children to be like Him and act like Him.Be right and do right.

Mark 7:24-8:9 be careful to understand what is being taught about priority and not about exclusion.GOD wants ALL men to be saved. Appreciate the miracles by Jesus and consider how they relate to you when you were saved.Circumstances are different but Jesus is the same. Needs vary,but The Lord is always the same.He is Immutable!

Psalm 41:1-13 Take note of the promises and conditions.Even though people,our friends, may not be true and kind to us,The LORD our Lord is!!

Proverbs 10:15-16 shows all men will give an account of their stewardship. luvpj

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

24 Feb 11 Yea for today!A good visit with my pacer DR to verify all is well. It appeared to be in a big mess yesterday with things out of order and getting very sporty,yet The Lord reminded me that all things were in His control and not to panic.One Day all these man made devices will be done away with and ALL will be New.

Leviticus 15:1-16:28 The law for The Jews to follow concerning sanitation is proper for us today.The matter concerning separation from sexual misconduct apply today. Provisions for purity and acceptance to GOD are made clear and respect for His Holiness is still mandatory.The LORD has always made His requirements clear about worship and offerings, again for our protection we are informed and warned.All saved people ought to want to be considered "fit" for service in any and all service for The LORD.

Mark 7:1-23 We are warned about traditions of men versus Laws,Commandments,Doctrines and Statues given by God.We get to make a choice about who and what we follow.We need to read to know Him and believe what we read and hear.Do you have ears?

Psalm 40:1-17 Now that we are out of the miry pit, let us be grateful and worship our Saviour.Take time to think about the idea that Almighty God thinks about you!

Proverbs 10:13-14 What are you laying up today?Understanding and wisdom are gifts of God.Foolishness and lack of understanding are choices that men make, be careful. Our life and conduct affect others today and perhaps for eternity. Selah.Maranatha.luvpj
23 Feb 11 It is Wednesday and Sunday is coming?Hope you are reading to know Him and not reading just to make Him happy with you.Have you shared your joy with anyone lately?Don't hide your light.You may be the only version of God's Truth that He will use to reach a particular person to draw them to Himself. We are conduits not storage tanks, let it flow freely.It is not the vessel, but what is in the vessel that will satisfy a thirsty people.If you have "IT" share it.

Leviticus 14:1-57 The law of the leper.God makes it clear as to what is to be done by the priest, the leper,in a dwelling place and by his family.The principal has not changed in that sanitation and separation are to be followed then and today.We learn how to inspect potential residences before we move in and how to repair infected facilities.Mold is a real problem today and it is present in many homes because of unsanitary work conditions and product contamination and must be cleaned are we will suffer sickness.Personal sanitation is basic and essential. Be clean and stay clean.

Mark 6:30-56 allows us to hear the first mission report. This is practiced today in many churches during the annual mission conference.I'm glad and thankful we get to sit in an airconditioned building on nice pews and not have to go out to a desert place,yet we may not appreciate all the work that has been done,by others in our behalf.We get to read about a feast,what a way to demonstrate kindness to the many who were following Jesus,from five loaves and two fish.Now after all of this why would His disciples(fishermen)be afraid and troubled during a wind storm on the sea?We,like them look more at the circumstances that the Master of allcircumstances. Even the people sought the blessings and not The Blessor. Please be alert and watch for Him.

Psalm 40:1-10 seems to be appropiate for those with leprosy and in the storms feeling lost and undone.God's timing and division of the verses day by day excite me.How is your new song?Of all of the wonderful works what have you said? And the knowledge that GOD thinks about you and me, how has this changed your concept of GOd?

Proverbs 10:11-12 How is your love factor today?Who do you love the most/best?We are key to someone's survival and hope/rescue.God will use a clean broken vessel. luvpj
2-22-11 A new way to start the day. Where will you be in 2-22-22? Every one will be somewhere,either dead in their sin or alive in Christ with GOD.It is good to spend time and reflect on our salvation experience. Do you remember when GOD drew you to Himself and confronted you with your sin? Do you recall Him showing you the significance of Jesus, God in the flesh, who was,is and will always be the only suitable and acceptable sacrifice for man's sin?Did you receive the gift of eternal life?If not,why not?Look at John 1:9-14 and concentrate on v12,hear,believe,repent(confess and agree with God) and receive, this is the Gospel.If I can be of any help in you coming to the SURE knowledge of God's salvation, let me know,ASAP.Please.

Leviticus 13:1-59 Sanitation and separation are important and necessary.Leprosy is a real and serious problem.It is a very clear picture of sin,its affects and cure.The real physical issues are dealt with through early identification and prompt action with continual observation by a qualified caregiver.This is not a game.Self examination for sin,cancer and leprosy are beneficial. Self diagnosis is dangerous, go to a qualified caregiver.The only answer for the sin issue is given and recorded in the BIBLE. The ONLY ANSWER is GOD and Jesus has already paid the sin debt while we were sinners and before we even knew about Him.The priest were the agents God used for cleansing the problem relative to leprosy. Oh that men would seek God first.

Mark 6:1-29 Do you consider yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ?Do you follow Him?The neighbors did not understand Jesus and they considered Him only as a man.Consider v4-6 and let this impact your concept of God.The first test for His disciple was given in v7-13 and all 12 were equally well endowed.Meanwhile the events in the life of John The Baptist,king Herod and Jesus were being accomplished.Some things are hidden.

Psalm 39:1-13 informs us about how to have victory in bad circumstances.We learn how to pray at v4 and realize how frail we are.What are you waiting for today?Selah.

Proverbs 10:10 Facts,just facts.We need to be careful not fearful. luvpj
21 Feb 11 It is Monday and we are going to Tyler to watch our granddaughter receive an award during the school's honor program Tuesday AM.Hope you are busy with the duties as a steward for The LORD.Read to know and adore Him. Please read and memorize Proverbs 9:10.

Leviticus 11:1-12:8 today we get to see the benefit of Noah's obedience in that he put the animals in the ARK that are going to be used in the worship ceremony. We and others do affect people that we do no know today and in the future. Obey and be blessed that others may be blessed.God's food plan is best and His restrictions are for our good.This is stewardship.Look at v11:44-45 and fear God.The sanitation rule is applicable for today and offerings made because of a person being grateful are pleasing.The LORD knows best how to treat the body and we need to be observant.

Mark 5:21-43 we get to see various concepts of God expressed by unbelievers.We have the opportunity to see that delay is not denial when The Lord does not do what we ask Him to do on our schedule.His timing is always perfect and best.Let the last portion of v36 get your attention,be not afraid,only believe.

Psalm 38:1-22 How appropriate is v1 to the reading today in Leviticus and Mark?Learn some more of the traits of God in this psalm.We all need to depend on God more and less on self and other people.Apply v17-18 to your prayers and meditate.Cry for v22.

Proverbs 10:8-9 How are you doing in The LORD's sight? Are you wise?Seek God's favor and apply the truth that you know and walk in the light that you have. Selah. luvpj

Saturday, February 19, 2011

20 Feb 11 Sunday!We had a great day in our class with 36 present and on time. I really enjoyed the fun time during the "examination" phase of what we had read this past week.It is very clear that the members of the class are involved and reading to know Him. The LORD is working on/in all of us to bring us closer to Himself.Selah.

Leviticus 9:7-10:20 teaches all of us the need for revival and the "how to" be in the place where God will come down and allow us to draw neigh to hear Him.It is a shame that the Jews and Christians get over GOD coming down too quickly. The requirements established by God have not changed for revival.He is HOLY!We need to remember that there will always be evidence of GOD working in our midst. The class verse is Proverbs 9:10. What causes any person to have no respect for God and His Holiness? Evidently two of the High Priest's sons had no fear and they were devoured by God. How does this prompt and just treatment for disobedience impact your concept of God? Do you/we "really" believe God means what He says?Read to know Him.

Mark 4:26-5:20 we are reminded that we have a real enemy.We are without excuse concerning sin and it's effects.Please read slowly the situation given at v36 and learn about how you are a blessing to someone else or the are being blessed and you get a benefit.The other little ships did not have to ask to be blessed.How does this affect your faith?How do you relate to the man possessed in v8-20?How is your testimony similar to his testimony?If it is not the same, why not?Selah.

Psalm 37:29-40 records the evidence in the person that is a child of The LORD.The promises given are true and pure for the saved and the unsaved.We ought to put into practice v37-40 and believe and act like we ought to act. Selah.

Proverbs 10:6-7 How do you grasp these promises? Does this impact your concept of God?There is only One who knows who is or is not just.How is your confidence? luvpj
19 Feb 11 It is almost here.What are you most anxious to participate in and enjoy to the fullest?Hope to see you in the morning.Read to know Him and what you read, believe and the evidence of your faith will always show up.The "leaven" concept is a way to express the fact that what is in you will come up and out in time and under pressure. Remember the comments below will be more useful after you have read your Bible. The best and always "True" Bible teacher is The Holy Spirit.

Leviticus 7:28-9:6 GOD continues to prepare Moses,Aaron,the priest and the children of Israel for His appearance. What aspect of The LORD do you see?What do you expect to happen if the people do all that they have been instructed to be and do? Today we continue the instruction about making an offering for sin. We get to see that fixing the vertical "problem" always comes first before we repair the breach "horizontally".Yet, The Lord will instruct us to make things right with your brother, then come and make your offerings to GOD.Let us be grateful for Jesus,The Lamb of GOD!It is exciting to watch Moses serve God openly as he serves and waits on his brother and the priest.If we want the peace of God we must first be at peace with God. Salvation.

Mark 3:31-4:25 allows us to know the mind and way of God.The parable of the sower is exciting. This is an earthly story that all these people should relate to, but the heavenly truth was not made known to them. The four types of soil represent four categories of people who have been presented the Gospel.Jesus made clear to His disciples that there would be evidence in the lives of those that received. In parallel He ask why get a candle that is give light and direction and hide it under a table? Truth hidden is truth abused.Do you use the ears given to you to hear God's truth and message?Read carefully v4:23-25 and believe what you see and read.

Psalm 37:12-28 continues the words of instruction and counsel.The facts expressed at v16-19 are encouraging. Note that some of the promises are for the saved and also for the unbelievers.Make v27 a creed for your life.See His attributes at v 28.

Proverbs 10:5 shows me that lazy and wisdom are not partners.What is opposite to shame? Pray for The LORD to cause you to be pleasant in His sight. Selah. luvpj

Friday, February 18, 2011

18 Feb 11Yea it is Friday and Sunday is coming. Did you watch the rising of the sun this AM?It was muted to bright to vivid and those drivers going East on ISHY 20/30must have been blinded.When you see God doing this kind of event, what do you think about God?Have you thanked The LORD for your eyes? Today and for awhile we will be reading Psalm 37 and I encourage you to read,pause,re-read and then Selah.God is speaking and we must hear and heed lest He become angry and turn His back to us. Read Isaiah 59:1-2.Proverbs 9:10 tells us the fear of The LORD is wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding,yet how do you fear GOD? We enjoyed a great meal with missionary friends last night and had a sweet time for reflection and prayer. Consider having friends and The Lord in YOUR HOME for fellowship and prayer.

Leviticus 6:1-7:27 pay attention to v37 that is written to and for the Jews, yet the principals are applicable to us today.Confession of sin is always personal and specific.Partial obedience is always disobedience.YET-BUT we all have the option or choice to admit and agree with The Holy Spirit about our sin condition before The Thrice Holy GOD.GOD sets the order for the worship service. It always begins in the heart, is demonstrated by the apparel, and the purpose is to make reconciliation resulting in consecration so that an atonement be made for the person before GOD.

Mark 3:7-30 tells us about who ought to be in and doing the will of God The Father.Consider the parable of the sower as it has impacted your life.A key concept is presented relative to salvation. How many times did you read about those that received the word?It is not head knowledge that saves and if The Father does not draw then no man gets saved.Salvation is a miracle!Heed v23 as you read.

Psalm 37:1-11 pay attention to the words that direct you to action.There are promises and life styles reported that glorify God.Quality is more important than quantity.Is v23 so in your life and are you confident that The LORD is delighting in you and your conduct? If not,why not? Get right and then do right.

Proverbs 10:3-4 Please note the promise that has a perquisite of the recipient being righteous.The Lord tells us to be right and then do right and to be diligent as we work and obey. Act like you are the child of The KING of glory. Maranatha luvpj
** Hope to see you Sunday for class AND church and the KJV video after lunch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

17 Feb 11 Thursday is here and Sunday is coming.Are you making plans now for what you will do on Saturday night to lay things out, prepare Sunday lunch,select your wardrobe,shine your shoes and fixing what ever else may hinder a smooth time early Sunday morning?Plan on being at least two minuets early.

Leviticus 4:1-5:19 allows all of us to know the mind of GOD as it applies to sin. Ignorance is not a valid excuse.Stewardship is demonstrated in that there are several options to offer a sacrifice and all of them are acceptable. It is a heart matter, not an animal matter.Personal accountability and identification with the offering are essential. Take time to be grateful for 1st John 1:9.

Mark 2:13-3:6 The calling of GOD are plain and uncomplicated.All must hear,believe, be confronted by The Holy Spirit and drawn unto The LORD and then receive the gift of salvation.Nothing is casual and there is always a CHANGE!!! Admit that v16 describes you as you were prior to being saved.Let v27 sink into your ears and act as if this is so in your life.Learn about The LORD our Lord in the object lesson given at v2:1-5 as to what makes GOD angry. Be right,careful and then do right.

Psalm36:1-12 describes God in v5-7 and records the effects of seeking God.Are you satisfied? If not,why not?Please seek to read to know Him today. Selah.

Proverbs 10:1-2 describes the way for prosperity.We are never too old to not honor and respect our parents. Maranatha. luvpj
16 Feb 11 and more than half of this month is past.What did we accomplish for the glory of our GOD?It sure is easy to just coast through life and let things fall as they do.Let us,on purpose, get involved in some ones life.Last Sunday each member our class wrote a thank you card to some one that is not a member of the class and not part of their family.This is good work and I'm sure a bunch of people were pleasantly surprised when they received their card.Be right,nice,on time and happy.

Leviticus 1:1-3:17 records the forms,types, purpose and timing for offerings.The tribe of Levi was chosen and the men were set aside to be priest and workers in and around the tabernacle and one day the temple.We get to know the mind of GOD concerning how to worship,confess sin, make offerings and to know that He wants preeminence and first place.What do you think about when you read v3-5 as to the choices that each man must make in order to offer a sacrifice?We need to be thankful for Jesus as our Sacrifice who has made us acceptable in the beloved.

Mark 1:29-2:12 records some of the miracles performed by Jesus.How do you react to verse 38 and the reason Jesus came to earth? How has your life and lifestyle been changed since you were saved?Is the change so dramatic that people are amazed and you do not need to tell them that you are one of GOD's children?

Psalm 35:17-28 often we get in a bind and cry wanting immediate relief, but GOD does not appear to get in a hurry to save us from our problems.How does the delay affect your attitude and concept of GOD?Try and remember v27 and do v28.

Proverbs 9:13-18 reminds all of us to be alert and not simple minded.Flee the appearance of evil.Temptation is not the sin, but when we yield to the temptation and satisfy our lust,death follows.Look at James 1:12-16 and learn about LSD. luvpj

Monday, February 14, 2011

15 Feb 11 As the weather warms and you get out of your confinement, thank The LORD for His provisions and protection.On purpose look diligently for things to be grateful for and then say thanks.

Exodus 39!-40:38 Moses continues to train and equip the Jews for worship.It is exciting to read all the details given so that the will of GOD would be and could be accomplished.All the parts are being gathered and the modular design is being laid out by load assignment. Everyone is involved in the move. The packing list is given and reviewed. We ought to learn the mind of God about paying attention to all little details.We get to see what is man's work and what is God's.Note the time line given since the departure from Egypt at v17.Will you agree that GOD is worthy of worship? Will we learn how to worship as prescribed by GOD? Before the cloud came down certain things had to happen.O for us to desire the presence of GOD in our worship.

Mark 1:1-28 The second account of the life of Jesus.Consider how much emphasis is placed on the knowledge of the Old Testament.We get to experience the report about Jesus and John the Baptist and hear how GOD expressed His favor toward Jesus.The calling of the disciples is made plain and simple.There appears to be NO doubt when these men responded to Jesus, yet many people who witnessed many miracles did show doubt.How is your faith factor and as you read is your concept of The Lord affected?

Psalm 35:1-16 It is OK to complain,if you complain to whom can/may solve your problem,otherwise it may turn out to be a murmur.GOD hates murmuring.We need to be careful in choosing companions and alert to those contrary to truth and GOD. Selah

Proverbs 9:11-12 Does The LORD consider you wise? If not,why not?Be right! luvpj

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
14 Feb 11 Happy Valentine Day to all of you. Please be careful to express your love and affection to those near and dear to you.Try to be kindly affectionate to one another for the Lord's sake.Hopefully you read today to know the Lord and put into practice the Truths expressed in the Scriptures.

Exodus 37:1-38:31 Consider the design and detail given concerning the furniture selected by God to adorn His meeting place.Nothing was left to man's imagination. All of the supplies had been made available by The LORD and man's choice was to obey or not.This is stewardship.Why did The LORD have staves for all portable items?Why were these items covered with gold?Why were the items that were to be used for service covered with brass?Does it surprise you that the tribe of Judah was key in the preparation for all these items?GOD is The Provider,He is LORD The Lord,I Am.

Matthew 28:1-20 Is the last chapter recorded by Matthew. We have heard and read the prophecy concering His coming and have read the actual factual account of His appearance. How has your life/concept of GOD, The Lord, God in the flesh been made more sure because of your reading these last 40 days?We have read about the six days of labor and the day of rest called the Sabbath. Now we read about the first day of the week, a new beginning, Jesus as The Christ, who was dead and buried is alive and showing Himself to His followers.How fascinating is v5 to you?Are you filled with fear and great joy hearing this report?Pray to have faith to believe what you see in the Bible then by God's grace apply these truths to your life and cause others to hear so that they might also believe and be saved.We are to teach all.They are to believe and receive Jesus Christ and to show their faith in action, be baptized, so that they observe all things whatsoever has been commanded.This is the will of GOD.

Psalm 34:11-22 Let v11 be so in your life.Read and believe the promises given in this psalm at v15-19.One day v22 will come to pass.Selah. Maranatha.

Proverbs 9:9-10 is a source of encouragement. We have selected v10 as the theme verse for our 365 class and hopefully all members will memorize this verse. luvpj

The key to prosperity is salvation, expressing your thankfulness and supplications to The LORD, reading daily His Bible and causing others to know what you know.
13Feb11 Sunday!! Yea we get to be together and share our blessings of how we have been blessed. We had a wonderful experience Sat PM and discovered how some good samaratin type had secured some very important papers that we had dropped and they turned those papers into the Post Office.We are very grateful for somebody that was used by The LORD to bless us!!We had a great class time Sunday AM and I'm excited about next week already.Read to know Him.Happy valentine day to you all.

Exodus 35:10-36:38 allows us to see the impact of responding to God and how those people are favored and become useful in the work and cause many to be blessed.It is really a "heart" issue that has been touched by GOD.God is no respector of persons and we must learn how to be in the way that God is leading in order to be used.Do you think that God considers you a wise man?This modular design for the tabernacle will be handy for the Jews as they travel the next 40 years in the wilderness.Take note to the different minerals used for the overlay and sockets along with the different colors of the covering materials.

Matthew 27:35-66 we watching the last hours that Jesus is alive and hearing the wild comments being made by those that hate Him and do not believe that He is God in the flesh.Verse 42 displays their bad concept of God.Verse 51 is significant to our belief system and is linked to our reading today in Exodus.This is the Gospel in person.Verse 57 is a good example of how those that believed acted to demonstrate their love for their Saviour.How silly it is for man to think that they can stop the will of God by moving stones around.

Psalm 34:1-10 Get a glimpse of your ever present Lord,Omnipresence,at v7.Stewardship is given and required in this psalm with the benefits explained.

Proverbs 9:7-8 Be careful and do not miss the opportunity to be blessed and be a blessing.Choose your associates carerfully. Selah. luvpj

Friday, February 11, 2011

12 Feb 11 Yea, it is the day before Sunday and I'm getting ready for tomorrow.The class is exciting and the students are encouraging.We are reading together to know God. I'm going for breakfast and encouragement this AM.

As you read Exodus today try and summarize all you have read into one sentence. Try to imagine how frustrated Moses felt when Joshua and the others asked him"What is God like?, What all did you do for 40 days without food and water?,how come your face shines"? Are you awed by GOD?

Read Matthew's account of the last hours of Jesus' life and condensed this down to a few verses.There is so much to learn and we seem to get full of Truth fast.Do we find something objectionable as we read that causes us to back away and not be drawn to Christ? Try to tell a"new"friend about your"BEST"friend and try to keep it brief, it is not possible.

Hope you enjoyed your reading today so much that you will continue to read tomorrow and until eternity. Selah, Maranatha, Be right then do right. luv pj
Hope you are looking forward to class and church tomorrow.
11 Feb 11 Thank The LORD for His blessing on today! This is Friday and Sunday is coming.It is warm,clear, not too windy and there are clouds in the sky. This could be The Day! Maranatha. Are you alert to what is significant about Maranatha? Have you read 1st Corinthians 16:22? These thoughts link together concerning the rapture. Start getting ready for Sunday, read,pray and serve others.Jesus,Others,Yourself is JOY in reality. Keep the sequence and priority in order. Read to know Him.

Exodus 34:1-354:9 allows us to be partakers of a once in a life time experience between man and GOD.Review the perquisites in order to come into the presence of The LORD.Note the orderliness and timing. When we be and do what and how GOD tells us we are blessed.There are things only GOD can and will do. There are things,v1,that man must do.If you don't know,ask.What a snap shot,portrait or mural is presented by GOD of God in v5-28. Consider all of the attributes expressed.The promises are given and warnings provided and the commandments are written.WE,as the Jews, are without excuse.Stewardship is required and explained.What was happening on the top of the mount was not what was going on at the bottom of the hill.Is The LORD jealous for His creation/people. Can a man sin, be confronted and confess then afterwards be forgiven? YES,YES, YES!!Consequence of sin may linger and our enemy will remind us of our "misdeeds".Do you believe that The LORD will forgive and forget our sin?O that we would not be stiff necked but be of a willing heart. As with Moses it should be evident to others,saved and lost,that The LORD has spoken to us.

Matthew 26:69-27:15 This is the fourth and last passover Jesus has participated in since He began His ministry.If they considered Barabbas a notable prisoner, what did they consider Jesus? From the house of Caiaphas to the house of the governor all so that scripture might be fulfilled.What happened to Judas? What happened to Peter that made a difference for all of us and eternity?How do you relate to v72-76?Have you wept and repented for your sin?Have you been forgiven?If not,why not?What causes you to marvel when you read about and look upon Jesus? Do we stand amazed in His presence? Have we gotten over the miracle of getting/being saved/redeemed?GOD forbid.

Psalm 33:1-11 challenges us to rejoice in The LORD.GOD is thinking about us and writing His thoughts down in a book that He has in His heart.Don't get over this thought and promise.Enjoy His demonstrated attributes.

Proverbs 8:33-36 There are only two(2) kinds of people in this world, which kind are you?Does GOD consider you wise?Are you blessed?Are you a "whoso"who has found life? Read to know Him. Follow truth(be) and (do) be diligent.GOD does love you. luvpj
10 Feb 11 What a great day for giving thanks. Who did you thank today(to&for) for just being present? I am ashamed because I seldom give thanks to people for just being around and of allowing me to share time and space with them.O how ungrateful am I towards GOD who has never left me nor ever forsaken me. Let us confess our sin and seek His face and forgiveness.Try to practice the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ today.Seek Him early and with diligence, begin in His revealed will-The KJV Bible.

*Note some of the 365 Bibles,later printings,have changed some of the verses to be read that are different than my 1988 version, read yours to know Him.

Proverbs 8:27-32 provokes us/me to ask "Who is speaking?" The Holy Spirit moved on Solomon to pen these words as it appears he is describing Jesus in Eternity past.Yet we hear of the promise telling the attribute of Jesus being "The way,The Truth and The Life".We get an insight to both the heart and mind/will of The LORD. Selah

Psalm 32 :1-11 tells all mankind the Gospel. Are you blessed as described in this psalm?Take time to be thankful for 1st John 1:9.Be and get in the place where GOD will guide and teach you Truth.Believe the promise given in v10 and practice v11.

Matthew 26:47-68 charges us to know and be familiar with the Old Testament and heed the instruction given at v54-56.What a beautiful "cameo" is given of God in the flesh at v63. What think you of Judas?Was he saved? Was he ever saved?Could he have been saved? Is there a "big" difference between betraying Jesus and denying the knowledge of Jesus?Do you remember what Judas and Peter did yesterday?How do you pray for those described in v67? Know anyone like these men today? Maranatha.

Exodus 30:11-31:18 records many first time events.We need to be careful reading about things they had to do that have an application to our lifestyles of today.Stewardship is key to obedience. The LORD is specific in giving details about worship materials and those who prepare them.Verse 31:2-6 allow us to see GOD providing everything we need and making His mind to be known by His creation so that men might know the mind of GOD.How is your mind?We ought to respect the manner of worship some Jews have today about the sabbath, but we Worship God not a day of the week.Everything given to Moses and the Jews was personal,verbal and visual and He has done the same for us. We need to be attentive and obedient to known Truth. luvpj

If you have qustions/comment>, thanks

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

9 Feb 11 What a great opportunity we have today to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and others. Perhaps it may be at the shelter, prison, jail, street corner, at home, in school or in just speaking kindly to a person we meet. Pretend that you are giving to them a cup/sip of clean,clear,cool water of the Gospel. Someone did you that same favor in a specific time before today and then you got saved.We have been blessed so that we may be a blessing.Thank God that He has made you a blessing to whosoever.

Please try this: Condense what you read today into one sentence.It may one sentence for the OT,NT,Psalm and Proverbs each as you determine. Hopefully we will say "This ONE thing I learned about The LORD today is ....".

Exodus 29:1-30:10 outlines the dress code for worship and specifies what to do about sin.I am thankful that I live in this day and time.What an awesome picture of The LORD. Stewardship is required and obedience is essential.There is no shortcut!Yet everything God required for the Jews/Priest to present in their worship He had given to them to use.We ought to be MORE grateful for Jesus Christ because of what He has done for us to provide the access to GOD The Father.To adore GOD is much more than admiring His handiwork. Read to know Him.

Matthew 26:14-46 allows us to see in the OT the first passover a few days ago to read about the last passover for Jesus today. How many spotless lambs have been offered? Jesus is demonstrating His attributes of Omniscience, Loving, Triunity, Transcendence,Immanence,Eternality as He obeys His Father while showing mercy and graciousness to his disciples.Why would we not want to follow and serve Him?

Psalm 31:19-24 contains adoration for GOD and promises for the believers. If you need encouragement,meditate on v21-24, and believe. Now act like a child of The King.

Proverbs 8:14-26 describes GOD. The blessings given by God are recorded.Let the knowledge of God's Eternality,Omniscience and Omnipresence comfort you in that He knows you and still loves you, just as you are.GOD possessed me/you in the beginning of His way.Note the Truths about Jesus.Do you have understanding? Do you earnestly and diligently seek His counsel and wisdom?Are you strong,in The Lord? Selah. luvpj

Our faith comes from The Scriptures and our prayers demonstrate our faith.Please do not get this out of order. Read to know Him. Get and BE right then Do right. Selah.

Monday, February 7, 2011

8 Feb 11 can we now say it is Tuesday and Sunday is coming? I am grateful to be living in this time zone, but reading about The Tabernacle and all of the workers serving GOD is very exciting.But we get to do a greater work than this and we have all of the revealed mind and will of GOD. We have The Bible and we get to read it every day for a year to know Him and we get to read it over and over again until we see Him face to face. Maranatha, it could be today.

Exodus 28:1-43 Are you impressed at the details given by God to Moses about how to prepare the uniform for service that the priest would wear? How does this impact your concept of worship in the local church? We don't go to church to meet God.We are priest and The LORD indwells us and fills us according to our submission to The Holy Spirit in accordance with The Word.We assemble together to worship our risen Saviour,The Lord Jesus Christ.Let us learn the ways of God,adore Him and His handiwork and be grateful for His provisions.Note the colors,stones and metals used by wise hearted men that God has filled with the spirit of wisdom(v3) to prepare the garments for others who serve Him.We need to guard our attitude about who does what.The question is do others see in us these qualities?Have you ever asked GOD to use you for His glory and His work in you be so evident that others will see HIM, without you saying I'm used of God?Humanity and humility don't always walk together.

Matthew 25:31-26:13 One Day when The Son of man shall come in His glory. Are you ready,waiting,listening and expecting His appearance today? Maranatha. If not,why not?We are entered into either the book of sheep or book of goats right now.We were told about reputation in Exodus and Jesus is now speaking about evidence in the lives of every man.Faith with works. Be right then do right. We are not and can not be saved by works.It is GOD's way or man's way.What has The LORD done for you that has caused you to give it all to Him?

Psalm 31:9-18 reminds us to call upon Him.Is v14 real and true for you today?Read to know Him and believe what you read so as to increase your faith.Be right! Do right.

Proverbs 8:11-13 tells us what a man filled with wisdom and acts prudently will hate.Does this describe us?If not,why not? Get a good definition(Bible-concordance & dictionary)of wisdom and prudence and live like it means something to you. luvpj

If you are a new reader, please read the KJV Bible verses 1st before this blog. These are some of the thoughts I get after my time of reading and praying. Selah
7 Feb 11 is a beautiful day.How have you rejoiced this AM?Hopefully you were impressed by your reading today.I used the term a snap shot to reflect something we see The LORD doing, well today it is like a full scale mural and self portrait.

Exodus 26:1-27:21 allows us to see how certain items are used to prepare the Tabernacle. This is a case of 1st modular design and ease of portability.You may find a picture in a Bible reference book that shows the Tabernacle and this will help you appreciate the design and functionality.Determine what is significant about the parts and in particular what is the difference between gold, silver and brass.Moses is not working this out for the first time as The LORD reminds him in v30 that he had been told before.We are without excuse when it comes to knowing the will of God for our lives, for we all have been told in His Word.Do you remember v27:8?Have you noted the attributes of God in your reading today?How do you sense stewardship being central to obedience?Consider the design of the vail at v26:31 and realize that there is no seam nor middle entrance. One Day it will be ripped apart and down the middle.What a picture of GOD,God,The LORD,Lord Jesus,Elohim,El Elyon,El Shaddai and Jehovah.Can you say Jehovah Rohi is your Shepherd?If not let me guide you to The Truth.

Matthew 25:1-30 we get to read two accounts concerning wisdom and stewardship.Jesus is using the factor of time to demonstrate our state of preparedness and understanding the rule of preeminence. Who is first in our lives?Who is Lord of ALL or not Lord at all?Obedience may not always be convenient but it is always best and right.Having fear of GOD is being afraid of GOD.These accounts will impact your concept of The LORD and you will see better His traits and attributes.We need a refresher concerning the impact of sin to the point of unbelief.The wage of sin is death.

Psalm 31:1-8 allows us to agree or disagree with the psalmist.We either trust or not.The LORD is our rock,fortress and guide are He is not.Do you practice v6,7 and know that you have been delivered? If not,why not? GOD is not willing that you or anyone perish and be eternally separated from The LORD our Lord.

Proverbs 8:1-10 How did you answer all these questions?Please consider and understand wisdom and do not be simple.Please receive GOD's instruction today. luvpj

Friday, February 4, 2011

6 Feb 11 Sunday and what a great day to celebrate.We get to be a part in our training through Sunday School and then we get to assemble as a Church to worship Our GOD and offer our gifts of praise, worship and tithes-offerings.Please come and be with us as brothers and co-laborers with The Lord.

Exodus 23:14-25:40 Gives a overview of GOD's plan for His people. This is given for the Jews, but we must learn to apply the principals given to them for our lives.Did you see His name in v17? Did you note His promises and provisions? All of us are to be "good" stewards. The restrictions given at v32 are eternal for all of God's children.We ought to learn the truth that you/we must be clean to approach Holy God.For us, we have 1st John1:9.Again we get to hear from EL-Beth-El and His meeting place at v40:22.Consider what does "gold,silver and brass"signify?

Matthew 24:29-51 One Day it will all be made clear.One Day our faith will become sight!Israel will come back to the forefront after the rapture and after the 7 years of tribulation v30 will be so.But until then v35 is our hope and v36 is God's.

Psalm 30:1-12 consider v10 and cry unto The LORD earnestly.

Proverbs 7:24-27 continues the warning for children.Please make the best choice every day.Do not depend on your strength nor your wisdom.Fear GOD and depart from evil.
We had a great class today and I'm excited about this week,Maranatha. luvpj
5 Feb 11 Saturday and Sunday is coming.What a beautiful Sonlite morning,Psalm 18 in motion.From turmoil in the Muslim world to typhoons, ice storms, volcano erupting and snow covering North Texas The LORD is speaking.We get to know Him by reading our 365 Bible every day and we are without excuse.

Exodus 21:22-23:13 God's plan for daily living for the children of GOD.We are to be separate from the unbelievers.We are to be right and to do right.

Matthew24:1-28 The scriptures are given to us so that we might know right from wrong and true from untrue.Hear the warning at v4 and be vigilant.We are an active part of v14 and Jesus is coming back, Maranatha.Are you able to discern the lie-untrue statements of those who have the spirit of the anti-Christ?We have a real enemy.

Psalm 29:1-11 consider the promise at v11 and listen,hear,heed and obey the voice of GOD.Read to know Him.Say to The LORD, "speak Lord, for thy servant heareth".

Proverbs 7:6-23 have you ever considered how it would feel like for a dart to be shoved through your liver? Smile you have just been slain.It would be a BIG Deal!Deadly consequences follow foolish and sinful conduct.LSD!Please don't cause The LORD to consider you as a simple one.Be right,get right and stay right. luvpj

Thursday, February 3, 2011

4 Feb 11 Is it Friday? Yea Sunday is coming. Are you expecting a West or East wind to blow the ice and snow away?Do you remember what happens to the stump of a tree when it gets a scent of water?Pick out your best and cleanest, read to Know Him, pray for safety for old people in the parking lot, be on time and expect to be blessed.We have all this and heaven is guaranteed.Who have you invited to have supper with you in heaven?All must have on a wedding garment.I'm so glad it is beginning to melt.

Exodus 19:16-21:21 What an experience! We get to read about how GOD told the Jews to know Him and worship as they obey His commandments.This is a first for these people and is greater than all others experiences seeing GOD work. I hope you and I will get a sense of awe and respect for what we have in our hands and get to read every day.This is not a snap shot, it is a Mural.Note the promises made. GOD said He would come to them in v24 and we know that Jesus said He would never forsake us.We also need to take heed to the commandments concerning conduct and be wary of the consequence of disobeying. The LORD is not slack concerning His promises.

Matthew 23:13-39 we continue to read about conduct in the New Testament and titles given by Jesus to those who disobey and make light of GOD's commandments.There is a great tenderness shown by Jesus in v37 and we ought to see again He is not willing that any should perish, but that all men repent and be saved. Listen to His call and respond immediately.Why would anyone knowingly disrespect The LORD? Selah.

Psalm 28:1-9 If man does not cry out onto GOD,whom do they call unto?If The LORD is not your strength, what is?Read v4 and determine where you are? Selah.

Proverbs 7:1-5 There is hope for men. There is hope for women.We all must be right, stay right and the hope is The Word of God read, believed and practiced daily.We are not hopeless and need not to be helpless. Please obey your Father. Selah. luvpj
Please be careful when driving and walking on the snow and ice.
3 Feb 11 another cold day with much ice and snow. Our driveway is a solid sheet of ice and will probably be that way until Saturday. We have enjoyed reading and talking about the many blessings all around us here and for our family members scattered over the state of Texas. I hope you are safe,warm,fed and expecting great things to happen so that God gets the glory due Him.There are more than 1200 copies of the 365 Bible in the peoples hand through VBC since 1999.If all of these Bibles are being read and the Truths demonstrated heeded that is more than enough people to pray in agreement with The Lord Jesus Christ to persuade GOD The Father to forgive the sins of our nation and heal our land so that we might do His will for His glory and we might have joy unspeakable. Amen.

Exodus 17:8-19:15 pay attention to things first mentioned concerning prayer, war, and worship. Note the new name in v15 concerning "victory" of Jehovah-nissi. The advice of putting power down and staff organization given by Jethro are fundamental to success for Moses and for us today.The principal for leadership expressed in these verses is basic yet essential.Discipleship is GOD's way for His program to be established and operated.Tell them what you know. The people are three months out of Egypt and preparing to meet GOD at Mount Sinai.

Matthew 22:33-23:12 How does the doctrine of Jesus impact your life? If we practiced being and doing these two commandments given by Jesus the world would be a better place.The opposite of these commandments are demonstrated by those who do not believe.Who is your Master? How does your Master act and treat you? Selah.

Psalm 27:8-14 have you asked v11 to be so in your life?Who are you waiting for?

Proverbs 6:27-35 The wage of sin is death. What are you afraid of? Have you admitted and confessed your sins and are you confident that they are under the blood of Jesus?Physical acts and mental acts are equal.Sin is sin against GOD. Selah. luvpj
Pray about this coming Sunday and our 365 class and the VBC.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2 Feb 11 The Lord has provided for us and we are safe. Trials and test are about us and yet we are safe, Praise The LORD.Look at what is happening in the world and then stand amazed at the provisions we enjoy at the hand of The LORD, our Lord.

Exodus 15:20-17:7 shows us more traits and attributes of GOD and allows us to know Him as Jehovah Rapha(v26)for He is The LORD that healeth thee.Murmuring is a very serious conduct.The LORD is willing to tell His people the way when they diligently seek Him.The will of GOD is not up for choosing but for obeying.Stewardship is directed concerning gathering the manna and the quail. God knows BEST and He tells us Truth so that we may be blessed because we obey.Why did the children say"Is the LORD among us,or not"?Do we ever wonder where GOD is? Where is our faith? Pay attention.

Matthew 22:1-32 Jesus uses the parable to teach a heavenly truth about accountability and stewardship.Do you suppose that The LORD has sent out many invitations for salvation with a RSVP attached to the scriptures?Everyone can/may be saved.We ought to sense our personal responsibility to give out the "Gospel" to every person we meet.I find it fascinating how Jesus refers to the Scriptures as He reminds people that Be comes before Do and the Old Testament is the foundation for the New Testament so that Law precedes Grace.

Psalm 27:1-7 reminds us to be mindful of Him who is our Light and Salvation.Selah. Meditate. Hide the Word of God in your heart.

Proverbs 6:20-26 reminds us of our "real" enemy. If we have The Light, The Commandments and The love of God in our lives we can make the Best choices.There is a grave responsibility in being a mother or a father. luvpj