Tuesday, December 27, 2011

27 Dec 2011 Tuesday This is Lesson#52 for the 365 Bible Class scheduled for 1 January 2012.

You are and have been a good and precious gift to me and Betty, thank you all! It has been a great and wonderful Year!! May GOD bless you with A Great, Good and prosperous New Year as you read!!
This will be our last class together. We started with three (3) goals for the year 2011, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let us know about your success. Are you better prepared to "trust and obey" because of this year of reading? God bless you.
Review our reading of 26 Dec-31 Dec: (Don't let things / activities crowd out GOD, seek Him early and diligently with all your heart.) Zachariah 9:1-14:21; Malachi 1:1-4:6; Revelation17:1-22:21; Psalm(s) 145:1-150:6 and Proverbs 30:32-33 and 31:1-31 Read Psalm 139 and SEE GOD, The LORD, Lord Jesus Christ, David and yourself.
Have you spent some time these last few days and reflected on what you have been exposed to by reading through The BIBLE? Are you "contaminated" by Truth? Are you addicted to seeking to know Him early every day, hiding the WORD in your heart and being diligent?

We start today, 1 Jan 2012, with an open mind an open heart with the opportunity "to read" to know Him. Join with me as you hope to continue to read from now to eternity. We have experienced His Truth in our hearts, as a fact, yea and it also sure feels good! We have had this, all of His promises and Heaven to come, YEA, Alleluia! We are His and He is ours. Practice Psalm 138:2, II Tim 3:16-17 and Psalm 119:165

Zachariah The prophet and priest causes us to consider Christ at 3:8, 9:9&16, 11:11-13, 12:10, 13:1,6-8, and 14:3-8 as compared to Acts 1:11. What do make of chap 14? Look for the cross and the Crown. How does "He is coming and His kingdom is with Him" impact your hope? Let 4:6-8 overtake your daily conversation. What visions were given to Zachariah and how do they impact your concept of GOD?

Malachi Take time to meditate on 3:11 "and I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith The LORD of hosts." Consider these promises and observe what is said at 3:16 & 4:2-3. From about 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there were no canonized or accepted writings.

Revelation Every since Genesis 3:15 we have been reading to this end. We are not to be fearful, but to fear God, for the fear of The LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of The Holy is understanding. Since our salvation we have been taken from being under the wrath of GOD to being placed by His side and to watch His will to be preformed upon His creation, REDEEMED.

Psalm We get to praise God! We are told what pleases Him and how to present our thanksgiving. Selah

Proverbs The hope of real men is expressed. The goal of every young girl is expressed. The path for every woman is made plain. The joy of every husband is projected. The heart and mind/will of GOD is revealed concerning how his creation, man and woman, ought to live. This is Stewardship!

I have misused the word "grudge", yet it means to be reluctant to admit or give; a deep seated resentment or rancor; rancor is defined as bitter, long-lasting resentment and ill will. GOD hates sin and shows His emotions at Proverbs 6:16-19. Hate is defined as to feel great hostility or animosity toward. Yet Isaiah 1:16-18, John 3:16 and Romans 5:8 gives us comfort about how He feels toward His children. Why did you respond to His drawing and receive Him as your Lord? Write your salvation. Start with "All things.....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holy Days and Merry Christmas to all. This is Lesson#51 for the 365 Bible Class,25 December 2011
*** There will be NO CLASS today*** There be a combined worship service at 10:30 for the church.
Merry Christmas to you. You are and have been a good and precious gift to me and Betty, thank you all! We started with three (3) goals for the year, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let us know about your success. Keep on reading The Word.
Review our reading of 19-25 Dec: (Don't let things / activities crowd out GOD, seek Him early and diligently with all your heart.) Zephaniah1:1-3:20;Haggai1:1-2:23;Zachariah1:1-8:23;Revelation 10:1-16:21; Psalm(s)138:1-144:15 and Proverbs 30:11-31.

Zephaniah(hidden of Jehovah) tells all that The Great Day of The LORD is at hand. If you see God as both loving and severe how does this impact your concept? Judah is to be taken. There will be a remnant saved and will be restored in the land One Day and some heathen will be saved. What is that new tongue? How does a man walk humbly before God? Will this be a time of "FREEDOM"?

Haggai (525) tells of the return to the land after 70 years have passed and the temple is to be rebuilt. "Consider your ways." Why did they get their priorities mixed up? What lesson ought we to learn about uncleanness? Who is the signet for God?. How may one be encouraged by being rebuked? What/who is the resource of your courage? How many names of God have you found? Knowing God is more important than knowing about God.

Zachariah>Future >Revelation-during turmoil, who listens or hears? From Babylon to Jerusalem and chosen by GOD? In this turmoil how was Christ presented? Take time to look for Jesus at 3:8, 9:9, 9:16,11:11-13,12:10,13:1,6-7and14:3-8. Consider this prophecy as you read through Revelation allowing your memory to provide a background as presented in Daniel, The LORD wants those who read to know Him. The Messiah and The Kingdom and The last days. From about 400BC to the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ there are no canonized or accepted writings.

Revelation Strive to be amazed at the Words and handiwork of GOD. His commandments are not grievous. With the gifts of technology imagine how chap 11 will be presented 3.5 years from now if the Rapture happens today. Remember where the redeemed will be seated as these events are occurring. Recall Genesis 3:15 as you read chap.12. The Enemy of God is at hand and we get to see how the 144,000 witnesses are employed by God, even in the last days The Gospel will be proclaimed. Spend some time reading about the wrath of The LORD and then be grateful as you praise Him for taking the wrath for you. We have been taken in love to be with our Lord. As you pray for the lost bear in mind what they will face if they do not respond to GOD in faith.

Psalm Take note of 138:2 and appreciate what you have in your hand and appreciate The LORD's lovingkindness. Take time to praise The all knowing God who preserves us and keeps us from evil. Pray back Psalm 143. Ask The LORD to bless you, if He is your Lord. Selah

Proverbs O that we all would believe the pureness of God's WORD. Consider using 30:7-9 as a guide for your stewardship/checkbook evaluation. Consider Four(4) as it relates to "Creation".
As you read to know Him, tell Him how much you appreciate being saved and redeemed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 Dec 2011 Tuesday-Hope you are getting ready for the Big Day.As you read, please note the embedded promise(s). Today, the very last verse, Proverbs 29:25,tells whosoever that they shall be safe as they put their trust in The LORD.

Selah, meditate on that Truth and be aware of the conditions. It is a trust issue! Can we separate trust from faith or love or obedience? Recommend we all take time to evaluate where we are, confess our need for protection(for we have a REAL Enemy), admit that we have been trusting ourselves and those around us for little things and not fully waiting upon The LORD our Lord.

Seek to sense being blameless before God.Recall others Truths that,hopefully, are hidden in your heart admit your need of and for GOD, cry out, confess, be forgiven, get clean, approach The Throne of God with thankfulness and lay down your burden, He is waiting for you. Come home my child. Any whoso can trust. Be careful and by faith first, Trust The LORD.
PS: Sometime the light does not come on until we get to the end.

Monday, December 12, 2011

12 Dec 2011 Monday This will be Lesson#50 for our 365 Bible Class 18 December 2011.

We started with three (3) goals for the year, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let Betty know about your success. Write someone (who so ever) in your family a short note of love.
Review our reading of 12-18 Dec: Amos 7:1-9:15; Obadiah 1:1-21; Jonah 1:1-4:11; Micah 1:1-7:20; Nahum 1:1-3:19; Habakkuk 1:1-3:19; Revelation 3:7-9:21; Psalm(s) 131:1-137:9 and Proverbs 29:23-27 and 30:1-10. Fourteen (14) of the 39 Old Testament Books are written during 586-400BC. From about 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there are no canonized or accepted writings.

Amos Trust and obey! There is no place to hide from God. What promise has not yet been fulfilled concerning the tabernacle of David? Amos, a prophet to Israel 768-755BC, teaches that Israel and all nations must prepare to meet The LORD. Amos asked the question "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Why a plumbline? Don't get distracted by the vessel? How does 8:7-14 impact your concept of God? Who/how is Just compared to mercy and or wrath?
Obadiah How does the doom of Edom impact your concept of God? Obadiah, a prophet to Judah o/a 840-825 BC, shares with us the fate of Edom and that The LORD will restore Israel/Judah and the kingdom shall be The LORD's. Pride costs! Pay attention to v 15.

Jonah Why was Jonah sent to Nineveh? Why did Jonah run away, how significant was his prayer life, does//can preaching change a city and why be sad at God's blessing on sinners? What did you learn? Jonah records a great Miracle! A great picture of GOD resurrecting His Son. The proof that all Nations ought to hear the good news and hope that GOD will deal with mercy. Recall as you read Nahum.
Micah warning of the fall of Israel and Judah. Foretelling of the birth of Zion's soon coming King. Refine your concept of The Lord GOD as you read verse 1:2. Compare the promises against the condemnation in view of the last days. What think ye of 7:7-20?

Nahum predicts the fall of Nineveh (about 120 years after Jonah's visit) and the glory of The Assyrian Empire. Note the time line/connection from Jonah to Nahum. Consequence for sin will be paid. What aspect of God did you learn at 1:2-14? What warning did you note in chap 2?

Habakkuk tells that destruction is coming, yet there is hope in GOD. How long have you been crying and for what? What lifestyle principle(s) did you learn from chap 2 and are they principal in your life How do you pray back 3:2??

Revelation Do you believe the promise(s) given and does 1:3 apply to this week's reading? How do you hear what the Spirit is saying to the church? Focus on The Lord and not the creation. Are we seeing the end before the beginning? What is the ministry of the 144,000? Why seven Seals and six trumpets?

Psalm(s) Reminds us to check our attitude and repair the condition of our heart before we Bless and Praise The LORD. How long(136) will His mercy endure? What is dramatic about Psalm 138?

Proverbs warns about pride and of being just. If verse 30:5 is so why would any man quote v3?
Timing ought to excite us. Let us spend time reflecting on the acquired Truths we have because of reading and celebrate what The LORD our Lord has done for us. Could it be that giving to Him could become more important than what others give to us. This is a great time to practice Stewardship. Try writing a "Thank you" note to GOD.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

7 Dec 2011 Wednesday-70 years ago this AM!!! Take time to be grateful. Hope you have been reading to know God. This is Lesson#49 for the 365 Bible Class for 11 December 2011.

** We are planning on having a "get-together" on Friday 16 December, 7PM at the youth department's Fire House. We ask that you, if possible, bring BOTH a toy-gift and a baby gift. We hope to take the toys to the USMC "Toys for Tots" and the baby gifts to "A place for grace". We will discuss details this Sunday.

We started with three (3) goals for the year, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let Betty know about your success.
Review our reading of 5 -11 Dec: Hosea 1:1-14:9; Joel 1:1-3:21; Amos 1:1-6:14; 1st John 5:1-21; 2nd John 1:1-13; 3rd John 1:1-14; Jude1:-25; Revelation 1:-3:6; Psalm(s)124:1-1-8; 125:1-5;126:1-6;127:1-5;128:1-6;129:1-8 & 130:1-8 and Proverbs 29:5-22.

Fourteen (14) of the 39 Old Testament Books are written during 586-400BC. Judah/Jews went into captivity 1st time o/a 605; 2nd 597, 3rd 587 and returned from captivity o/a 538 and rebuilt the Temple 536-516 BC. Ezekiel and Daniel were the prophets to the Jews during the 70 years of captivity in Babylon. Time line for our reading Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel is o/a 586 BC. Zechariah, Haggai and Malachi were prophets to restored Judah/Israel(post-exilic). From about 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there are no canonized or accepted writings.

Hosea, a prophet to Israel o/a 750-725, will allow us to better know GOD and His mannerisms of dealing with His children as sinners. Jensen called this a report on "GOD's love for Backsliders". We should read to know how The LORD demonstrates that He is Holy, Just and Love. Israel goes into Assyrian captivity o/a 722 BC.

Joel, a prophet to Judah o/a 925-810BC, tells us about the "Day of The LORD", calling for repentance while hoping for restoration. Tribulation-Armageddon-Millennial Reign.

Amos, a prophet to Israel 768-755BC, teaches that Israel and all nations must prepare to meet The LORD. Ask the question "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos projects a restoration and that GOD will plant Israel upon their land.

1st,2nd,3rd John charges us to have fellowship with GOD and his children, to know Truth and see that in so-called believers. All should expect and pursue Spiritual health and prosperity. GOD wants His children to be in and walk in the Light.

Jude teaches all believers to know truth, beware of ungodly men, contend for the faith, believe and trust GOD that He is able to keep you from falling.

Revelation show us the climax of GOD's Book, Apocalypse: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. We get to learn church history. A simple goal for life is, to be "in the Spirit on The Lord's Day".

Psalm(s) Perhaps the strongest verse is at Psalm 127:1 "Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain." A lesson for all.

Proverbs 29:5-22 reveals a great dilemma at verse 18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Where did your vision begin? Where does your testimony begin?
Write someone (who so ever) in your family a short note of love.