Friday, October 29, 2010

Sat 29 Oct 10 and a great day to be a Christian!We need to pause and be grateful if we are a Christian, live in America legally,and as of today are alive and have an opportunity to tell someone about GOD,His coming judgment,His hand extended to all unbelievers for salvation from His wrath, His mercy and grace,His written testimony and how any one/every one can be saved/redeemed/adopted/forgiven/made acceptable in the beloved and on the verge of going to be with The Lord Jesus Christ TODAY!Selah.

If your heart is a little bit heavy with a burden for a loved one who you know is unsaved/lost/condemned and will be eternally separated from GOD, perhaps if you multiply that burden by thousands, you might come close to how Jeremiah felt as GOD moved on him to write the book of Lamentations.Why don't we hear much praying(privately and corporately) about confession of sins,sins,sins,sins and failures to be obedient? You must agree with me of our guilt.We want the things of God.We want the blessings of God's righteousness but we don't want to live separately and righteously.What happens when there is no vision?What happens when there is no repentance?What happens when James 4:17 is read and not believed?Pray that your concept of GOD will be more biblical than it is today because you have read to know Him.

How does Proverb 26:20 impact your conversation today? We decided it is good to bear the burden, but not good to share the secrets of others.Selah.Be changed not stirred pj

Thursday, October 28, 2010

28 Oct 10 As the day progresses I hope you have read to know GOD and He has shown you His great favor (grace) and mercy.Congrats on finishing The Book of Jeremiah.Hope your concept of The Lord is stronger and more biblical. We need to be careful and not to assume because we have done a good thing it makes God love us more than others.In prison or in the palace does not affect GOD's love for His children. Obedience is our benchmark.

Please take time and vote.We ought to show the evidence of our salvation by being a good citizen.James 4:17 is still a good daily guide for our conversation.Remember, we read to know Him, but we need to let all these sayings sink down into our hearts and then to be the light and salt we ought to be as kids of The King.

Who will go to heaven because The Lord used you to draw them to Himself? Selah. pj

PS: Take time to be grateful for the first person the LORD used to bring you to The Lord. For me it was Todd Windsor, 1976, in my office at Fort Benning,GA and he used Hebrews 9:27 to penetrate my heart. I have not been the same since and when I got saved 30 Oct 77, GOD reminded me of His favor of using Todd to touch/draw me.PTL

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

26 Oct 10 We exercised our responsibility of being good stewards and early voted today. I will not give out names,but we support a smaller government bent on tending to the peoples causes,securing our borders,an equal and flat tax,disapprove of people who do sign blindly on a binding document without reading,and most of all we like people who say the Pledge of Allegiance daily as they post our Flag and read,believe,heed and practice The Constitution.I long for the day when people in any elected office can and will clearly express "how they know that they are saved" and will use Bible verses to explain their conversion experience.

Look to the Eastern sky tomorrow at 7AM-Texas time and see if you can see the sun. If you cannot see the sun do you believe it is coming? Why? Please watch the colors change and as you are impressed,pray,praise and worship Almighty GOD, He is WORTHY!

Read to know Him. Selah. pj

Monday, October 25, 2010

25 Oct 10 This is the day we exercise our option and vote early. Every vote counts, even those that are not recorded and those who did not register or apply for a write-in ballot.If you are "saved" and live in America "legally" and do not vote, then in my opinion you are disobedient to GOD's Truth and His expressed will for mankind.How can we not pray for those elected officials? Look at James 4:17 and fess up and or just be thankful.Our light must shine to make a difference.

I pray that by reading the book recorded as Jeremiah you have opened up your mind and heart to examine your concept of Almighty GOD. Please,please do not focus on the circumstances. Focus on He who controls ALL circumstances. Repent,return,hear,heed, believe and tell others the "truth" that changed your life.

My wife and I are getting ready to celebrate our Spiritual birthday.Thirty Three(33) years ago,30 Oct 1977, we were Redeemed/Saved/Born Again/forgiven and made acceptable in The Beloved eternally and forever. This free gift,taking all of OUR SINS and putting them on The Lord Jesus Christ and imputing His righteousness to our accounts, we were made sons of God and blameless.II Corn5:17-21 became so!!!!

What about your salvation experience?Each person is responsible for the future of their soul.There are only two(2) kinds of persons/souls.Souls/persons are either saved or lost.Please let me know if you do not know your salvation condition.Please be saved before it is tooooooo late.If you want this truth,The Gospel, please contact me via "" and I will share many Bible verses that will show you the way to be saved and made right and acceptable to the only True God and Redeemer and His only son, The Lord Jesus Christ, The GOD-Man. pj

Friday, October 22, 2010

22 Oct 10 Hope you are reading,hearing and heeding what the prophet Jeremiah is saying to "them" historically and to us for admonition. We get to read to know GOD!

Suggest you take a time and revisit Proverbs 25 and 26 and read the complete chapter to grasp the sense of its application in your daily conservation.

As you read the psalms, note how the character of The LORD our Lord is expressed. Pause and re-read Psalm 91:14-16,SELAH. Be grateful and thankful.

We will start a new class on Jan 2ND,2011 reading through the 365/one year KJV Bible. Each Sunday we will visit some of the key verses that we have read and focus on knowing HIM via His names,traits,characteristics,attributes and promises. I look forward to reading to know God with you. Begin to memorize II Timothy 3:16-17 and James 4:17. In love, Powell