Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, 18 November 2015, summer is going, winter is coming and there are many still in the trap of Satan's deception, that is, sure get salvation tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation. Read your Bible to know God.
 The promises and prophecies given by the LORD to Ezekiel for the Jews makes it clear and plain, judgment is coming, sin will be punish, some will live and restoration is coming One Day. If you are a Jew, Gentile or Christian, the wage of sin is death. The Christian will never die the second death! The Christian has the second birth. Jesus said, You must be born again.

This Lesson # 45 One Year Bible with Comments will be presented at VBC 22 November 2015.

Now that you have completed reading Hebrews, pause and consider the encouragement you have been given causing you to appreciate the better testament through Christ Jesus your Lord. Recall often that Jesus Christ is greater than the sacrificial system of the Jews. Read Hosea 14:2 “Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips”. SELAH, pray with your sacrifice of praise. Strive to enjoy fellowship with your Saviour.

Mon-16-Ezekiel 33:1-34:31, Hebrews 13:1-25, Psalm 115:1-18 & Proverbs 27:21-22. Each of us need to (must) accept the responsibility of being a watchman in our homes, families, churches, cities, state and sphere of influence, lest they perish. Tell them! Apply the admonishment of the letter to the Hebrews, be apt to hospitality. Allow Psalm 115:17-18 to cause you to pray fervently. You are someone's only hope. Be a watchman.

Tue-17-Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalm 116:1-19 & Proverbs 27:23-27. Allow Ezekiel 36:24-32 to encourage you trust the promises of God for the Jews . Determine how and if these promises apply to you today. James 1:5-8 is the test for understanding and fellowship with God and man. Pray back Psalm 116. Be diligent in all that you do.

Wed-18-Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalm 117:1-2 & Proverbs 28:1. After reading Ezekiel 37, pause-Selah, and shout “One Day” Praise The LORD. Consider the prophecy at chapter 38 and know that we, the saved, will watch this all come to pass from heaven. Allow James to instruct you in your daily conversation. One day Psalm 117 will be so.

Thu-19-Ezekiel 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Psalm 112:1-18 & Proverbs 28:2. Enjoy reading the attributes of the LORD and rest in His promises to His people. Learn that God is providing for His people when they are in captivity. He loves us Unconditionally! James challenges all men to works because they are saved. No man can save himself by his works. Read and believe Psalm 118:8-9 and trust God as you read verses 14-18. He is faithful!

Fri-20-Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalm 118:19-29 & Proverbs 28:3-5. One day the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt and then destroyed again by man. One day the temple will be rebuilt and the LORD will be there. One day and for a thousand years! Read and learn to pray. Is your heart purified? Allow James 4:17 to direct your life. Give thanks unto God.

Sat-21-Ezekiel 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20, Psalm 119:1-16 & Proverbs 28:6-7. One Day the glory of the LORD God will enter Jerusalem! One Day the prophecies will be fulfilled just as they were spoken to Ezekiel. Learn what the Lord Sabaoth means to believers. Believe the effectual prayers availeth much when the conditions for praying are met. Learn and enjoy the words used by God to describe God's promises for hearers and believers.
Sun-22-Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1st Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32 & Proverbs 28:8-10. Receive Ezekiel 44:5 as if were spoken directly to you and seek to know God. As you read learn the difference between the holy and the profane. Jerusalem and the associated land belongs to the Jews as it was promised to Moses and the seed of Abraham. Peter is inspired to pen his letter to the scattered Jews causing them to remember what the LORD had done for them and what He had promised. Believe God in spite of circumstances. We all need to consider Psalm 119:17-19 in the good and bad times. Be careful in your conversation every day.

When you start a new Book or a Prophet's letter ask to whom is this written, what did it require of them, if and or how does this apply to me today, what attributes of God are plain, is there a sin to avoid or a promise to claim. Read your Bible to know God. Get right so that you may enter into the throne room of God.

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