Saturday, June 26, 2010

27 June 10 Sunday, Expecting people to come to the Bible study at GCCV. Sep 7th This has been a long time coming to an end. It appears that I misjudged the level of interest to meet and study prior to playing golf.We will discontinue this study time and return to VBC and await clarification from The Lord on what He wants me to be involved with.Keep on reading and learning GOD. pj

Friday, June 25, 2010

26 June 10 Where will you be next week,next month,next year or 100 years from today? Every man will be in eternity somewhere either with GOD or in the place reserved for the Devil and his imps and the unbelievers.We have the opportunity and responsibility to invite and bring as many as we can to dinner with our GOD.Look at the word Maranatha and see the application. We need to be busy.

Hopefully your concept of God will be reinforced because you read today.Jehu is an agent for change. Beware your sins will find you out sooner or later.This action took place over a period of time as prescribed by The LORD.

It is amazing how God can make some doors to open and some to close.We all need to be prepared to suffer for the sake of The Lord Jesus. And in our dire circumstances we get to cry unto our God for salvation from those events and remember that He has never left us alone nor forsaken us.Pray for The Lord to cause you to believe. Selah
Say "Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God". Be right then do right. love pj
25 June 10 I had a wonderful experience last evening visiting with two men seeking the will of God for their lives.It seemed as though the process expressed by Paul in 2 Timothy 2:2 was unfolding in our midst.The father has been reading the 365 Bible since 1999 and his son since 2009 and now the young wants to share the Gospel so to cause other men to be saved and then follow him as he follows The Lord.It works! I challenge you to write out your testimony starting with the day 2Corn 5:17-21 became effective in your life.

We refer to Acts 16 as the chapter of the jail house rock. We must learn that our GOD is not willing that any should perish, but that all men everywhere repent to God and have faith in Jesus Christ. Have you ever asked the question "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

Have you asked "O LORD hear my prayer"? Has He been faithful? How ought we to respond to His faithfulness? SELAH. Read to know Him. As you read,note the verbs and then tell The LORD in your prayers how you have or have not complied with what you know. Then look again at James 4:17. love,pj

Thursday, June 24, 2010

24 June 10 Thursday is a good day to rejoice and be glad. How is your reading? I often wonder why there is no fear of GOD.Does it bother you that today the media and churchy people say what is good today was bad prior to WW II? Or perhaps what is bad today was in fact true and good for us that were born before WW II.What is still the same? Don't you find comfort in the scriptures that teach about GOD and His unchanging nature and Word? Why should we worry or be anxious for any thing? FACT: God cannot nor will not change or be untrue and tell a lie.

Do you consider yourself a good steward of what GOD has put into your hands? If not why not? Have you ever been to circle city Ala? Another name for this town is found in 2 Kings 6:13.Learn the Truth taught in these chapters about GOD and cause it to impact your concept of The LORD.

Take time to check the charts and maps relating to the 1st and 2nd missionary journeys of Paul,Silas,Barnabas and John Mark.Learn a great truth; it is OK to be different.

Learn to cry unto The Lord in your supplications, but consider first singing His praises, being grateful, confessing your sins and be cleansed.Seek wisdom and get understanding today and don't be foolish. Be right then do right. pj

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

23 June 10 One of the most interesting jewel of advice I have received from my is "you always find what you are looking for at the last place you look." Ponder this truth and consider your attitude about reading the Bible to know God. We all need to be open to truth and ask for The Lord to search us and know us, then to convict,pardon,cleanse and order our steps today.

One of the test concept used by God was demonstrated by Elijah in 2Kings1 and it has the five ingredients of determination beginning at Gilgal then to Beth-el, Jericho, Jordan and Jordan again. Suggest you find the definition of these and put together this puzzle. Do you really want the power and purpose of The LORD in/on your life?

Greed will find the chink in every mans armor, ask Gehazi and his seed. How does this impact your concept of God? It is better to obey than sacrifice. Be right first then do right, do right, do right til the stars fall.

Take time to be grateful for God's mercy and grace. As you/we cry unto God let our prayers be true and pleasing unto Him who knows, hears and records all of our words as He watches our every act,deed and reaction. He is GOD,The LORD and our Lord. pj

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

22 June 10 Hopefully you are seeing "new things" a you read through this year The Bible to know God. Take time to enjoy God's gifts and abilities He has given you. Spend time hearing the wind,birds,trees and small things.Be amazed at how fast birds fly and how slow butterflies sway in the wind while you ponder the activities of the squirrel.Enjoy the sights and sounds and then try to imagine what it would be like to be born blind and or deaf.Be a good steward.

When you consider the first missionary journey of Barnabas and Paul consider the modes of transportation and distance travelled. As you read the letters that Paul wrote remember that the churches were hearing them for the first time and they were precious and treasured. The elders would read them to the people without given an explanation of what they thought Paul might be saying. The believed that is was good and profitable for them to pay attention to the Epistle. It was the only letter they had and it surely was handled with care and respect. Where is your letter?

Please consider the Proverbs as check points for your conduct. We are God's children and it is best if we act like we are The Kings children. Be right then do right. pj

Monday, June 21, 2010

21 June 10 Salutations to all who are fathers, those who have a father, the fatherless and those who want to be fathers. The interesting aspect of our information age tells us that there is a name for God in every language that refers to "Him" being a creator, to God being the provider but there is only ONE name of God that is The Saviour and we find this in Exodus 6 and we get to know Him as God Almighty JEHOVAH! He is The ONE GOD and LORD of ALL. We get to become His sons by faith as we receive the gift of eternal life(John 1:12) then we get to come into His presence boldly in the Name of JESUS and cry abba Father and we know that He hears and cares for us.What a great Fathers day gift that is!I appreciate your comment Mr.Aristono Nughroho and want to respond to you via e-mail. Please allow me to contact you from "" soonest.Keep on reading and recording the names,traits an attributes of God so that you get to know Him.

Please note the sins of the kings of Israel and apply the last two verses 0f Psalms 139 in your devotion today.