Monday, June 30, 2014

30 June 2014, Monday as we wait for Friday surely we expect Sunday to follow, perhaps the rapture will interrupt our plan and we will be in heaven. Where will you be in 100 years? Please make preparation for TODAY by getting in agreement with God. Read your bible and consider what you read to the point of action upon the Truth. Then your belief in/on The Lord God Almighty and His gospel will cause you to see Him who was crucified and died for all mankind 's SIN to be your personal salvation. Read, hear, believe, call upon Him, receive the gift of eternal life and be grateful-Thank You Lord.

Lesson # 27 One Year Bible Comments prepared for 29 June 2014. Read your identified scriptures in your Bible first and then consider the comments. If you do not have a Bible turn to and we will get a KJV Bible for you. People are praying for your salvation and edification.
Sun 29 Jun 2nd Kings 15:1-16:20, Acts 19:13-41, Psalm 147:1-20 and Proverbs 18:4-5. The words of a man are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook.Be careful who you listen to and in particular THAT you HEAR! Look ahead to Psalm 1.  After reading Acts consider “Who in hell knows you?” We are charged to preach the gospel. Learn and appreciate the attributes of God written in the Psalms.
30 Jun 2ndKings 17:1-18:12, Acts 20:1-38, Palm 148:1-14 and Proverbs 18:6-7. Based on the history lesson given today, where are the ten (10) tribes of Israel today? Consider the conflict at 17:33-41 and be wise in your choices. FEAR GOD!!!  Learn the clarity of the gospel in the Acts. Heed Psalm 148 in your praise. Don’t be foolish.

1 Jul 2ndKings 18:13-19:37, Acts 21:1-17, Psalm 149:1-9 and Proverbs 18:8. Read to KNOW God so that when the enemies come forward you know right from wrong, it is your responsibility. Look for the people of God as you travel. Discipline yourself to praise God. Watch out for busybodies for they are not your friend.
2 Jul 2ndkings 20:1-22:2, Acts 21 18-36, Psalm 150:1-6 and Proverbs 18:9-10. Practice praying before you gets sick. Prayers ought to come first not last. Be kind to others. What are you zealous for today? Read Psalm 145-150 and praise God. Don’t be slothful.

3 Jul 2ndKings 22:3-23:30, Acts21:37-22:16 Psalm 1:1-6 and Proverbs 18:11-12. We ought to treasure our “Book of The Law-Bible” and protect it with our life. Allow these verses of 2ndKings to impact your concept of God. Learn God and know what He loves and what He hates. Be prepared to give your testimony and start where God changed your life eternally. What are the conditions associated with the blessings of today given in Psalm 1 and Proverbs 18?

4 Jul 2ndKings 23:31-25:30, Acts 22:17-23:10, Psalm 2:1-12 and Proverbs 18:13. Compare Hebrews 9:27 to 2ndKings today? History for the house of God at Jerusalem began with Solomon and ended with Zedekiah. What did you learn about God? Learn the ways of God and do not follow the ways of man. YES, God is the God of mercy, but we don’t have to disobey. Because of what you have read about God, how is your conscience? Learn the will of God at Psalm 2 and serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Hear God and obey.
5 Jul 1stChronicles 1:1-2:17, Acts 23:11-35, Psalm 3:1-8 and Proverbs 18:4-5. 1st & 2nd Chronicles are history books prepared by God for our learning of Who He is and how He cares for His creation. What attributes of God did you see and learn by reading Acts? Practice reading and re-reading and then consider what you have read, this is SELAH. Guard your spirit and discipline yourself by James 4:17 & Psalm 119:165.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

24 June 2014 Tuesday, Friday is coming and perhaps we will be here Sunday. Yet this could be The Day. There is only One (1) sin that will condemn a person to hell and that is the sin of UNBELIEF! Hear the Truth, Jesus saves, believe what you have read in the Bible and by faith receive forgiveness from God The Father trusting the promise of Jesus. He is the ONLY Way, Truth and the Life. Read your Bible and be saved.

Lesson # 26   One Year Bible Comments prepared for reading 22 June 2014. Read the scriptures first then consider the comments. Because you have read, is there one (1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed you this week? Can you say "this one thing I know that I‘ve learned” because you have read and discovered a truth this week? Get clean, confess your sins-repent and draw close to God to know Him and enjoy His fellowship.
Some background info:*comments from The New Scofield* Study Bible “First and Second Kings were originally one book. Second Kings contains the record of two great national tragedies-the fall of the northern kingdom, Israel, in 723 B.C.; and the fall of Judah with the destruction of Jerusalem, in 586B.C.-- as well as an account of the mighty ministry of Elisha. During the period recorded in this book, Israel received warnings and exhortations from Amos and Hosea, and a number of prophets arose in Judah, including Isaiah and Jeremiah. The book concludes with the people of Judah in captivity in Babylon."
Considering last week’s reading about the prophet Micaiah? How did God work to influence the kings? What attributes did you see The LORD demonstrate? Also, how did God demonstrate His powers in the lives of Elijah and Elisha? How do you relate to the four tests given to Elisha by Elijah?  How do you relate to Naaman?  How have you acted like Gehazi? Have you started to pray back the Psalms? Has the reading changed your concept of God?   Now Look for God.  Practice Micah 6:8.  Read to know God.

Sunday 22 Jun 2ndKings 3:1-4:17, ACTS 14:8-28, Psalm 140:1-13 and Proverbs 17:22. Do you believe what you read? Have you heard, believed and received the Truth of the gospel? Is your heart merry?
23 Jun  2ndKings 4:18-5:27, Acts 15:1-31, Psalm 141:1-10 and Proverbs 17:23. Whom do you pray to? Are you willing to follow all of God’s instruction? All men must protect themselves from false teachers that may come into the church by FIRST reading the Bible at home. Look again at John 10:27-30 and enjoy Psalm 141.

24 Jun 2ndKings 6:1-7:20, Acts 15:32-16:15, Psalm 142:1-7 and Proverbs 17:24-25. Remember all of these Truths/Miracles are written so that we might believe. We live in the days of faith according to the WRITTEN Word of God, so it is important for you to read the entire Bible.
25 Jun 2ndKings 8:1-9:15, Acts 16:16-40, Psalm 143:1-12 and Proverbs 17:26. Be warned that God is not mocked. Read 9:6-10 and adjust your fear of God. He is Omniscient! In difficult places stay clean and pray depending on The God of your salvation to protect you. He is faithful and Omnipotent.

26 Jun 2ndKings 9:16-10:31, Acts 17:1-34, Psalm 144:1-15 and Proverbs 17:27-28. What happened to Jezebel? What happened to Ahab’s children? God is not mocked. Have you received the Word with all readiness of mind? Read to know God. Attend to Acts 10:30. What attributes of God did you see in Psalm 144? Are you happy because you read? Are you wise?
27 Jun 2ndKings 10:3-12:21, Acts 18:1-21, Psalm 145:1-21 and Proverbs 18:1. How does 2ndKings 10 impact your concept of God? Are the people you look up to following The God of the Bible? Have you been entrusted with things of God? Are you prepared to give an accounting of your stewardship? Are you convinced that God ONLY speaks to you through The Bible? Practice praising God as you read the Psalms 145-150.Are you seeking God’s wisdom?

28 Jun 2ndKings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:22-19:12, Psalm 146:1-10 and Proverbs 18:2-3. Do you fear God? What does God love? What does God hate (Proverbs 6:16-19)? If you are saved and a disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ how are you being discipled? Why do you need to read your Bible? Read to know Him. Learn to put your trust in The God of The Bible.
If you need a KJV Bible or have a question/comment, please use We are praying for you to trust God according to the scriptures of The Bible.

Monday, June 16, 2014

16 June 2104 Monday, Friday is coming then Sunday. Are you ready for the Day of The LORD? We believe that the "Rapture" could occur today. That means that all believers would be called out of this earth to be with Jesus in the clouds and then we would be with God until the seven (7) years of tribulation are over. Then The Lord Jesus Christ would come back to earth and rule for 1000 years. Are you ready to be called out? Have you read and believed The Gospel?

Readers from the Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Vietnam. Contact for information on how to be "saved" and prepared for that day. If you do not have a Bible please let us know and we will do our best to get a Bible to you ASAP. read your Bible first, then consider the comments.
Lesson # 25  One Year Bible Comments  prepared 15 June 2014.
 We are nearly half the way through the year and there are many who are not saved. How has the reading of God’s Word changed your life, concept of God and motivated you to trust and obey what you have read? Read to know God. Read this week:
Sun 15 Jun 1stKings 14:1-15:24, Acts 10:1-23, Psalm 133:1-3 and Proverbs 17:7-8.  What Attribute of God did you notice in the reading today that is common throughout the scriptures? Be careful when unity drives conduct.
Mon 1stKings 15:23-17:24, Acts 10:24-48, Psalm 134:1-3 and Proverbs 17 9-11.  What influence does “went and did” have on your intentions to honor God’s Word? How is the “fear of God” presented today? Are you a disciplined man/person like Cornelius? If not, why not? Compare Psalm 1 to the Proverbs for today.

Tue 1stKings 18:1-46, Acts 11:1-30, Psalm 135:1-21 and Proverbs 17:12-13. Are you afraid of the Arabs of today or do you fear God? Have you written out your personal testimony of how you were saved? Are you saved? Look at II Corinthians 5:17-21 and admit your condition to God. God knows your heart. Strive to BE in Agreement with Him.
Wed 1stKings 19:1-21, Acts 12:1-23, Psalm 136:1-26 and Proverbs 17:14-15.  How impressed are you that God would take much interest in Elijah and have it recorded so that we may learn His ways. How many times has God came to you the second time? What attributes and traits did God show in Acts 12? What is the theme of Psalm 136?   Stay away from strife.

Thu 1stKings 20:1-21:29, Acts 12:24-13:15, Psalm 137:1-9 and Proverbs 17:16. As you read today and later consider “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are an abomination to the LORD.”Proverbs 17:15. We all need to fear God. God wants ALL men everywhere to repent, to believe and be redeemed. Have you obeyed the voice of God?  Ponder Acts 12:24 and determine where you are in this picture. How is your singing in this strange land?
Fri 1stKings 22:1-53, Acts 13:16-41, Psalm 138:1-8 and Proverbs 17:17-18. It is OK to be like Micaiah.  How does this affect your concept of God? What attributes of God as Elohim or Jehovah did you see today and this week? What qualified ASA to be deemed a good father? Have you learned the history of the Hebrews? Focus on the Saviour as you see the benefits of the saved. Have you praised your God with your whole heart today? Consider the promise given at Psalm 138:8 when fear tries to overcome you. Be a friend that is true and has understanding.

Sat 21 Jun 2ndKings 1:1-2:25, Acts13:42-14:7 Psalm 139:1-24 and Proverbs 17:19-21. How does chapter 1 of 2ndKings impact your concept of God?  Have you experienced the four tests given to Elisha? What is your heart’s desire regarding making disciples? Have you been a Barnabas to someone? Who are you grateful for that came along beside you for growth? Is Psalm 139 so and true every day for you? If not, why not? Hate strife. Love mercy. Be humble.
Read in the New Testament John 3:1-36 and consider your past, present and future. Believe!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

8 June 2014, All is well, God is not willing that any should perish, Jesus is the way, the Truth and the Life, all men ought hear the gospel one time, be drawn by God's Holy Spirit for salvation and they respond by faith and are saved by grace. PLEASE read your Bible to know God.
Lesson # 24  One Year Bible   Comments  8June 20124 is prepared to encourage you to read, believe and receive forgiveness from the sin of unbelief. These comments are to encourage you to ponder what you have read and provoke you to believe.
As you read this week to know God consider using the names of God that you have learned in your prayers. Because you have learned that He is HOLY, take time to confess your sins and accept His cleansing according to the scriptures as you enter into His holy temple. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy is understanding.  Get right _ Be right _ Do right AND don’t quit. This week you will be reading:
 Sun 8 Jun 1st kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalm126:1-6 and Proverbs 16:26-27. What did you learn about God as you read Solomon’s prayer? Have you asked for wisdom and understanding? Do you strive to be a modern day Stephen? Are you laboring by sowing the Word of God with tears?
Mon 1st Kings 5:1-6:38, Acts7:1-29, Psalm 127:1-5 and Proverbs 16:28-30.  What traits or attributes of God did you learn observing Solomon prepare for the temple? Have you memorized the history of the Jews as stated today? Is God building your house? Are you happy with God’s provisions? Consider Psalm 1 as you read again the proverb.

Tue 1stKings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Psalm 128:1-6 and Proverbs 16:31-33.  How ought we to consider the things and provisions God has put into our hands? What is God’s greatest gift to you? How did God describe Himself to Moses? How has this knowledge changed your lifestyle? Are you blessed because of your walk? Are you righteous?
Wed 1stKings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Psalm129:1-8 and Proverbs 17:1. Have you practiced extolling God for His mercy and grace? Does God consider your heart perfect? It is sad that there are today many people who have not believed.

Thu 1stKings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Psalm 130:1-8 and Proverbs 17:2-3.  How does God responding to Solomon’s prayers impact your concept of God? How do these acts affect your faith? What did God do for Solomon that He has done for you? Focus on God and not on Solomon. Who directed Phillip to witness to the eunuch? Are you prepared to be a witness? Is God sufficient fort all your needs? Do you trust and obey God’s Word? Does God consider you wise? God is with us in the refining fires. Selah.
Fri 1stKings 11:1-12-:19, Acts 9:1-25, Psalm 131:1-3 and Proverbs 17:4-5. Why did Solomon turn from following God? How did his blessings become as curses? What aspect of God did you learn today? Take time to reflect on David, Solomon and Rehoboam and find how they were favored yet disobedient. What did you learn about your fellowship with God? Is your salvation/conversion experience similar to that of Saul to Paul? Are you glad, acting right and hoping in God?

Sat14 Jun 1stKings 12:2013:34, Acts 9:26-43, Psalm 132:1-18 and Proverbs 17:6. Spend time to understand the dividing of the 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel. Be aware of the conduct of the people but focus on God and look for His response to their acts. Observe the acts of Barnabas and follow his example. What caused the churches to have rest? How Psalm 132 does: 10-12 connect to the division of the Jewish kingdom? Ponder the proverb.
Read to know God. Recall 1stJohn 1:1-10 often as you strive to live the holy life in an unholy place.  Stay clean even though you walk in a dirty fallen world, we are the light and salt God will use to convince men of sin and salvation. We are Ministers of reconciliation, sons of God, forgiven and heaven bound.     

Readers from the Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Vietnam.  If you need a Bible contact for information.

Monday, June 2, 2014

2 June 2014 Monday and we have an opportunity to read our Bible to know God. Psalm 19 records that all men know God a Elohim, yet God wants all men to repent and turn by faith to know Him as Jehovah and be born again by faith in Jesus Christ according to the scriptures.

 Read  your Bible to know Him. If you do not have a Bible, and you want one for yourself, make contact at There may be a missionary in your country today that will assist you in learning the TRUTH. Read your Bible first and then consider the comments.

Lesson # 23  One Year Bible Comments prepared 1 June 2014.  I apologize for getting my days and dates mixed up last week.  I encourage you to read your Bible first before you consider my question or comments. Make notes to the names, traits and attributes of God as you read and consider the promises and warnings.
 Pray before you read to be right, pray as you read to stay right and pray that as God favors you will not quit being and doing. Pray for the lost. Pray and be grateful that men and women are serving to protect our way of life in America. Read and believe, then go, show and tell what great things God hath done for thee. Be a reporter because you have witnessed.
During the week of 1-7 June you will HAVE the opportunity to read in the Old Testament  2 Samuel 18:1-24:25 and 1st Kings 1:1-3:2; in the New Testament  John 20:1-21:25 and Acts1:-5:42; then  in Psalms 119:156 through 125:5 and also Proverbs  16:14-25.

Seek to find the names, attributes, traits of God and consider they have impacted and changed your life. What happens to kings and people when they count their things and rely on what they touch and see? How does the faith and conduct of a father deteriorate into a conflict and compromise by a son? How does this relate to Hebrews 9:27?
            Consider and compare David’s reaction to the death of Bathsheba’s son and that of Absalom.  What did you determine from David’s song that you have put into practice in your prayer time? How has reading Samuel impacted your concept of God? How did David bless Solomon and charge him to put things in order within the kingdom? How did Solomon’s compromise and affinity with Egypt impact Israel?

How does reading John 20 dictate your worship as you go to church on the first day of the week? How many promises are given in these last two chapters of John? What is significant about John 21:7 and how is it similar to Luke 2:14? How do you use John 21:25 to witness?
How do you use Acts 1 to witness? What is required today for the concept of cooperation as shown in Acts 1:14 to be practiced? What miracles are recorded in ACTS 2? What did Christ fulfill? What is evident when people pray? Do you associate with men like Joses surnamed Barnabas? What critical aspect of stewardship is demonstrated in chapter 5?What condition is associated with the promise at 5:39?

What words have you added to your vocabulary because of reading Psalm 119? Consider using Law, Word, Judgments, Testimonies, Statues, Commandments, Precepts, Sayings and Way.  How do you use 119:9, 10, 11, 59, 67, 163 &  165? What promise and condition did you gain at 121? What attribute did you see in Palm 125?
How have you disciplined yourself because of reading the Proverbs this week? Has your concept of God been refined because you have read every day?  Let us be changed as we read to know God.
Remember to pray for others located in Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Vietnam .  Contact for information.