Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday 28 May 2017, a great day to be alive and to be thankful for all those who have served in the military, were killed and are buried in some grave at various cemetery's around the world. We will have many services Monday honoring the fallen. Although the 30 Nations that read Barnabas Blog: Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam may have been enemies or friends in these wars. What we have in common today is that The Lord Jesus Christ paid the ultimate high price for all men when He laid down His life for mine, for yours, yea for the whole world.
I hope you read your Bible every day to know God.

Lesson # 23  One Year 365 Bible Class (read 29-4 June) VBC 4 June 2017.What names of God have you incorporated into your prayers since you read to know Him?
Mon 29 What traits did Absalom demonstrate in chapter 14 and 15? Who is Ahithopel the Gilonite? Read 1 Kings 15:5, 15 June, and find the connection to David's conduct. What do you find unusual at John 18:15-18? How do you confess to God your understanding of Psalm 119:97? Who directs your steps?
Tue 30 What attributes of God did King d demonstrate in chap 15 and 16? What is important about John 18:32? How may you use 18:36-40 to witness to a lost person? How do you pray back Psalm 119:113-131? What traits of Jesus Christ do you see in Proverbs 16:10-11?
Wed 31 Who is Ahithophel and why is he ought to get King David in 2Sam 17? How did the council of Hushai altar the battle with King David? How does John 19:24 encourage you? What hypocrisy is shown in 19:31? What motivated Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus to take and prepare the body of Jesus? Has Psalm 119:132-155 changed your prayers? Does The King love your lips?
Thu 1 Jun How does David's instruction concerning Absalom show strength or weakness Where did you learn "how the mule walked on" in chap18? Why did David cry over Absalom death?  Does v19:5-7 impact your concept of God? How? What unusual truth did you note at John 20:7? What personal commitment did you make after reading John 19? How does Palm 119:165 comfort you?
Fri 2 What lengths will man go to tell a story or give an excuse for what they did for or against King David in chap 19? What kind of man is Bichri of Sheba? What was the intrigue between Joab, Amasa and Abishai? Why is John 21 important to you when you consider the gospel? How does Psalm 120 describe your prayer time with God?  Do you "really" believe and practice Proverbs 16:16-17?  If not, why not?  Hope to see you in Sunday School and church.
*** The book of the Acts of the apostles will show us the beginning of the Christian Church. Consider "witness" as the key word and v1:8 to be the launching point for this work.
Sat 3 How did 2Sam 21:14 impact your concept of God? Is v 21:22 linked back to 1 Sam 17:40? What Psalms are in David's song unto the LORD in chap 22? Who wrote the book of Acts? What is the purpose of this book? How does 1:7-1 4 impact your ministry? What promise did you see in Psalm 112? Do you believe and practice the Proverbs in your witnessing?
Sun 4 How much did David sing about The LORD? What or how does your prayer gain the attention of God? How does 22:31 apply to you? What miracle happened in Acts 2? Are there prerequisites to a miracle? What is significant about v38? How do you use Psalm 122:6 as you pray? According to Proverbs 16:20 are you happy? Do you believe God sings over you?
I ask you to read your Bible or the on line One year 365 Bible at the blog site each day BEFORE you consider my questions or comments. In our class we start out with the question "Did you read this or did you read today?"  We MUST focus on God and His Truth as given in the scriptures. Read (again) Mark 8:27-29 and answer the question. God bless you as you seek to know The LORD. Consider Psalm 19 as you start your day. Amen. Maranatha.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunday 21 May 2017. Hope you are current in your reading of the (One Year 365) Bible to know God. If you do not have this Bible, look at the blog and follow the One Year Bible on I beg you to focus on reading the BIBLE 1st., then look at our comments for the day you are reading. These comments are there to provoke you to consider what you have read.

To the 30 Nations that read Barnabas Blog: Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam please pray that some will be saved.
Lesson # 22 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 22-28 May) will be conducted at VBC  on the    May 28, 2017.

When you begin to read 2 Samuel look for these key words/events: a king, a city, a covenant and a kingdom. Note the key phrase of "before The LORD" as you read about the king’s and his triumphs, sin and troubles. Look at v5:4 and ponder about this as you read God's record of His king and his people.
Mon 22 How did David respond to the news of Saul's death? How was Israel divided for the next 7 1/2 years? What promises did Jesus make in John 12? Who/what will judge mankind as per v12:48? How or why would one read Psalm 118 and NOT praise The LORD?

Tue 23 How does reading about Joab and Abner cause your faith to increase?  What impact did David’s many wives have on his reign? What differences do you find between the feast of the Passover and the Lord's Supper/Communion?  How are relationship, fellowship and Lordship demonstrated in today's reading? Why did Jesus wash the disciples’ feet? What words are used to describe the Word of God in Psalm 119? What attribute of God is shown in Proverb 15:29?                   
Wed 24 How many times was David anointed king? Who is Mephibosheth? How did David reward the two brothers for killing his enemy? What disobedience did King David do at v5:12-13? Did Jesus give a new commandment in John 13? (Lev19:18) What promise did Jesus make at v14:6? What prayer model did Jesus give his disciples? (Consider Col1:15, Heb 1:1-4) What truth did you learn from Psalm 119? How did you pray back Proverbs 15:31-32? 

Thu 25 What is significant about 2ndSam 7:1? What attributes of Jehovah did you discover in chap 7? What promise did God make to David?  Why did The Lord GOD do all these great things?  Why didn’t God want David to build the temple? How is world evangelism expressed in John 14? Who will the Comforter comfort?  What admonitions are given in Psalm 119:36-52?  How has Proverbs 15:33 been so in your life and conversation?
 Fri 26 Why did King David seek Mephibosheth? How do you apply 10:12 to warfare? What caused King David to sin in chap11? What attribute of God is shown at v11:27? Why did Jesus use the grape vine for his allegory and what stewardship principal is given in John 15? How do you live out John 15:14? How is encouragement given at v26-27 for missions? Does Psalm 119:63 describe you? How is Proverbs 16:1-3 similar to Proverbs 3:5-7?

Sat 27 Why did God send Nathan to King David? What attribute of Jehovah did you learn today because you read? Why did the child have to die? Why would you encourage any person to read this story? What aspect of faith's impact on a believer's life did you gain because of v23? How did you see Psalm 119:165 in John 16? How will the Comforter reprove the believer? What kind of peace did Jesus speak of in this chapter? Do you agree with Psalm 119:71, if so, why? What does God consider an abomination?
Sun 28 As a parent, how do you relate to 2Sam 13? How did David treat Tamar differently than Absalom and why? What is the purpose of John 17? What promise did you gain personally in John 17? How does God, The father love you? What does Psalm 119:90 have in common with verses 22 and 132? Do you believe/practice Proverbs 16:6-7?

Friday, May 19, 2017

Friday 19 May 2017  Be sure to read your Bible today and gain faith because you read to know God.

Lesson # 21 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 15-21 May)  will be given at VBC  21May 2017
Mon 15 How do you see GOD at work in chap17? Why did Goliath want to fight Israel alone? How does your testimony sound familiar to David's? Why didn’t Saul know who David was? How does Jesus describe the lost man? How did Jesus describe himself? Have you practiced Psalm 111 as you pray?  “Hallelujah”  What attribute of God is shown in Proverbs 15:11?

Tue 16 Why did King Saul envy and fear David in chap 18? What truth came to Saul at 18:28?  O Jonathan, is it ever right to do wrong that you might do right later? What promise did Jesus make to his disciples in John 8? How did Jesus described the lost man in chap 8? What do learn about God at v58? (Exod 3:14) According to Psalm 112 how does a man get blessed? What peace do you gain from v7?  Is there a promise in Proverbs 15:12-14?
Wed 17  Do you have a friend like Jonathan, David's friend? Why did the Philistines accept their enemy David? What truth did you gain from John 9 about birth defects and sin? As a Christian, how does 9:4 dictate to you your ministry? Psalm 113 what attributes of God? Do you have a merry heart like is described in Proverbs 15:15-17?

Thu 18 How do you relate to the people described at 1 Sam 22:1-2? How is salvation shown in 22:23? How does Jesus describe himself to the people in chap 10? What is the difference between the good shepherd and the great shepherd in Hebrews 13:20, and the chief shepherd in 1st Peter 5:4? How have you used these names in your prayers? Psalm 115 tells Israel to do what before the LORD? Proverbs 15:18-19 advises men to do what with their anger?
Fri 19 What did you learn about dealing with your "enemies" by reading 1 Sam 23-24?  What truth did you learn from reading chap 25 in the matter between David and Nabal? How is John 3:12 shown in 10:24-26? What verse gives you eternal security in John 10? Do you often say Psalm 116:1-2 and 12 to your LORD? Does The Father consider your walk as upright?

Sat 20 Why was David careful to not harm Saul? What did you learn about Saul as he dealt with the medium? (Gal 5:19-21) Why did David chide Abner about his actions? Why did David serve Israel’s enemy? How are stewardship principals shown by Jehovah in chapter 28?  What varied concepts of God are expressed by the disciples, Martha and Mary in John 11? Why did Jesus weep? (Luke 19:41) What truth is given in Psalm117? What are the qualities of a “good” counselor?
Sun 21  What reputation did David have among the Philistines? What is significant about Ziklag? How do you follow the example of David as recorded at v30:6? How do you "tarry by the stuff"? How did King Saul die? How do you relate to the “pure nard” of v12:3 with Mark 14:1-4? Why did the chief priests want to kill Lazarus? What truth did you gain from John12:16? How do you practice Psalm 118:5-9? According to Proverbs 15:24 how close to hell are you today?

Because you have read these scriptures and believed them, what has changed in your life this week? As you practice your stewardship as a sender or goer of missions, who have you shared the gospel with this week? Take time to be grateful for each and every blessing from The LORD.
For those who do not have a Bible read the daily scriptures from the One Year Bible shown at the blog.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wednesday, 17 May 2017. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. We ll post the lesson soon for this week.  For all mothers In our 30+Nation, Happy Mother's Day. Be right, know right, do right and do not quit.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Saturday 6 May 2017 Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. The blog has the One Year Bible linked so that you may read daily then after reading,  you might consider the questions in the lesson to provoke you to ponder the Truths you have read. Look for the names of God, attend to the warnings given in the scriptures and be sensitive to God's offer of forgiveness and salvation.

Lesson # 20 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 8-14 May)     VBC    14 May 2017

Mon 8  How is peer pressure demonstrated at 1Sam 2:25? How is 2 Peter 3:18 demonstrated by Samuel? What breach did Hophni and Phinehas do with the ark of God? What is I-chabod? How does John 5:24 relate to 3:36 and what does it teach? What ”Truth" is taught at v46-47?  Psalm 106 declares what salvation truth? What declaration did God make in Proverbs 14:30-31?

Tue 9  How did two milk cows honor the LORD in 1Sam 6?  How was the ark of God used to teach His sovereignty?   How long did Samuel judge Israel? What "Truth" did you read, believe and now practice from John 6? What is sad as recorded in Psalm 106 and  what did you learn about prayers? Are you wise and resting with understanding?

Wed 10  What tradition was the sons of Samuel to follow? What did the people want Samuel to do and what did God say about their request?  What warning about kings did Samuel tell to Israel?  What attributes about  Saul were known?  What is the work of God  John recorded? How did Jesus declare Himself to be El-Elon or Elohim or Jehovah-Jireh? What is divisive about v44? Have you prayed back Psalm 106:47? How does proverbs 14:34-35 affect your prayers?

Thu 11  What happened to Saul in Chap 10? What did Samuel prophesy to Israel about their choice? What was significant about Chap 11? What is bold about John 6:47-58? What is hard about v65? What have you decided about following Jesus? What attributes of Jehovah did you see in Psalm 107?

Fri  12  What did Samuel demand of Israel  in chap 12? How does v13-25 show Omnipotence and Immutability of Elohim? What sin did King Saul commit in chap 13? What did Samuel prophesy about the future of Saul? According to John 7 why did men not speak openly about Jesus? How does Psalm 108 cause you to pray? What kind of help comes from man? How does God judge your tongue?

Sat 13 Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed you this week? Can you say "this one  thing I know” because you have read and discovered a truth this week?  ?????  Did a light come on for you this week because you read?  yes­­____no____

How do you respond to Jonathan's statement at 1 Sam14:6 and 12? What attribute/trait of Jehovah is being shown? What conflict do you see in the father son fellowship of King Saul and Jonathan? What does v52 prove? What invitation did Jesus make in John 7? What verse refers to the Old Testament concerning Christ?  What promise did you choose out of Psalm 109? What benefits are derived from being prudent, righteous and wise in Proverbs 15:5-7?

Sun 14  What specific instruction were given to king Saul by The LORD concerning Amalekites? What trespasses/sins did Saul commit in chap 15? How does v15:22-26 impact your concept of God?  How did God choose David to be king? What attribute of Elohim Jehovah did Jesus demonstrate in John 8. What promise is made at v8:12? How does Psalm 110 show Elohim and Jehovah? How do you make your prayers a delight to The Father?

 Be wary about the pitfall that hampered the Jews in the Book of Judges, every man did that was right in his own eyes, there was no king. There is The King of Glory awaiting the repentant child, get saved before it is too late.