Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Thanks to those that follow this page. There have been more than 7000 page hits and I wonder if many of those have heeded what they read from the Bible and have been SAVED? Please read daily the Bible for each day a shown at the One Year "365" Bible attachment. After you read the Bible then consider the questions or comments for the challenge of knowing God.

Lesson # 27 for our One Year 365 Bible Class (read 26 Jun-2 Jul) will be held at our church, VBC this coming Sunday 2 July 2017.What traits, attributes and names of Jehovah, Elohim and Adonai have you added to your conversation?  What promise do you recite every day?
Mon 26 Has God laid a burden on you for His glory as He recorded at 2nd Kings 9:25? What did Jehu recall at the death of Jezebel? How did Jehu destroy the house of Ahab in chapter 10 and yet not serve The LORD as shown at v10:31? How is Acts 17:11 so today in churches? Do you use v17:22-35 to give your testimony? Does Psalm 144 express your conversation? Does God consider you wise?
Tue 27 How do you see the attributes of God in 2nd Kings 10:32-36? What do find unusual about v11:14? How is godly stewardship shown in chapter 112? Does the promise given to Paul at Acts 18:9-10 apply to you today? Why do you enjoy Psalm 145?

Wed 28 In 2nd Kings 13&14 how does God record the conduct of the kings concerning His will? What "first" did you learn in this reading?  Can men teach from their death bed? How does 13:23 encourage you? What did you learn from Acts 18:24-28? Who wrought the miracles in chapter19? Does Psalm 146:5 describe you? What gives you delight?
Thu 29 Consider the IMPACT fathers have on how their sons rule as kings. Note the report of King Azariah's conduct in 2nd Kings 15 yet Jehovah smote him.  What was recorded about the conduct of the kings of Israel? How was David used as a "norm" for king's conduct in chapter 16? How does Paul's preaching in Acts 19 cause you to review your concept of God? What attributes of God did you learn from Psalm 147? What principal for your personal conduct did you take from Proverbs 18:4-5?

Fri 30 What happened to Israel in 2nd Kings 17?  How many years was Israel separated from the united kingdom before Assyria took them? Because of this captivity what did you learn about God's judgments as you read 2nd Kings 17:13-18? What about Judah's conduct before God? How well did Hezekiah serve as king? How is your testimony similar to that of Paul's as given in Acts 20? Psalm 148 taught you what?
>>> YEA! We are near the mid-point of reading through our One Year-365-Bible, CONGRATS!! Soon we will start reading through the Psalms again and I hope you will enjoy seeing how God's sayings do guide you, the reader, unto HIS joy and peace. I pray as His Truths changes your life and your concept of the LORD your Lord you will continue to grow in grace and knowledge.

Sat 1 When cornered where and to who do you run? How did King Hezekiah act out his faith? (2nd Kings18:1-7) How did Isaiah respond to the king? What snapshot of God did you gain at 19:31? What did you learn from Paul's testimony as given at Acts 21:13? What did you learn about conduct from Psalm 149? Have you forgiven those talebearers?
Sun 2 How can an answer to a prayer be a curse to others as was that of Hezekiah at v20:6 and 19?  Did 21:12-15 impact your concept of God? Why was Paul treated so harshly in Acts 21:18-36? How do you practice Psalm 150? Does Proverbs 18:9-10 describe you? Read to know Him, not to make Him happy with you. Seek to share revealed truths to others so that the lost can be saved, encourage your brothers and tell your neighbors who is your HOPE.
To you who have made page hits from the 30 Nations that read Barnabas Blog, Thanks and God bless. Please see, read, hear, heed the gospel, Jesus saves, and believe what God has promised.
Thanks to you in Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam I truly hope to see you in heaven, maybe even today, Maranatha. Amen.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday 19 June 2017, Yea, Salute all Fathers, congrats for being blessed and honored. It is a shame that fathers are not held in High Esteem 365 days every day. Consider Proverbs 17:6 and strive to be unto your children as The most high God whose name is Jehovah is for all people.
To all the people of  Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam who have made page hits on the blog-read your Bible to know God. Read the Bible 1st then consider the questions given in the lesson. Ye must be born again. Salvation is a gift of eternal life that The Father will give to those who receive His only begotten Son as their personal redeemer.
Lesson # 26 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 19-25 June)    VBC        25 June 2017

Mon 19 What attributes of God did you see in 1st Kings 20? How did tradition, jealousy, envy, selfishness, greed, lying and deception show itself in chap 21? How does 21:28-29 impact your understanding of the consequence of sins? Is Acts 12:24 still in effect? Who selected the first missionaries to be sent out of the church at Antioch in chapter 13? Who was John Mark? Should we sing Psalm 137:4 today?  Do you have a heart for wisdom?

Tue 20 How does a blessing turn into a curse because of disobedience in 1st Kings 22? Do you want to be like the prophet Micaiah and be different?  How does v34 cause you to realize that God controls "everything and everywhere at all times"? How are the kings of Israel different from those of Judah?  Who was Barnabas? How does Paul use the prophecies given to Israel to show them history in their midst in Acts 13:16-41? Do you practice Psalm 138 "only" on Sunday at church? Ask Betty about v8. Do you find comfort in the promise given in Proverbs 17:7-8? Who is your friend? Who depends on you to be their friend?

Wed 21 How does 2nd Kings 1 demonstrate the attributes of The LORD? What are some of the attributes of Elijah? What leadership style did Elijah promote to Elisha in chap 2 and why so many test? How do you relate to these two men of God to even cursing children? Why did the Jews reject Paul and Barnabas and the Gentiles embraced them in Acts chapters13-14? (Why go to the Jews first?) Has Psalm 139:1-24 encourage you to keep on being and doing right? Why do you find Proverbs 17:19-21 disturbing?

Thu 22 2nd Kings 3 records what sins of King Jehoram and why? Why does The LORD provide for the lost kings prosperity? What sad truth did you learn from v3:26-27? How did the widow woman in chapter 4 limit God in His providing her her heart's desires? What stewardship/mission principal did you learn at v4:8-17? How can Acts14 be used in witnessing and giving your testimony?  How do you relate v26-28 to VBC's mission conferences? How does Psalm 140 give you confidence? Is your heart merry or sad?

Fri 23 What miracles did God cause Elisha to accomplish in 22 nd Kings 4? Why did God cause Elisha to require Naaman to dip 7 times in a dirty river in chapter 5? What was the sin of Gehazi? Why and what was the conflict (council at Jerusalem) in Jerusalem between church and the missionaries as recorded in Acts 15? Have you often acted out Psalm 141 and noted His name at v8? Can you be drawn away by a gift? Remember how LSD is presented at James 1:12-16

Sat 24 2nd Kings 6:1-7:20, Acts 15:23-16:15, Psalms 142:1-7 & Proverbs 17:24-25. What did Elisha ask for God to do to prove Himself at Dothan? How did God use four lepers to save Israel? What caused contention between Paul and Barnabas as they prepared for their second missionary journey? What warning did you learn today?

Sun 25- 2nd Kings 8:1-9:15, Acts 16:16-40, Psalms 143:1-12 & Proverbs17:26. What caused Elisha to weep over Israel? How did the LORD demonstrate His approval of Paul and Silas’ activities? Whose house did Paul enter into after being released? What attributes of God are recorded in Psalm 143?
You will be "alive" 100 years from today either in heaven forgiven or in hell in your sins separated fro the Heavenly Father. Read the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and Proverbs every day to know GOD. His love is unconditional. Read John 3:1-36. If this is a blessing, invite your friends to visit this site, thanks.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday 12 June 2017 and this could be the day that the dead in Christ are resurrected and we are caught up with them in the air just as said in the Bible. Read your Bible to know God.

This is the lesson for this week, Lesson # 25 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 12-18 June) to be held at        VBC  on 18 June 2017. As you read to know The LORD your Lord take time to express your gratitude for the Word of God. Be thankful for the Comforter as He teaches you God’s scriptures. Share your gift.
During this week you will be exposed to various traits, attributes and names of Jehovah, Elohim and Adonai as you read your Bible to know God.  Be prepared for these "Truths" to change your life and your concept of The LORD and your Lord? Seek, (hear & heed) read, believe and put into practice what you have learned-discipline yourself. Our conduct influences people. Get/be right, know right, do right and please don't quit.
Mon 12 1st Kings 9 ought to encourage us that God knows and cares for us more that we depend on Him.  Have you practiced this similar prayer circumstance with God? What is sad about v9:20-21? Chapter 10 records how Solomon dealt with the Queen of Sheba and teaches us to be careful in dealing with others. Although Peter is the principal character in Acts 8 God also uses Phillip to reach visitors to Jerusalem. Who is rejoicing in v8:39? What promise did you gain in Psalm 130? What truth did you learn from Proverbs 17:2-3?

Tue 13 1st Kings 11:1 begins the recorded life style of compromise by King Solomon. What did you learn about choices and consequence? What is an idol to you? How does v11:9 & 23 and 12:19 impact your concept of God?  Attend to the acts of both Jeroboam and Rehoboam and see how their acts differ and are alike. How does the conversion of Saul of Tarsus compare to your conversion? Does Psalm 113 describe your conversation? What warning did you read in Proverbs 17:4-5 that changed your life?
Wed 14 Why did 1st Kings 12:20 come to pass? How did making worship at Beth-el easy impact Israel? What attribute of God did you see in chapter 13? Why did God allow 13:33-34 to come to pass? How did Barnabas serve God in Acts 9? How do you see v31 in churches today? What does Psalm 132 teach you about putting God first? Is Proverbs 17:6 true in your family? If not, why not?

Thu 15 What traits and attributes of Jehovah Elohim did you note in 1st Kings 14? Did you ask "Why go home?" when you read  v11, 12,13? What truth did you learn about man in chapter 15 as you compare v3 to v11? How can you use Acts 10 to witness as you share your testimony? How does Psalm 133 remind you of Psalm 23? What jewel did you see in Proverbs 17:7-8?
Fri 16 What did you learn about prophecy and history in 1st Kings 15? What did you learn from Ahab that has changed your life? What traits demonstrated in and by Elijah points men to God? What did The LORD provide Elijah? What Truth did God teach Peter in Acts 10:24-48? How do you practice Psalm 134? How do you practice Proverbs 17:9-11? Remember the difference between habit and discipline.

Sat 17 How did God show Himself through Elijah and Obadiah? How /what did Elijah pray for on Mount Carmel? How many words did he say/pray to Jehovah Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel? What big event occurred in Acts 11 in Judaea?  How does Peter's report sound similar to your testimony? What began in 11:25?  How does Psalm 135 describe Jehovah? How do you respond to Proverbs 17:12-13?
Sun 18 ## Spend time with your Father ## Why did Elijah fear Jezebel in 1st kings 19? How does God's treatment of Elijah while he was on the mountain impact your concept of The LORD? Why did Elijah-God choose Elisha for service? Why did King Herod kill James as recorded in Acts 12? How did God protect and provide for Peter even as he slept?  How did The LORD react to the boasting of Herod? What did you learn from Psalm 136? How does this Psalm affect your faith in God? What does God consider an abomination? By God's grace, please share your faith with your father, friends and foes alike.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Saturday 10 June 2017 and you still have the opportunity to be saved. The LORD is no respecter of persons, Jesus came born of a virgin, lived, died, was buried and God raised Him from the dead the third day according to the scriptures. This gospel is true and for any that will read or hear, heed, believe, receive and be thankful. This is your opportunity to have ALL your sins forgiven, past present and future. You must be born again. Read John 3:1-36 in the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to cause you to believe and receive the gift of eternal life. If you do not have a Bible you can go to the blog site and use the read along Bible for the Truth.  The lesson for next week will be posted soon. God bless you.
PS: Read Ephesian 2:8-10

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday 6 June 2017. Where were you in 1944? Where were you in 0001? Where will you be in 3017? Have you consider how close you are to either heaven or hell? Hebrews 9:27 will explain and John3:36 will be a fact! Read your Bible to KNOW God, The Lord Jesus Christ, His father The LORD, being taught by The Holy Spirit according to The WORD of God. Why? So that GOD might get the glory and our joy be full.

Lesson # 24 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 5-11 June) will be conducted at VBC ,on 11 June 2017.
Consider this “If King Solomon was so wise, why did he turn from God?” Ponder the repeated phrase of Psalm 136 when you pray and praise The LORD. What impact on your life has the record of Stephens’s life and death made?
Mon 5  What does 2 Sam 23 say about the men of valor? What is found in v 34-39? How does 24:1and14-16 impact your concept of GOD? What principle of stewardship did David teach in this chapter? How many names of Jesus are given in Acts 3? What truth is given in Psalm 123?  Are you prudent, wise and understanding as you teach others?
**** The books called 1st & 2nd Kings will show us the times of the Nation of Israel going from glory to captivity. Look at 1st Kings 9:4-5 and 2nd Kings 17:18-19 & 23:27 to be key verses. We have read 1st & 2nd Samuel and later we will read 1st & 2nd Chronicles. These six books of history lessons will show us true measures of government and families.
Tue 6 What truth is given in 1 Kings 1:9-10? How did God use Nathan for His glory? What wisdom did Solomon show in this Chapter? What truth do you gain from Acts 4: 15-22? Have you used v29 in your prayers? Is Barnabas a good role model? What attributes of God do you see in Psalm 124? What did you learn from Proverbs 16:24?
Wed 7 How did David advise Solomon in 1 Kings 2? What sin did Solomon commit in chapter 3? What principal is taught in Acts 5:1-11? What principal did you see in v19-33? How is eternal security shown in Psalm 125? How does Proverbs 16:25 support what you read in Acts 5?
Thu 8 How would you respond if God were to treat you as He treated Solomon at 1 Kings 3:5? Is God a respecter of persons? How did God bless Solomon? Does Law conflict with Grace in Acts 6?  What does Psalm 126:5-6 mean to you?
Fri 9 What was David's dream that was accomplished by Solomon? What conditions did the LORD impose upon Solomon for blessings? How did Stephen learn Israel's history as recorded in Acts 7? What Truth is given in Psalm 127? How do you apply Proverbs 16:28-30 in your daily conversation?  If not, why not?  See you in class. Continue to read to know God.
During this week you have been exposed to various traits, attributes and names of Jehovah, Elohim and Adonai as you read your Bible to know God.  How have these "Truths" changed your life and your concept of The LORD? Seek, read, believe and practice what you have learned-discipline yourself.
Sat 10 Read how Solomon labored to build the house for God. Consider that quantity does not replace quality.  It is amazing what effort men go to in order to worship God. ((Are you following a creed or The Christ?))  What does The LORD require of all men to have in order to come into His presence? Stephen continues his history lesson for the religious crowd in Acts 7. We ought to be able to recite the same lesson at a moment's notice. Psalm 128 reminds us of what promises God has made to His children?  Proverbs does NOT say that old age is a guarantee for joy.
Sun 11 1st Kings 8 records the magnificent appearance of God in the temple in a thick dark cloud because things were in order. How does this affect your concept of God? What was the emphasis of Solomon's prayer? Do you strive to pray like Solomon? If not, why not? Acts 7 & 8 concludes the lesson by Stephen when he is stoned, and then the introduction of Saul of Tarsus.  We meet Phillip, a disciple of Jesus Christ, who preached and baptized leaving us an example that we should follow.  Reality of life is shared in Psalm 129 and it is not always easy. Accept the admonition of Proverbs 17:1 and be satisfied. 
You can follow along and read the One Year 365 Bible for it is on line at the blog site. Please read the Bible first before you consider the lesson. 1st Pray to be  forgiven, to be made clean and righteousness before The Father in the name of His only Son Jesus. Seek to be in fellowship with God. Share your joy with others.