Lesson # 27
for our One Year 365 Bible Class (read 26 Jun-2 Jul) will be held at our church, VBC this coming Sunday 2
July 2017.What traits,
attributes and names of Jehovah, Elohim and Adonai have you added to your
conversation? What promise do you recite
every day?
Mon 26 Has God laid a burden on you for His glory as He
recorded at 2nd Kings 9:25? What did Jehu recall at the death of
Jezebel? How did Jehu destroy the house of Ahab in chapter 10 and yet not serve
The LORD as shown at v10:31? How is Acts 17:11 so today in churches? Do you use
v17:22-35 to give your testimony? Does Psalm 144 express your conversation?
Does God consider you wise?
Tue 27 How do you see the attributes of God in 2nd
Kings 10:32-36? What do find unusual about v11:14? How is godly stewardship shown
in chapter 112? Does the promise given to Paul at Acts 18:9-10 apply to you
today? Why do you enjoy Psalm 145?
Wed 28 In 2nd Kings 13&14 how does God
record the conduct of the kings concerning His will? What "first" did
you learn in this reading? Can men teach
from their death bed? How does 13:23 encourage you? What did you learn from
Acts 18:24-28? Who wrought the miracles in chapter19? Does Psalm 146:5 describe
you? What gives you delight?
Thu 29 Consider the IMPACT fathers have on how their sons
rule as kings. Note the report of King Azariah's conduct in 2nd Kings
15 yet Jehovah smote him. What was
recorded about the conduct of the kings of Israel? How was David used as a
"norm" for king's conduct in chapter 16? How does Paul's preaching in
Acts 19 cause you to review your concept of God? What attributes of God did you
learn from Psalm 147? What principal for your personal conduct did you take
from Proverbs 18:4-5?
Fri 30 What happened to Israel in 2nd Kings
17? How many years was Israel separated
from the united kingdom before Assyria took them? Because of this captivity
what did you learn about God's judgments as you read 2nd Kings
17:13-18? What about Judah's conduct before God? How well did Hezekiah serve as
king? How is your testimony similar to that of Paul's as given in Acts 20?
Psalm 148 taught you what?
>>> YEA! We are near the mid-point of reading
through our One Year-365-Bible, CONGRATS!! Soon we will start reading through
the Psalms again and I hope you will enjoy seeing how God's sayings do guide you,
the reader, unto HIS joy and peace. I pray as His Truths changes your life and
your concept of the LORD your Lord you will continue to grow in grace and
Sat 1 When
cornered where and to who do you run? How did King Hezekiah act out his faith?
(2nd Kings18:1-7) How did Isaiah respond to the king? What snapshot
of God did you gain at 19:31? What did you learn from Paul's testimony as given
at Acts 21:13? What did you learn about conduct from Psalm 149? Have you
forgiven those talebearers?
Sun 2 How can
an answer to a prayer be a curse to others as was that of Hezekiah at v20:6 and
19? Did 21:12-15 impact your concept of
God? Why was Paul treated so harshly in Acts 21:18-36? How do you practice
Psalm 150? Does Proverbs 18:9-10 describe you? Read to know Him,
not to make Him happy with you. Seek to share revealed truths to others so that
the lost can be saved, encourage your brothers and tell your neighbors who is
your HOPE.
To you who have made page hits from the 30 Nations that read Barnabas Blog, Thanks and God bless. Please see, read, hear, heed the gospel, Jesus saves, and believe what God has promised.
Thanks to you in Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France,
Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia,
Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey,
Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam I truly hope to see you in heaven, maybe even today, Maranatha. Amen.