Yea for 28 July 2018. All of you may be saved today if you read-hear the gospel, believe God, admit and confess your sin of unbelief, repent from self unto The LORD, call upon the name of God according to the scriptures being lead of The Holy Spirit. Read John1 :1-14, Ephesians 2:8-10, John 3:1-36, II Corinthians 5:15-21 and Romans 3:23;6:23; 5:8 and 10:1-14.
If you read this blog please consider becoming a follower and read the on-line Bible every day to know God. Surely from the 39 Nations who have made page hits: Argentina,
Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland,
Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama,
Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan,
Turks Caicos Islands, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA,
Venezuela, Vietnam some of you can be followers.
As you read today in 2nd Chronicles 21:1-23:21you will learn many attributes/characteristics of Almighty God. He hates SIN---YET loves sinners. Read carefully verses 21:12-19 and be warned that GOD knows and GOD is faithful to ALL His covenants and promises.
Ponder Romans chapter 11 and confess your condition before the most high God whose name is Jehovah. All men will be required to give an account of what God has given them.
Take time to read Psalm 22, 23 & 24 in one sitting and appreciate the beauty of the scriptures as Jesus The Christ of God is described via the Holy Spirit through the penman, David the King of the Jews many hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Read, Selah, Meditate and hide the word of God in your heart so that you do not sin against HIM.
Allow Proverbs 20:7 be a forecast of you and perhaps your child. May Integrity, prudence, obedience, truthfulness, honor, valor, salvation and thankfulness describe you and yours. Every day read to know God. No excuse.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Thursday 26 July 2018 and we are still waiting for the trump to sound, the graves to open and for the Lord Jesus Christ to come in the clouds and call us HOME! Are you ready to give an account of your faith to God The Father for why he should let you in heaven? Hebrews 9:27, John 1:1-14, 3:12, 3:16 & 3:36. Is II Corinthians 5:17-21 so in your life?
If you are reading the on-line One Year Bible you have been reviewing the history of the Kings associated with King David and his sons. Today you were made aware of how to be successful and prosperous before you fall. Learn about GOD as he provided for King Asa at 2nd Chronicles 14- and learn how to pray and then how to obey. Learn also the impact of disobedience in chapter 16, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
Enjoy reading the letter written to believers in Rome by GOD through the Apostle Paul. Perhaps when your faith has been tested and you are in fellowship with GOD you will be able to ask for Romans 9:1-4. Read Romans 10 often to gain clarity in your heart and mind as to how men may be saved.
Learn to enjoy reading, mediating on and praying "back to" the LORD your Lord the Psalm and Proverbs. Consider Psalm 19 as the pivotal letter of wisdom that allows you to know God. Read your Bible. Take time to confess sins to get right and BE right, read the Bible to KNOW right and then DO right and don't quit. Hope to see you in heaven, maybe today.
If you are reading the on-line One Year Bible you have been reviewing the history of the Kings associated with King David and his sons. Today you were made aware of how to be successful and prosperous before you fall. Learn about GOD as he provided for King Asa at 2nd Chronicles 14- and learn how to pray and then how to obey. Learn also the impact of disobedience in chapter 16, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
Enjoy reading the letter written to believers in Rome by GOD through the Apostle Paul. Perhaps when your faith has been tested and you are in fellowship with GOD you will be able to ask for Romans 9:1-4. Read Romans 10 often to gain clarity in your heart and mind as to how men may be saved.
Learn to enjoy reading, mediating on and praying "back to" the LORD your Lord the Psalm and Proverbs. Consider Psalm 19 as the pivotal letter of wisdom that allows you to know God. Read your Bible. Take time to confess sins to get right and BE right, read the Bible to KNOW right and then DO right and don't quit. Hope to see you in heaven, maybe today.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Wednesday 18 July 2018, congrats, you are alive and have the opportunity to know the LORD, the most high God whose name is Jehovah. Psalm 19 makes it plain that all men every where know that there is a GOD, the creator, judge and soon coming King of Kings. This God said he wanted all men to also know him as Jehovah, The Saviour.
As you read every day your Bible ==the on-line One Year Bible== you will see what God provides, expects, requires, gives and makes available to WHOSOEVER! AS we read the Chronicles God makes us aware of the gifts, talents, treasures, opportunities and responsibilities that have been given freely to each man. The genealogy record assures us that GOP is Omniscient and every man has a page for his life in the "BOOK". This record will be updated when a man is redeemed and his page will be put into the "Lamb's Book of Life". You are in or you are not in, FACT. You must be born again. Note John 3:1-16 and 1:1-14 and 3:36.
when we read the New Testament we are made aware of the sinfulness of men and the generosity of God as he promised to deal with our sins with mercy and truth. Salvation from the wrath of GOD for sin is a gift for all believers who have heard the truth/gospel, agreed with God as to our guilt, confessed/repented and believed that God raised Jesus from the grave on the third day according to scripture and called upon the name of God for salvation.
As you read the Psalms and Proverbs look for verses that satisfy your hunger for the knowledge of God and pray them back with thanksgiving. Pray that you are not a fool and be grateful that there is a GOD that has saved you. Read your Bible every day to know God
To the 34 Nations that read Barnabas Blog and made page hits from Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada,
China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia,
Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama,
Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks
and Caicos Islands,Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela,
Vietnam, continue to read and I hope to meet you in heaven. Encourage others to read the on-line Bible every day to know God.
You are without excuse if you do not believe this fact and God said the wage of this sin is death. Read the Bible to know God and how all provision have been made that all men everywhere may be saved from the wrath of the thrice holy GOD by being reconciled to God The Father by Jesus Christ. Look at the proof at II Corinthians 5:17-21. When you read this proof you will be fully aware of your position before GOD. You are in Christ or not. It is said that no man comes unto the Father but by Jesus Christ and this is by faith (you believe the gospel) for Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. You must be born again.As you read every day your Bible ==the on-line One Year Bible== you will see what God provides, expects, requires, gives and makes available to WHOSOEVER! AS we read the Chronicles God makes us aware of the gifts, talents, treasures, opportunities and responsibilities that have been given freely to each man. The genealogy record assures us that GOP is Omniscient and every man has a page for his life in the "BOOK". This record will be updated when a man is redeemed and his page will be put into the "Lamb's Book of Life". You are in or you are not in, FACT. You must be born again. Note John 3:1-16 and 1:1-14 and 3:36.
when we read the New Testament we are made aware of the sinfulness of men and the generosity of God as he promised to deal with our sins with mercy and truth. Salvation from the wrath of GOD for sin is a gift for all believers who have heard the truth/gospel, agreed with God as to our guilt, confessed/repented and believed that God raised Jesus from the grave on the third day according to scripture and called upon the name of God for salvation.
As you read the Psalms and Proverbs look for verses that satisfy your hunger for the knowledge of God and pray them back with thanksgiving. Pray that you are not a fool and be grateful that there is a GOD that has saved you. Read your Bible every day to know God
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Yea for today! We have had some adversity to deal with and by God's grace, MERCY AND TRUTH we are better equipped to share his blessings with others. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. Remember that the On-Line One Year Bible is located at the blog so that you may read every day. I pray you know that God loves you even if you do not accept HIM as personal savior or that you do not read the Bible every day.
As you read the Old Testament consider the transition from I&II Samuel, I&II Kings, I&II Chronicles to showing the establishment of a system of Kings for the Jews. Samuel recalls for the people the promises, provision and protection by God for those who hear, obey and live by faith. You have been exposed to many characteristics, traits and attributes of God revealing his strength, knowledge, love and ever presence. These Old Testament Truths will be demonstrated in the New Testament. Take note of some of the near 700 names God has recorded in scripture are subordinate to the WORD according to Psalm 138:2. Read your Bible to know God.
The New Testament reading has included the Book of John, Acts and now Romans. Consider the acts of the apostle Paul as he was going to Rome in chapter 24-28 as he witnessed to the high priest, Felix, Festus and King Agrippa the gospel. Noted their responses of rejection, denial and near belief even when it was said to Paul "Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian." You faced the same choice of hearing the gospel, heeding the truth and be drawn by The Holy Spirit to The Father and being reconciled to God the Father through Jesus Christ The Son OR saying no. Please choose to hear and believe the gospel, agree with God that as a sinner and you have offended the LORD. See the significance of Jesus Christ as the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and no man cometh unto the Father but by the Son. Call out to God in the name of Jesus Christ and ask to be forgiven, to receive the gift of eternal life by faith, Believe God. Be thankful.
WE have read through the 150 Psalms and are reading them again. Concentrate on the benefits of Psalm 1. You are blessed or you are cursed. There is evidence of salvation and forgiveness.
Pay attention to the Proverbs when you find specific comparisons. Note Proverbs 18: 14-22. Look for God's handiwork in his presence, mercy, law, attributes, names and promises. You will determine you have not because you ask not. Ye must be born again! Read John chapter 1:1-14, 3:1-36, Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 3:22-23, 5:8, 10:1-13 and accept what we are doing right now is written at verses 14-21. One day you will stand at the door of heaven and you will be asked "why should I let you in to heaven?" What will you say to The All Knowing LORD? Read your Bible to know God.
As you read the Old Testament consider the transition from I&II Samuel, I&II Kings, I&II Chronicles to showing the establishment of a system of Kings for the Jews. Samuel recalls for the people the promises, provision and protection by God for those who hear, obey and live by faith. You have been exposed to many characteristics, traits and attributes of God revealing his strength, knowledge, love and ever presence. These Old Testament Truths will be demonstrated in the New Testament. Take note of some of the near 700 names God has recorded in scripture are subordinate to the WORD according to Psalm 138:2. Read your Bible to know God.
The New Testament reading has included the Book of John, Acts and now Romans. Consider the acts of the apostle Paul as he was going to Rome in chapter 24-28 as he witnessed to the high priest, Felix, Festus and King Agrippa the gospel. Noted their responses of rejection, denial and near belief even when it was said to Paul "Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian." You faced the same choice of hearing the gospel, heeding the truth and be drawn by The Holy Spirit to The Father and being reconciled to God the Father through Jesus Christ The Son OR saying no. Please choose to hear and believe the gospel, agree with God that as a sinner and you have offended the LORD. See the significance of Jesus Christ as the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and no man cometh unto the Father but by the Son. Call out to God in the name of Jesus Christ and ask to be forgiven, to receive the gift of eternal life by faith, Believe God. Be thankful.
WE have read through the 150 Psalms and are reading them again. Concentrate on the benefits of Psalm 1. You are blessed or you are cursed. There is evidence of salvation and forgiveness.
Pay attention to the Proverbs when you find specific comparisons. Note Proverbs 18: 14-22. Look for God's handiwork in his presence, mercy, law, attributes, names and promises. You will determine you have not because you ask not. Ye must be born again! Read John chapter 1:1-14, 3:1-36, Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 3:22-23, 5:8, 10:1-13 and accept what we are doing right now is written at verses 14-21. One day you will stand at the door of heaven and you will be asked "why should I let you in to heaven?" What will you say to The All Knowing LORD? Read your Bible to know God.
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