Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday 8 April, Jesus is our High priest and Advocate. The LORD God is our heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit is our indwelling power, might and strength who fills us with learning, knowledge and wisdom so that God's grace is ever present. This is the hope for every born again believer son of God.

With out being a son of God, you are lost, undone, condemned apart from hope and a dead man walking. God is not willing that any be lost. God made for provisions in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.. HEAR, believe, receive and obey God's WORD.

Deuteronomy 32:30-52 is the evidence of the Holiness of God, the truth about sin, death for all and the blessed hope for believers. Yea, for their rock is not as our ROCK. God is jealous for his name and hates being mocked and not being believed. Do you know the God of Jacob? What have you done with the word of God made available to you today, verse 46.

Luke 12:35-59 Prepare to meet your God as either Saviour or Judge. Does GOD consider you to be an hypocrite?

Psalm 78:46-58 Almighty God rules and controls everything, He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.  "Yet they tempted and provoked the most high God and kept not his testimonies: but turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they turned aside like a deceitful bow. For they provoked him to anger it their high places and moved him to jealousy with their graven images." verses 56-58

How doe ALMIGHTY God see you today?

Do you know how to get right with God?

Do you want to get right the GOD today?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Today 5 April may be the day Jesus comes in the clouds and raptures his church. Are you going up in the resurrection of the living or are you going to be left behind with the resurrection of the dead? I have written and posted several times how to know if you are acceptable or not. There is no middle ground. Yea or nay. With Jesus or against God.. The ONLY acceptable answer is "Ye must be born again." Read John chapter 3:1-36.

Today Deuteronomy 28:1-68 is plain and self explanatory. Read and ponder the truths given to the Israel and accept the fact that these truths apply to you today. God has set before Israel a blessing and a curse. You are presented this same type of choice.  Choose you this day whom you will serve. Now insert verse 15- - and see the benefits of ignorance and disobedience. Note verse 37 - - it is your choice. Verse 58 is similar to the others  and there is no excuse, YOU have the Bible, You have the One Year Bible at the blog site, so don't cry "I can't" You will give an account for today

Luke 11:14-36 Jesus .debunks the devils crowd and made it plain  "Me or him". You have the choice. Verse 28 shows the benefit of obedience and faith. You either have the light or you don't and only you know if it is true or not.

Psalm 77:1-20  Does God hear you when you cry out? How do you approach the throne of God? How do you get rid of your sins? God is Holy, holy, holy and will not associate with sin. How do you get in contact with Jesus, The High Priest and Intercessor? Suggest you check out our booklet on Prayer at the blog site.

Proverbs 12:18  Be careful who you listen to for advice. Pay attention to Proverbs1 :1 and Psalm 1:1.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Yea for today and welcome to our blog 31 March, 2020. Hopefully you have read the One Year Bible today and are in fellowship with God.

 The first step is for all men to come unto a "relationship" with God the heavenly Father by being born again  (John 3:1-16) by the new and spiritual birth. When we become sons of God  (John1:1-14) we have the indwelling of God's Spirit and this allows us to enter into the very presence of The Holy of Holies and call unto Abba our Father. This is "fellowship" and we are blessed.

Luke 9: 18-27 makes it plain the calling of God through Jesus. The hard question you must answer is "But whom say ye that I am?"  Evidence in your faith will be demonstrated by your conversation. I pray you read this set of verses carefully and declare unto God your status. You know if and when you were born again of the Spirit. This is the day to make things right. Except you repent you will perish. Jesus said "ye must be born again".

Monday, March 30, 2020

Welcome to the site today, 30 March 2020. Hope you are taking advantage of the One Year Bible at our blog site and read every day to know God. If so perhaps you may be as the man called Legion in Luke 8 and have been saved and now at home showing all the great things Jesus has done for you.

Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23 gives a dire warning about false prophets and teachers who are not telling the truth about God. Read the Bible. Read the Bible. If you know what the Bible has said about God then you ought to be able to recognize a lie. Protect yourself.

 Chapter 14 outlines your manner of life and stewardship. Consider these commandments as love notes for your benefit. Trust God. Chapter 15 warns us to be careful and to hear and heed the word of God. Consider verse 5-6 and be careful to hearken unto the voice of the LORD the God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day. For us today the voice of God is the Bible.

Luke 8:41-9:6 records Jesus' concern for distressed people and shows how all are cared for in their time. Even though your need is urgent do not consider a delay a denial for your cure. God's timing is always perfect and his cure sufficient. Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole. Read the word of God and you will see many promises given to the people in the time of Jesus and his disciples that apply to you and me today, only believe.

Psalm 71:1-24 challenges us to review where we have put our trust. Who are you depending on for today and eternity? Verses 23-24 are similar to what we read in Luke 8 about Legion and what he was to do because The Lord had saved him that day from the demons and for eternity. If you have been saved then you are to greatly rejoice and talk about his righteousness . If not you are in your sin and destined to a sinner's death.

Proverbs 12:5-7 declares the state of the righteous and the wicked. What state are you in? All have sinned and the wage of sin is death. God has made provision that all men might be saved. Jesus said, John 14:5 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Take time to read Romans 5:8, 6:23 and 10:1-13.  My personal testimony is shown at the blog site.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Welcome to Saturday, 28 March, 2020 blog site as we consider what we have read these past few days in our One Year bible. Hopefully you are current in your daily reading. We read yesterday at Proverbs 12:1 "Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish." How does this apply and describe you? We can hide from people but we cannot hide from Almighty God who is the Judge and final authority. 

Deuteronomy chapter 6-10 is a great place for all of us to read, read agin, stop, meditate and then consider what we are doing with what we have. If we admit everything we have is a gift from God  then we are faced with the stewardship and accountability of all of our being. 

Israel had been blessed by God when they were in Egypt. They were blessed when they left Egypt and entered the wilderness going toward the mountain of God. They were blessed for 40 years as they wandered in disobedience. All the men that crossed the Red Sea who were 20 years old and were men of war died in unbelief and disobedience except 2, Joshua and Caleb. Now they are at the entrance of the promise land and Moses restates the Law for Israel.

Read Deuteronomy 6:4- and apply this same restriction and application for yourself today. Israel had a choice to make as you do today. Note 7:11 and determine your obedience. Read also chapter 8:1- and see if this is your lifestyle. Review chapter 9 to better understand God's longsuffering mercy towards these stiffnecked people and be thankful for how He has dealt with you. Chapter 10:12-14 declares what God required of Israel and as a child of God He expects that of you and me. Prepare to meet thy God.

Luke records several of the parabels that Jesus used to teach his followers about how to serve others and obey God. Luke 8:4- is the parabel concerning the sower and the seed withh the four different results. The key to understanding the results rest in verse 15, which is a honest and good heart that is receptive to the word sown. You can evaluate your own "soil" condition as which of the four different ones you are, either way side, rock, among thorns or good ground.

Asa you reas Psalm 69:1-36 start out with the confessing of sins, request for cleansing and the understanding of God's Truths in the Psalm. Note verse 13-18 as an example of contrition and believing God hears and knows your need. Verse 30-36 can be shouted as victory in Jesus, for if we ask The Father any thing in Jesus' name, He will hear and do. 


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Welcome to our site, today 25March, 2020. I hope you are reading your Bible every day and gaining in knowledge of God unto wisdom. Faith in God comes from the Bible and by the leadership of The Holy Spirit. Hear the gospel, believe the Truth, admit you need to be saved, confess your unbelief, receive the free gift of eternal life and be thankful. God loves you unconditionally but that is not a pass from judgment.

Reading in Deuteronomy 4:1-49 we learn the final message God sends to the Jews through Moses unto those getting ready to enter into the promise land. Read the warnings as if they are for today and written to your family. Fathers are to be the leaders and teachers in the family. Pay attention to verse 39-40.

Luke 6:39-7:10 records the parables and teaching of Jesus about personal accountability. God gives each of us gifts, talents and treasure for our service unto others. Chapter 7 records an account of a centurion's act of faith based evidently the Truths he had heard about Jesus from others. Our witness is important. We must share Truth.

Psalm 68:1-18 needs to be read and read again to enjoy the description of our God-JAH. One day we will be in His presence, sing his praises and cast our crowns at his feet, perhaps today.

Proverbs11:28 needs to be heeded and enjoyed. One Day, Maranatha.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Welcome to all of you this Monday 23 March 2020. Hopefully you have been reading your Bible or perhaps the One Year Bible at our blog site and increasing your faith word by word. We are praying that believers share their faith and that unsaved be drawn unto salvation.

In todays reading we start at Numbers 36:1-13 and complete reading the fourth book of the Old Testament. The key-phrase of Numbers is "All that are able to go forth to war".  

Genesis taught us about creation. God moved in strange ways and recorded the redemption of Israel in Exodus. The people of God were taught how to worship and follow The LORD in Leviticus. Numbers has taught us about how to serve and work. Deuteronomy will repeat lessons given before concerning the Law. Moses is the key spokesman and turns leadership of Israel over to Joshua. All of us should be encouraged as we read to be warned and to be obedient.

23 March 2020 Numbers 36:1-13 & Deuteronomy 1:1-46. Moses is the spokesman for God. We choose to listen to who may be speaking but we should HEAR what is being said. Note how the titles of speakers are shown at verse 2. When you read pay attention to the titles of God as either LORD or Lord. As we read these instructions think on why genealogy and family history is important. What have you learned about Caleb and his reputation before God? Do you have a similar reputation as Caleb?

Luke 5:29-6:11 What background did Levi have and how did it change?  Are you prepared for The Lord Jesus Christ to come visit your home for a meal? Have you used verse 32 as a witness intro? Does verse 39 apply to your testimony? While reading chapter 6 did you detect the various names and titles used to describe Jesus? Verse 11 is applicable to today and the political situation in the world. This is not our home. We have a future.

Psalm 66:1-20 encourages us to express our appreciation, respect and gratefulness to God. The requirement given at verse 18 is true to us today and there are no exceptions. We read to know God. 

My prayer suggestion is take time to Get right by confessing your sins. Read your Bible to Know God so to BE right. Then being led of The Holy Spirit DO right. AS you enjoy God's forgiveness serve Him with Joy and Don't Quit.

Proverbs 11:24-26 offers instruction about stewardship of the gifts that we have been given by God. Take time to evaluate what you have and admit that it ALL is a gift of God. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Welcome to all of you that may visit this blog site and are encouraged. Please read the Bible and believe God's word. Today 14 March I want to recap some of the highlights rom our reading of the New Testament Books of Matthew, Mark and Luke starting back at 1 March.

Looking for God's attributes, traits, names, promises, and warnings  in the New Testament that have been demonstrated in the Old Testament is a good work. I hope you will use the One Year Bible available at the blog site and develop a sense of unity and connectivity as you read that God is the author of the entire Bible.

Mark 10:13- was led to pen that even young children need to hear the word of God. Pay attention to verse 10:15 and do not misunderstand the truth, it is saying that we, even as adults,  must believe the Bible Truth as a young child, trusting and eager to be taught.  Continue to read this chapter and see how it fits your personal status as a believer or not.  Read, believe, trust and respond to God today.

Read Mark 11 and be amazed at the demonstrated  foreknowledge of Jesus in this chapter concerning a multitude of events and circumstances, do you see his Omniscience? Pay attention about your prayer life and learn the lesson about faith, forgiveness and obedience. We need to Get right so to be right, read the Bible to know right, obey the leadership of the Holy Spirit to do right and by The Lord's presence we don't quit.

Perhaps it will be good for you to pause and look at Matthew 25:31-26:13, dated 8 February, and read to see how Jesus is portrayed as Prophet, Priest and King. Attend to his warnings and predictions about the service of men unto God. Look for the attributes of Omnipresence, Omnipotent, Holy, True, Just and triune. There is nothing hid from God. All sins will be accounted for either by the forgiveness unto salvation according to the gospel or punishable unto eternal hell from unbelief.

In Mark 13, 6 March, we are able to see the wisdom of Jesus' words for his disciples to prepare them for his upcoming trial, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, appearances and ascension into heaven.  The warning for his disciples that apply to us today is given at verse 6 concerning false christs.  You may know the true from the false by reading and believing the word of God as recorded in the KJV Bible.

Mark 14:1-72 and Matthew 26:47-75 & 27:1-66 are records of the plans of men to kill Jesus. It is good to read these again so that we not forget how much God so loved the world. God is not willing that any perish. Consider John 1:1-14 and relook verse 9 to see that every man born of woman has the potential to be saved.  Jesus first sermon in Matthew 4:17 dealt with repentance. In Matthew 5 are the  details involved in living in obedience to Jesus' teachings  that apply to us today.

As we begin Luke's account of The miracles relating to the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus
we need to read slowly so as to appreciate The LORD. Note the Trinity's presence and develop a respect and fear of God. There is nothing too hard for God. Let this chapter serve as a launching pad for your search for God's attributes and names.

 Attend unto the upcoming warnings about ignorance and disobedience. APPRECIATE THE GOSPEL. Hear the Truth, believe the Truth, act upon the Truth, Jesus saves. Read John 3:1-16. I hope to see you in heaven one day, perhaps today.

Read my personal testimony on how God used the Word of God to convict me and then to forgive and save me.  Jesus said at John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." This is for you.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Welcome to this blog Friday 13 March 20020. Hope you have been faithful reading your Bible, The One Year Bible, to know the words, ways, commandments, statures, will and heart of the most high God whose name is Jehovah. 

I've copied the following from  reading 8 March, In GOD WE Still TRUST, a 365-Day Devotional by Dr. Richard G. Lee.  "John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) served as the sixth president of the United States. Hear his exhortation to the American people: 

I speak as a man of the world to men of the world; and I say to you, Search the Scriptures! The Bible is the book of all others, to be read at all ages, and in all conditions of human life; not to be read once or twice or thrice through, and then laid aside, but to be read in small portions of one or two chapters every day, and never to be intermitted, unless by some overruling necessity."

I hope you are challenged to strive and discipline yourself to be consistent in reading the Bible. As of today we are at Numbers 21, Luke 1, Psalm 57 and Proverbs 11:9-11. 

Do you recall reading 4 February Exodus 20 spake the Law to the Hebrews? God gave Moses the plan for the Tabernacle at Exodus 26, and made provisions for all the building materials so that it was modular and mobile.

We read on 3 March In Numbers 1 where the 12 tribes identified their leaders and all men that were 20 years were 603,550 fit for war but did not include the Levites. Of all the men fit for war ONLY TWO entered the promise land, Joshua and Caleb. Did you learn why these two were so blessed?

The attributes of God have been demonstrated many times by God's intervention of meeting needs by his miracles, Omnipotent. When people were rebellious God would destroy, even the Levites that offered strange fire, Omniscience. 

The LORD, He is Holy, holy, holy and expects obedience to all of his commandments, He is just. Faith is hearing God's word, believing and doing. All of the traits, promises, warnings and miracles that we have read this year are for all of us to fear and trust God. 

Every person is responsible for their own salvation and obedience unto eternal life, but the soul that will not, he will die for his sin. The sin of unbelief.

We read on 9 March Numbers 13 were the twelve men were sent to spy out the land of Canaan. We get to see that 10 of the 12 were men of unbelief and focused on the circumstance and were fearful. Did you see who were the two men of faith? 

Do you see the handiwork of God at Numbers 19 concerning the red heifer? Read and understand that all of the special requirements given to the Levites to worship, God had already provided in the special cattle of the Hebrews, they had to search and find in order to obey. 

Note the impact of hearing and disobeying when God instructed Moses to speak in Numbers 20:7-12. God is Just, True, Holy and to be heard and believed. His commandments are not grievous. 

I will discuss the reading in the New Testament next of the Books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. AS you read daily the Old Testament and follow on in the New Testament you will see the attributes, traits and names of God more plainly. 

Read Hebrews 1:1-14 for clarity. Read, read and then as a little child believe what God has said. Note John 3:12 for encouragement that God wants you to know the way. Trust and obey for there is no other way, but to trust and obey.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

29 February 2020. It has been a long time since posting  and  the only excuse I offer is that my treatments have overtaken my attitude.  I've finished my treatments and we are waiting for labs in March and Petscan in April to determine if we have a cure or not. So let us make the most of the time we have today. Read your Bible every day to know God.

As you read, be disciplined, take time to seek The LORD, allow The Holy Spirit to have control, seek to be holy. Read and apply 1ST John 1:9 and follow the instructions.           

25th   How do you apply the truth of Lev 16:29-30 today?  Why does v16:34 not apply to you? What attribute did you find in chap 17:11?  What judgment did you learn in chap 18? What truth did you learn from the woman in Mark7:27? What wonder did you see in chap 8? In Psalm 41 did you see how to know your friends? Why is the fruit of the wicked sin?

26th  Lev 19 dictates what lifestyle? Why does God hate Molech?  What is unusual about v20:14 & 20? Did you notice Jesus repent in MK 8:12? How is John 3:12 shown in 8:14-21? How does v8:34-38 impact your concept of God?  What compound name of God did you see in Psalm 42? How do you err?

**Can you separate Faith from the Word of God?   How is obedience like love?

27th  Lev 20 prescribes what lifestyle? What restrictions given in chap21 to the priest have an application to you today? What truth concerning offerings did you see in chap22? How does MK 9:1 apply to you today? How may you pray back Psalm 43:3-4? What does a fool do according to Proverbs ? 

28th  How is the peace offering described in Lev 22? How may we profane  God's Holy Name?  What is unusual at v23:16-18? Did God "really" expect the Jews to do no work as described in v28-31? Did Jesus give the Gospel to His disciples in chap 9? What object lesson did Jesus use in 9:35-50? How is marriage descried in chap 10? Does Palm 44 show reverence to God?  How can we be wise?

February 29 is a day for worship. Enjoy the liberty you have been given and be grateful.

1 Mar  Lev 24 declares what in v15-17? How does this link with Matt Matthew 12:30-37. Verse 31 "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men." How did Jesus use children as an object lesson? What promise did Jesus give to His disciples concerning giving and following Him? What does God not know? How does Proverbs 10:20-21 affect your prayers?

2nd  What truth did you gain at Lev 25:55? How does God use "if" and "then" to make His point concerning obedience? What truth did Jesus give the disciples in Mark 10? How did the blind man adore Jesus before he was healed? How did the psalmist adore God in chap 45? What truth is given in Prov 10?

3rd   Have you sanctified your house/field/things  as was described in Lev 27? When did the Book of Numbers begin? Did God originate the draft for soldiers? Does God keep records of all people? Why is God orderly in the encampment and marching routines? What power was demonstrated by Jesus in Mark 11? What is the difference between doctrine and tradition? If Psalm 46 is True, why should the believer have ANY fears?

 Did you note the Names and attributes of God? Do you have and exercise the wisdom God has given you? What "Truth" have you learned that has changed your life? Read to know Him.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

6 February 2020 with greetings to all that love to read The Book.

I want to share with you an article I read the other day during my devotional time.

John McLean (1785-1861),  a US Postmaster General and justice of the US Supreme Court, wrote this:  

No one can estimate or describe the salutary influence of the Bible. What would the world be without it? Compare the dark places of the earth, where the light of the gospel has not penetrated, with those where it has been proclaimed and embraced in all its purity. Life and immorality are brought to light by the scriptures. Aside from Revelation, darkness rests upon the world and upon the future. There is no ray of light to shine upon our pathway; there is no star of hope. We begin our speculations as to our destiny in conjecture, and they end in uncertainty. We know not that there is a God, a heaven, a hell, or any day of general account, when the wicked and the righteous shall be judged. The Bible has shed a glorious light upon the world. It shows us that in the coming day we must answer for the deeds done in the body. It has opened us to a new and living way, so plainly marked out that no one can mistake it.

I hope you will consider these comments by Mr McLean to be applicable to your life and future. When we all realize Hebrews 9:27 is looming over us and John 3:36 is true, a sane person would flee from the world and run to God. The Bible tells and shares the Truth.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this judgment:

John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I hope your Wednesday, 29 January, is going well and you have enjoyed reading the Bible to know God. Thanks for being one of those that is known as a reader of The Word of God, a Book Lover.

As we read today Exodus 8:1-9:35, it was exciting following the conflict between Moses and Pharaoh while The LORD dictated what to say and to do because we believe that God created everything as recorded in Genesis and is now demonstrating His Omnipotence, power, overall circumstances.

Reading Exodus 8:18-19 records the magicians wonder that lice were being created by "the finger of God". Stop and consider the wonder of The LORD. The confession of Pharaoh at 9:27is true and real, but without remorse. O that all men would admit their SIN. The sin of UNBELIEF is unto death.

As we read the record of Jesus leading his disciples we are better able to understand our present-day responsibility. If you are a born again son of God that has been forgiven of ALL your sins and have received the free gift of salvation, act like it, be perfect. Humility as a little child stresses humility and not age. What do you treasure most?

Who then can be saved? What have you forsaken to follow and serve God? There is a difference between faith and foreskin for the Hebrew. If one believes that family genealogy is sufficient for eternal life and forgiveness of all sins, why did Almighty God sacrifice his only begotten Son at Calvary? Why was Genesis 3:15 declared? Why is Exodus 6 the record of why God Almighty wanted him by his name Jehovah? John 3 makes this plain, and you must be born again.

Faith is reading or hearing God's Word, known as the gospel. When you believe your sinfulness is against God and worthy of eternal death so that you confess your need for salvation, this is repentance. God offers you the gift of eternal life and it is up to you receive it. God, The father, provides redemption by reconciling you to Himself by the life, death, burial, resurrection of His Son from the grave according to the Scriptures. Jesus paid yours and my sin debt.

Read John 1:1-14 and trust God.