As you read, be disciplined, take time to seek The LORD, allow The Holy Spirit to have control, seek to be holy. Read and apply 1ST John 1:9 and follow the instructions.
25th How do you apply the truth of Lev 16:29-30 today? Why does v16:34 not apply to you? What attribute did you find in chap 17:11? What judgment did you learn in chap 18? What truth did you learn from the woman in Mark7:27? What wonder did you see in chap 8? In Psalm 41 did you see how to know your friends? Why is the fruit of the wicked sin?
26th Lev 19 dictates what lifestyle? Why does God hate Molech? What is unusual about v20:14 & 20? Did you notice Jesus repent in MK 8:12? How is John 3:12 shown in 8:14-21? How does v8:34-38 impact your concept of God? What compound name of God did you see in Psalm 42? How do you err?
**Can you separate Faith from the Word of God? How is obedience like love?
27th Lev 20 prescribes what lifestyle? What restrictions given in chap21 to the priest have an application to you today? What truth concerning offerings did you see in chap22? How does MK 9:1 apply to you today? How may you pray back Psalm 43:3-4? What does a fool do according to Proverbs ?
28th How is the peace offering described in Lev 22? How may we profane God's Holy Name? What is unusual at v23:16-18? Did God "really" expect the Jews to do no work as described in v28-31? Did Jesus give the Gospel to His disciples in chap 9? What object lesson did Jesus use in 9:35-50? How is marriage descried in chap 10? Does Palm 44 show reverence to God? How can we be wise?
February 29 is a day for worship. Enjoy the liberty you have been given and be grateful.
1 Mar Lev 24 declares what in v15-17? How does this link with Matt Matthew 12:30-37. Verse 31 "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men." How did Jesus use children as an object lesson? What promise did Jesus give to His disciples concerning giving and following Him? What does God not know? How does Proverbs 10:20-21 affect your prayers?
2nd What truth did you gain at Lev 25:55? How does God use "if" and "then" to make His point concerning obedience? What truth did Jesus give the disciples in Mark 10? How did the blind man adore Jesus before he was healed? How did the psalmist adore God in chap 45? What truth is given in Prov 10?
3rd Have you sanctified your house/field/things as was described in Lev 27? When did the Book of Numbers begin? Did God originate the draft for soldiers? Does God keep records of all people? Why is God orderly in the encampment and marching routines? What power was demonstrated by Jesus in Mark 11? What is the difference between doctrine and tradition? If Psalm 46 is True, why should the believer have ANY fears?
Did you note the Names and attributes of God? Do you have and exercise the wisdom God has given you? What "Truth" have you learned that has changed your life? Read to know Him.