Friday, February 26, 2010

27 Feb 10 Saturday and great weather for a picnic.When was the last time you just relaxed and enjoyed the life and circumstance that GOD has provided for you?Stewardship could be defined as taking care of business.Putting things in order and watching out for the BEST way for things to happen.When we trust and obey The LORD and His Word,as per The Holy Spirit,we are happy,most content and honoring GOD.

Leviticus 20:22-22:20 Tells about separation,sanctification dedication and obedience.We must,as they were to be, be alert to our circumstances and judge properly and promptly the difference between good/clean and bad/unclean.Then we all should/ought/must CHOOSE the best.Please let v26 dominate your thinking for a season.GOD has chosen you!Be Holy.Now do you and I consider this as a suggestion or a commandment?Why do we read our Bible? Please re-visit James 4:17.Be ye separate.

Mark 9:1-29 There are some things we read that cause us to be amazed at GOD's power and His Omniscience and Omnipresence.Focus on GOD. When we do not put The LORD our Lord FIRST we are like the powerless disciples.Oh to be separated wholly unto GOD.

Psalm 43:1-5 We need mercy and grace and we must seek these from The LORD alone.In all of our trials/test or temptations we best seek GOD first and early diligently.

Proverbs 10:18 Seek to be honest with The LORD. Amen. We represent GOD to others. pj
26 Feb 10 Friday and Sunday is coming. Are you getting ready to be blessed and to be a blessing? Read to know Him and then obey the Truth that has been illumined unto you this day.Why do you read your 365 KJV Bible?

Leviticus 19:1-20:21 Do you "really" believe that GOD,The LORD,your Lord expects you to be HOLY? Do you consider yourself wholly(24-7-365)Holy?Does GOD? Theses are sobering thoughts for each of us.We must determine to take The Word of GOD as our LAW for life and strive to be obedient and diligently seek Him early each day. We have been taught all we need to know in order to be right and do right.Look at v19:37and let this be the guide for your choices daily.

Mark 8:10-38 What does it mean to be called?What does it mean to be under The Lordship of Jesus?Is it "really" necessary to be fully committed and take up your cross daily?Are we ashamed our Saviour if we do not witness to everybody each day and do not obey every scripture?Each of us must choose to obey. Let us consider that the commandments of GOD are not grievous and every thing we are called to be or do The LORD gives to us what He requires and also provides a way to do His will.

Psalm 42:1-11 Do you ever pray"Lord,I would like to be like that psalmist"?GOD wants us to be desirous of Him and His company.Spend time remembering what He has done to and for you and yours.Practice being humble,grateful and thankful,even for the water.

Proverbs 10:17 Listen to what you are reading and seek to know Him.Jesus said the way would be narrow and that He would never forsake us. Selah. Be teachable. pj
25 Feb 10 Thank The LORD for a wonderful day to be alive,living the good life, having much more than most, secure in our salvation,confident of our eternal home and expecting today to be the day that Jesus comes in the clouds and takes us HOME.What have you forsaken and given up for your salvation?We need to be careful and reply,just"all my sins".We are sons of GOD, now let us act like we are.

Leviticus 16:29-18:30 As you read to know Him, what does it mean to you"this shall be a statue for ever unto you"? How does the picture of atonement as demonstrated in the reading today impact your concept of GOD? Does your relationship and fellowship standing change day by day? What has The LORD done for you?

Mark 7:1-23 even today there are many religious people watching Christians and probably judging GOD and Jesus Christ by "our" daily conversation.Let us be mindful of first being right and then,by GOD's "GRACE" let us be doing right for the glory of GOD. Please learn the lesson being taught that we are The LORD's co-laborers. Check your heart's condition as often as you do your speedometer while driving through a school speed zone.Be careful, but keep on driving.

Psalm 41:1-13 Did you rejoice as you read today? If not,why not? Are you blessed? How has GOD favored you? Where did you get your integrity? Who is your friend?Selah

Proverbs 10:15-16 Seek GOD's wisdom and be led by His Holy Spirit and Word.Amen. pj

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

24 Feb 10 What a beautiful sun rise this AM.We may expect 4-6 more weeks of winter type weather, but each day is a new beginning. Do you ever wonder what our world looks like for GOD's point of view.I'm glad He is Omniscient.

Leviticus 15:1-16:28 Seek understanding the application to you life today of v31"Thus shall ye separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness;that they die not in their uncleanness, when they defile my tabernacle that is among them." What does The LORD require of His children?Where is the "tabernacle of GOD" today? Who is the tabernacle today?How does our tabernacle get unclean?We must have respect for Him and His laws because we are saved.Where is your scapegoat?Do what The LORD has said, fear and respect GOD, obey and believe so that He will favor you, because you are not your own, we have been bought.Jesus has made reconciliation once for all mankind.

Mark 7:1-23 records how the legalistic sect of the Pharisees viewed the Law of GOD, only with their lips but not with their heart. It is easy to read and not comply with nor obey truth.How is your trust factor today?Read to know Him.There is a BIG difference between tradition of men and Biblical convictions. Which do you follow?

Psalm 40:11-17 We have been taken out of the pit sin and brought into the presence of GOD Almighty-FACT, now we ought to act like we sons of GOD.He thinks about you!

Proverbs 10:13-14 our speech does indicate who we are.Let us agree to use our two lips to control our one tongue for the Glory of GOD.Submit to His leadership. pj
23 Feb 10 What is the best thing to do on Tuesday when it is snowing,cold and you need to wait for the plumber to show up? Go burn trash limbs and cuttings is my thoughts.Yea to stand up wind to smoke and watch the trim work be consumed by fire. Coffee and cinnamon toast sure do make the day go better.And when the plumber does arrive, do his work, charge a fair fee and leave the work area clean we feel really blessed. How was your morning? Read to know Him and He will make all things right.

Leviticus 14:1-57 records the law concerning the leper.There are many snap shots to be made as we read and learn about the leper and those caring for him.If leprosy gives us a clear picture/insight to what sin is like, then we get to see ourselves being overcome and without hope being helpless, except GOD intervene in our behalf.Godliness and cleanliness are prerequisites to meeting with The LORD. This portion affords us the opportunity to be taught the law and to seek the cure.

Mark 6:30-56 shows us the accountability required to be a disciple of Jesus.This is a good pattern for our prayer life in that we tell what we have done for Him. Let us focus on Him and not our deeds.The LORD uses men to serve men and we get to see how The Lord prayed for the food.We get to see how quick men forget and focus on the things of GOD and circumstances while forgetting GOD. Let us all be careful.

Psalm 40:1-10 I try to see the unseen hand of GOD when I read this psalm. GOD favors those who believe,receive and act on truth.Let us be thankful for what we know that The LORD has done for us and anticipate His calling us home to Himself. Selah

Proverbs 10:11-12 Truth is truth.Let us learn what The LORD loves and hates and be like The Lord in all our conversation.He has made all things possible for us. Amen pj

I've lost the comment from a viewer and do not have his address to reply to why I believe That Jesus is the only GOD-man. Please, lets talk.

Monday, February 22, 2010

22 Feb 10 Perhaps we will have only 5 more Monday mornings that are near freezing this winter/spring.I am glad that The LORD is not surprised by the climate changes nor global warming.There are clouds. Look up for our Redemption draweth neigh.

Leviticus 13:1-59 demonstrates to us one of the "main"jobs of the priest. Here we see them making a judgment and setting rules for fellowship and hygiene. We should consider that as they determine the problem and give out the results that they are ALSO making intercession to GOD for their patient. It is special when we get medical treatment by a physician that he also can and will pray for the cure and treatment.Let us consider "leprosy" as a picture of sin and it's affects.Beware!!!

Mark 6:1-29 GOD allows us to see personal aspects of Jesus and His family and disciples.It would be sad to go to a family gathering and Jesus could not do mighty works because of unbelief.Yet we know that James His brother didn't get saved until after the resurrection.Every person MUST make that choice for himself.

Psalm 39:1-13 Oh that Herod had prayed and acted v1 out and not fell to the wiles of his wife and step daughter.We all are faced with choices. We must hide His Word in our heart so that we do not sin against Him.Utter v4 as a verse for sin prevention.

Proverbs 10:10 Be careful about jesting or talking out of turn. GOD is Omniscient! pj

Saturday, February 20, 2010

21 Feb 10 Sunday and I will try to be alert to my calendar and pages.Hope you are on time for SS and church, read and prayed up and prepared to be taught Truth and to be edified.Pray that The LORD will be pleased by our worship through our songs,psalms and the giving of our tithes an offerings.Go expecting to be blessed and a blessing.
I am glad that we meet on Sunday in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus who is The Christ, Saviour for all those that believe and "RECEIVE HIM" as their Lord unto The LORD.We have read and believe that Jesus is GOD in the flesh and the ONLY way to The Father.Amen.We must be born again according to the Holy Scriptures.We read to know Him who is The Way, The Truth and The Life...John 14:6 Thanks for the KJV Bible!

Leviticus 11:1-12:8 reminds us of the gifts from the days of Noah, animals for a sacrifice that The LORD provided. Stewardship is a wonderful trait of GOD.If we were to follow the dietary and sanitary laws established by GOD we would be better of and live cleaner lives.Remember to check your motive as you prepare your prayers to ensure their purity so that The LORD will have respect unto your offerings.He is HOLY

Mark 5:21-43 We read so that we may know Him and learn from the examples of others. Today is a demonstration of a possible wrong concept towards GOD.If we believe that He must come or we must touch in order for GOD to bless, then we are limiting The LORD. Be careful so as not to take a delay to your getting your prayers being answered,He may be busy and the delay should not be considered as NO.Wait on The LORD.Take v36 as your personal reply from The Lord.

Psalm 38:1-22 Hopefully you will add your amen to this psalm and add to your prayer request that The LORD be gentle as He deals with you.It is OK to pray v22. Selah

Proverbs10:8-9 How is your hearing and heeding?Do you think you are acting wisely in the matters of life? If not,why not?GOD is watching waiting and wants to be your GOD.
20 Feb 10 What a great day to be alive and looking forward to heaven. Have you seen any clouds today? Try and share your testimony with someone today. Read to know Him and remember what/where and who you used to be.Do you recall Legion?

Leviticus 9:7-10:20 shows us the way of separation, the Holy from the unholy and the unclean from the clean. NOW that we know the Truth, we ought to obey(be right then do right) and teach our little ones. We must learn the principle of stewardship and accountability. Read v10:16-20 and ask The LORD to teach you about your motive for service in spite of hardship and tragedy in your family. Focus on GOD.

Mark 4:26-5:20 teaches that we ought to be grateful for His teaching w/parables.

Psalm 37:29-40 and Proverbs should cause us to be thankful for His Truth and appreciate GOD's mercy.
I have duplicated the scriptures and evidently not properly used what we read on the 19th. Please forgive my error. Iwill try to be more careful.

Friday, February 19, 2010

19 Feb 10 Have you finished writing your salvation testimony? Each of us need to reduce our volume of words so that we can tell the story truthfully and skillfully with Scripture references in about 90 seconds.Try writing it on one side of a 3X5 card.Win a friend and then tell your new friend about your Best Friend Jesus.Every person ought to have confidence in their relationship with The LORD because of The Lord Jesus Christ.Each day you read be alert to Truth and be supple to updating your concept of The LORD.Our fellowship with GOD is vibrant and joyful because we obey Him.The indwelling Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we the sons of GOD.

Leviticus 7:28-9:6 How does the hunger and thirst for "Revival" stir in your soul when you read how GOD The LORD shows up? Obedience to doing what GOD says to do and to do IT His way is the prerequisite to Glory. To do GOD's work in error is death. Let us be warned.Learn GOD's attributes and cause them to influence your concept of Him. Read to know Him. Focus on The LORD our Lord.

Mark 3:31-4:35 Hopefully you appreciate "other little ships" being mentioned because we are prospered sometimes because we are in the same storm/vicinity as others. Are you amazed and do you marvel/fear exceedingly at Jesus?How do you relate to this man called Legion? What type of sinner were you before you were saved? Has The Lord had compassion on you?Have you told your story in 10 cities/Decapolis?If not,why not?

Psalm37:12-28 What a great psalm of direction an encouragement. Does GOD see your trust in Him? He sees everything! How do you see and show your trust in His WORD?
Proverbs 10:5 There are only two classes of people. Either you are lost or you are saved. Truly the memory of the saved is blessed and we have heaven to come. Selah pj

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

18 Feb 10 If you did not have The KJV Bible what would be your anchor for your soul?If you were not saved from the wrath of GOD, what would be your goal be today for your life? I want to remind viewers that unless you are current in your reading of the KJV 365 Bible, my questions and comments will not make sense.I assure you each year that you experience reading the 365 Bible to know Him you will be blessed,if your motive in reading is to know Him and not to try and make GOD happy with you because you have or do read.Ask The Holy Spirit to cause the truths to be illumined so that you may see and hear what The LORD is saying about The Lord.

Leviticus 6:1-7:27 Sin is not satisfied by the size of or type of your offering.We need to be careful,lest we forget what saves us.Re look the conflict that was exposed in the garden area, Cain and Abel and all others.Ask yourself this question""What does Almighty GOD have respect to"?If we think our dead ox has more impact than some one's turtle dove in satisfying GOD we are in trouble.Think what transpires in the mind/heart of a man when he is convinced/convicted by The Holy Spirit that he has sinned against Holy GOD and what he goes through to get the "object to offer" and then get it to the priest and then to confess his sin and then to believe that GOD has respect to him and will accept the sacrifice and that he has been forgiven.What is your attitude about casually offering up a "1st John 1:9and hope all is well because we ask this in Jesus' name"?We sin against Holy GOD.

Mark 3:7-30 It is amazing that on this day we get to read about forgiveness of sin and what will not be forgiven.Jesus selects the 12 disciples and ordains them to be the apostles for the first church that Jesus started.

Psalm 37:1-11 describes the way to be at peace with The Father and with your brothers.Note to infinity verbs and incorporate them into your daily conversation.
Proverbs 10:3-4 declares some of GOD's traits and explains some of the promises for the believers with their conditions.Read to know Him. Amen. Selah pj

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

17 Feb 10 Hope you are in the center of GOD's will for your life today.If GOD has calmed the sea that we are in and your little ship is at rest, perhaps there are others that are there also that you do not see and they benefit because of your blessing.Perhaps we are living in the calm of someone else being blessed.Let us focus on the one who is Blessing more than the blessing itself.Ask The LORD to be gentle as He deals with you and me in His mercy.Be right and in the right place.

Leviticus uses the key words"if","when","then" and "he shall bring" to many situations that are unique to the Jewish worship during this time frame. We ought to be grateful that the same concept applies to us today,but we (if saved) have a High Priest that is ever making intercession for us and we do not make animal sacrifices.What did you learn about confessing your sin?Did you get the sense that all of our sin/sins are against GOD?Let us be thankful for 1st John 1:9 and be quick to respond to the prompting of The Holy Spirit when we sin an offend GOD.Be right with GOD through salvation and then do right as empowered by GOD and His grace.

Mark records the exciting encounter of Jesus and Levi/Matthew while he was at work. What do we learn about The Lord and His desire that all men repent and be saved?It is wonderful that we get to worship The Lord 7 days a week.How has He healed you?

Psalms/Proverbs teach us the options we are given to follow GOD or not and we get to choose.We have been taught the difference between righteousness and wickedness. We are without excuse.Thanks be unto The LORD that He provides salvation . Selah pj
16 Feb 10 What a beautiful day to be able to get up and go without tooo many coats, gloves,hats and walking with your back towards the wind.I want to be thankful. What is the difference in your reading of Exodus this year as compared to last year?Can you sense a better understanding of GOD? Has your inventory of The LORD's traits, attributes and names been reinforced and increased? Oh to have the mind of Christ. Remember we read to know Him, not to make Him happy because we read.1st be right.

I hope you read Leviticus expecting to see and hear from GOD.Our imaginations ought to be a full speed trying to see all these parts be made from raw materials, made into beautiful garments and furniture, laid out in order, inventoried and then assembled as per direction from The Master Builder.GOD's vision was understood by Moses and the people were willing to give,work and wait.GOD saw His dream come to fruition in that day and He rewarded His people by showing up and showing off!!!Now we can understand His majesty and Holiness so what better.There is none like HIM.Let us be grateful that He tells us how to approach Him with our offerings.It is not the item being offered, it is the heart of the one making the offer.Cain vs Abel. HEART!

The transition to the life of Jesus as recorded by John Mark illustrates again that GOD wants all of His creation to know Him and to respond to His Gospel.Truth in action!How much faith do we have and how do we exercise what we have? Is it enough for GOD to act in our presence and show Himself strong in our behalf?Some poor soul may be waiting for us to show up and show off that we believe GOD and His Gospel.

Psalm 35 tells us much about life and circumstances and reminds us to wait/depend upon the LORD. Proverbs 9 states some harsh conditions and what happens when men get their eyes off of The LORD and act silly and be simple.We reap what we sow. Selah pj

Please invite some of your friends to read along with you and encourage them.

Monday, February 15, 2010

15 Feb 10 YEA what a day,clouds in the sky, this could be The Day!!Are you ready and who will go with you to heaven?What have we sent forward that is useful in the construction of our mansion?We are co-laborers with The Lord Jesus.Are we adding to the success of His mission or are we a stumbling block to the Gospel?WE all must see ourselves as functional/profitable partners or not in our Father's business.

This is a great day for Moses. All of the hard work and preparation are complete. All of the parts are finished,folded and stacked for inventory and inspection.How does this affect your concept of GOD?This is stewardship out in the open and timely.This is the final preparation for the DAY.All people are involved and they are anticipating the reward for their efforts.

The key thought for us today should be that of v30,and our first and last thought ought always/every day and night to be "HOLINESS TO THE LORD".This is the ultimate!

THEN!! Can you describe your feelings as you read about"Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle".Have you ever experienced that in church? If not,why not?What have you learned about GOD? How many "first" things did you discover in your reading today?

Do some research into the life of John Mark and get some background data so that you can appreciate when and where GOD move upon this Holy Man.Practice praying back the psalm to GOD and insert names of your family.Be wise today. Be right then do right.pj

Saturday, February 13, 2010

14 Feb 10 It is OK to wish you a happy valentine day.If all men would learn the proverb for today we would be better men,husbands,fathers and sons. Please pray that men be wise unto GOD.

The psalmist encourages all people to consider The LORD and all of His commandments. There are promises written for us to understand and undertake,yet we must know the preconditions lest we misunderstand and misrepresent GOD.We are blessed.

As we read the final chapters of Matthew's record we get to see in parallel the provisions made by GOD in the days of Moses for this great event. Put this in light of Genesis 3:15 and be amazed at the handiwork of GOD. We get to read to know Him.We get to hear the great commission as given to the church that is valid for us today.Imagine being in a church where the eleven disciples were the leaders.

A year's worth of work is almost complete and we are privileged to see it come to pass.We get to see the handiwork of men and women who were filled with the Spirit of GOD to do the work of preparing the tools to be used to worship The LORD.How do you see Jesus in the tabernacle and it's parts?The LORD did not require anything of the Jews that He had not given them,Stewardship.Why do we have what we have. Selah pj
13 Feb 10 Yea another day in winter's hold,snow,fog and 32* and besides this we have the Blessed Hope that might come today.It is not easy to imagine living in the North and be covered like this from Nov-Mar.What a beautiful view through the trees.Let us enjoy His handiwork and be thankful,Spring is coming in 5 more weeks.Joy!

Oh that it were every man's desire to be wise hearted before the LORD.If everything was neat,orderly and in our favor,would we choose to put GOD first?We have not been short changed by GOD.We have His True Words,Holy Spirit(if saved) and can choose to obey.What else do we need but opportunity?If we learn about Jesus through the tabernacle,what have you learned today?We need to be good stewards.

We get to see Jesus in full view crucified.How is your concept of GOD impacted by the death and burial of Jesus?Look at v27:42 and be satisfied.Do you see any doctrines that affect your life?Who is first?What scene of pity and kindness comes to your mind when Joseph took the body of Jesus down from the cross?

Psalm 34 makes a bold statement of conviction, do you agree and practice v1?Who do you love because they/some one concerned rebuked you?Does GOD think us wise? Selah pj

Thursday, February 11, 2010

12 Feb 10 Oh be careful little eyes what you see,be careful little ears what you hear.This may sound childish, but it works!What are you hiding in your heart today?Have you determined how to deal with failure as quickly as you respond to success?We all face some blessings and some cursing.We need to be careful to not fall into the category of"whoso is simple,let him turn in hither".As you read to know Him ,how does this wisdom/knowledge/understanding show forth in your faith and works?

We read the psalms we hear that all is before GOD and nothing is hid from Him.How does this impact your concept of GOD?Whom do we hope in?What attributes of GOD do you focus on today?

As we read about Jesus before those who were judging and condemning Him, how does your concept of GOD deal with just and holiness?Have you related to Baraabbas?Do you really think you were that deserving of a death sentence?What do you say to "He took my place"!!!Grateful,thankful,considerate and having a sense of obligation?

Moses was a gifted man,talented and used of The LORD.Take note of the names of GOD.Consider His traits,attributes and titles.What a privilege to spend 40 days and nights with GOD.How do you handle 40 minuets a day?Let us diligently seek Him. Selah.pj
11 Feb 10 Hopefully you are enjoying reading your 365 Bible to know Him. Look at II Tim 3:16- and apply these truths into your refining process of your concept of the LORD.Why do you want to know GOD?When you pray try telling The LORD why you want to be filled and led by/with His Holy Spirit.Stop and take your time to be honest with yourself.We all need to be careful to not let circumstances cause us to sin and not put our Lord first.Consider Moses.

We are in this world but we do not have to be controlled and dominated by our enemy.We choose what we do,lest we fly off the handle and rush into a bad situation without waiting on The LORD.Make your list of obstacles in your sin life that keep you from following GOD.If you need a list contact me and I will share with you what I have found in the Bible.

Jesus has won our victory and now we need to follow our Saviour.Look at v26:23 and determine how this applies in your conversation/lifestyle. We do need to rejoice in The LORD.His advice and counsel standeth forever.We need to hear,heed,believe and obey.Please seek Him diligently,early each day and watch and wait for His Words. pj
10 Feb 10 What will it look like in October? 10 10 10 yea.What a marvelous thing is this a body.Take time to appreciate what GOD did with Adam and fast forward to where we are today.WOW!!When you read"GOD,The LORD spake unto Moses"what comes to your mind?Please note the things that occur for the first time and then let that thought linger as you continue to update your concept of GOD.Consider what private information you are privvy to and guard the secret with your life.

Has The LORD called you by name?If not,why not?Has GOD filled you with His Spirit? If not,why not?Relationship 1st, then Fellowship. Be right then do right.

Focus on GOD and His Word. Look at Matt 26:54-56 and settle the matter of how important is The Word,Psalm 138:2. Allow the truth given in this Psalm32 to calm your heart. Focus on the eternality of GOD.Hearken unto The LORD. Selah. pj
9 Feb 10 We went early this AM to let a well qualified DR ,who claims to be saved, puncture my body and extract the gall bladder because it was full of stones and not working.YEA! He did it and now I am recovering and moving slower than normal.I hope to be near full gait by Tuesday and perhaps able to play golf with limited vigor.This has not affected our reading. I appreciate GOD's mercy differently today and expect His watchcare to be the same as yesterday. It was thrilling to pray with the Dr and my wife before surgery.Psalm 23 was sweeter and very real.

It seemed to me that Jesus was the real Doctor and that The Holy Spirit was ministering through the human doctors and nurses just as though we were in the tabernacle of GOD as Moses was in our reading.We get to see how the LORD views first our relationship with Him and then what He expects of our fellowship with Him. Take time to note the "I will" of GOD.

I am fascinated by GOD's timing of the reading today. Picture what Moses was establishing and Jesus was encountering in the matter of the priest and His friend.

The psalmist shows us many attributes of GOD.The proverbs challenges us to be alert and ready to act out our beliefs,faith in action,love demonstrated. Selah. pj

Monday, February 8, 2010

8 Feb 10 Monday, clouds in the sky, this could be the day.Have you made an "asset" inventory of all of the gifts that you have received from The LORD?When we sing that song"count your blessings" what do you say? We all get our things by either working/buying, stealing or receiving them as gifts.How is your inventory list?

As you read and develop your mental picture of what the uniform was to look like that Moses was to prepare for Aaron, whom do you see?As you understand what Aaron and his sons were to do,whom do you see?Who was concealed in the Old Testament and yet revealed in the New? Learn His names and titles.What are the requirements to enter into the most Holy place?Who can/will go for you and me?We are blessed to know Him as Jesus The Christ!He is the only one who can and will stand before GOD The Father for us. Yea!

The questions asked by Jesus of those in Jerusalem are asked of us today, how did you treat the least of these?WE all are afforded the same opportunity to go,give and do.We all will be treated fairly.Have mercy upon me O LORD.It is best for us to know what GOD loves and hates and choose to be like Him. Amen. Selah. pj

PS Pray for Dr Walker tomorrow as he repairs my body and there be no complications.
7 Feb 10 Hope you had a great day in The LORD and in His house with His people your brothers and sisters.What you have read and learned at home will be reinforced by the teaching and preaching at church and you should be edified.We get give our gifts/offerings, sing psalms,songs of praise and worship GOD.

We are fortunate to have a fixed facility to go to for worship.It is not easy to pack up,haul around and put up a temporary shelter in a strange land.We get to learn about GOD and see His traits in the materials He required for the tabernacle.There is a difference between gold,silver and bronze.Search out and find the attributes of GOD in the materials in the tabernacle.This is a first for Moses and the Jews and yet everything GOD required that they have to build,He provided.What a portrait!!

Let us learn the lesson of the 10 virgins and be prepared.Let us take an inventory of our GOD given"talents"and see what we have done with His gifts and see what we have done with that we have been loaned to us for His glory.WE will also be required to give an account.

Where do you put your trust?Whom do you trust?Does He consider us trustworthy?Let us be thankful for His mercy.Wisdom,understanding and instruction or silver.Choose. pj
6 Feb 10 Hopefully you are encouraged by The LORD as you read to know Him.Please share your thoughts with others so that they maybe blessed.If you have some comments or suggestions please send them to me.Is there any body out there?

We ought to be able to be grateful that we are not required to follow the Jewish traditions of offerings and worship format. Yet sometimes we get so/too slack in our worship of The LORD that we are offensive.Let us not take getting to go to church for granite. GOD wants His people to be separate and different,just not indifferent.Read the significance of v40:8 and consider your desires.

Jesus advised His disciples about the future and these sayings apply to us today.We have the warning and should not be surprised, but there are some who do not know The LORD our Lord and we need to warn them.Let us act right and sing His praises. pj
5 Feb 10 Our position as Christians is reinforced by our daily reading of The Word of GOD and we get to know Him. We should not assume that we have tomorrow to catch up or try to make up for days wasted.We are privileged to read about the Hebrews and their journey with GOD through the wilderness.Keep in mind The LORD plans for them to get separated from Egypt,learn about Him, receive His Law,plans for the tabernacle and enter into the promise land.The LORD gives them everything they need and shows them how to make it work. What do learn about GOD?Consider v23:7-8.

Jesus warns the disciples about things to come and we need to pay attention to these warnings about the anti-Christ.Take time to refresh yourself in the difference between the rapture and The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

We should take time to give glory unto GOD.Review the attributes that you have read about so far this year.Note His names,admire His traits and adore Him.We all need to be alert to circumstances around us, but we best focus on The LORD our Lord. Selah pj
4 Feb 10 Each day we have the opportunity to observe GOD and His creation.When we sit at the table and The Word of Life is opened we ought to be amazed.Let us imagine that Almighty GOD, The LORD, He will permit us to come unto His Person and hear Him speak His laws,truth and will. Remember to develop your "snapshots" of GOD as you read and recall these when you need encouragement and confidence.

Moses records for us "The Law" so that we might know GOD.Consider these as how to respond to The LORD and His creation. Take note of the promises and conditions given that apply to us today.Stewardship principals are stated and we need to expect to be required to give an account of what we read and heed or not.

Matthew records the last days of Jesus while in Jerusalem. We get to see the priest, scribes,Pharisees, Sadducees and disciples react to His instructions. Try and place yourself in the mix of people who meet Jesus and hear Him speak v23:37-39.

Psalm 28 may introduce us to the need of knowing GOD and of having confidence that He is our Saviour.WE need to sit at His feet as sons and learn of life. Selah. pj

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3 Feb 10 Wednesday is a good day to meet our brothers and sisters in The LORD's house to be edified,encouraged and strengthened. Hopefully you will pick up on some discipleship principals as you read to day.We read to know Him and then try to apply His ways in our daily activities.This discipleship principal has application in parent/child, husband/wife and friend to friend relationships/fellowship.

Jethro was a great teacher/mentor for Moses. The great principal is of "power down" by giving others information/wisdom/understanding=training them and THEN letting them work/apply what they have been given and taught.This is how our Lord taught His disciples. This is what we read and learn each day.Trust!!!,read Proverbs 3:5- trust!

We must learn to read,see,hear,heed,believe,obey and share truth. How can we say we love and not be honest with our closest co-laborers? GOD will ask all of us to seek Him, trust and obey. We ought not to do less.Being firm/honest is not cruel. love pj
2 Feb 10 Tuesday the third day of this week and we have clouds in the sky. This could be the day!What song do you sing to praise GOD for His mercy and grace? Let us look at the provision for GOD's protection and be attentive to His requirements in order to be blessed.

What does Exodus 15:26 require of the Jews? Does this apply to us today?Does GOD really expect His children(saved today)to be diligent and hearken to His voice, to do that what is right in His sight, to give ear to His commandments and to keep all His statutes?Each of us must choose.Look again at James 4:17.It is better to obey than to sacrifice. It is great to consider that the manna that was put into the ark in the days of Moses is still edible without worms today.Take note of the compound names of GOD as you look at His traits and attributes. Read to know Him!!

We are blessed to be able to hear and understand the parables spoken by Jesus.Where do you think the first RSVP was given/required? What is the garment required for the wedding guest and do you have yours on today? It is the "Robe of Righteousness".

Do you respond to The LORD by saying my Father? How do you tell Him about His provisions for you?What is He to you? Practice praying back the psalms and proverbs and be grateful that He has done so much for you as a son.Be right and do right. pj
1 Feb 10 Yea for Monday and Sunday is coming.As you read today and venture out into the world be careful,alert and leadable by GOD's Holy Spirit.Do you find it amusing to think of how The LORD first started daylight saving time?The Jews look for a sign, well GOD gave them those great pillars for light,protection,separation, warning,inspiration and a sense of Godly presence.What has He done for you and me today? We need a revival of appreciating GOD and His Holiness.

In time of war,stress and much anxiety we need to remember what The LORD has promised to us and rest and stand still for the battle is The LORD's. GOD provides signs so that The Hebrews could look up and He expects them to respond in obedience to His commands. Be thankful that you can see,hear,read,think and respond by faith.

Jesus knows everything and He expects us to hear His instructions and obey.Consider what you have said with what you have done.The question is, have we done what we said we would do, if He would do what He said He would do? Lord save me!What is Lordship to you?

As you pray back Psalm 26 and The Proverbs today how does your conscience respond?Do we love what GOD loves and do we hate what GOD hates?If not,why not? Selah.Amen. pj