Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7 Apr 10 Wow it has hit our house and I have been overtaken with pollen. There is a lot of this going around and my Doctor said I was not contagious to others except sneezing on them or sharing food utensils. Hopefully the meds will "knock" this out pronto. I hope you are not overcome with pollen and it's side affects/effects

Betty and I read this AM and commented how the Bible described The Jews response to GOD and how the USA is so similar to the backsliding children of Jacob. They were provided all they needed for prosperity and warned of the sins that could so easily overcome them, given assurance of The LORD in His presence and His promises, AND they went and did wrong. Why,O why do we go astray from our LORD and Saviour? Let us read to know Him and prepare ourselves to be wary of Satan's devices,tricks and promises that are not good for us.

I find it amazing that what we read in both the OT and NT may be easily used to describe us today. What does it mean to you "to confess Him before others"? Read James 4:17 and then check your motive or excuse. How are your barns? Please take time to dwell in His presence and enjoy His good pleasure that is prepared for you.

Focus on GOD and His Words. Be prudent and diligent. You are never alone when you are with The LORD. Hide His word in your heart-meditate-Selah and be at peace. pj

Read to know Him!

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