Tuesday, December 27, 2011

27 Dec 2011 Tuesday This is Lesson#52 for the 365 Bible Class scheduled for 1 January 2012.

You are and have been a good and precious gift to me and Betty, thank you all! It has been a great and wonderful Year!! May GOD bless you with A Great, Good and prosperous New Year as you read!!
This will be our last class together. We started with three (3) goals for the year 2011, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let us know about your success. Are you better prepared to "trust and obey" because of this year of reading? God bless you.
Review our reading of 26 Dec-31 Dec: (Don't let things / activities crowd out GOD, seek Him early and diligently with all your heart.) Zachariah 9:1-14:21; Malachi 1:1-4:6; Revelation17:1-22:21; Psalm(s) 145:1-150:6 and Proverbs 30:32-33 and 31:1-31 Read Psalm 139 and SEE GOD, The LORD, Lord Jesus Christ, David and yourself.
Have you spent some time these last few days and reflected on what you have been exposed to by reading through The BIBLE? Are you "contaminated" by Truth? Are you addicted to seeking to know Him early every day, hiding the WORD in your heart and being diligent?

We start today, 1 Jan 2012, with an open mind an open heart with the opportunity "to read" to know Him. Join with me as you hope to continue to read from now to eternity. We have experienced His Truth in our hearts, as a fact, yea and it also sure feels good! We have had this, all of His promises and Heaven to come, YEA, Alleluia! We are His and He is ours. Practice Psalm 138:2, II Tim 3:16-17 and Psalm 119:165

Zachariah The prophet and priest causes us to consider Christ at 3:8, 9:9&16, 11:11-13, 12:10, 13:1,6-8, and 14:3-8 as compared to Acts 1:11. What do make of chap 14? Look for the cross and the Crown. How does "He is coming and His kingdom is with Him" impact your hope? Let 4:6-8 overtake your daily conversation. What visions were given to Zachariah and how do they impact your concept of GOD?

Malachi Take time to meditate on 3:11 "and I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith The LORD of hosts." Consider these promises and observe what is said at 3:16 & 4:2-3. From about 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there were no canonized or accepted writings.

Revelation Every since Genesis 3:15 we have been reading to this end. We are not to be fearful, but to fear God, for the fear of The LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of The Holy is understanding. Since our salvation we have been taken from being under the wrath of GOD to being placed by His side and to watch His will to be preformed upon His creation, REDEEMED.

Psalm We get to praise God! We are told what pleases Him and how to present our thanksgiving. Selah

Proverbs The hope of real men is expressed. The goal of every young girl is expressed. The path for every woman is made plain. The joy of every husband is projected. The heart and mind/will of GOD is revealed concerning how his creation, man and woman, ought to live. This is Stewardship!

I have misused the word "grudge", yet it means to be reluctant to admit or give; a deep seated resentment or rancor; rancor is defined as bitter, long-lasting resentment and ill will. GOD hates sin and shows His emotions at Proverbs 6:16-19. Hate is defined as to feel great hostility or animosity toward. Yet Isaiah 1:16-18, John 3:16 and Romans 5:8 gives us comfort about how He feels toward His children. Why did you respond to His drawing and receive Him as your Lord? Write your salvation. Start with "All things.....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holy Days and Merry Christmas to all. This is Lesson#51 for the 365 Bible Class,25 December 2011
*** There will be NO CLASS today*** There be a combined worship service at 10:30 for the church.
Merry Christmas to you. You are and have been a good and precious gift to me and Betty, thank you all! We started with three (3) goals for the year, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let us know about your success. Keep on reading The Word.
Review our reading of 19-25 Dec: (Don't let things / activities crowd out GOD, seek Him early and diligently with all your heart.) Zephaniah1:1-3:20;Haggai1:1-2:23;Zachariah1:1-8:23;Revelation 10:1-16:21; Psalm(s)138:1-144:15 and Proverbs 30:11-31.

Zephaniah(hidden of Jehovah) tells all that The Great Day of The LORD is at hand. If you see God as both loving and severe how does this impact your concept? Judah is to be taken. There will be a remnant saved and will be restored in the land One Day and some heathen will be saved. What is that new tongue? How does a man walk humbly before God? Will this be a time of "FREEDOM"?

Haggai (525) tells of the return to the land after 70 years have passed and the temple is to be rebuilt. "Consider your ways." Why did they get their priorities mixed up? What lesson ought we to learn about uncleanness? Who is the signet for God?. How may one be encouraged by being rebuked? What/who is the resource of your courage? How many names of God have you found? Knowing God is more important than knowing about God.

Zachariah>Future >Revelation-during turmoil, who listens or hears? From Babylon to Jerusalem and chosen by GOD? In this turmoil how was Christ presented? Take time to look for Jesus at 3:8, 9:9, 9:16,11:11-13,12:10,13:1,6-7and14:3-8. Consider this prophecy as you read through Revelation allowing your memory to provide a background as presented in Daniel, The LORD wants those who read to know Him. The Messiah and The Kingdom and The last days. From about 400BC to the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ there are no canonized or accepted writings.

Revelation Strive to be amazed at the Words and handiwork of GOD. His commandments are not grievous. With the gifts of technology imagine how chap 11 will be presented 3.5 years from now if the Rapture happens today. Remember where the redeemed will be seated as these events are occurring. Recall Genesis 3:15 as you read chap.12. The Enemy of God is at hand and we get to see how the 144,000 witnesses are employed by God, even in the last days The Gospel will be proclaimed. Spend some time reading about the wrath of The LORD and then be grateful as you praise Him for taking the wrath for you. We have been taken in love to be with our Lord. As you pray for the lost bear in mind what they will face if they do not respond to GOD in faith.

Psalm Take note of 138:2 and appreciate what you have in your hand and appreciate The LORD's lovingkindness. Take time to praise The all knowing God who preserves us and keeps us from evil. Pray back Psalm 143. Ask The LORD to bless you, if He is your Lord. Selah

Proverbs O that we all would believe the pureness of God's WORD. Consider using 30:7-9 as a guide for your stewardship/checkbook evaluation. Consider Four(4) as it relates to "Creation".
As you read to know Him, tell Him how much you appreciate being saved and redeemed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 Dec 2011 Tuesday-Hope you are getting ready for the Big Day.As you read, please note the embedded promise(s). Today, the very last verse, Proverbs 29:25,tells whosoever that they shall be safe as they put their trust in The LORD.

Selah, meditate on that Truth and be aware of the conditions. It is a trust issue! Can we separate trust from faith or love or obedience? Recommend we all take time to evaluate where we are, confess our need for protection(for we have a REAL Enemy), admit that we have been trusting ourselves and those around us for little things and not fully waiting upon The LORD our Lord.

Seek to sense being blameless before God.Recall others Truths that,hopefully, are hidden in your heart admit your need of and for GOD, cry out, confess, be forgiven, get clean, approach The Throne of God with thankfulness and lay down your burden, He is waiting for you. Come home my child. Any whoso can trust. Be careful and by faith first, Trust The LORD.
PS: Sometime the light does not come on until we get to the end.

Monday, December 12, 2011

12 Dec 2011 Monday This will be Lesson#50 for our 365 Bible Class 18 December 2011.

We started with three (3) goals for the year, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let Betty know about your success. Write someone (who so ever) in your family a short note of love.
Review our reading of 12-18 Dec: Amos 7:1-9:15; Obadiah 1:1-21; Jonah 1:1-4:11; Micah 1:1-7:20; Nahum 1:1-3:19; Habakkuk 1:1-3:19; Revelation 3:7-9:21; Psalm(s) 131:1-137:9 and Proverbs 29:23-27 and 30:1-10. Fourteen (14) of the 39 Old Testament Books are written during 586-400BC. From about 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there are no canonized or accepted writings.

Amos Trust and obey! There is no place to hide from God. What promise has not yet been fulfilled concerning the tabernacle of David? Amos, a prophet to Israel 768-755BC, teaches that Israel and all nations must prepare to meet The LORD. Amos asked the question "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Why a plumbline? Don't get distracted by the vessel? How does 8:7-14 impact your concept of God? Who/how is Just compared to mercy and or wrath?
Obadiah How does the doom of Edom impact your concept of God? Obadiah, a prophet to Judah o/a 840-825 BC, shares with us the fate of Edom and that The LORD will restore Israel/Judah and the kingdom shall be The LORD's. Pride costs! Pay attention to v 15.

Jonah Why was Jonah sent to Nineveh? Why did Jonah run away, how significant was his prayer life, does//can preaching change a city and why be sad at God's blessing on sinners? What did you learn? Jonah records a great Miracle! A great picture of GOD resurrecting His Son. The proof that all Nations ought to hear the good news and hope that GOD will deal with mercy. Recall as you read Nahum.
Micah warning of the fall of Israel and Judah. Foretelling of the birth of Zion's soon coming King. Refine your concept of The Lord GOD as you read verse 1:2. Compare the promises against the condemnation in view of the last days. What think ye of 7:7-20?

Nahum predicts the fall of Nineveh (about 120 years after Jonah's visit) and the glory of The Assyrian Empire. Note the time line/connection from Jonah to Nahum. Consequence for sin will be paid. What aspect of God did you learn at 1:2-14? What warning did you note in chap 2?

Habakkuk tells that destruction is coming, yet there is hope in GOD. How long have you been crying and for what? What lifestyle principle(s) did you learn from chap 2 and are they principal in your life How do you pray back 3:2??

Revelation Do you believe the promise(s) given and does 1:3 apply to this week's reading? How do you hear what the Spirit is saying to the church? Focus on The Lord and not the creation. Are we seeing the end before the beginning? What is the ministry of the 144,000? Why seven Seals and six trumpets?

Psalm(s) Reminds us to check our attitude and repair the condition of our heart before we Bless and Praise The LORD. How long(136) will His mercy endure? What is dramatic about Psalm 138?

Proverbs warns about pride and of being just. If verse 30:5 is so why would any man quote v3?
Timing ought to excite us. Let us spend time reflecting on the acquired Truths we have because of reading and celebrate what The LORD our Lord has done for us. Could it be that giving to Him could become more important than what others give to us. This is a great time to practice Stewardship. Try writing a "Thank you" note to GOD.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

7 Dec 2011 Wednesday-70 years ago this AM!!! Take time to be grateful. Hope you have been reading to know God. This is Lesson#49 for the 365 Bible Class for 11 December 2011.

** We are planning on having a "get-together" on Friday 16 December, 7PM at the youth department's Fire House. We ask that you, if possible, bring BOTH a toy-gift and a baby gift. We hope to take the toys to the USMC "Toys for Tots" and the baby gifts to "A place for grace". We will discuss details this Sunday.

We started with three (3) goals for the year, to read daily through the 365 KJV Bible, to write out our testimony and to write out a prayer. The church would like to recognize those who have /will have read through the Bible with a certificate. Please let Betty know about your success.
Review our reading of 5 -11 Dec: Hosea 1:1-14:9; Joel 1:1-3:21; Amos 1:1-6:14; 1st John 5:1-21; 2nd John 1:1-13; 3rd John 1:1-14; Jude1:-25; Revelation 1:-3:6; Psalm(s)124:1-1-8; 125:1-5;126:1-6;127:1-5;128:1-6;129:1-8 & 130:1-8 and Proverbs 29:5-22.

Fourteen (14) of the 39 Old Testament Books are written during 586-400BC. Judah/Jews went into captivity 1st time o/a 605; 2nd 597, 3rd 587 and returned from captivity o/a 538 and rebuilt the Temple 536-516 BC. Ezekiel and Daniel were the prophets to the Jews during the 70 years of captivity in Babylon. Time line for our reading Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel is o/a 586 BC. Zechariah, Haggai and Malachi were prophets to restored Judah/Israel(post-exilic). From about 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there are no canonized or accepted writings.

Hosea, a prophet to Israel o/a 750-725, will allow us to better know GOD and His mannerisms of dealing with His children as sinners. Jensen called this a report on "GOD's love for Backsliders". We should read to know how The LORD demonstrates that He is Holy, Just and Love. Israel goes into Assyrian captivity o/a 722 BC.

Joel, a prophet to Judah o/a 925-810BC, tells us about the "Day of The LORD", calling for repentance while hoping for restoration. Tribulation-Armageddon-Millennial Reign.

Amos, a prophet to Israel 768-755BC, teaches that Israel and all nations must prepare to meet The LORD. Ask the question "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos projects a restoration and that GOD will plant Israel upon their land.

1st,2nd,3rd John charges us to have fellowship with GOD and his children, to know Truth and see that in so-called believers. All should expect and pursue Spiritual health and prosperity. GOD wants His children to be in and walk in the Light.

Jude teaches all believers to know truth, beware of ungodly men, contend for the faith, believe and trust GOD that He is able to keep you from falling.

Revelation show us the climax of GOD's Book, Apocalypse: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. We get to learn church history. A simple goal for life is, to be "in the Spirit on The Lord's Day".

Psalm(s) Perhaps the strongest verse is at Psalm 127:1 "Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain." A lesson for all.

Proverbs 29:5-22 reveals a great dilemma at verse 18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Where did your vision begin? Where does your testimony begin?
Write someone (who so ever) in your family a short note of love.

Friday, November 25, 2011

25 Nov 2011 Yea it is Friday and Sunday is coming. I celebrate this day because in 1977 I tasted my last alcoholic drink. I'm grateful that the desire for liquor is gone, BY THE GRACE OF GOD!!This great gift was given to me even before I had read my Bible. I hope all of you realize it only takes ONE shot/drink to be on the the road that will always end up bad, yet James 4:17 does have its say. The term "high and dry" means something special to me.

What did you see in the life of one of the King's kids today? It is amazing to see the potential of seeking to know and honor your God and then seeing a good end.We all have the opportunity to do good and to be right.

What special choice did you make today? Take time to make your next option, the Best choice so as to glorify The LORD.You are being watched by someone. Please read to know Him and then "on purpose" be/get right and then do right.luvpj

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

24 Nov 2011 Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, God Bless America. I pray that each of you(us) are blessed abundantly according to your(our) obedience to The Truth as given in The Holy King James Version of The Bible.

As you read the lesson from Ezekiel please appreciate the intercession by The Prince.Continue to refine, update and solidify your biblical concept of GOD.

Take time to be Holy. Read to know Him. Hope to see you in class Sunday. luvpj

Monday, November 21, 2011

21 Nov 2011 Monday This is Lesson#47for the 365 Bible Class for Sunday 27 Nov.
Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week? Are you "still" connected? What is your greatest treasure? Continue to pray for your card partner, your missionary family, the troops and the lost. As you share your testimony use some of the scriptures you have read this week and then pray that The LORD would draw them.

Review our reading, 21-27 Nov: Ezekiel 42:1-48:35; Daniel 1:1-4:37; James 5:1-20; I Peter 1:1-5:15; II Peter 1:1-21; Psalm119:1-112; Proverbs 28:6-18.

Key to Ezekiel "They shall know that I AM God." We are informed about what and when it happened to The Jews, Jerusalem and the other Nations from the journal of Ezekiel. How is your recording of key events in your life going to impact your followers? Many of the vision relate to the restoration of the temple and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, while these are partially completed, we look at the forecast of a city and a kingdom that is yet to be built by God. We must be concerned about our witness.

Key to Daniel As an youth of royal blood was carried as a prisoner from Jerusalem(606 B.C.) into Babylon and there living, learning and serving through the reign of Nebuchadnezzar- Belshazzar, Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian for the 70 years of Jewish captivity. How does a person live a consecrated life of faith and yet be a loyal and dedicated servant to a heathen king?

Key to James What is considered the cause of most wars? C_ _ _ _ _ _ ness( The desire to get for yourself what belongs to others) Did you see LSD? (4:17) Most believers do not want to suffer and we are generally not patiently waiting for The LORD to supply. Is verse 5 the only answer? What promise did you learn from this chapter and what are the conditions for success? Who is this James?

Key to I Peter Why are we surprised "IF and when" we are abused and MADE to suffer for His name's sake. We are to be exhorted and encouraged as we are reminded of the suffering of Jesus, our Lord. What did you note that is "precious" to The LORD, Peter and to us? What lifestyle did you learn at verse 1:13? Have you ever been consoled? Who have you consoled using "only" Biblical Words?

Key to II Peter Have you now been warned? The facts make the difference and our feelings ought to be better controlled. How can you use a blood test to verify your teachers? Have you considered changing your conversation to be aligned with v 5-8? What is "giving all diligence, add.." mean to you?

Description of God in The Psalm How can a person know God apart from His Law, Word, Judgment, Testimonies, Statues, Commandment, Precepts, Sayings and Way(s)?

Warnings in The Proverbs Carefully choose your companions, set a good example, apply v 13 often, strive to walk uprightly, fear God and keep His commandments.

Application of II Timothy 3:16-17--Does The LORD, your Lord consider you as perfect, throughly furnished and doing good works? If not, why not? What more do you need from God?
Why don't you/we celebrate "Thanksgiving Day" every week? When will our eternal life begin?
If you are not saved-I would like to share Bible Truths with you.
If you are saved and not in church-I would like to make a strong recommendation.
If you are saved and have not been taught stewardship-I will give you a testimony.
If you are a saved godly steward-Congrats!

Friday, November 18, 2011

18 Nov 11. Friday and Sunday is coming! How did you see LSD being described in James? Have you noted how many times lessons like Ezekiel 37 have been recorded in the Old Testament? What have you learned about The LORD this week?

Have you reviewed the Biblical verse(s) that clearly explain the obstacles to our prayers being heard or being answered? Who are we trying to impress? Take time to write out your next prayer, check your spelling and make sure who you are speaking to such as the LORD, Lord, lord, GOD, God, or god.

Please read to know Him! luvpj

Thursday, November 17, 2011

17 Nov 11 Thursday Hope you are excited about reading to know Him. The year is closing fast and I pray you complete the year and finish reading through the Bible.As we finished the Stewardship revival last night , hopefully we all sense a more secure connection to The LORD.
We will be in our regular class this Sunday. Bring your questions. Share your new found promise. Tell some one you care for them. luvpj

Monday, November 14, 2011

14 Nov 11 Monday This is Lesson#46 for the 365 Bible Class for 20 November 2011.

Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week? Are you connected? Is your heart where your treasure is? Continue to pray for your card partner, your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week and pray that The LORD would draw them.
Review our reading:
7 - 13 Nov 14-20 Nov
Ezekiel 16:43-28:26; Ezekiel 29:1-41:26
Hebrews 8:1-11:31; Hebrews 11:32-13:25 James 1:1-4:17
Psalm106:1-111:10; Psalm 112:1-118:29
Proverbs 27:7-16 Proverbs 27:17-27; 28:1-5

Key to Ezekiel What a history lesson. Do you know what is the theme of this book? Remember to NOT get caught up with the "object lesson", but focus on who is speaking. What is significant about the fall of Jerusalem? What is significant about the "hope" of the restoration of Jerusalem? What is the hope for the captive? The Jews 1st went into captivity 605; 2nd 597; 3rd 587 and the 70 years was for their sin. The Jews rebuilt the temple 536-516BC. Note Ezk 33:21 as the _____ pint of Jerusalem.

Key to Hebrews *copied from Halley Handbook, Chapter 13, page 655 " Gracious Exhortations- This Epistle, though argumentative in nature, closes with tender appeals to its readers to be Loyal to Christ, and to Follow Him in all the ways of life, especially in Brotherly Love and Kindness and Purity and Goodness, and with Unceasing Prayer and Unwavering Faith in God."

Charges from James: How does Faith show in our testing, work, future and present day fellowship? What is significant about James 1:22 and 2:26?

Sweet spots of Psalms: God's mercy endures forever; Gives thanks for Redemption; Praise The Exalted GOD; Be amazed at His greatness and Good Works; Learn and practice the fear of God; Tremble at the presence of The LORD; Allow The Mercy and Truth of God to satisfy all your hopes and dreams.

Admonitions from Proverbs: Be wary of the fool; Practice and accept open rebuke; Be Prudent; Do right to the poor; Strive to understand all things; Fear God and keep His commandments.

Application suggestions (1) How has James 4 been demonstrated in this week's reading? (2) Compare Ezekiel 34 with 23rd Psalm and John 10. (3) How did you sense the forecast of Jesus in Ezekiel (36:16-37; 37:1-28; 38:1-39)? How does Hebrews 4:14 impact your concept of GOD?

Where and What is the EVIDENCE of your Salvation Experience? Everyone has a testimony! Read to know Him and believe what you read. GOD wants you to know Him.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8 Nov 11 Tuesday this will be Lesson#45 for the 365 Bible Class scheduled for 13ovember 2011.**NOTICE ALL CLASSES WILL be combined and MEET IN AUDITORIUM AT 09:45.

As you read this week look for STEWARDSHIP Principles and make sure that you stay "Connected". Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week? Continue to pray for your card partner, your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testi mony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them. Pray about your stewardship (past-present-future).
Review our reading:
7 - 13 Nov 14-20 Nov
Ezekiel 16:43-28:26; Ezekiel 29:1-41:26
Hebrews 8:1-11:31; Hebrews 11:32-13:25 James 1:1-4:17A
Psalm106:1-111:10; Psalm 112:1-118:29
Proverbs 27:7-16 Proverbs 27:17-27; 28:1-5
Key to Ezekiel: As a prophet during the captivity in the countryside he was a contemporary of Daniel who was important in the palace. Ezekiel, probably a student of Jeremiah, demonstrated many of the same preaching similarities. What did you learn because of the key phrases "They shall know that I am God". What did you find was the theme of chap 18? Did you see the fall of David's kingdom and the forecast of the coming Messiah(21)? What did God declare to be the sins of Jerusalem(22)? What was the vision about Lebanon?
Key to Hebrews What differences did you note between the Priesthood of Jesus Christ and that of the Levites? What is significant about "the new covenant illustrated in chap 8?How is the tabernacle in Jerusalem different than The True Tabernacle? How does cahp9 show the New Testament? What is significant in Chap 10 concerning sin-forgiveness? Chap 11 identifies who?
Sweet spots of Psalms Is there a record of repeated rebellions? What principal of Providence did you see? How does praise relate to and impact prayers? What is significant about Psalm 110? Plan to read Psalm 111-113 as a set.
Admonitions from Proverbs causes the reader to want to be "prudent" and not foolish. We all need to grateful and be more considerate of our spouse. Our conversation ought to be an encouragement.

Application & suggestions: Read to know Him!! Holy (-wholly committed and surely connected-) living ought to follow our conversion. Pray for direction in your stewardship. Plan to attend all of the services. Expect to be changed and not just stirred for the ministry of Victory Baptist Church

We will meet for lesson #46 in our regular class 20 November. Please read and be current.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday 31 Oct 2011Lesson This will be the lesson(#44) for the 365 Bible Class on the 6th of November 2011
Be aware of the following verses that impact stewardship-praying and daily conversation: Psm 66:18,James 1:5,7;4:3,Ezk 14:3, Isa 59:1-1, Mark 11:25, Lk 6:38.

As you read look for STEWARDSHIP Principles. Are you"Connected"and"Committed to God?

What word do you use to describe The LORD, your Lord? Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week? Continue to pray for your card partner, your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them. Pray about your stewardship (past-present-future).

Review our reading (31 Oct-6Nov) since last class: Proverbs 26:23-27:6; Psalm 103:1-106:12; Hebrews 2:1-7:28; Lamentations 4:1-5:22; Ezekiel 1:1-16:42.
If we are aware of Jeremiah's feelings and how he warned the Jews not to fear/trust Egypt nor Babylon, but to fear GOD, how do you appreciate his anguish concerning the utter ruin of Jerusalem?
Reading Lamentations should cause all of us to pray more correctly ((Sympathy and Empathy)) when overcome with grief AND to sense GOD's feelings for His children. How do we see GOD's character being portrayed ? What is the key verse/thought of Lamentations? How does this affect your concept of GOD. How to focus on Him and not the circumstances. How oft do you whisper the prayer "but for the Grace of God.."?

Consider how Ezekiel was able to visualize the fall and restoration of Jerusalem. How do you dream while sitting in rubble? How do you stay clean in a dirty place? How do you share your hope of eternal life and The Blessed Hope? WHY is II Timothy 3:16-17 important to you?

Remember that 14 of The Old Testament Books were written during 586-400 BC.

What great "truth" did you gain from Hebrews? Do you consider yourself as earnestly heeding to the things which you have heard? How do you describe Jesus to your lost acquaintances? How do we use Heb 4:12 to encourage others? God caused Paul to warn the Jews about apostasy and Judaism and to remind them that Jesus was/is Superior to Moses. How was stewardship demonstrated by Melchisedec?

When you read Psalm 103 how/why do you not stop and praise Him? What more must The LORD be or do for us to read, hear, heed, obey, trust, praise and expect His Word to come to life in us???? How appropriate is Psalm 106:12 to describe you and me?
Proverbs 26 describes a slothful man. What did you learn about them, him and yourself? The fool is described in Proverbs 27, YET verse 5 is appropriate and akin to Psalm 119:1656.

Home work: keep on reading and praying. Plan on doing some nice, even undeserved, act towards a stranger (be wary and wise) before Thanksgiving. Let us plan to bring a "gift" to class for a family, to be designated, for the Christmas Season and present those gifts in the home as we sing songs of cheer.
** Let me know if you have or will have read your 365 Bible through this year, for certificate purpose **

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday 28 Oct 2011 and Sunday is coming!! Are you ready for The Rapture? This morning, 46*,clear, birds singing, clouds in the sky, men dying, summer is gone and America is not yet saved. What do you want most of all? Read to know Him.

Jeremiah was broken hearted for his people and God is broken hearted for His people and Jeremiah. Who are we broken hearted for and what are we "not" willing to give up for their salvation? One day we will give an account,it could be today,Maranatha.

Hope to see you in class Sunday, if not, then in Heaven. luvpj

Monday, October 24, 2011

This will be the Lesson,#43 for the 365 Bible Class 30 October 2011.

As you look for STEWARDSHIP Principles, are you "Connected"?Committed? What word do you use to describe The LORD, your Lord? Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week? Continue to pray for your card partner, your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them. Pray about your stewardship (past-present-future).

This was the Thirty Eight Lesson for our KJV 365 CLASS-TO KNOW HIM, 1 November 2009.

Review for our reading since last class: Jeremiah> completed (counseled The Jews to not trust Egypt nor Babylon, but to trust GOD) Lamentations >completed (anguish over the utter ruin of Jerusalem)
1st Timothy and Titus> completed (personal letters to Paul's sons in the faith charging them to preach truth, commit to faithful men doctrine and stress godliness while waiting for The Blessed Hope.)
2nd Timothy> completed(last letter written. Emphasis to keep the faith in the church.) Philemon>completed (intercession for Onesimus the slave of Philemon who got saved)
We have read through Psalm104:24(2nd time) and Proverbs 26:26
We have started Ezekiel 1:1-3:15 (fall and restoration of Israel vision while in Babylon)** not yet 2011
Hebrews 1:1-3:19 (shows the superiority of Christ over Moses to the Jewish Christians, warns them against apostasy/Judaism, gives encouragement)
Time line for our reading the Old Testament is o/a 586 BC. The children of GOD are taken into captivity to Babylon(Jeremiah 52:28-30;28 Oct). Then we have the record of their conduct written in Lamentations ( 650-587), 1&II Kings(562-536), Ezekiel(620-570), Daniel(620-540), Ezra(457-420), Nehemiah(423-404), Ester(464-424), 1&II Chronicles(500-420), Haggai(520), Zechariah(520) and Malachi(470)= (586-400BC). Jews went into captivity 1st time o/a 605; 2nd 597, 3rd 587 and returned from captivity o/a 538 and rebuilt the Temple 536-516 BC. The 70 years refer to captivity in Babylon and not the destruction of the temple. Fourteen (14) of the 39 Old Testament Books are written during 586-400BC. From 400BC to the birth of Jesus Christ there are no canonized/accepted writings. Note: Romans 15:4; 1Cor 10:11; 1Pet1:10-12 and Heb 11:39-40
Reading Lamentations 1:1-2:19 and Philemon (Oct 29) Discuss how to pray when overcome with grief to sense GOD's feelings for His children. Consider Paul's appeal for forgiveness. How do we see GOD's character being portrayed ? What is the key verse/thought of Lamentations? How does this affect your concept of GOD. How to focus on Him and not the circumstances.
Home work: keep on reading and praying. Plan on doing some nice, even undeserved, act towards a stranger (be wary and wise) before Thanksgiving. Let us plan to bring a "gift" to class for a family, to be designated, for the Christmas Season and present those gifts in the home as we sing songs of cheer.
** Let me know if you have or will have read your 365 Bible through this year, for certificate purpose **
Monday 14 Oct 11- Hope you were stunned to see the beauty of God's handiwork in the fog early this morning, it seemed as though the grass was covered with diamonds. We couldn't see the Sun, but we knew it(HE)was there, everywhere and The LORD was showing Himself strong and as if shouting, I AM HERE, everywhere, all the time, seek me early and diligently with all your heart. Read to know Him. luvpj

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday 21 Oct 11 What a great day! What do you think when you see or hear TGIF?
Yea, it is Friday and Sunday is Coming. Thanks to God, I'm free! Hope you are reading every day your 365 Bible. Be at ease and read to know The LORD. He loves us if we read or not, besides we don't have to do something/anything to make Him love us.

We are 3/4Th the way through this year and have read 21 of 39 Old Testament Books and 15 of 27 New Testament Books being exposed to nearly all of the Names of God, all of the doctrines essential to salvation and joy unspeakable. Will you now say that you are better off now because of these Truths?

If you have "been changed", who have you told about this Good News????Thanks be to GOD it is forever! Selah. Share your blessing of being Forgiven! If I don't see you today..Do you have your know that your name is written in The Book of Life? I really would like for us to go to UP together when He comes in the clouds and calls. luvpj

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday 16 Oct, This will be lesson for the 365 Bible Class 23 October 2011.

** A new class activity, Identify a promise verse each day of your reading.#### Look for STEWARDSHIP Principles >> How are you "Connected" ?? Committed??? Please plan to participate and share a "promise" verse that you read this week. What word do you use to describe The LORD?
Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week?

Continue to pray for your card partner, your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them using your account of how you were saved. Pray about your stewardship (past-present-future).
During the week of 17-23 October we have read the following books, chapters and verses:

Proverbs 25:18 - 26:4 Do you enjoy having a tooth broken or your foot out of joint? How do you choose your friends? Does 25:28 impact your stewardship? Are you "still" connected??
Psalm 87:1 - 93:5 As you considered the Majesty of God did this cause you to be thankful? Did you sense any sympathy for the psalmist? Did you change your attitude about accountability for your stewardship because you read? Why should we be thankful for King Hezekiah?

2nd Timothy 1:1 - 2:21 Where was Paul as her penned this letter? What was the message of this letter? What parental influence did you note in chap 1? How can a parent apply 1:6-9 in his family? What was the warning given for Timothy? How would you write your last letter? Are you connected to others?

1st Timothy 2:1 - 6:21 Because you read, does this impact your prayer's purpose? Do you believe that your prayers are in agreement with those of The Lord Jesus Christ? How has this letter affected your life in the church? Is stewardship important? Where does your responsibility begin and end with your giving of money(tithe-offering-alms)???? How does chap 3 impact the church? What warning did you lean in Chap 4? Does God suggest that we discriminate against people? How ought employees act? What stewardship principle did you get in chap 6? Are you connected to the (VBC) church? - How?

Jeremiah 30:1 - 44:23 What is significant about 30:22? How is hope and promises given to The Jews in chap 31? Who is the "he" at 31:10? Compare Hebrews 9:27 to Jer31:30.What snap shot did you see in 32:27? What does God offer in chap33? What back lash happened to Jerusalem (chap 34) because they did not obey? HOW DOES OBEDIENCE RELATE TO STEWARDSHIP?? How does chap 35 describe disobedience? What did Jeremiah suffer akin to Paul? When does the court of the prison(the will of God) become the safest place to be ?How does chap39 impact your concept of God? Do//can the heathen know the will of God for God's children? How are stewardship and prayers linked in Chap42? How many times is too many to disobey known commandments? How do you explain chap 42:22? What best demonstrates the Fear of God? What is considered success when you are running from GOD?

Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. The LORD really wants you to know that you know Him as Lord of your life.
Are you better off today because you have read The Word of God? If not, why not.

Friday, October 14, 2011

14 Oct 11 Thank The LORD it is Friday and Sunday is coming! Hopefully you have been reading to know God and you are dismayed at the acts of the people of Jerusalem but encouraged at the mercy of The LORD.

Our stewardship time at VBC is coming 12 Nov and we have the theme of being connected.Connected to God by salvation, connected to The Lord Jesus by salvation, connected to The Truth and The Spirit of Jesus Christ by the Word of GOD, connected to His church by membership and connected to His Words by stewardship in giving.

There is a simple test question; does Holy Living follow conversion? Is James 4:17 true today? Does your testimony start at 2nd Corn 5:17>? Is there any thing that is an obstacle to your prayers? Do you have Proverbs 30:7-9 in your check book?

Are you connected? Can you prove it? Are you dis-connected and you know this for sure? Do you know how to get re-connected? Please, if doubt, let us show you scriptures that will cause you to get truth in your mind and in your heart.
JOY is being Connected!!luvpj
14 Oct 11 This Lesson#41 will be used in the 365 Bible Class 16 October 2011.

** A new class activity, Identify a promise verse each day of your reading.
#### Look for STEWARDSHIP Principles >> How are you "Connected" ?? Committed???
Please plan to participate and share a "promise" verse that you read this week.
Has your attitude CHANGED toward The LORD concerning stewardship because you read this week?
Continue to pray for your The Catuto family, "your card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them using your account of how you were saved.

During the week of 10-16 October we have read the following books, chapters and verses:
Jeremiah 14:11-29:32 How did Judah get "disconnected" from The LORD? Why did Judah choose to get away from their God? How does 14:11 impact your concept of The LORD God? What is the will of God for His people, then and today? Is there a difference between acknowledging sin and that of repentance because of sin being revealed? How is God portrayed at 16:1-5? Does 17:5 impact your stewardship concept? How is the future of Jerusalem given in chap19? Discuss 20:7-12 as to your vocation? Does sow and reap explain 21:13-14? How does Jer. 23 relate to 2nd Thess? What is your burden as described in chap 23? what proclamation does God make in chap 27? Can they be "re-connected"?

1st Thessalonians 2:9-5:28 How does this letter apply to VBC? How does 2:12 apply to your conversation? What is the promise of this letter? How does this describe our stewardship? How do/should we comfort one another? Do you believe this "event-the day of the Lord" could come to pass in your life? Jesus is shown to be the coming for His bride.(1st return) How does 5:27 affect your stewardship today?
2nd Thessalonians 1:1-3:18 Where will you be when 1:7 comes to pass? What is significant about "Stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle" (2:15). Who is coming with The Lord when He returns? (2nd return) How does this affect your stewardship today?

1st Timothy 1:1-20 Where is Paul when this letter is written? What admonition(s) does Timothy receive that is applicable to us today? What attributes of Christ did you read in this letter?

Psalm 80:1-86:17 Read carefully Psm 86 and determined if this is your heart's desire. Is mercy, leadership, repentance and stewardship being demonstrated?
Proverbs 25:1-17 How is stewardship expressed? Does being connected to God affect our connection with others? As we read are we searching and studying out a matter?

Be prepared to share some of the thoughts /snap shots / concept makers/ promises / Names and attributes of God that you discovered. The key to our success will be that of a diligent search daily as we read to know God and to hide His Word in our hearts that we sin not against The LORD our Lord.

Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. The LORD really wants you to know that you know Him as Lord of your life.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

8 Oct 11 During visitation today we tried to visit a "new move in" and would you believe we met the daughter of the man and she said they had lived there for more than 10 years and that her father, the name of the new move in had died in 1995. How do things like this happen? Perhaps the idea is being promoted that things are not bad but good and those that are dead are alive. Strange...

Hope you saw a sure promise in your reading today to know Him. Looking forward to class tomorrow, luvpj

Friday, October 7, 2011

7 Oct 11 What kind of person reads the Words of The LORD and knowingly and willfully disobeys? 52 years ago I made a vow and it is still resounding in my heart and my ears! Almost 55 years ago I made a vow to my wife and I am still bound to my oath! 33 years ago I responded to the calling of God and He has never failed to be faithful, true, just and open with me. What are you bound by and sure of today???

If you read today how can you not be ashamed of your sin and why will you(we)not blush at your disobedience? We all will give an accounting One Day of every thought, action, deed, word and intent of our heart. Take time, if you are saved, and be grateful for 1stJohn 1:9!!!!!
Read to know Him.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 Oct 11 Hopefully you saw the enactment of Psalm 19 this morning.What kind of person would say there is no GOD? After realizing who He is because you have read His love letter to all mankind and you, what kind of person would say NO to The LORD?

Read the Book of Jeremiah and compare where they were and where The USA, The Church and our homes are today. Is there ANY fear of God?

Please read to know Him. If you want to study, look in the Word of The LORD to see how many times "study" is used as compared to "read". Take heed to His instruction. What does "assimilate" mean?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This will be used as Lesson #40 365 Bible Class 9 October 2011

** A new class activity // Identify a promise verse each day of your reading// Please be prepared and plan to participate as each of us share a "promise" verse that we read this week that has impacted our life.
Please select a verse that has changed your attitude toward The LORD, your Lord that you read this week concerning a Name or an attribute of God.. Share what has caused you to JOY!
Continue to pray for your The Catuto family, "your card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them using your account of how you were saved. [Potential]

During the week of 3-9 October we have read the following books, chapters and verses:
Jeremiah 1:1-14:10 How did Judah do worse than Israel in their idolatry? Has America learned about what offends The LORD? Why was Jeremiah considered a broken hearted prophet? What did you learned from the object lesson of the marred girdle? What aspect of Jesus does Jeremiah demonstrate?

Philippians 4:1-23 How is joy expressed in cooperating with others?
Colossians 1:1-4:18 What is the theme for this letter? What is significant about Paul's prayer for this church? Does this letter call into question your attitude about Jesus and Him being all you need?
1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8 How much time did Paul spend at Thessalonica according to Acts17? What is the theme of this letter, and how does this relate to the term Maranatha?

Psalm 75:1-79:13 What similarities did you see to Psalm 1? What do you learn by reviewing history?
Proverbs 24:17-34 How is poor stewardship demonstrated in these verses? What is poverty?

Be prepared to share some of the thoughts /snap shots / concept makers/ promises / Names and attributes of God that you discovered. The key to our success will be that of a diligent search daily as we read to know God.
Please check on those not in class. Tell and show them you care for them.
Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. The LORD really wants you to know that you know Him as Lord of your life.
***Hope to see you all Sunday in class at 9:45AM, luvpj

Monday, October 3, 2011

Notes for 365 Class Sunday 2 Oct - Looking for promises this week.
Some of the promises I found from reading daily this week:
Mon 26 Isa 48:16-17, 22, 49:8, 16, 22, 50:7, Eph 4:30, Psm 69:13-14, Prov 24:5
Tue 27 Isa 51:4-8, 52:6, 12, 53:2-12, Eph 5:, Psm 69:33-36, Prov 24:6
Wed 28 Isa 54:4, 16, 55:1-6, 57:13, Eph 6:5-8, 24, Psm 70:5
Thu 29 Isa 57:21, 58:9-14, 59:1-2, Phil 1:6-7, Psm 71:1-2; 9, 18
Fri 30 Isa 60:21, Phil 1:29, 2:5, Psm 72:2-19
Sat 1 Isa 63:16; 65:24, Phil 3:1-2, Psm 73:1,24 Prov 24:14
Sun 2 Isa 66:22, Phil 3:15, Psm 74:12, Prov 24:16

Overview of Isaiah: From the fall of Babylon and the man Cyrus-GOD comforts His people. Visions of The Servant of Jehovah, Zion's Redeemer and Redemption and the Man of Sorrows. The future is expressed for the near and far consummation by GOD.

Overview of Ephesians: While in prison (61) letters were written to The Colossians, Ephesians and Philemon. Church established o/a AD52 during 2nd missionary journey with Luke left in charge. Christian conduct is promoted by commands and exhortations focusing on our life in Christ/Christ in us.

Overview of Philippians: probably the last prison letter(61), stressing our life in Christ. Joy seems to be the focus of the letter. Lydia's home(Acts 16:15,40) may have been the scene for the first church in Europe established o/a 50 AD during 2nd missionary trip. Note 2Tim 3:16-17 desired results.

Overview of Psalms records The LORD's preparation and provision for suffering, getting old and the prosperity of the wicked while displaying the Glory to come during Messiah's reign.

Overview of Proverbs reminds us to be careful of getting counsel, stewardship and poverty.

** Home work **
As you read this week select a promise each day from your reading that has changed your life. Hope you share your joy with the class. Read to know Him! luvpj

Thursday, September 29, 2011

29 Sep 11 Hope you have been reading to know God. We have just returned from a short trip into the hill country where we got to see The LORD's handiwork from a different point of view while riding horseback through rough terrain where the creeks were dry and the wild animals gaunt. But God maintains control over all aspects of His creation and even in starkness there is beauty.

We assigned a new requirement for the 365 class this week in that each member would select a promise they had found in the daily reading. If time were to permit each class member to report a promise verse from each book they had read each day, that would be 3 to 4 promise verses times 30 members times seven days and this for just one week--WOW (3X30X7=630) Do you really believe that is possible??How many PROMISES have you claimed this year for yourself??

The WORD of God is wonderful!luvpj
Hope to see you Sunday with your list of promises that you have found this week.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thi s will ourt lesson #39 for the 365 Bible Class at VBC 2 October 2011

**** A new class activity-- Please participate -- Each of us share a verse that impacted our life this week. Please limit this only one(1) verse from Isaiah,1 from either Ephesians or Philippians and 1 from Psalms.
Continue to pray for your "card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them using your account of how you were saved. [Potential]
During the week of Sep 26-30 and Oct 1-2 we will read the following books, chapters and verses. Some of the thoughts /snap shots / concept makers/ promises / Names and attributes of God that you may see follow. The key to our success will be that of a diligent search daily as we read to know God.
Isaiah 48:12-66:44 How has your concept of GOD changed because you have read Isaiah? What did you see that The LORD was providing to The Jews? What has been Isaiah's favorite and most used name of GOD? Has your "calling" been confirmed? Are you striving to live in the light of His WORD? Has your practice of confessing your sin become more sure? What does chap 53 provide you personally? What is the blessed hope for the Jews? What is significant about 49:16? What did you see in chap 50? What snapshot did you take of God in 51?What conditions are given for promises at chap55?Has your prayer life changed because of chap64-65? What admonition did you gain at chap66?
Ephesians 4:17-6:24 What aspect of your "Christian conduct" did you see as you read? How is "unity, holiness, joy and thanksgiving" important in the church, in the work place and with our brothers? How do you keep vanity out of your mind? How did 5:7-32 change your attitude? What condition did you learn at 6:24?
Philippians 1:1-3:3 What allows / causes you to rejoice in fellowship and in afflictions? Prepare your testimony so as men may see that Christ is your life, your pattern, your goal and your sufficiency. Look carefully at 1:1, 27 and 3:1 and select key words. How does 1:6 impact your conversation? How do you apply 2:1-8 in daily contact with others? How did you apply 3:2 this week?
Palm 69:1-73:28 What is your prayer to The LORD? Why do you praise God? How do you magnify GOD? When your strength fails, who / what do you depend on? What snap shot of God did you get in Psm 72:17-19? How is Psm 71 similar to Psm 34? How does God view wickedness?What does 73:28 give you?
Proverbs 24:5-14 What great promise did you see and what are the conditions for a reward?
Please check on those not in class. Tell and show them you care for them.
Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. The LORD really wants you to know that you know Him as Lord of your life.
Please select a verse that has changed your attitude toward The LORD, your Lord that you read this week concerning a promise or an attribute of God.. Share what has caused you to JOY!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

22 Sep 11 Hopefully you will be overcome by the power of the reading today! I said to one man today that may be the most exciting reading we have had this year. Did you sense any amazement at the bigness of GOD? If this, Isaiah, Ephesians, Psalm and Proverbs, does not cause you to shout, you ain't got no shout in you!! Please revisit your salvation experience and define "when IT ALL changed" for you.
One day I will list 20-30 Biblical phrases that all saved may say. If some one were to ask you "how do you KNOW that you are forgiven and on your way to Heaven", what do you say????Write out your testimony, using verses, names, places, events, changes, hopes, dreams an assurances that are evident in your life since you were born again. I care for you and The LORD God, your creator, wants you to know The Lord Jesus, as your Saviour. How did GOD draw you to Himself??

PS: hope you are getting ready for our class this coming Sunday. It has been said that Eternity is tooooo long for you to be wrong. Maranatha, luvpj

Monday, September 19, 2011

19 Sep 11 Monday Hope you had a great week last week and expect to see some good things this week. I've changed the format some for this lesson. Please read your 365 daily. This week's overview hopefully will provoke you to read to know Him. We will use the lesson on Sunday 25 Sep.
Lesson#38 is for the 365 Bible Class at VBC to be held 25 September 2011.

Continue to pray for your "card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. Seek to share your testimony by using some of the scriptures you have read this week. Pray that The LORD would draw them using your account of how you were saved. [Potential]
During the week of Sep 19-25 we will read the following books, chapters and verses. Some of the thoughts /snap shots / concept makers/ promises / Names and attributes of God that you may see follow. The key to our success will be that of a diligent search daily as we read to know God.
Isaiah 30:12-48:11 The LORD is continuing to use Isaiah to for tell the judgments coming upon the Jews and their enemies even as there appears to be a temporary victory against the Assyrians. King Hezekiah is used by God to show His mercy and provision for the people of Judah and Jerusalem. What did you learn about healing and pride? What, if any, application did you note that is applicable to the church?
What "change" did you note as you read chap 40-48?What aspect of God did you learn concerning agape love and Israel? How does Cyrus impact the Jews during captivity? What happens to Babylon? What attributes of GOD are demonstrated in this week's reading?
Galatians 5:1-6:18 Did you see any "limitations" placed on the saved? What model for life did you see expressed that you have adopted for yourself? How do you discuss "walking in the Spirit"? How do you comply with 6:1-9? How do you bear another's burden? What "marks" of The Lord Jesus do you bear in your body? What verse (s) was your favorite this week? How did it change your life / attitude?
Ephesians 1:1-4:16 This is one of four "prison epistles" (Colossians,Ephesians,Philemon and Phillipians) written by Paul while in prison at Rome. We should remember our salvation experience, be sure and confident because we know Him , grow and practice what we have learned. Check your testimony. say with faith "I am in Christ" and "He is in me"! Be confident of 1:3-12. What proof is evident in your life that 2:1 is so? What hope is expressed at 3:17-21? What is your VOCATION?
Psalms 63:1-68:35 Do you seek GOD early? What do you look for and how do you know that you have found Him? Are you confident that GOD hears your prayers? Is your voice and your prayers the same? What is the honor of His name that you sing about? How do you pray back Psalm 67? What is strange about Psalm 68:4?What is significant about Psalm 68:19-23 and 32-35?
Proverbs 23:22-35; 24:1-4 Consider Proverbs 23:7a as you review the daily reading. All of us are reminded to heed our father's instruction and obey. Every man is warned about drink and ignorance. What is the advantage to the man that seeks wisdom from GOD?
7 easy ways you can improve your memory (USA Week, Democrat Aug 28): 1st paint a mental picture, switch things up, talk to yourself, use it or lose it, don't be a loner, take a walk and get a good night's sleep. Selah. Please check on those not in class. Tell and show them you care for them.
Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. The LORD really wants you to know that you know Him as Lord of your life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wed 14 Sep The admonition given to us today in Proverbs 23:12 is profitable. Perhaps the first need for ALL men and in particular "saved" men is that of obedience to given/known TRUTH. How have you applied yourself unto God's, The LORD's, your Lord's instruction? Please do not try to separate love from obedience. Please read John 15 and then apply James 4:17 to your conduct evaluation.Be responsive and may you exault God today. luvpj
Lesson#37 for class on 18 September 2011

This week (9/12-18) we have read Isaiah 10:1-30:11; 2Corinthians 12:11-13:14; Galatians 1:1-4:31; Psalm 55:23-62:12 and Proverbs 23:6-21. NOW, what have you learned about GOD? What did you learn about His Child, The Redeemer of Mankind? How do you use His name(s) in prayer?
Mon 12 Why was God angry with Samaria and Jerusalem? When will the "remnant" return? What is significant about 10:24? Who did you see in chap11? What was Paul's motivation for service? What did the psalmist "know" about God that you know? How important is it to be careful about your associates?
Tue 13 How does Isaiah encourage Judah in chap12? What happens to the enemies of God in the day of The LORD? What did Isaiah prophesy about Satan? What is the end of Babylon? What did Paul use in chap 13:1? Have you applied the Truth at 13:5 in your conversation today? Do you use chap 13:11-14 in your prayers? Why should God be merciful to you? Is your heart fixed? Where are "your" landmarks?
Wed 14 Who can escape from the wrath of GOD? How is The LORD described at 17:10? When will the best of the worst be cut off? What is significant about Galatians 1:1-5; 6? What contrast did the psalmist make in Psm 58?Does the proverb of today describe your personal responsibility?
Thu 15 Why will God send a drought into Egypt? How does 19:14 impact your concept of GOD? How did God use Isaiah as an object lesson in chap20? What attributes of The LORD did you see in today's reading in Isaiah? What was Paul's concern he expressed in Gal 2:3-9 and 16? When you pray can you be angry and sin not? Does today's proverb represent God's correction of you a His child?
Fri 16 What object lesson did Isaiah use in chap 22? What is significant about "seventy years" in chap23? How does the book of Genesis get demonstrated in Isaiah 24?What attribute of God do you see at 24:21?How does Gal 2:20 represent your life and testimony? What is the misunderstanding that is affecting the Galatians? What does doing valiantly and waving our banner mean? Do you believe the proverb for today is true of your life?
Sat 17 How do you practice Isaiah 25:1? Is God's Will made plain to you? If so, how do you demonstrate your obedience to what you know?
Sun 18
7 easy ways you can improve your memory. (USA Week, Democrat Aug 28) 1st paint a mental picture, switch things up, talk to yourself, use it or lose it, don't be a loner, take a walk and get a good night's sleep. Selah. Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. Please consider others, check on those not in class and tell and show them you care for them. Be a part of the Revival at VBC.
What verse did you memorize this week?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7 Sep 11 This is the lesson for Sunday 11 Sep, Lesson#36 Keep on Reading.

Continue to pray for your "card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. If someone found and read your testimony (3X5) card, is there enough scripture, that The LORD could draw them using just your account" of how you were saved, so that they would be saved just like you were? [Potential]
This week(9/5-11) we have read Ecclesiasts 10:1-9-12:14; Song of Solomon 1:1-8:14; Isaiah1:1-9:21; 2Corinthians 8:1-12:10; Psalm 49:1-55:23 and Proverbs 22:21-23:5. NOW can you say "this one thing I have learned” because I read and discovered a truth. Poppy was told by Mumu "You always find what you are looking for at the last place you look." BE 1st , then do right.
Mon 5Sep What is significant about Eccl12:13-14? How does "Selah" relate to 12:1? What did you learn about vanity? Have you accepted Paul's challenge to be a good steward? According to Psalm 49, who should listen and then hear GOD? Does Prov 22:20-21 say that we have no excuse?
Tue 6Sep Who is the penman for Song of Solomon? How many songs did Solomon write(June 8)? How did you respond to the connectivity of the Song of Solomon to 2Cor 8:16 and Psalm 50:1?
Wed 7Sep Did you find a picture of God's love for Israel and Christ's love for The Church as you read Song of Solomon? How does your stewardship appear similar to 2Cor 9? Take time to read aloud slowly with a broken and contrite heart Psalm 51. Choose your friend carefully as per Prov22:24-25.
Thu 8Sep Where was Isaiah living when he penned this book? Try to sense that God is telling the world that there will be a remnant and it will "One Day" have a glorious future. How do you respond to God's comments about conduct? Check your testimony as you read 2Cor 10. The psalmist charges us not to be jokers while the proverbs confronts us with our conversation with our friends.
Fri 9Sep If you were standing in a cesspool of waste and filth would you be able to visualized heaven? Pay attention to the names of God. Is there anything hid from The LORD? How does 5:24 impact your concept of God? According to 2Cor 11 what are you jealous for ? Do you know anyone that falls into the category expressed in Psalm 53? Are you and does God consider you diligent about his markers?
Sat 10Sep What is SIGNIFICANT about Isaiah 6? What is important about Paul's testimony? Does Psalm 7 express your salvation? What do you enjoy most at parties?
Sun 11Sep How does God charge Isaiah to speak to the Jews? How do you react to Isa 8:13? Have you seen "A Great Light?" Where does Isa 9:6-7 fit into your life/conversation? Does 2Cor 12:7-10 cause you to rejoice or fear? Practice praying back Psalm 55.How is stewardship demonstrated in Prov 23:4-5?
To: Champions! Eagles! Winners! Leaders! Achievers! Over comers! Victors! First in-last out! Redeemed!
1st paint a mental picture, switch things up, talk to yourself, use it or lose it, don't be a loner, take a walk and get a good night's sleep=7 easy ways you can improve your memory. (USA Week, Democrat Aug 28)
Selah. Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. Please consider others, check on those not in class and tell and show them you care for them. Be a part of the Revival at VBC.
What verse did you try to memorize this week? Did you keep the promise you made in class?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

3 Sep 11 365 These are the class lesson notes that will be used for Sunday 4 Sep.We will review the definition derived from Webster New College Dictionary:Potential =1. Capable of being but not yet in existence, 2.Denoting possibility, capability or power--used to designate a verb form with auxiliaries such as MAY or CAN e.g., "it may snow"--N 1.The inherent ability or capability for growth, development, or coming into being; 2. Something having the capacity for development or growth; 3. a potential verb form *synonyms; eventual, latent, possible, not real/ actual
Potentiality = 1. Inherent capacity for growth, development or coming into existence 2.Something having the potentiality .
Christian= 1.Declaring belief in Jesus as Christ (The Messiah) or following the religion based on the life and teaching of Jesus, 2.Relating to or derived from Jesus. 3.Manfesting the qualities of spirit of Jesus, 4.Relating to or typical of Christianity, 5. Showing a loving concern for others-humane, N,1.One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the Christian religion,,2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus. Christianity=The state or fact of being a Christian NOW, based on these definitions :
What do you consider your____??____ as a Christian is today?
What is different between "possibility" and "potentiality"? Which best describes you? Now describe yourself.
If one(1) is the birthmark of your "Christianity" and one hundred(100) is the end/death/rapture mark, where on this scale do you place yourself today? What do visualize the end result, 100% will be like?
Some highlites from this week's reading:
Mon-How would you counsel a person in great strife? What is key in 2Cor 3:13-18?
Tue- What did Elihu say about Job's sin in Eccl 34:37? What happens when we hide our gospel?
Wed-Are you prepared to stand before GOD and answer His questions? What does it mean to walk by Faith?
Thu-Are you able and prepared to stand before The LORD? Does 2Cor 5:17- describe you? What names of God did you discover in the Psalm?
Fri-What did you learn from Ecclesiastes? What did you learn at 2Cor 6? What is good about Psalm 46:10?
Sat-Do you agree with Eccl 4:6? Who are you in league with? Who are you yoked with? Do you sing as with understanding?
Sun-What is wisdom? Do you have godly sorrow? Is The LORD great to you? How is Solomon's proverb like his sayings from Ecclesiastes?
++ Read to know Him, stay out of the weeds, seek leadership from The Holy Spirit. pj

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lesson #35 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 4 September 2011
To: Champions! Eagles! Winners! Leaders! Achievers! Over comers! Victors! First in-last out! Redeemed! 1st paint a mental picture, switch things up, talk to yourself, use it or lose it, don't be a loner, take a walk and get a good night's sleep=7 easy ways you can improve your memory. (USA Week, Democrat Aug 28)
Continue to pray for your "card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. If someone found and read your testimony (3X5) card, is there enough scripture, that The LORD could draw them using just your account" of how you were saved, so that they would be saved just like you were? **keep the vow.
This week(29/8-9/4) we have read Job 31:1-42:17; Ecclesiasts 1:1-9:18; 2Corinthians 3:1-7:16; Psalm 43:1-48:14 and Proverbs 22:8-19. NOW what is "this one thing I know” because I read and discovered some truth(s) this week? Diligently use at least 20 of the 1440 minutes a day (1/72) to read. Did you take time to tell someone you loved them? Do you consider yourself a stepping stone or stumbling block?
Mon 29Aug GOD knows my integrity, how does this stir your heart? How does God's Omniscience affect your conduct(31:39)? What will it take to make you mad? Are you teachable? How does Paul declare his sufficiency? How and where is your Liberty? What attributes/traits of God did you see in Psm 43? How is stewardship expressed in the Proverbs?
Tue 30Aug How is Elihu different from Job's three "friends"? How does Elihu describe God? What application did you make of 36:24? What promise(s) did you gain from 2Cor4? Can/will your children plead Psm44:1?How do you agree with this Psm? What attribute is described in the proverbs?
Wed 31Aug What does "God is terrible majesty" mean to you? What is significant about chap 38, 39? How does 2Cor4:13 express Paul's (your) hope? Read Heb 11 and see how they connect. What extra peace do you gain by practicing "Selah" Psm 44? Are you slothful?
Thu 1Sep What comfort do you gain as you read Job 40:1 and 6? What lesson did you learn in chap 42:5 and 12-17? Does 2Cor 5:17-21 apply to you? How does Psm 45 impact your prayers? Be careful who talks to you and who you listen to about any matter.
Fri 2Sep How do you receive the words of the preacher? Is your concept of life the same as the preacher's? What season are you in of your life? How does God use Paul to question your conversation? When you are in trouble where (not who) do you run to first? How has God corrected you?
Sat 3Sep Do you agree with Eccl 4:6 and 9?-WHY? How has 2Cor6:14 changed your life? Does Psm 47 impact your concept of The LORD's Omnipotence? How is your stewardship to Prov22:16?
Sun 4Sep How does Eccl 7 describe old people? Does God consider you wise? How would you explain 2Cor7:10 to your best friend? What attributes of God did you see in Psm 48? Do you accept Prov 22?
Selah. Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Is this your TESTIMONY? IF NOT, LETS TALK. Please consider others, check on those not in class and tell and show them you care for them. Be a part of the Revival at VBC.
What verse did you try to memorize this week? Did you keep the promise you made in class?
31 August 11 What will it take for us to reach the full potential that is in us? God has not short changed any man.If it appears dark, return to the light!If you are hunry or thirst, return to the Provider. If you have doubt, recall the promise that The LORD did not give you that spirit. If you say that you are a child of The King and are eating out, something don't match.Spend some time considering what ALL GOD has done in/on/for and to you for His Glory. What are we not reaching our potential-duh-sin,disobedience and wilful neglect. Let us confess our SIN of unbelief, forsake the way of the Devil, repent and return to our Saviour, our Friend and soon coming King, Maranatha. Read to know Him. Be right and T-H-E-N do right.luvpj
PS: if you are not sure that you are forgiven of ALL your sins, please let me direct you to the Scriptures that will allow you to KNOW for sure.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Lesson #34 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 28 August 2011
Continue to pray for your "card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. If someone found and read your testimony (3X5) card, is there enough scripture, that The LORD could draw them using just "your account" of how you were saved, so that they would be saved just like you were?
This week(22-28) we have read Job 4:1-30:31; 1Corinthians 14:18-16:24; 2Corinthians 1:1-2:17; Psalm 37:29-42:11 and Proverbs 21:27-22:7. Can you NOW say "this one thing I know” because I read and discovered some truth(s) this week? Diligently use at least 20 of the 1440 minutes a day (1/72) to read.
Did you take time to tell someone you loved them? Have you been seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. Will you participate in The REVIVAL?? If not, why not? Remember Poppy's rule: 1st BE right then DO right. Mike said "don't quit or you will always be a quitter". ((stepping stone or stumbling block))
Mon 22Aug What happens when trouble comes? How does Romans 8:28 come into your view? What traits of God are discussed? How do we handle self pity? How often do you see Hebrews 9:27? How do you use 6:14? What was Paul's use of 1Cor14:21? Do you believe 14:33, 35 & 40? What is the key given in Psm37:29-40? What is an abomination to GOD? Is it evident to others that you agree with GOD?
Tue 23Aug Have you had a friend like Bildad? Have you acted like Bildad? What attributes of God did you read today? How can/do you employ 1Cor 15 in your conversation and how do you see Gen 1:1? How much do we confess to The LORD as we read Psm 38? What did you choose to do as you read Proverb?
Wed 24Aug Who is Job talking to today? How is The LORD described in chap 12? What is unusual about 14:3 & 14? What is different about Eliphaz? What is the mystery Paul describes? Where does the palmist put his trust? Do you pray v4 often? Who provides you your safety? Do you sensed His protection?
Thu 25Aug How do you see both God and Satan at war in Job's life? What attitude did Bildad display in chap18? How is Job's concept of God affected because of the circumstances? How significant is 19:25? What type of conduct do you want to emulate from 1Cor16? Explain 16:22? How do you relate to Psm 40? What is key in v8-10? What is best in Prov 22:1?
Fri 26Aug What is the key to Zophar's comments? What attribute of God does Job speak about? How does Eliphaz respond to Job? How do we apply v22:22? When was 2Cor written? Why was the 2nd letter sent? What does the psalmist plead for in Psm 40? What consolation do you gain from v17? What is common to all men? Does GOD and do you consider yourself prudent and humble?
Sat 27Aug Is it OK to complain to GOD? Is it OK to murmur? What is significant about 23:10? What did you learn about GOD and His Names in Job's parable? How do you relate to 2Cor1:24 and 2:4? What promise(s) did you see in Psm 41? Is your INTREGRITY important to God? Is Prov 22:6 a promise?
Sun 28Aug What attributes did you focus on in Job 28? How do you relate to 28:28? What was God saying in chap29? Did you see Rom 7 in Job 30? What does The Lord expect from believers as per 2Cor 2? What similarities do you see in Psm 42 and Job? Who do you owe more that you can pay? Selah.
Selah. Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Please consider others, check on those not in class and tell and show them you care for them. Be prepared, expect The LORD to bless and BE a part of the Revival at VBC.

22 Aug 11 Good morning to all of you. I hope you have been reading your 365 KJV Bible diligently (daily) and getting to know GOD, The LORD your Lord, who is God over all. I've modified the blog by inserting the 365 Sunday School Class lesson for the week. Hopefully as you read your Bible during the upcoming week some of my questions and comments will provoke you to stop, meditate and pray as you read. God is no respector of persons in that what you see Him do in the Scriptures to and for obedient believers and disobedient children who are stiffneck and unrepentant, He will cause His will to be accomplished.
I will post the lesson #34-28 Aug very soon so that what you are reading now and this week you may be ready for class on the 28th. If you do not attend Victory Baptist Sunady School and you have a question please e-mail your question, .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

21 August 2011 Lesson # 33

## All adult SS classes will be in the main auditorium TODAY for a combined service for the revival. ## Lesson #33 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 21 August 2011
Continue to pray for your "card partner", your missionary family, the troops and the lost. If someone read your testimony (3X5 card) could The LORD draw them using just your account of how you were saved?
This week(15-21) we have read Nehemiah 9:22-13:31; Ester 1:1-10:3; Job 1:1-3:36; 1Corinthians 9:20- 14:17; Psalm 34:1-37:28 and Proverbs 21:13-26. Can you NOW say "this one thing I know” because I read and discovered some truth(s) this week? If not, why not? Use 20 of the 1440min a day min to read.
Did you take time to tell someone you loved them? Have you been seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. Are you READY for REVIVAL?? If not, why not? Remember Poppy's rule: 1st BE right then DO right. Mike said "don't quit or you will always be a quitter".
Mon 15 Aug The prayer continues from yesterday. Have you written out your prayer?? Have you listed your SPECIFIC personal sins? Why are you hesitant to make a vow? How is your stewardship? What have you to become to win some? Do you consider yourself ignorant? How does 1Cor 10:12 & 14 impact your life? Do you have someone you "magnify The LORD" with on a regular basis? Benelovence!
Tue 16 Aug How does The Law impact the process for leaders as they organize the people? What is significant about Nehemiah12:26? How do you respond to the standard of separation given by Paul in Chap 10? How does 10:21 impact your life? What is not being said in 11:1? Psalm 34:18 expresses what trait about GOD? What is the promise of 34:22? How does anyone get into the congregation of the dead?
Wed 17Aug In Nehemiah how did you see the purging occur before the reformation? Work and pray; pray and work will lead to order. How strong is Nehemiah in 13:21? How do you agree or differ with 1Cor 11:7? Does Psalm 35 teach you how to be angry and yet sin not? How did you apply Prov 21:17?
Thu 18 Aug What was the offense given in Ester chap 1 and did you see God's name in today's reading? How far did the post need to go to declare the Jews destruction? How does 1Cor 11 come to pass in VBC? How does Psalm 35:20 relate to the reading in Ester? Did you pray back Psm 35:24-28? If you had a choice where would you rather live?
Fri 19 Aug As you read Ester how do you see the difference between rights and responsibility? What did you learn about stewardship? Did you see in 1Cor that it is OK to be different? How/why should anyone be a member of a church? If we BE right will not The LORD show us how to DO right? Why do/should men trust GOD according to Psm 36? Do you believe and practice Prov 21:21-22?
Sat 20 Aug How did you see the providential care of God in the Book of Ester? How do you see God's providential care for the church in 1Cor 12? What has changed in your life because of chap 13? What are the verbs of action in Psm 37? How, according to Prov21:23, can a person stay away from trouble?
Sun 21 Aug What are the four godly traits demonstrated in Job's life? What did you learn about Satan in the reading for today? What is significant about Job1:22? Why is Paul putting so much emphasis on the clarity of the message by the messenger in 1Cor 14? What affects you being or not being edified at church? What attributes of God did you see in Psm 37? What is the promise of this Psalm?
Hopefully, the reading this week caused you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Please consider others, check on those not in class and tell and show them you care for them. Be prepared, expect The LORD to bless and BE a part of the Revival 21-24 Aug.

14 August 2011 Lesson # 32

Lesson #32 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 14 August 2011
The 365 class social will be Friday,12 Aug,7PM at the youth department's "Firehouse". We will have Pizzas, salad and tea. PLEASE get your $$$ to Cynthia Moberly, $5.00 per adult. Pray for your "card partner", your missionary family and the Revival 21-24 August. Practice your class song "Come and Dine". Be prepared to turn in your 3X5 testimony card.
This week(8-14) we have read Ezra 7:1-10:44, Nehemiah 1:1-9:21, 1st Corinthians 4:1-9:19, Psalm 30:1 -33:22 and Proverbs 20:28-30, 21:1-12. Can you NOW say "this one thing I know” because you have read and discovered some truths this week? Did you take time to tell someone you loved them? Have you been seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. Are you READY for REVIVAL?? If not, why not? Remember Poppy's rule: 1st BE right then DO right. Mike said "don't quit or you will always be a quitter".
Mon 8 Aug Why are records important? Why is genealogy important? Take note of how the titles are spelled. Do you accept the responsibility of a minister and steward? How do you react to 1stCor 4:18-21? How do you use Psm 30:10 in your prayers? Do you have grey hair?(why)
Tue 9 Aug How does Ezra 8:22 impact your concept of GOD? How do you see "prudence" in today's reading? Have you prayed 9:6? How does Paul stress "separation"? After reading Psm 31 are you grateful? What truth(s) did you take from Prov 21?
Wed 10 Aug How does Ezra pray differently than you? Why do some people make covenants with GOD? How did Paul tell the Corinthians to treat their friends? How does 6:1-20 affect your concept of God and Christ? What commands are expressed in these verses? Why did the psalmist ask for mercy? How does Prov21:3 impact your conversation? If not, why not?
Thu 11 Aug Where was Nehemiah living and how long had he been there? What trait did he demonstrate in v4? Was his prayer a selfish type prayer? How did GOD provide protection and provision for Nehemiah? Is separation and segregation an appropriate act? What principal of conduct did you see in Paul's letter? What principal did you learn from the Psalm 31? Do you agree with Prov 21:4?
Fri 12 Aug What causes some workers to quit? What was Nehemiah's first line of defense? Are you confident your brethren will fight for you? How is the best way to act when you are very angry(5:6)? How does 1Cor 7:23 & 35 affect your conduct? How many promises did you note in Psm 32? Are you diligent?
Sat 13 Aug Is it OK to tell The LORD of your good deeds? How is the best way to pray for your enemies? What principal of conduct did Paul address in chap 8? Do you stand in awe of GOD? Who has and gives best counsel? What is significant about Psm 33:4? What makes your work right?
Sun 14 Aug What is significant about Nehemiah 8? What is KEY in chap 9 and what did The LORD do for the people? How do you apply 1Cor 9:9 to/in your stewardship? Have you considered applying verse19 to your life? When you pray for the USA do you use Psm 33:12,18 & 22? Do you act wise and righteous?
Hopefully, the reading this week causes you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Consider others, check on those that were not in class last week, tell and show them you care for them. Use 2nd Peter 1:2 to encourage others. Pray for the Revival 21-24 August

7 August 2011 Lesson # 31

Lesson #31 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 7 August 2011
The 365 class social will be 12 Aug. We will have Pizzas, salad and tea. If we want deserts we will discuss next week. Cynthia Moberly will collect $@$ 5.00 per adult. Pray for your "card partner", your missionary family and the Revival 21-24 August. Practice our song "Come and Dine".
This week we have read 2nd Chronicles 30:1-36:23, Ezra 1:1-6:22, Romans 15:1-16:27, 1st Corinthians 1:1-3:23, Psalm 25:1-29:11 and Proverbs 20:13-27 Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed you this week? Can you say "this one thing I know” because you have read and discovered a truth this week? Did you take time to tell someone you loved them and that you have been seeking a specific favor for them from GOD.
Monday 1Aug Did you notice what pleased the king? How are you like a "post"? What will cause GOD to return to the remnant? What are some of the requirements for pardon that Hezekiah prayed for? What are evidences of revival? What is important about Romans 15? How do you relate to the restrictions in Psalm 25? Have you altered your conversation to comply with the Proverbs? If not, why not?
Tuesday 2Aug What advantage did the Jews (Christians) have over their enemies? What are the differences between The Chronicles and the Kings writings? What happened to cause Manasseh to rebel and then repent? How do you relate to this family? How did Paul record his desires toward Rome? How are you like some of those recorded in chap 16? How may a person gain the secrets of GOD? What preserves you? How do you relate to Proverbs 20:18?
Wed 3Aug How do you relate to King Manasseh? Why did Josiah follow the acts of David? How did the king and the people act when they discovered the Book of the Law? Why did GOD curse Israel/Judah? What did you learn from Rom 16? Have you used Psalm 26:1 in your prayers? Should not all of us be careful about choosing confidants? Gossip The GOSPEL! Don't let vile people dump trash in your ears.
Thu 4Aug What bothers you about 35:18? What happens to stubborn(35:22) people? How did Nebuchadnezzar impact Judah? What was Paul's desire for the church at Corinth? Why was Paul sent to this church? How do you practice Psalm 27:1? How costly is disobedience?
Fri 5Aug Where were the Jews when Ezra was written? Who is the Tirshatha? Why is genealogy important? What does Paul tell the Corinthians that will not glory in the presence of GOD? Have you ask The LORD your Lord to cause Psalm 27:11-12 to come true in your life? What is an abomination to God?
Sat 6Aug How does Ezra 3:11-13 impact your concept of God? How important are good records? What is significant about 1stCor 2:9 and 16? Who has The LORD's strength? How do you handle Holy Things?
Sun 7Aug How did The LORD use King Darius to assist the Jews in Jerusalem? How does this impact your concept of God? How does Paul place emphasis on stewardship? How did you pray back Psalm 29 to your Lord? How did you react to Proverbs 27?
Hopefully, the reading this week causes you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Consider others, check on those that were not in class last week, tell and show them you care for them. Use 2nd Peter 1:2 to encourage others. Pray for the Revival 21-24 August

1 July 2011 Lesson # 30

Lesson #30 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 31 July 2011
The 365 class social will be 12 Aug. We will have Pizzas, salad and tea. If we want deserts we will discuss next week. Cynthia Moberly will collect $@$ 5.00 per adult. Pray for your "card partner", your missionary family and the Revival 21-24 August. Practice our song "Come and Dine".
This week we have read 2nd Chronicles 14:1-29:36, Romans 9:1-14:23, Psalm 19:1-24:10 and Proverbs 20:1-12 Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed you this week? Can you say "this one thing I know” because you have read and discovered a truth this week? *Take time to tell someone you love them and that you are seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. Have the courage to ask them for "evidence", if yours prayers were/have been beneficial.
Monday 25th: Why did The LORD smote the Ethiopians? What was significant about the prophecy by Oded the prophet and the seer Hanani? What caused Paul to have great heaviness and continual sorrow in his heart? How do you use Psalm 19 to worship The LORD, your Lord?
Tuesday 26: Why did The LORD walk with Jehoshaphat? What are some of the traits of the prophet Micaiah? What is significant about 18:33-34?What attributes of God are described in Rom 9? What did you see in 9:33 and how do you see Jesus? How did 10:6-12 change your destiny? What promise(s) did you "claim" because you read Psalm20 and Proverbs 20?
Wednesday 27: How beneficial is it to sing before going into battle? How does the saying by Jahaziel impact your concept of God? Can a man have a victory and yet not have his heart prepared unto the God? What happens when we make friends with wicked people? Where does faith begin? What protects the remnant of God? Did Psm 21:1-2 change your prayer life? What obstacles do you face as you pray?
Thursday 28 What caused Jehoram to not serve God? What is significant about "in the process of time"? Who influenced Ahaziah? Why is Jehu involved? What kind of mother was Athaliah? How did Jehoiada serve God? How do you relate to Rom 11:13-21? What person "seems" to be speaking Psm 22? How do (should) you / we / I walk in integrity? * Please define integrity___
Friday 29 What advantage was given to Joash? How was stewardship emphasized by Joash? What was Jehoiada's reputation? How does 24:20 impact your concept of God? What happens when kings and nations forsake God? Amaziah did good, but not with a _____ heart, why? How has Rom 12:1-2 changed your conversation? What is key to Prov 20:8-10?
Saturday 30 Was King Uzziah blessed because of 26:4-8? What is significant about 26:15-16? Why did God cause Uzziah to become a leper? What lesson did Jotham learn from his father? What did Ahaz learn from his father(28:1-25)? Do you read/believe and practice Rom 13:1-8? Who did you see at 13:10? How has the 23rd Psalm affected your life and is Prov 20:11 related to that change?
Sunday 31 Why did King Hezekiah want to make things right with God? How are you fully persuaded in your mind? When will Rom 14:10 come to pass? Who is this King of glory in Psm 24? Why do we have ears and eyes?
Hopefully, the reading this week causes you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Consider others, check on those that were not in class last week, tell and show them you care for them. Use 2nd Peter 1:2 to encourage others. Pray for the Revival 21-24 August

24 July 2011 Lesson # 29

Lesson #29 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 24 July 2011
We are planning on a "365 Class Social" Friday night 5 or 12 August. Will have a sign-up sheet. COST of $5.00 per adult and we will order a variety of pizzas. Continue to pray for your "card partner" and your missionary family. PLEASE SIGN UP for the social, CUNCLASSLUVPJ.
This week we have had the opportunity to read 1st Chronicles 26:12-29:30; 2nd Chronicles 1:1-13:22; Romans 4:14-8:39; Psalm 14:1-18:50 and Proverbs 19:17-29. What will you be looking for in the Scriptures? Who and what did you see? What did you learn about God? What did you learn about yourself? What "IMPACT" does this have on your family and friends?
Monday: Did you note the special references to unique qualities of just a "few" of the men listed in Chronicles? Who was Ahitophel? What promise(s) did you see in Romans? How does 4:22-25 increase your faith? How is your peace with God? Why would any man say "no" to God? Where can man go and not be seen? Is sow and reap a form of stewardship you practice?
Tuesday: Was the will of God made plain to Solomon? How does Rom 5:6-11encourage you to witness? How do we receive God's blessing according to the Psalms and Proverbs?
Wednesday: Why does Solomon remind The LORD about His promises? How does the option given at Rom 6:14 apply to you? How does GOD "preserve" you? Whose counsel stands?
Thursday: What attributes of God are evident in 2nd Chronicles 4? How do you relate to Paul's conflict as recorded in Rom 7? What ought to satisfy man according to the Psalms & Proverbs?
Friday: Did you pray back the prayers in 2nd Chronicles 6? What are the "ifs" in chap7? According to Rom 8, who cannot please God? Why do you love GOD?
Saturday: What was the queen of Sheba's opinion of Solomon? How do you connect 2nd Chron 9:22 & 9:31? Where should a king get his counsel? In Rom 8 what is significant about the "Spirit of Christ"? Does Psalm 18 describe you and your relationship with God? How should we train our children?
Sunday: What was the difference between Rehoboam and Jeroboam in chap11? What is the key to understanding Rom 8:24-39? What enemies has The LORD delivered you from?
Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed you this week? Can you say "this one thing I know” because you have read and discovered a truth this week?
Hopefully, the reading this week causes you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Consider others, check on those that were not in class last week, tell and show them you care for them. Use 2nd Peter 1:2 to encourage others.
** Take time to tell someone you are seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. __ Have the courage to ask them for "evidence", if yours prayers were/have been beneficial.

17 July 2011 Lesson # 28

Lesson #28 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 17 July 2011 FACT, we had the lowest attendance last Sunday of the year and it bothers me. URimportant!
We need a 365 class social. ** Joe & Cynthia Moberly will be The POC for suggestions as to what, when, where and how much, Please share with them your ideas. If you have missed class and are not up to date on your reading - COME ON, Please. What is coach Mike's favorite saying? "If you quit now, you will always be a _ _ _ _ _ _!. Remember to BE 1st then to DO 2nd, continue to pray for your "card partner and those in the bag" and your missionary family. What was significant to you that you read this week ? E-mail me a verse to share.
1st Chronicles 11:1-26:11 Highlights of David's reign, rise to final years, and the prominence of the Temple in Jerusalem. ?? What is important about 11:4-9 ? What was the role of the mighty men(10-47)? How was a right thing done the wrong way in chap13 as compared to chap 15-16? Why did GOD offer David a choice of three things in chap 21? What was David's charge to Solomon in chap 22? What aspect of God did you learn concerning organization of duties?
Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed//CHANGED you this week? ___ Can you say "this one thing I know” because you have read and discovered a truth this week?
Acts 28:1-31 What was important about the viper fastening to Paul's hand? How long had the Jews in Rome had Paul's letter before his arrival? Does The Word of GOD (v24) impact all hearers? Look through Isaiah 6 and consider The LORD's provisions. How has v28 impacted your life? Have you written your testimony? Has GOD written your testimony?
Romans 1:1-4:13 When was this letter written? Who delivered this letter to the Jews at Rome? How is GOD portrayed in chap1? As you read note the provisions for Salvation, the condition of all sinners, that whosoever may be saved, faith is required, confession by believers is evident, confidence that God will keep believers, hell awaits unbelievers, Holy living ought to follow conversion and the impact of neglecting God's call/draw.
Hopefully, the reading this week causes you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Consider others, check on those that were not in class last week, tell and show them you care for them. Use 2nd Peter 1:2 to encourage others.
Psalm 9:1-13:6 Did you see the attributes of The LORD (9:3-4,11:7,13:6)? Do you believe 9:10 & 17? What did you learn about the wicked? What did you learn about God?
Proverbs 19:1-16 How important is integrity? Do liars get by? How does v9 compare to 9:10? How can you apply v11 in your life? What is a prudent wife? What do you despise? (Prov 6:16)

** Take time to tell someone you are seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. __ Have the courage to ask them for "evidence", if yours prayers were/have been beneficial.

10 July 2011 Lesson # 27

Lesson #27 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Classroom 10 July 2011
We need a 365 class social. (Pray for us , we will be with family 3-6 Jul in Longview.)
If you have missed class and are not up to date on your reading - COME ON, Please. What is coach Mike's favorite saying? "If you quit now, you will always be a _ _ _ _ _ _!. Remember to BE 1st then to DO 2nd, continue to pray for your "card partner" and your missionary family. What was significant to you that you read this week (4-10)?
*comments from The New Scofield* Study Bible " During the period recorded in this book, Israel received warnings and exhortations from Amos and Hosea, and a number of prophets arose in Judah, including Isaiah and Jeremiah. The book concludes with the people of Judah in captivity in Babylon."
2nd Kings 23:31-25:30? What do you sense about "and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father had done." ___ "so Judah was carried away out of their land". Discover how choices impact those around us//consequences. Look for The LORD.
I Chronicles 1:1-10:14 How does genealogy (9:1) impact our lives? How does 4:9-10 impact your prayer life? Saul's life reflected at 10:13-14.How does this impact your concept of GOD?
**Comments from Halley's Bible Handbook, "The Twelve preceding Books of the Bible ended with the Hebrew nation in captivity. These two books of Chronicles retell the same story, and end at the same point. They are a Recapitulation of all that had gone before, with special attention to the reigns of David, Solomon and subsequent kings of Judah. I Chronicles is, in part the same as II Samuel. It has to do with the story of David, prefaced with 9 chapters of Genealogies. The Genealogies cover the period from Adam to the Jews' return from captivity, a sort of epitome of all previous sacred history."
"I & II Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, were, originally, one series of works. Jewish tradition had it that Ezra was the author. Thus, it is seen, the author had access to journals, diaries and public records that are not now known . He also had access to previous Old Testament books. Guided by God, he transcribed that which was suited the purpose of his own writings. So, in this part of the Old Testament, we have a double narrative."
Acts 22:17-27:44 What was the impact of Paul's testimony? How did you judge Felix, Festus an Agrippa? What was unusual about the shipwreck? Where have you been for the past 5 years?
Psalm 2:1-8:9 Did you see: Prophecy? Stability? Good Words/News? Prayer? Being Anxious? Plea for protection? Excellent Name? What did you learn about God?
Proverbs 18:13-24 A fool's mouth and the power of the tongue. What about your friends?
Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea or concept that impressed you this week? Can you say "this one thing I know” because you have read and discovered a truth this week?
Hopefully, the reading this week causes you to sense, feel, know and believe that you are in fact saved, safe and in the hand of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and that you are accepted in the beloved, secure and significant to GOD. Consider others, check on those that were not in class last week, tell and show them you care for them. Use 2nd Peter 1:2 to encourage others.
** Take time to tell someone you are seeking a specific favor for them from GOD. __ Have the courage to ask them for "evidence", if yours prayers were/have been beneficial.