1 Feb 11 Good morning America!Have you said the pledge of allegiance as you held your flag lately? It is going to be cold for a while, let us pray that we do not lose power and there be no accidents.January is gone, spring is coming and we are not home yet.The most profound question(for me)in Matthew is found at 16:15"He saith unto them,but whom say ye that I am"? Every person must and will give an answer to Him who asked the question today or.... What say ye?
Exodus 13:17-15:19 who wins with the odds 600 chariots versus 600,000 men led by The LORD? Get a good grasp of v14:13 and see the future.We often complain about going the hard way or not taking the shortest route but who is leading?Take a few minuets and read Romans 8:28 and see the application for the events in The Exodus.
Matthew 21:23-46 shows the Omniscience of Jesus.The Lord wants us to know Him and He has recorded some of His acts in the Bible so that we can read and know Him. The questions asked ought to cause us to inspect our acts and thought life.Have you applied v44 to your life? A prophet foretells so that we can / may prepare.
Psalm 26:1-12 should be one of our examples for how to pray. Prayer is always personal. How do you see Adoration-Confession-Thanksgiving-Supplication in this psalm? When you say "O LORD" what are you saying and to whom are you speaking?
Proverbs 6:16-19 ought to cause us to check our concept of GOD.I am glad that The Lord can hate and or be angry and Sin Not.O to be like Him.
It is time to consider the effectiveness of our blog and 365 class. I want to prepare an evaluation paper for the class to see what can be done to be more helpful for those who are reading the 365 Bible for the first time so that they not become discouraged and discontinue. Please pray for wisdom and much profit.luvpj
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
31 Jan 11 Monday and the week is unfolding with a forecast of very cold days ahead. These could be the last few days before spring and this is a part of the promise made by GOD after the flood to Noah. We have been enjoying this blessing for thousands of years and it will be to the end of this world.We can trust The WORD!
Exodus 12:14-13:16 continues the promise statement being made by The LORD about "the Passover" and explains the conditions,warnings and commandment associated with this great event.The end did come just as was forecasted and time and circumstance would not alter the event.Time will tell the truth about what GOD said to His creation.It has been a long time coming and those 70 souls that were told the truth did not reap the benefit directly, but their sons,sons,sons even 600,000 men plus children did.
Matthew 20:29-21-22 we read about event this last week in the blessing given by Joseph to Judah.It is amazing that in a week we read prophecies and fulfillment that are separarted by thousands of years concening God in the flesh called Shiloh.Today we read about two blind men refering to Jesus by His royal lineage as the son of David.There are several other names assigned to Jesus and even the title of prophet.The disciples were given promises that apply to us concerning faith and how to pray. O that we would have respect to GOD's ordliness and promises.
Psalm 25:12-22 What is your "fear factor" or is this a part of your concept of God, The LORD your Lord?Whom do you depend on to bring you out oftroubles?Praise Him.
Proverbs 6:12-15 We should not be surprised as to the end of things. This is stewardship and all things will be accounted for both good and bad. Selah luvpj
Exodus 12:14-13:16 continues the promise statement being made by The LORD about "the Passover" and explains the conditions,warnings and commandment associated with this great event.The end did come just as was forecasted and time and circumstance would not alter the event.Time will tell the truth about what GOD said to His creation.It has been a long time coming and those 70 souls that were told the truth did not reap the benefit directly, but their sons,sons,sons even 600,000 men plus children did.
Matthew 20:29-21-22 we read about event this last week in the blessing given by Joseph to Judah.It is amazing that in a week we read prophecies and fulfillment that are separarted by thousands of years concening God in the flesh called Shiloh.Today we read about two blind men refering to Jesus by His royal lineage as the son of David.There are several other names assigned to Jesus and even the title of prophet.The disciples were given promises that apply to us concerning faith and how to pray. O that we would have respect to GOD's ordliness and promises.
Psalm 25:12-22 What is your "fear factor" or is this a part of your concept of God, The LORD your Lord?Whom do you depend on to bring you out oftroubles?Praise Him.
Proverbs 6:12-15 We should not be surprised as to the end of things. This is stewardship and all things will be accounted for both good and bad. Selah luvpj
30 Sunday 11 YEA!! The majority of the class were in their places before 09:45. Thanks to all for this blessing.Had a great time of sweet discussion in class and many participated.If you are not in church or Sunday School please consider meeting with us. A whole new week is before us and we get to read to know GOD.
Exodus 10:1-12:13 continues the demonstration by GOD to Pharaoh showing that He is GOD and there is none beside Him nor any like Him.The attributes of GOD that show His Goodness and power ought to be confidence builders for our faith.Concentrate on The LORD and don't become distressed about the circumstances.The light is on one side of the road and heavy darkness is on the other side both being controlled by God.How do you like Romans 8:28- now??
Matthew 20:1-28 The concept of stewardship is repeated and GOD practices what He preaches. The Trinity is expressed again and the reality of Psalm 22 in looming on the horizon of Jesus' life.We are taught a good lesson on accountability and how to be a servant, as Jesus was a servant.
Psalm 25:1-11 reminds all of us to be careful whom we trust.Verses4-5 demonstrate the work of man.When was the last time you did v4-5 sincerely?
Proverbs 6:6-11 reminds all of us to be sensitive to the season, be right, prepared and ready to follow.
Exodus 10:1-12:13 continues the demonstration by GOD to Pharaoh showing that He is GOD and there is none beside Him nor any like Him.The attributes of GOD that show His Goodness and power ought to be confidence builders for our faith.Concentrate on The LORD and don't become distressed about the circumstances.The light is on one side of the road and heavy darkness is on the other side both being controlled by God.How do you like Romans 8:28- now??
Matthew 20:1-28 The concept of stewardship is repeated and GOD practices what He preaches. The Trinity is expressed again and the reality of Psalm 22 in looming on the horizon of Jesus' life.We are taught a good lesson on accountability and how to be a servant, as Jesus was a servant.
Psalm 25:1-11 reminds all of us to be careful whom we trust.Verses4-5 demonstrate the work of man.When was the last time you did v4-5 sincerely?
Proverbs 6:6-11 reminds all of us to be sensitive to the season, be right, prepared and ready to follow.
29 Jan 11 and Sunday is coming!Are ewe excited about tomorrow?If not, why not?Plan tonight, lay out what you need for Sunday tonight and then you will be more able to prepare in a more quieter mood early Sunday AM.
Exodus 8:1-9:35 God continues to show off His attributes. Do these miracles amaze you?Satan was at work while The LORD was dealing with His people.The Jews/Hebrews watched as God dealt with Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron to prepare them for the exodus.Timing is often "misunderstood" and more so when we try to put//make God do what we want when we want it.Note the words"not one" when God stated the completeness of His work.The Lord will make evidence available for doubters.Should we learn the lesson of not negotiating with terrorist?
Matthew 19:13-30 What a beautiful picture, but why children?It is good to ask questions of God, but when we get the answer we must respond and obey so that GOD gets the glory.We have all this and heaven to come.Is it good to be saved?YES!!!
Psalm 24:1-10 completes this trilogy(3psalms)of the life of Jesus.We can answer the question of "Who is the King of glory"?Jesus is The King of Glory.
Proverbs 6:1-5 Be careful in your stewardship. Selah. luvpj
Exodus 8:1-9:35 God continues to show off His attributes. Do these miracles amaze you?Satan was at work while The LORD was dealing with His people.The Jews/Hebrews watched as God dealt with Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron to prepare them for the exodus.Timing is often "misunderstood" and more so when we try to put//make God do what we want when we want it.Note the words"not one" when God stated the completeness of His work.The Lord will make evidence available for doubters.Should we learn the lesson of not negotiating with terrorist?
Matthew 19:13-30 What a beautiful picture, but why children?It is good to ask questions of God, but when we get the answer we must respond and obey so that GOD gets the glory.We have all this and heaven to come.Is it good to be saved?YES!!!
Psalm 24:1-10 completes this trilogy(3psalms)of the life of Jesus.We can answer the question of "Who is the King of glory"?Jesus is The King of Glory.
Proverbs 6:1-5 Be careful in your stewardship. Selah. luvpj
Thursday, January 27, 2011
28 Jan 11 Friday is here and Sunday is coming.Call some one you care about that is not in church regularly and bring them to the 365 Class and church and take them to your home for a meal.We all need to get out of our comfort zone and show the love of God that is in us to those who may not spend eternity with God. Even "backsliders" need to be loved on, touched and encouraged.Tell/share with them what motivates you.
Exodus 5:22-7:25 as you read note the spelling of LORD and Lord and how they are used.Identify the various attributes of God as they are expressed.See how God made Moses god unto Pharaoh.Focus on The LORD.
Matthew 18:23-19:12 records the stewardship principal again.The LORD reminds the Pharisees about GOD's design for marriage of a man and a woman brought together by God, yet except for fornication being a reason for divorce if a man chooses.When does "forgiveness" override sin?God wants us to make the BEST choice.How ought parents to pray for the mates for their children?
Psalm 23:1-6 The LORD is Real and True.Meditate on this promise and hide these truths in your heart and expect GOD to watch over you,if you are saved.
Proverbs 5:22-23 idle hands and a wandering heart will end up in trouble.Bad choices are followed by trouble and pain that could have been avoided. Selah. luvpj
Hope to see you in the 365 Class and church this coming Sunday.
Exodus 5:22-7:25 as you read note the spelling of LORD and Lord and how they are used.Identify the various attributes of God as they are expressed.See how God made Moses god unto Pharaoh.Focus on The LORD.
Matthew 18:23-19:12 records the stewardship principal again.The LORD reminds the Pharisees about GOD's design for marriage of a man and a woman brought together by God, yet except for fornication being a reason for divorce if a man chooses.When does "forgiveness" override sin?God wants us to make the BEST choice.How ought parents to pray for the mates for their children?
Psalm 23:1-6 The LORD is Real and True.Meditate on this promise and hide these truths in your heart and expect GOD to watch over you,if you are saved.
Proverbs 5:22-23 idle hands and a wandering heart will end up in trouble.Bad choices are followed by trouble and pain that could have been avoided. Selah. luvpj
Hope to see you in the 365 Class and church this coming Sunday.
27 Jan 11 Where were you last year and what were you doing with The Word of God?Where do you hope to be this time next year?If The LORD allows you and me to be alive until the rapture do you plan to read his Word every day till your faith becomes fact when you see Him face to face?We are forgetful people.Do you know "for sure" that you will be with GOD in Heaven for eternity? Maranatha.
I was in Nigaruga on a mision trip for several days in 2002. My wife had put a post note on this day that I found when I turned to read. It is still in my 365 and every year on this day,when we read, I am reminded of the blessing of my family and all the benefits of a note"I love you".Treat some one special and hide a note for them.
Exodus 4:1-5:21 Valor may be defined as fear that has made it's prayers and goes to do right.Faith over fears!Stewardship shouts out in these verses and God provides every thing we need to be and do His will.His instructions are clear/plain and easy to be heard and undersrtood, even to the point of which end of the snake/stick to pick up.It is best to be in a two man team.Note in v4:31 the results.We ought not to try and separate our love for God and our obedience to Him commands.We get to be warned about the enemy of The LORD,our enemy,and hear his concept of God.Bad concepts and limited knowledge get people into deep waters and bad situations and causes major disagreements of friends and family. Focus on God, not the creation.
Matthew 18:1-22 contains verses that have been misquoted and misunderstood.No body gets saved by acting childish.Jesus is teaching about humility,honesty, sincerety and child like faith.No one gets into heaven by self multilation.Read to know Him.Believers are given power to impact the eternity of unbelievers.Accept the promise of v20, this is not church, this is a time of fellowship.Selah Prayer pal.
Psalm 22:19-31 continues the plea written by David that is related to the suffering Saviour at Calvary.Note the names and titles given along with the work to be accomplished. Read Psalm 22-23-24 as three parts of the description of Jesus.
Proverbs 5:15-21 indicates that it is our choice to "Let or not" the blessings to be for us or for others.God is taking notes and keeping a book and is interested in every aspect of our lives.He is thinking right now about you and me. Selah. luvpj
I was in Nigaruga on a mision trip for several days in 2002. My wife had put a post note on this day that I found when I turned to read. It is still in my 365 and every year on this day,when we read, I am reminded of the blessing of my family and all the benefits of a note"I love you".Treat some one special and hide a note for them.
Exodus 4:1-5:21 Valor may be defined as fear that has made it's prayers and goes to do right.Faith over fears!Stewardship shouts out in these verses and God provides every thing we need to be and do His will.His instructions are clear/plain and easy to be heard and undersrtood, even to the point of which end of the snake/stick to pick up.It is best to be in a two man team.Note in v4:31 the results.We ought not to try and separate our love for God and our obedience to Him commands.We get to be warned about the enemy of The LORD,our enemy,and hear his concept of God.Bad concepts and limited knowledge get people into deep waters and bad situations and causes major disagreements of friends and family. Focus on God, not the creation.
Matthew 18:1-22 contains verses that have been misquoted and misunderstood.No body gets saved by acting childish.Jesus is teaching about humility,honesty, sincerety and child like faith.No one gets into heaven by self multilation.Read to know Him.Believers are given power to impact the eternity of unbelievers.Accept the promise of v20, this is not church, this is a time of fellowship.Selah Prayer pal.
Psalm 22:19-31 continues the plea written by David that is related to the suffering Saviour at Calvary.Note the names and titles given along with the work to be accomplished. Read Psalm 22-23-24 as three parts of the description of Jesus.
Proverbs 5:15-21 indicates that it is our choice to "Let or not" the blessings to be for us or for others.God is taking notes and keeping a book and is interested in every aspect of our lives.He is thinking right now about you and me. Selah. luvpj
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
26 Jan 11 Thanks be to God for His creation and how He speaks to us each day,always the same but never alike, fresh and new. Let us be grateful for the ability to see,hear and consider GOD.Read to know Him.
Exodus 2:11-3:22 records many first events in the world. Have you pondered how The LORD caused Moses to record all that we have read so far this year?From the day of Adam to Moses and today we can not claim to be ignorant.I wonder when did GOD set Moses down and say"Let me tell you a story".How many years have we read about so far in just 26 days of reading?Stay tune for more exciting events are beginning to unfold.Focus on v2:24-25 and consider the mercy of God.What attributes did you note about Chap3?We need to learn what is our work/job and what is The LORD's work.Moses is declared a co-laborer with GOD.What is significant about v3:15?How many promises have been given to the children of God that are applicable to us today?
Matthew 17:10-27 fast forward 3500+/-years and be amazed at God in the flesh showing Himself and declaring to the people the Will of God for,His Son, The Son of Man.
Psalm 22:1-18 today and tomorrow we get a picture of Calvary.Read this carefully and make a snap shot of what happens at crucifixion.All sinners should suffer this anguish,but Jesus(sinless)did this for all mankind(sinners)so that all might be saved IF they hear and believe the Gospel.
Proverbs 5:7-14 Warning, Heed the instructions given. Going to church is not the cure apart from The TRUTH. Each of us need a daily dose of GOD's Word of instruction. We need to diligently seek the EL of Beth-El. We may feel helpless but we(saved) are not hopeless.Read to KNOW Him. luvpj
Exodus 2:11-3:22 records many first events in the world. Have you pondered how The LORD caused Moses to record all that we have read so far this year?From the day of Adam to Moses and today we can not claim to be ignorant.I wonder when did GOD set Moses down and say"Let me tell you a story".How many years have we read about so far in just 26 days of reading?Stay tune for more exciting events are beginning to unfold.Focus on v2:24-25 and consider the mercy of God.What attributes did you note about Chap3?We need to learn what is our work/job and what is The LORD's work.Moses is declared a co-laborer with GOD.What is significant about v3:15?How many promises have been given to the children of God that are applicable to us today?
Matthew 17:10-27 fast forward 3500+/-years and be amazed at God in the flesh showing Himself and declaring to the people the Will of God for,His Son, The Son of Man.
Psalm 22:1-18 today and tomorrow we get a picture of Calvary.Read this carefully and make a snap shot of what happens at crucifixion.All sinners should suffer this anguish,but Jesus(sinless)did this for all mankind(sinners)so that all might be saved IF they hear and believe the Gospel.
Proverbs 5:7-14 Warning, Heed the instructions given. Going to church is not the cure apart from The TRUTH. Each of us need a daily dose of GOD's Word of instruction. We need to diligently seek the EL of Beth-El. We may feel helpless but we(saved) are not hopeless.Read to KNOW Him. luvpj
25 Jan 11 Congrats on coming this far this year in the reading of the 365 KJV Bible to know God The LORD and our Lord Jesus Christ.Are you saved,in the family of God, secure and confident of eternity? If not, please contact me via e-mail and let me point you to Scriptures that will make simple GOD's Man/plan of Salvation. My desire is for each of you to know The El of Beth-El. Knowing Him is more important than knowing about Him.O to be like Jacob and God change us to be as Israel.I pray as God favors you that you will respond to Him in faith according to the Bible Truths.
Genesis 50:1-26 display proper conduct by men of God.Make a snap shot of v19-20 and allow this to impact your concept of God living in you.Note the prophecy given by Joseph that will come to pass in about 400 years, but we read about it today.Focus on who God is and what God said and live above the circumstances. In these 50 chapters how many names of GOD did you note?What attributes of God have you been exposed to and how have they changed your lifestyle?Look at v24 and consider the promise you and I have today concerning the "visit" of God.Do you believe that "God will surely visit you"?Act like it is so and today could be the day. Maranatha.
Exodus 1:1-2:10 records the history of the Hebrews.How does Romans 8:28 apply in our thinking as we read to know Him?Who fears God today? This shows that another son of Jacob will be used to show the attributes/traits of God.Don't miss God in the weeds of circumstances.
Psalm 21:1:13 how has God given you your heart's desire?Do you sing because He has been exalted? Selah.There is nothing hid from Him.
Proverbs 5:1-6 we are encouraged to pay attention to what our heavenly Father is saying and to follow Him in obedience which is our choice.Beware of the enemy.
Matthew 16:13-17:9 contains the greatest question asked of man and each man must respond to this question"Whom say ye that I am"?It is a personal question and all responses will be based on the factor of faith/what men know and think about GOD. Jesus assigns responsibilities to His disciples and they apply to us today.We are invited in to observe an event of magnificence and over hear GOD the Father warn about how mankind ought to respond to God The Son.How is your "fear" factor of GOD?Read to know Him and watch for His hand in your life. luvpj
Genesis 50:1-26 display proper conduct by men of God.Make a snap shot of v19-20 and allow this to impact your concept of God living in you.Note the prophecy given by Joseph that will come to pass in about 400 years, but we read about it today.Focus on who God is and what God said and live above the circumstances. In these 50 chapters how many names of GOD did you note?What attributes of God have you been exposed to and how have they changed your lifestyle?Look at v24 and consider the promise you and I have today concerning the "visit" of God.Do you believe that "God will surely visit you"?Act like it is so and today could be the day. Maranatha.
Exodus 1:1-2:10 records the history of the Hebrews.How does Romans 8:28 apply in our thinking as we read to know Him?Who fears God today? This shows that another son of Jacob will be used to show the attributes/traits of God.Don't miss God in the weeds of circumstances.
Psalm 21:1:13 how has God given you your heart's desire?Do you sing because He has been exalted? Selah.There is nothing hid from Him.
Proverbs 5:1-6 we are encouraged to pay attention to what our heavenly Father is saying and to follow Him in obedience which is our choice.Beware of the enemy.
Matthew 16:13-17:9 contains the greatest question asked of man and each man must respond to this question"Whom say ye that I am"?It is a personal question and all responses will be based on the factor of faith/what men know and think about GOD. Jesus assigns responsibilities to His disciples and they apply to us today.We are invited in to observe an event of magnificence and over hear GOD the Father warn about how mankind ought to respond to God The Son.How is your "fear" factor of GOD?Read to know Him and watch for His hand in your life. luvpj
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
24 Jan 11 Monday is a new beginning, doctors appointments and much busy work.Hope all goes well in your activities today. Read to know Him and enjoy His provisions and blessings.
Genesis 48:1-49:33 We are nearing the end of the first book(1/39OT-1/66)) of the Bible. What have you learned about GOD?We get to see the intrigue of the blessings gained and given by God through Jacob to the Hebrew people.The lineage of Jesus is presented and we get to see/hear the prophecy concerning Judah.We see that the way of all men ends in death and for eternity we will be with our people.
Matthew 15:29-16:12 allows us to hear the heart of God expressed in v32 as He prepares to bless the people with another miracle.This time there appears to be a real need due to time spent away from their homes following Jesus.How does this impact your concept of God in the flesh? How many attributes are recorded in this few verses?Read to know Him.
Psalm 20:1-9 What is comforting to you about v1? If not God, The LORD, whom and or what do you trust in?This is about stewardship 24/7/365.Selah.
Proverbs 4:20-27 The 27 verses of this proverb ought to cause each of us to be careful,fearful,obedient and expectant of God being active in our lives. If we are His son, then we ought to act like a child of The King.Guard/keep your heart. luvpj
Genesis 48:1-49:33 We are nearing the end of the first book(1/39OT-1/66)) of the Bible. What have you learned about GOD?We get to see the intrigue of the blessings gained and given by God through Jacob to the Hebrew people.The lineage of Jesus is presented and we get to see/hear the prophecy concerning Judah.We see that the way of all men ends in death and for eternity we will be with our people.
Matthew 15:29-16:12 allows us to hear the heart of God expressed in v32 as He prepares to bless the people with another miracle.This time there appears to be a real need due to time spent away from their homes following Jesus.How does this impact your concept of God in the flesh? How many attributes are recorded in this few verses?Read to know Him.
Psalm 20:1-9 What is comforting to you about v1? If not God, The LORD, whom and or what do you trust in?This is about stewardship 24/7/365.Selah.
Proverbs 4:20-27 The 27 verses of this proverb ought to cause each of us to be careful,fearful,obedient and expectant of God being active in our lives. If we are His son, then we ought to act like a child of The King.Guard/keep your heart. luvpj
YEA!! It is Sunday 23 Jan 11 We had a great class and many students were prepared, ready and in their seats at 09:45.This class is a part of Victory Baptist Church and we have a great responsibility to know GOD.
Genesis 46:1-47:31 demonstrates many traits of GOD.When The LORD speaks we need to consider how the Truth given to the old Jews may have an application to us today.GOD has not and will not change.Ponder the blessings given to the sons of Jacob and to the sons of Joseph.There will be a significant impact in the future concerning the division and time of captivity that will be related to the grandsons of Jacob.
Matthew 15:1-28 records the disconnect of the Jews and their law keeping traditions.We ought to learn what defiles a man and practice good habits.Does GOD consider your faith "great"?
Psalm 19:1-14 Explodes with the attributes of The LORD and records that there is no one that has not heard nor any that have not seen GOD.We will "ALL" give an account of our stewardship of "ALL" of the Truth delivered to us.Selah.
Proverbs 4:14-19 warns every person to be careful.We do not have to be deceived.When we choose to be haphazard in our security we will be hurt.Choose wisely your friends and your paths. Selah. Maranatha. luvpj
PS; we were blessed at Church because we were in SS Class.
Genesis 46:1-47:31 demonstrates many traits of GOD.When The LORD speaks we need to consider how the Truth given to the old Jews may have an application to us today.GOD has not and will not change.Ponder the blessings given to the sons of Jacob and to the sons of Joseph.There will be a significant impact in the future concerning the division and time of captivity that will be related to the grandsons of Jacob.
Matthew 15:1-28 records the disconnect of the Jews and their law keeping traditions.We ought to learn what defiles a man and practice good habits.Does GOD consider your faith "great"?
Psalm 19:1-14 Explodes with the attributes of The LORD and records that there is no one that has not heard nor any that have not seen GOD.We will "ALL" give an account of our stewardship of "ALL" of the Truth delivered to us.Selah.
Proverbs 4:14-19 warns every person to be careful.We do not have to be deceived.When we choose to be haphazard in our security we will be hurt.Choose wisely your friends and your paths. Selah. Maranatha. luvpj
PS; we were blessed at Church because we were in SS Class.
Sat 22 Jan 11 and it is going to be good. I expect you to be on time and ready to participate in our class. Stay current on each day and do not "try to" catch up, if you missed a day, so be it. Be wary of getting into an attitude that you reading makes you more loved by GOD.If we are not careful we adopt a concept that we are reading to please Him in stead of reading to know Him, A BIG Difference.
Genesis 44:1-45:28 Testing has many forms of seeking out our true feelings and exposes what we are made of at the core level.As testers we must be careful in our judgment of both the test,the testee and the results, if we are to be co-laborers with God.Regardless of our position a good truth is given at v44:10"let it be according to your words".Pay attention to the conduct of Judah and see the likeness to Jesus Christ.Note the differences of the use of names,Jacob and Israel.
Matthew 14:14-36 consider the compassion shown by Jesus and ponder if all of those made well were saved from their sins or not.This miracle was not required because the people were starving.Jesus demonstrated stewardship and the truth that God uses men to serve men.Do you have enough faith to get in the boat??
Psalm 18:35-50 remember that understanding or lack of it SHOULD NOT keep you from being / doing the will of God.What did you give thanks for today? Selah
Proverbs 4:11-13 Do you believe this?If not,why not? Get with the program. luvpj
Genesis 44:1-45:28 Testing has many forms of seeking out our true feelings and exposes what we are made of at the core level.As testers we must be careful in our judgment of both the test,the testee and the results, if we are to be co-laborers with God.Regardless of our position a good truth is given at v44:10"let it be according to your words".Pay attention to the conduct of Judah and see the likeness to Jesus Christ.Note the differences of the use of names,Jacob and Israel.
Matthew 14:14-36 consider the compassion shown by Jesus and ponder if all of those made well were saved from their sins or not.This miracle was not required because the people were starving.Jesus demonstrated stewardship and the truth that God uses men to serve men.Do you have enough faith to get in the boat??
Psalm 18:35-50 remember that understanding or lack of it SHOULD NOT keep you from being / doing the will of God.What did you give thanks for today? Selah
Proverbs 4:11-13 Do you believe this?If not,why not? Get with the program. luvpj
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday 21 Jan 11 and Sunday is coming! I really got behind on by posting.Hopefully you have been reading and getting to know God better each day. My blog will not make sense apart from the daily Bible reading.
Genesis 42:18-43:34 continues to show us how the favor and mercy of GOD causes those blessed to be a blessing, this is stewardship. What did/has The LORD do/done for Joseph that He has done for you? The principal of obedience or the lack thereof shows in the lives of all men. Notice how Judah finally shows up to picture for us the coming Shiloh-Jesus.
Matthew 13:47-14:13 records the use of parables and the impact of unbelief.We ought to learn from this reading-obedience to truth.
Psalm 18:16-34 demonstrates how some respond to GOD's favor. We get to be reminded that there is ONLY ONE TRUTH. When we allow GOD to have His way in our lives, we are blessed!
Proverbs 4:7-10 tells us to be careful and do things His way, as a father to his son.
Read to know Him, pause and just believe what you read even though may not understand all the ins and outs, obey the TRUTH you know. Selah. luvpj
Genesis 42:18-43:34 continues to show us how the favor and mercy of GOD causes those blessed to be a blessing, this is stewardship. What did/has The LORD do/done for Joseph that He has done for you? The principal of obedience or the lack thereof shows in the lives of all men. Notice how Judah finally shows up to picture for us the coming Shiloh-Jesus.
Matthew 13:47-14:13 records the use of parables and the impact of unbelief.We ought to learn from this reading-obedience to truth.
Psalm 18:16-34 demonstrates how some respond to GOD's favor. We get to be reminded that there is ONLY ONE TRUTH. When we allow GOD to have His way in our lives, we are blessed!
Proverbs 4:7-10 tells us to be careful and do things His way, as a father to his son.
Read to know Him, pause and just believe what you read even though may not understand all the ins and outs, obey the TRUTH you know. Selah. luvpj
Thursday, January 20, 2011
20 Jan 11 Thanks be to God for a cold wintry day that causes us to be slower to drink our coffee and more apt to look at the events in nature around us and think about GOD.We get to enjoy the truth that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in His Name there He is in the midst. Truly we get to open The Scriptures,pray and confess, ask for The Holy Spirit to teach and guide us through the reading so that we get to know Him. What a way to start your day!! I realize all of you do not have the same opportunity to laze about and be free to just take time to read, so please be encouraged, take what you have and seek The LORD diligently as you have opportunity.GOD is watching,taking notes and making ways for each of us to come unto Him. Be thankful for what you have and accept God's favor-grace to you for today.
Look for more new names today.Make snap shots of God's acts. Believe what you read.
Proverbs 4:1-6 reminds us of the desired relationship between God and mankind showing all of us how to have a good fellowship with our Father.The emphasis is to BE right and then DO right.Quality is better than quantity.Stewardship is explained and we are reminded to obey and prosper.
Psalm 18:1-15 causes me to wonder how my prayers cause GOD to feel,reply and respond.Look at v 6 and realize the opportunity we have,as sons of God, to cry and be heard.Pray back v1-6 and see into your heart your motive for praying.We get to CHOOSE to seek Him!
Matthew 13:24-46 Jesus uses many parables to demonstrate an earthly reality having an heavenly application. Why does The LORD God Almighty want you and me to know Him?Make snapshots of God in the flesh showing Himself to be who He has said He was,is and will be.There are only two fathers. People have only one father.Who is your Father? How is your"want to" after reading today?Update your concept of GOD.
Genesis 41:17-42:17 records how a man can go from rags to riches or from a prison to the palace because of GOD favoring him.How has The LORD favored you today?Who has been favored because God used you to bless them?God is in the giving business showing favor,grace,mercy,kindness,forgiveness and calling men to Himself. Joseph's life clearly demonstrates this stewardship principal.Men,influenced by GOD (BE) can and will do right in a bad place.How do others see Christ our Lord, The LORD in us?Be careful in reading the genealogy of Joseph noting the names of his sons and their meaning because soon the blessings will be given by God through Jacob that will impact and be described in the fall of the Jews into captivity. Consider Judah's acts and marvel at the mercy of God.Do dreams come true?Be careful and fill your mind/heart with The Scriptures, so that The LORD will speak to you in reality.
Please read to know Him, meditate on what you read from the Bible and seek to be fruitful and be used by GOD to bless others.GOD uses clean, yet broken and mended vessels, for His glory and then we will know The Joy of The Lord. Selah. luvpj
Look for more new names today.Make snap shots of God's acts. Believe what you read.
Proverbs 4:1-6 reminds us of the desired relationship between God and mankind showing all of us how to have a good fellowship with our Father.The emphasis is to BE right and then DO right.Quality is better than quantity.Stewardship is explained and we are reminded to obey and prosper.
Psalm 18:1-15 causes me to wonder how my prayers cause GOD to feel,reply and respond.Look at v 6 and realize the opportunity we have,as sons of God, to cry and be heard.Pray back v1-6 and see into your heart your motive for praying.We get to CHOOSE to seek Him!
Matthew 13:24-46 Jesus uses many parables to demonstrate an earthly reality having an heavenly application. Why does The LORD God Almighty want you and me to know Him?Make snapshots of God in the flesh showing Himself to be who He has said He was,is and will be.There are only two fathers. People have only one father.Who is your Father? How is your"want to" after reading today?Update your concept of GOD.
Genesis 41:17-42:17 records how a man can go from rags to riches or from a prison to the palace because of GOD favoring him.How has The LORD favored you today?Who has been favored because God used you to bless them?God is in the giving business showing favor,grace,mercy,kindness,forgiveness and calling men to Himself. Joseph's life clearly demonstrates this stewardship principal.Men,influenced by GOD (BE) can and will do right in a bad place.How do others see Christ our Lord, The LORD in us?Be careful in reading the genealogy of Joseph noting the names of his sons and their meaning because soon the blessings will be given by God through Jacob that will impact and be described in the fall of the Jews into captivity. Consider Judah's acts and marvel at the mercy of God.Do dreams come true?Be careful and fill your mind/heart with The Scriptures, so that The LORD will speak to you in reality.
Please read to know Him, meditate on what you read from the Bible and seek to be fruitful and be used by GOD to bless others.GOD uses clean, yet broken and mended vessels, for His glory and then we will know The Joy of The Lord. Selah. luvpj
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
19 Jan 11 Yea another good report from another Dr and things are positive!Hope all is well in your life as you read to know Him.A man ask me to pray for him as he was struggling with issues of health and family. I said I would pray for The LORD to bless him according to his faithfulness to be and do what he knew.Why should any of us expect to put GOD on hold and continue to expect Him to be faithful and bless us?What is your concept of GOD?
May I summarize the reading for today with ONE WORD, Favor // Grace.
If you see how the LORD works in the Proverbs, you will see Him be consistent in the Psalms. Get a good grasp on the word "favor" and use it as you consider Grace.
Jesus tells truth and men do not listen, hear nor heed.Focus on what He is saying in Matt 12:50 and accept truth that will change your attitude about being blessed and favored. If GOD gave you ears and the ability to hear, this is being favored and then 13:9 has implication of responsibility.
Who gave favor to Joseph? Who gave sight to Potiphar?WHY? Who did The LORD use today in your life to favor you?Who did you bless or favor today that was unsaved?Look and see the attributes of GOD being displayed in this place of adversity. Joseph is not in the lineage of Jesus Christ, but Joseph displays His attributes/traits and GOD used him to be a blessing. How does this alter your concept of GOD? Please read to know Him and believe what you read in your Bible. In a bad place, be good and in a hot place stay cool. The LORD your Lord will favor you to be a blessing. luvpj
May I summarize the reading for today with ONE WORD, Favor // Grace.
If you see how the LORD works in the Proverbs, you will see Him be consistent in the Psalms. Get a good grasp on the word "favor" and use it as you consider Grace.
Jesus tells truth and men do not listen, hear nor heed.Focus on what He is saying in Matt 12:50 and accept truth that will change your attitude about being blessed and favored. If GOD gave you ears and the ability to hear, this is being favored and then 13:9 has implication of responsibility.
Who gave favor to Joseph? Who gave sight to Potiphar?WHY? Who did The LORD use today in your life to favor you?Who did you bless or favor today that was unsaved?Look and see the attributes of GOD being displayed in this place of adversity. Joseph is not in the lineage of Jesus Christ, but Joseph displays His attributes/traits and GOD used him to be a blessing. How does this alter your concept of GOD? Please read to know Him and believe what you read in your Bible. In a bad place, be good and in a hot place stay cool. The LORD your Lord will favor you to be a blessing. luvpj
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
18 Jan 11 Who is reading their 365 Bible and being thrilled by The LORD 's Holy Spirit as you are being taught things past, present and future?Sign up and stay ahead of your habit curve.This weather is beautiful! A positive report from your Dr. is a blessing!What do you have that was not given to you by GOD?Are you current in your accounting,as a steward, to The Lord?If you don't reconcile your bank statement regularly-monthly how immature is that?Stay close,be smart and do right.
Proverbs 3:27-32 poses a good question of"Do you have any of GOD's secrets"?How do these verses impact your concept of The LORD?Do you relate these verses to any of the Ten Commandments? What are the things GOD hates?
Psalm16:1-11 When was the last time you had a good honest "self talk"?Review His attributes and note His name/title.Is your heart glad? If not,why not? Selah.
Matthew 12:22-45 Do you see anyone you know in v22?Do you see anyone you know in v22? There are two different people described in v22 and surely you recognize one or both of them.Be careful with His promises and conditions described.This should remind us of Psalm 1 and we ought to be grateful for His mercy. Note His name, attributes and use of the Old Testament to make Himself known.
Genesis37:1-38:30 look at the genealogy of Jesus described in these chapters.What do you learn about man and GOD that impacts your concept of The LORD our Lord?Joseph is a great demonstration of godly living in adversity.Be careful as you read to know Him and do not think in your heart"I would never do this or that" because we ALL have the capacity to do great evil-sins.Where would we be if it were not for GRACE?
++ Those of you in the 365 class-DON'T get over wrought in doing the "homework". Read to know Him and consider these questions only to be as a stimulus to your thoughts and hopefully they will cause you to consider HIS love toward you. luvpj
Proverbs 3:27-32 poses a good question of"Do you have any of GOD's secrets"?How do these verses impact your concept of The LORD?Do you relate these verses to any of the Ten Commandments? What are the things GOD hates?
Psalm16:1-11 When was the last time you had a good honest "self talk"?Review His attributes and note His name/title.Is your heart glad? If not,why not? Selah.
Matthew 12:22-45 Do you see anyone you know in v22?Do you see anyone you know in v22? There are two different people described in v22 and surely you recognize one or both of them.Be careful with His promises and conditions described.This should remind us of Psalm 1 and we ought to be grateful for His mercy. Note His name, attributes and use of the Old Testament to make Himself known.
Genesis37:1-38:30 look at the genealogy of Jesus described in these chapters.What do you learn about man and GOD that impacts your concept of The LORD our Lord?Joseph is a great demonstration of godly living in adversity.Be careful as you read to know Him and do not think in your heart"I would never do this or that" because we ALL have the capacity to do great evil-sins.Where would we be if it were not for GRACE?
++ Those of you in the 365 class-DON'T get over wrought in doing the "homework". Read to know Him and consider these questions only to be as a stimulus to your thoughts and hopefully they will cause you to consider HIS love toward you. luvpj
Monday, January 17, 2011
17 Jan 11 a wonderful day to be alive and waiting for the rapture.Are there any clouds in the sky?Read to know GOD today and practice what you have read and learned.Plan today to be used to influence others for Christ's sake.
Proverbs 3:21-26 We are secure(saved) when we are related to The LORD and our "fellowship" is related by our obedience to Truth.Promises have conditions and all "born again believers" have the capacity to be and do all that is necessary to please GOD.We have a choice!Choose wisely and promptly to seek/follow The LORD.
Psalm 15:1-5 tells of promises and conditions for those that fear The LORD.
Matthew 12:1-21 reminds us that knowledge of the Old Testament is essential in order to understand and live the New Testament lifestyle.Verse 8 challenges the reader to evaluate their concept of GOD.Note the names/titles/attributes recorded in these verses and praise The LORD for the promise provided for you and me in v21.
Genesis 35:1-36:43 records some good steps Jacob started with his family towards being sanctified and separated and we can do similar acts in our own homes.We ought to focus on The EL of El-Beth-el, The God of the house of God.Tell someone about your Bible reading experience and invite them to join you as you pursue GOD. luvpj
Proverbs 3:21-26 We are secure(saved) when we are related to The LORD and our "fellowship" is related by our obedience to Truth.Promises have conditions and all "born again believers" have the capacity to be and do all that is necessary to please GOD.We have a choice!Choose wisely and promptly to seek/follow The LORD.
Psalm 15:1-5 tells of promises and conditions for those that fear The LORD.
Matthew 12:1-21 reminds us that knowledge of the Old Testament is essential in order to understand and live the New Testament lifestyle.Verse 8 challenges the reader to evaluate their concept of GOD.Note the names/titles/attributes recorded in these verses and praise The LORD for the promise provided for you and me in v21.
Genesis 35:1-36:43 records some good steps Jacob started with his family towards being sanctified and separated and we can do similar acts in our own homes.We ought to focus on The EL of El-Beth-el, The God of the house of God.Tell someone about your Bible reading experience and invite them to join you as you pursue GOD. luvpj
Friday, January 14, 2011
16 Jan 11 Wish someone happy birthday!My favorite person celebrated another BD today, but we really celebrate our spiritual birthday together and we are only 33.We spent time yesterday with the little ones and their parents enjoying life, good food,gifts and safe travel.Thank you for praying for us.Today we had our 3rd lesson and the class was very responsive. We read to know Him and everyone participated.
Genesis 32:13-34:31 allows us to see Jacob react to his brother and respond to GOD. Stewardship appears to be on his mind mixed with fear which results in a bad concept of God.Yet Jacob demonstrated a great truth by finally getting rid of all his stuff and getting alone with God.We ought to learn this lesson of abasing/divesting ourselves in order to get ready to meet The LORD.How Jacob was treated shows us the will of GOD for all mankind.To me this is II Cor 5:17-21 in the flesh.
Matthew 11:7-30 confronts us with a choice, who do we trust and who do we believe? As a whosoever how have you responded to this offer presented by Jesus?
Psalm 14:1-7 shows us that man is corrupt.We are either like Jacob or like Israel and we know where we stand with GOD.The LORD wants all mankind to be saved but He will not force any person against their will.Choose the BEST.
Proverbs 3:19-20 allows all to see His attributes of Omniscience an Omnipotence.
This is the first day of this new week and the opportunities to serve our Lord are before us, be right and do right for His name's sake.Selah. Maranatha. luvpj
Genesis 32:13-34:31 allows us to see Jacob react to his brother and respond to GOD. Stewardship appears to be on his mind mixed with fear which results in a bad concept of God.Yet Jacob demonstrated a great truth by finally getting rid of all his stuff and getting alone with God.We ought to learn this lesson of abasing/divesting ourselves in order to get ready to meet The LORD.How Jacob was treated shows us the will of GOD for all mankind.To me this is II Cor 5:17-21 in the flesh.
Matthew 11:7-30 confronts us with a choice, who do we trust and who do we believe? As a whosoever how have you responded to this offer presented by Jesus?
Psalm 14:1-7 shows us that man is corrupt.We are either like Jacob or like Israel and we know where we stand with GOD.The LORD wants all mankind to be saved but He will not force any person against their will.Choose the BEST.
Proverbs 3:19-20 allows all to see His attributes of Omniscience an Omnipotence.
This is the first day of this new week and the opportunities to serve our Lord are before us, be right and do right for His name's sake.Selah. Maranatha. luvpj
15 Jan 11 Saturday, time to lay out the clothes for Sunday. Prepare for and plan to be on time, and that means in your seat, books open, prayed up and eager to learn, at least 1 minuet before class starting.Pray for your teacher, your pastor and your classmates.What would your class be like if all the students were just like you?
** It is essential for you to have read your 365 Bible for this blog to make any sense. God will bless His WORD.
Proverbs 3:16-18 continues the theme of stewardship and obedience being demonstrated by diligence while seeking The WISDOM of GOD.
Psalm 13:1-6 We measure most events by time, but GOD is timeless and not bound by any limits.Please consider praying for The Lord to cause you to see better His acts, know more of His attributes and believe what you read. Singing may be related to trust.
Matthew 10:27- seems as though we are reading the Old Testament. Our Lord The LORD is teaching His lifestyle that is to be our will as we press toward the mark of His high calling.Watch for the conditions relative to the promises.We are not to be on a guilt trip, but a lifestyle that is Christ honoring. Our "choice" is to either fear man or fear GOD.Choose wisely by faith.
Genesis 31:17-32:12 God makes provisions for mankind to know and respond to Him. We get to see how man fails and GOD still deals with people in mercy.Good people lie,cheat and misrepresent GOD. All of us need to be prudent in choosing our friends, mates and co-workers.How many vows have you made to people and the LORD?We get to know Jacob and watch from the human side, but GOD sees all of what Jacob can be if he will respond to GOD. God does this for you and me. Selah. luvpj
Who do you know that,in your heart,may not be saved and not going to heaven w/you? What are saying and doing to persuade them to believe what you say you believe?
** It is essential for you to have read your 365 Bible for this blog to make any sense. God will bless His WORD.
Proverbs 3:16-18 continues the theme of stewardship and obedience being demonstrated by diligence while seeking The WISDOM of GOD.
Psalm 13:1-6 We measure most events by time, but GOD is timeless and not bound by any limits.Please consider praying for The Lord to cause you to see better His acts, know more of His attributes and believe what you read. Singing may be related to trust.
Matthew 10:27- seems as though we are reading the Old Testament. Our Lord The LORD is teaching His lifestyle that is to be our will as we press toward the mark of His high calling.Watch for the conditions relative to the promises.We are not to be on a guilt trip, but a lifestyle that is Christ honoring. Our "choice" is to either fear man or fear GOD.Choose wisely by faith.
Genesis 31:17-32:12 God makes provisions for mankind to know and respond to Him. We get to see how man fails and GOD still deals with people in mercy.Good people lie,cheat and misrepresent GOD. All of us need to be prudent in choosing our friends, mates and co-workers.How many vows have you made to people and the LORD?We get to know Jacob and watch from the human side, but GOD sees all of what Jacob can be if he will respond to GOD. God does this for you and me. Selah. luvpj
Who do you know that,in your heart,may not be saved and not going to heaven w/you? What are saying and doing to persuade them to believe what you say you believe?
14 Jan 11 it is Friday and Sunday is coming. Are you excited about going to your Beth-el to praise El-Beth-El? Does the service you attend confirm and reinforce what you have read at home?When you leave Beth-el have you been edified for the work of the ministry? If not, why not?What church to day is most like the Church that Jesus started in His ministry? This will affect your concept of GOD.There is ONLY ONE TRUTH. If you do not know how to recognize the right church, E-mail me and I will give you at least ten(10)characteristics to look for.
Genesis 30:1 Envy, greed, selfishness, pride, deceit and meanness in people, even chosen people,will do it's best to interrupt the things of GOD.Is this like we are today?Focus on GOD and not the circumstances.As you see the life of Jacob unfold from the earthly perspective do not forget that the LORD is Omniscient, Sovereign and Faithful. Note the names and acts of GOD and allow Truth to fill your heart, for GOD is no respecter of persons.
Matthew 10:1 continues the history of GOD being involved with His creation. From the sons of Jacob to the disciples of Jesus. The LORD our Lord knows all!We get to trace His genealogy from Adam/Abraham-David to and through Mary and Joseph. This is our Hope, yet when we read v7-26 we realize what we do is for His name's sake.
Psalm 12:1 continues the warning about our lifestyle to be.Do you/we/I trust The LORD God Almighty to try me/us seven(7) times in the furnace(of God's love)earth?
Proverbs 3:13 Blessed//Happy is the man, does this describe you today? If not,why not?Truth-Wisdom is real and available to ALL mankind.
There is something wonderful and wise about making the BEST choices for seeking wisdom and understanding from GOD.Read to know Him!!!History is OK,but put GOD first. Selah, Maranatha, and remember we have all of this and Heaven to come. luvpj
Genesis 30:1 Envy, greed, selfishness, pride, deceit and meanness in people, even chosen people,will do it's best to interrupt the things of GOD.Is this like we are today?Focus on GOD and not the circumstances.As you see the life of Jacob unfold from the earthly perspective do not forget that the LORD is Omniscient, Sovereign and Faithful. Note the names and acts of GOD and allow Truth to fill your heart, for GOD is no respecter of persons.
Matthew 10:1 continues the history of GOD being involved with His creation. From the sons of Jacob to the disciples of Jesus. The LORD our Lord knows all!We get to trace His genealogy from Adam/Abraham-David to and through Mary and Joseph. This is our Hope, yet when we read v7-26 we realize what we do is for His name's sake.
Psalm 12:1 continues the warning about our lifestyle to be.Do you/we/I trust The LORD God Almighty to try me/us seven(7) times in the furnace(of God's love)earth?
Proverbs 3:13 Blessed//Happy is the man, does this describe you today? If not,why not?Truth-Wisdom is real and available to ALL mankind.
There is something wonderful and wise about making the BEST choices for seeking wisdom and understanding from GOD.Read to know Him!!!History is OK,but put GOD first. Selah, Maranatha, and remember we have all of this and Heaven to come. luvpj
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
13 Jan 11 Thursday and it appears to be getting warmer. We should all appreciate how The LORD is protecting the plants for us during this season, He wants us to be good stewards and land lords for His glory so that our joy may be full.
Genesis 28:1 GOD Almighty shows Himself!! Is this not enough? What more must He do for you and me? Watch how man tries to manipulate things in order to be "full".Do you see yourself in this "chosen" family? How many promises has The LORD made with conditions and we still want to have the blessing without being obedient. Where is your Beth-el?Look carefully as you read the birth order of the sons of Jacob to note the lineage that God maintains. The snapshots of God show Him involved in every aspect of man. Read to know(see-hear-believe-receive)Him.
Matthew 9:18-records "holy pity" on the people.We need to develop the correct Biblical concept of GOD. Circumstances ought not cause us to doubt God and delays ought not to cause us to fear.Has The Lord dealt with you like is recorded in v22? Even blind men had heard and believed that Jesus was Royalty.What has happened "according to your faith"?
Psalm 11:1- reveals what it means to be separated and sanctified.
Proverbs 3:11-12 warns us to not resist GOD.His hand is true and just!Are you His son? Do you know for sure and can you give a testimony as to date and evidence of your salvation?With out saying a word, do others see Jesus Christ in you?
Twenty one (21) times to get a habit started. We get to read from today till we see Jesus face to face. Selah How many marbles do you have left? luvpj
Genesis 28:1 GOD Almighty shows Himself!! Is this not enough? What more must He do for you and me? Watch how man tries to manipulate things in order to be "full".Do you see yourself in this "chosen" family? How many promises has The LORD made with conditions and we still want to have the blessing without being obedient. Where is your Beth-el?Look carefully as you read the birth order of the sons of Jacob to note the lineage that God maintains. The snapshots of God show Him involved in every aspect of man. Read to know(see-hear-believe-receive)Him.
Matthew 9:18-records "holy pity" on the people.We need to develop the correct Biblical concept of GOD. Circumstances ought not cause us to doubt God and delays ought not to cause us to fear.Has The Lord dealt with you like is recorded in v22? Even blind men had heard and believed that Jesus was Royalty.What has happened "according to your faith"?
Psalm 11:1- reveals what it means to be separated and sanctified.
Proverbs 3:11-12 warns us to not resist GOD.His hand is true and just!Are you His son? Do you know for sure and can you give a testimony as to date and evidence of your salvation?With out saying a word, do others see Jesus Christ in you?
Twenty one (21) times to get a habit started. We get to read from today till we see Jesus face to face. Selah How many marbles do you have left? luvpj
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
12 Jan 11 Wednesday is a good day to get boost from going to church.As you read today did some questions come to your mind about stewardship and service? Does being honest really matter? It is a shame when we are mislead by our elders. Where and how does the "perfect will of God" overcome man's sins? Read to know Him and act like Jesus-GOD in the flesh regardless of circumstances.We are stewards and we will give an account for all our deeds, thoughts, intents and wishes one day.Selah
Genesis 26:17-27:46 records a story of deceit, intrigue and hope.Focus on GOD. Recall what has been said about Abraham as you read, because we get to see prophecy come to pass and be recorded as history.Knowing the Old Testament is CRITICAL to having any understanding of the New. It is a matter of the heart.
Matthew 9:1-17 Have you/we gotten over the thrill of seeing Jesus as GOD?Do you think the man who had the palsy and was cured/healed/saved would have difficulty in giving a testimony? What happened in your life that was dramatic?Do you consider yourself as being a "publican and a sinner"?Can you say I am a has been.Does that make me a Re-publican?A try at political humor.All need to be saved.
Psalm 10:16-18 is it enough for us that "The LORD is king for ever and ever"?What attribute do you see? This is a loaded psalm about GOD.
Proverbs 3:9-10 Which thrills you the most, What you keep or what you give?Do you act as a good steward?We all should want to have fresh bread and new wine as provided by The LORD our Lord. Read to know Him. Maranatha. James 4:17 luvpj
Genesis 26:17-27:46 records a story of deceit, intrigue and hope.Focus on GOD. Recall what has been said about Abraham as you read, because we get to see prophecy come to pass and be recorded as history.Knowing the Old Testament is CRITICAL to having any understanding of the New. It is a matter of the heart.
Matthew 9:1-17 Have you/we gotten over the thrill of seeing Jesus as GOD?Do you think the man who had the palsy and was cured/healed/saved would have difficulty in giving a testimony? What happened in your life that was dramatic?Do you consider yourself as being a "publican and a sinner"?Can you say I am a has been.Does that make me a Re-publican?A try at political humor.All need to be saved.
Psalm 10:16-18 is it enough for us that "The LORD is king for ever and ever"?What attribute do you see? This is a loaded psalm about GOD.
Proverbs 3:9-10 Which thrills you the most, What you keep or what you give?Do you act as a good steward?We all should want to have fresh bread and new wine as provided by The LORD our Lord. Read to know Him. Maranatha. James 4:17 luvpj
1-11-11 It is Tuesday and it is cold, but Sunday is coming and there are clouds in the sky Maranatha. Hope you have read today and are blessed. It appears that faith is demonstrated in our reading today by several people, yet they have a common point of interest. Who do you agree/walk with? We get to read to know Him.*** Remember, I assume you have read your 365 Bible before you read this blog.It will not work if you do not read your Bible FIRST.
Proverbs 3:7-8 warns all to be careful and fear The LORD. This principal was/is so for all the people.Pay attention to what you read.
Psalm 10:1- records a plea from the humble.What is our position and attitude when we pray? Do you see the attributes of GOD in these verses? If not, why not?
Matthew 8:18- allows us to see ourselves as we watch others respond to God in the flesh. What does it mean to you "his disciples followed him."?Have you ever verbalized v27 in and because of your relationship with GOD?How did you get saved?Is there "evidence" in your daily life that there were and are changes in your life because you met Jesus?Rehearse with GOD your salvation experience.
Genesis displays many snapshots of God.We get encouraged by other men's deeds, but we need to focus on Him who controls all circumstances.O that men could put on our tombstone v8.Look at the promises and the covenant that The LORD made with Issac and see what applies to you in this life.Stewardship is promoted and blessed by God for Issac, even to an hundred fold.Will God bless you this way? Selah. luvpj
Proverbs 3:7-8 warns all to be careful and fear The LORD. This principal was/is so for all the people.Pay attention to what you read.
Psalm 10:1- records a plea from the humble.What is our position and attitude when we pray? Do you see the attributes of GOD in these verses? If not, why not?
Matthew 8:18- allows us to see ourselves as we watch others respond to God in the flesh. What does it mean to you "his disciples followed him."?Have you ever verbalized v27 in and because of your relationship with GOD?How did you get saved?Is there "evidence" in your daily life that there were and are changes in your life because you met Jesus?Rehearse with GOD your salvation experience.
Genesis displays many snapshots of God.We get encouraged by other men's deeds, but we need to focus on Him who controls all circumstances.O that men could put on our tombstone v8.Look at the promises and the covenant that The LORD made with Issac and see what applies to you in this life.Stewardship is promoted and blessed by God for Issac, even to an hundred fold.Will God bless you this way? Selah. luvpj
10 Jan 11 Monday is here and Sunday is coming.I'm glad we have a clean warm place to live in and the opportunity to come and go as we please/choose. Choice is a big thing. We get to read or not.We get to love and be loved or not.Some men choose violence, some choose ignorance, some apathy, some others and some(few) choose the narrow path to The LORD.What choice did you make today?
Proverbs 3 sets the options plainly. GOD is not against education,but warns against men believing more in themselves than in GOD, their creator.Trust is a big deal.
Psalm 9:13-20 displays a problem, that is why ask for mercy and then not be obedient.What do you want GOD Almighty to be and do for you? Why?
Matthew 8:1- Jesus is on the road toward Jerusalem to die.Now we get to read and see His marvelous acts and hear His admonitions. I wish all soldiers would/could meet Jesus as did the centurion. Can you separate love from obedience? Note the prophecy and promise in v17 and learn that His name is Jehovah-Rapha.
Genesis 23:1- reminds us that all men die. Abraham tells his servant to favor Issac and go get him a wife. ?? Should parents arrange the marriage of their children? What does it mean"What God has joined together"? Note the names of God. How is your prayer life/request like that of the servant? O that all of us would be like v24:27. There are many snapshots of GOD given in this record and we ought to seek them to be so in our lives. The first definition of blessed is that of being happy. How many people are blessed in this set of scriptures?Is GOD blessed by our conduct? luvpj
Proverbs 3 sets the options plainly. GOD is not against education,but warns against men believing more in themselves than in GOD, their creator.Trust is a big deal.
Psalm 9:13-20 displays a problem, that is why ask for mercy and then not be obedient.What do you want GOD Almighty to be and do for you? Why?
Matthew 8:1- Jesus is on the road toward Jerusalem to die.Now we get to read and see His marvelous acts and hear His admonitions. I wish all soldiers would/could meet Jesus as did the centurion. Can you separate love from obedience? Note the prophecy and promise in v17 and learn that His name is Jehovah-Rapha.
Genesis 23:1- reminds us that all men die. Abraham tells his servant to favor Issac and go get him a wife. ?? Should parents arrange the marriage of their children? What does it mean"What God has joined together"? Note the names of God. How is your prayer life/request like that of the servant? O that all of us would be like v24:27. There are many snapshots of GOD given in this record and we ought to seek them to be so in our lives. The first definition of blessed is that of being happy. How many people are blessed in this set of scriptures?Is GOD blessed by our conduct? luvpj
9 Jan 11 What a great Sunday! Our class attendance was down more than 10 due to rain and other conditions. Some called and reported their reading was current and they were enjoying getting to know GOD.
Hopefully you will keep looking for the names of the LORD and finding His attributes. We are trying to point the class to "fear the LORD", read to know Him, claim His promises and walk in the paths of righteousness, forsake the world, confess your sins, receive His cleansing and forgiveness and then DO Right.
Matthew continues the sermon on the mount and we need to read this as sound advice from GOD and if we want to be blessed, then hear/heed what The Master sayeth.
Some of the attributes we saw this week were those of Him being Transcendent, Immanent, Immutable, Omniscient, Merciful and Gracious. We get to read His Words and we get to know GOD. Please take advantage of this opportunity. Selah. luvpj
Hopefully you will keep looking for the names of the LORD and finding His attributes. We are trying to point the class to "fear the LORD", read to know Him, claim His promises and walk in the paths of righteousness, forsake the world, confess your sins, receive His cleansing and forgiveness and then DO Right.
Matthew continues the sermon on the mount and we need to read this as sound advice from GOD and if we want to be blessed, then hear/heed what The Master sayeth.
Some of the attributes we saw this week were those of Him being Transcendent, Immanent, Immutable, Omniscient, Merciful and Gracious. We get to read His Words and we get to know GOD. Please take advantage of this opportunity. Selah. luvpj
Saturday, January 8, 2011
8 Jan 11 A good time for visitation and calling people, preparing for tomorrow and getting things all laid out early. Please PLAN to be to class and in your place by 09:45, prepared and prayed up, waiting for the sound of the trumpet,Maranatha.What a surprise, went in for an oil change and came out with a new water pump,Surprise.I'm grateful the pump didn't go bad while on a trip or away from home, PTL.Hope you enjoyed reading to know Him today. Pray for our country, troops, family, church, staff, class and political leaders. Pray for the sick of mind/heart/body.It is going to be a big thing for peace to come to Jerusalem,days + 7 years and Armageddon.
** If my verses are not the same as yours,OK, yours may be the later published Bible.
Proverbs 2:6-17 Accept, apply and appreciate The Gift.How many promises/conditions did you take for yourself?Practice "Discretion".These can be weapon verses.
Psalms 8:1-9 displays the attributes of GOD.How does v4-8 affect your concept of God and cause you to sense your responsibility in stewardship?
Matthew 6:25-7:14 reminds us of the type of conversation/lifestyle we should be modelling to the world and in the church.How is v6:33 "really" demonstrated in you?A GOOD RULE: always put doctrine before practice or Be right and then DO right.Seems as though Grace is not fully appreciated apart from Law. There is a choice for every man, choose wisely.
Genesis 18:20-19:38 Who is talking to who?Read the names carefully to appreciate the demonstration of the Triunity of GOD.Did you see the new names for The LORD? Can we learn "the will" of God by reading today? YES!Try to pray the same type prayer that is being prayed by The Lord Jesus.See the impact of sin and how just being near evil may influence you and your family.Choice and consequence for today and many years to follow.Being a drunk starts with one drink.Flee the appearance of evil. Why do you have a peep hole only on your front door??? Selah.luvpj seeumanana.
** If my verses are not the same as yours,OK, yours may be the later published Bible.
Proverbs 2:6-17 Accept, apply and appreciate The Gift.How many promises/conditions did you take for yourself?Practice "Discretion".These can be weapon verses.
Psalms 8:1-9 displays the attributes of GOD.How does v4-8 affect your concept of God and cause you to sense your responsibility in stewardship?
Matthew 6:25-7:14 reminds us of the type of conversation/lifestyle we should be modelling to the world and in the church.How is v6:33 "really" demonstrated in you?A GOOD RULE: always put doctrine before practice or Be right and then DO right.Seems as though Grace is not fully appreciated apart from Law. There is a choice for every man, choose wisely.
Genesis 18:20-19:38 Who is talking to who?Read the names carefully to appreciate the demonstration of the Triunity of GOD.Did you see the new names for The LORD? Can we learn "the will" of God by reading today? YES!Try to pray the same type prayer that is being prayed by The Lord Jesus.See the impact of sin and how just being near evil may influence you and your family.Choice and consequence for today and many years to follow.Being a drunk starts with one drink.Flee the appearance of evil. Why do you have a peep hole only on your front door??? Selah.luvpj seeumanana.
Friday, January 7, 2011
7 Jan 11 It has been said that if you do "anything" 21 times you have developed a habit, so don't become discouraged, keep on reading each day. Read to know GOD and try not to get deep down into the weeds and be overcome by the sheer magnificence of what you have in your hand.GOD The Lord loves you!He will not love you any more if you read or any less if you don't read.Focus on Him.Pray as if ALL depends on you.
Prepare for Sunday today. Be on time(09:45) and ready to participate.
Proverbs continues to stress a pleasing lifestyle for the believer with the emphasis on the son obeying The Father. Meditate on v5 and strive to fear GOD in the Biblical sense.Choose to BE right then choose to DO right.
Psalm 7 shows us how to pray with a contrite heart.Check your motives, choose your thoughts and words carefully, commit to believing the promises made by The LORD and be aware of the conditions established for your blessings of obedience.
Matthew 6:1-24 continues the sermon on the mount.did you make a snapshot of v3?Did you note the attribute of Omniscience in v4-8? What do you consider your "necessary" daily bread?Did you see EL-Olam in v24?
Genesis 16-18:19 records many first mentioned events and names.Did you make a snapshot of "the angel of the LORD" and determine who He really was?Verse 12 gives us a new name,El-Roi.What aspect of God did you gain by reading v17:5?Expand your concept of GOD when you see the third covenant and read how He treats His people as shown in v18:14. Be careful to focus on God The LORD. Selah. luvpj
Prepare for Sunday today. Be on time(09:45) and ready to participate.
Proverbs continues to stress a pleasing lifestyle for the believer with the emphasis on the son obeying The Father. Meditate on v5 and strive to fear GOD in the Biblical sense.Choose to BE right then choose to DO right.
Psalm 7 shows us how to pray with a contrite heart.Check your motives, choose your thoughts and words carefully, commit to believing the promises made by The LORD and be aware of the conditions established for your blessings of obedience.
Matthew 6:1-24 continues the sermon on the mount.did you make a snapshot of v3?Did you note the attribute of Omniscience in v4-8? What do you consider your "necessary" daily bread?Did you see EL-Olam in v24?
Genesis 16-18:19 records many first mentioned events and names.Did you make a snapshot of "the angel of the LORD" and determine who He really was?Verse 12 gives us a new name,El-Roi.What aspect of God did you gain by reading v17:5?Expand your concept of GOD when you see the third covenant and read how He treats His people as shown in v18:14. Be careful to focus on God The LORD. Selah. luvpj
Thursday, January 6, 2011
6 Jan 11 Hope you enjoyed reading to know Him today. Start your journal notes for each day and in a year or two or ten you will look back to see where you've been and appreciate some little things God did for you.
Suggest you read the Proverbs over and over again and investigate the lifestyle praised and cursed.
The psalmist declares his hopes and prays for deliverance. How was your prayer life today?
When you read both Genesis and Matthew note the item as they are first mentioned.We are blessed by both the of the covenants given to Noah and Abram. How have you applied these truths to your lifestyle? Did you see how much emphasis Jesus put on knowing the Old Testament?There is the LAW, lest we make the GRACE of GOD cheap and presume. Selah. luvpj
Suggest you read the Proverbs over and over again and investigate the lifestyle praised and cursed.
The psalmist declares his hopes and prays for deliverance. How was your prayer life today?
When you read both Genesis and Matthew note the item as they are first mentioned.We are blessed by both the of the covenants given to Noah and Abram. How have you applied these truths to your lifestyle? Did you see how much emphasis Jesus put on knowing the Old Testament?There is the LAW, lest we make the GRACE of GOD cheap and presume. Selah. luvpj
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
5 Jan 11 Great reading today. As you read note the attributes demonstrated by GOD as He deals with the people. When you see acts of disobedience, pay attention and pray for The Lord to cause you to walk right.Get in the habit of NOT using the expression "O Lord help me." Seek for God to "cause" you to hear and obey. Day by day.
Genesis records how GOD leads His people. As we watch Abram react to the choices GOD gives him we ought to see ourselves. Have you committed similar sins? What concept of GOD did you develop as you read about Babel? Note the triunity of God and you read.Who was promised the land? Why is it important to live a separated life? How does obedience and love demonstrate faith?How many "first" did you take note of from The LORD and from Abram? What does Beth-el represent? Focus on God!
Matthew begins the "Sermon on the mount" and allows us to see and hear GOD's mind/heart.How many promises are given and what are the conditions? How ought we to pray? Choices and consequences.
Psalm shows a way to express your needs. We need to be careful about making vows unto GOD.How does v7 represent your life?Where is your fear most demonstrated?
Proverbs makes plain the impact of disobedience. How does this impact your concept of GOD? Do you see His attributes? read to know Him and focus not on things.Selah.
Pray for the 40 in the class and those 1200 others who own a 365KJV Bible. pj
Genesis records how GOD leads His people. As we watch Abram react to the choices GOD gives him we ought to see ourselves. Have you committed similar sins? What concept of GOD did you develop as you read about Babel? Note the triunity of God and you read.Who was promised the land? Why is it important to live a separated life? How does obedience and love demonstrate faith?How many "first" did you take note of from The LORD and from Abram? What does Beth-el represent? Focus on God!
Matthew begins the "Sermon on the mount" and allows us to see and hear GOD's mind/heart.How many promises are given and what are the conditions? How ought we to pray? Choices and consequences.
Psalm shows a way to express your needs. We need to be careful about making vows unto GOD.How does v7 represent your life?Where is your fear most demonstrated?
Proverbs makes plain the impact of disobedience. How does this impact your concept of GOD? Do you see His attributes? read to know Him and focus not on things.Selah.
Pray for the 40 in the class and those 1200 others who own a 365KJV Bible. pj
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
4 Jan 11 This could be the Day or this could be the year,Maranatha! It seems we are bent on putting the permanent things on the altar of the immediate.Let us "consider our ways", repent, get and Be right, then Do right.This is what a concerned parent will say to their children and it is more that a verbal admonishment it means watch what I do and follow me.Hope as you read to know Him you will sense His ways.The 40 members of the 365 class-2011 and those 1200 other copies of the 365 Bible sold through VBC affect the world.Those of us who are saved are as close to hell right now as we will ever be.We have ALL of this and Heaven is our future.Be grateful.
Stay on schedule as you read. If you did not read yesterday,stop. It is gone. Get current and read day by day. IF YOU TRY to go back and "catch up" you will eventually be trying to read to make GOD happy and then it will be of guilt.Please don't be drawn into the trap of convenience. Re-look James 4:17.Encourage someone.
Psalms 4 depicts a heavenly conversation and adds the word Selah. Practice praying like this.Adore GOD, Confess sin, Be Thankful, and ask The LORD to show you His Will.If you want peace, sleep, safety, and gladness, do it God's way.
Proverbs 1:20-23 makes the options plain.What kind of person does The Lord consider you to be? Be touchable and leadable by The Holy Spirit and The Word of GOD.
Matthew4:12-25 This is the beginning of the Gospel presentation. Our concept of God in the flesh, God-Man, begins here and we get to read and see how men respond to Truth in action.Carefully make your snap-shots of Jesus and His acts. Stay focused on the God-Man and not on the people being blessed. It is Him not His.
Genesis 8:1-10:32 Reminds us of the promise that GOD made to us in the days of Noah. This first covenant is so today and evident in v8:22 and 9:15. These reports should influence our concept of GOD based on His attributes.Pay attention to v8:21 and determine our progress since the days of the flood. With every promise comes a condition and compliance brings blessing while disobedience brings consequence.Take time to be grateful of your heritage.We are of the the line of faith or not.
Take time to be Holy, Selah. Read to know Him. Allow The Holy Spirit to teach. luvpj
Stay on schedule as you read. If you did not read yesterday,stop. It is gone. Get current and read day by day. IF YOU TRY to go back and "catch up" you will eventually be trying to read to make GOD happy and then it will be of guilt.Please don't be drawn into the trap of convenience. Re-look James 4:17.Encourage someone.
Psalms 4 depicts a heavenly conversation and adds the word Selah. Practice praying like this.Adore GOD, Confess sin, Be Thankful, and ask The LORD to show you His Will.If you want peace, sleep, safety, and gladness, do it God's way.
Proverbs 1:20-23 makes the options plain.What kind of person does The Lord consider you to be? Be touchable and leadable by The Holy Spirit and The Word of GOD.
Matthew4:12-25 This is the beginning of the Gospel presentation. Our concept of God in the flesh, God-Man, begins here and we get to read and see how men respond to Truth in action.Carefully make your snap-shots of Jesus and His acts. Stay focused on the God-Man and not on the people being blessed. It is Him not His.
Genesis 8:1-10:32 Reminds us of the promise that GOD made to us in the days of Noah. This first covenant is so today and evident in v8:22 and 9:15. These reports should influence our concept of GOD based on His attributes.Pay attention to v8:21 and determine our progress since the days of the flood. With every promise comes a condition and compliance brings blessing while disobedience brings consequence.Take time to be grateful of your heritage.We are of the the line of faith or not.
Take time to be Holy, Selah. Read to know Him. Allow The Holy Spirit to teach. luvpj
Monday, January 3, 2011
3 Jan 11 What a beautiful day we have to enjoy. Take time to read Psalm 19:1- and then let GOD speak to you.Listen, but hear what is being said, see the knowledge that is before you.
Yesterday was a significant day!We had 40 people in the first class.I hope that by years end that all of these will have "stayed by the stuff" and we will have added some because of the joy that these will have experienced in reading to know Him.
Genesis 3:1-7:24 These verse provide the history of creation, fall of man, genealogy is recorded, and the Great Flood. We need to focus on God the LORD and see His attributes of Genuineness(Transcendent, Immanent, Independent, Personal and Triune); of His Greatness (Eternal, Immutable, Glorious, Omnipotent, Omniscient an Omnipresence) and His Goodness(True, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful and Gracious) take time to construct a linear chart of the life span of man from Adam to Methuselah. Why is GOD so long suffering?What trait did Noah display before GOD?We should all aspire to have a reputation before The LORD as is recorded in 7:1. How many different names of God have you discovered?What is awesome about the Ark?
Matthew2:13-4:11 Why does God want history to be recorded?What is significant about John The Baptist(zer)?What did you learn about God and The Bible from the conversation between Jesus and Satan?How does this apply to your daily life style? We need to be careful for Satan knows and uses The Word against us.Did you see the picture of Deity in v4:7? How does this affect your concept of God?
Psalm 2:1-3:8 It seems as though the psalmist is living in the days of Noah.How different is today from what we read in 2:1-2?We have another opportunity to see the Son being declared in v2:7. I get a thrill when I see such good news recorded at the seventh book,chapter or verse.Take note of the word"Selah" and then stop/pause and rethink what you have read/meditate.
Proverbs 1:7-19 This answers the great question of where to start? What do you really want God to do with/for you? The best policy is to first BE right and then to DO right.Learn to enjoy the relationship you have with God The Father as a son. Strive to be in agreement with Him so that your fellowship is true and sweet. Link these proverbs to Psalm 1 and press toward the mark. God Bless you all. luvpj
Yesterday was a significant day!We had 40 people in the first class.I hope that by years end that all of these will have "stayed by the stuff" and we will have added some because of the joy that these will have experienced in reading to know Him.
Genesis 3:1-7:24 These verse provide the history of creation, fall of man, genealogy is recorded, and the Great Flood. We need to focus on God the LORD and see His attributes of Genuineness(Transcendent, Immanent, Independent, Personal and Triune); of His Greatness (Eternal, Immutable, Glorious, Omnipotent, Omniscient an Omnipresence) and His Goodness(True, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful and Gracious) take time to construct a linear chart of the life span of man from Adam to Methuselah. Why is GOD so long suffering?What trait did Noah display before GOD?We should all aspire to have a reputation before The LORD as is recorded in 7:1. How many different names of God have you discovered?What is awesome about the Ark?
Matthew2:13-4:11 Why does God want history to be recorded?What is significant about John The Baptist(zer)?What did you learn about God and The Bible from the conversation between Jesus and Satan?How does this apply to your daily life style? We need to be careful for Satan knows and uses The Word against us.Did you see the picture of Deity in v4:7? How does this affect your concept of God?
Psalm 2:1-3:8 It seems as though the psalmist is living in the days of Noah.How different is today from what we read in 2:1-2?We have another opportunity to see the Son being declared in v2:7. I get a thrill when I see such good news recorded at the seventh book,chapter or verse.Take note of the word"Selah" and then stop/pause and rethink what you have read/meditate.
Proverbs 1:7-19 This answers the great question of where to start? What do you really want God to do with/for you? The best policy is to first BE right and then to DO right.Learn to enjoy the relationship you have with God The Father as a son. Strive to be in agreement with Him so that your fellowship is true and sweet. Link these proverbs to Psalm 1 and press toward the mark. God Bless you all. luvpj
Sunday, January 2, 2011
1 Jan 11 Good morning to all of you and may you see and receive all the blesings that GOD the LORD has prepared for you for the glory of The Lord Jesus Christ.
Read to know Him this year as though it was the first time to read your 365 KJV Bible. Look for His names/titles and note how He works. Discover His attributes and traits.
See His provision//promises and His warnings. There is a consequence for disobedience as well as a blessing for believing and obeying. Try to love Him like you think and believe He loves you. SELAH. MARANATHA. luvpj
Read to know Him this year as though it was the first time to read your 365 KJV Bible. Look for His names/titles and note how He works. Discover His attributes and traits.
See His provision//promises and His warnings. There is a consequence for disobedience as well as a blessing for believing and obeying. Try to love Him like you think and believe He loves you. SELAH. MARANATHA. luvpj
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