Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Jan 11 Great reading today. As you read note the attributes demonstrated by GOD as He deals with the people. When you see acts of disobedience, pay attention and pray for The Lord to cause you to walk right.Get in the habit of NOT using the expression "O Lord help me." Seek for God to "cause" you to hear and obey. Day by day.

Genesis records how GOD leads His people. As we watch Abram react to the choices GOD gives him we ought to see ourselves. Have you committed similar sins? What concept of GOD did you develop as you read about Babel? Note the triunity of God and you read.Who was promised the land? Why is it important to live a separated life? How does obedience and love demonstrate faith?How many "first" did you take note of from The LORD and from Abram? What does Beth-el represent? Focus on God!

Matthew begins the "Sermon on the mount" and allows us to see and hear GOD's mind/heart.How many promises are given and what are the conditions? How ought we to pray? Choices and consequences.

Psalm shows a way to express your needs. We need to be careful about making vows unto GOD.How does v7 represent your life?Where is your fear most demonstrated?

Proverbs makes plain the impact of disobedience. How does this impact your concept of GOD? Do you see His attributes? read to know Him and focus not on things.Selah.
Pray for the 40 in the class and those 1200 others who own a 365KJV Bible. pj

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