Wednesday, February 22, 2012

22 Feb 2012 Wednesday - How is your reading? As you read do you sense that you are getting to know God? As you know The LORD as your Lord and saviour are you now more inclined to read and obey? Has the Holy Spirit been your teacher? These are question we all must deal with every day and particularly as we pursue Him. We have been taught to seek Him early and diligently while he may be found. Take time to ponder that God is HOLY.

We ought to learn much about sanitation and separation by reading the Old Testament. We ought to appreciate our ability to enter into the presence of God through Jesus and not be required to take an acceptable animal, lay hands on that animal and then to cut its throat and offer the blood and its parts to be burnt as a sacrifice. Yet when we claim this privilege to meet with God The Father, we must come in the Name of His dear Son, who was slain as a sacrifice for our sins.

Take time in your devotion and be thankful. Recall the promise of Him in the scriptures, then His birth, His life, His death, His burial, His resurrection and ascension. Our hope is Maranatha. He promised to come and get us and it could be today. Are there any clouds in the sky? ??Why is He coming for you??

Observe the traits of a godly person recorded in the psalms and proverbs. Make a list and then see where your traits are similar. This will or ought to provoke you to pray differently. He is Holy, Holy, Holy and He said we are to be Holy. Keep on reading to know Him. Spend time meditating on Psalm 26. with respect and love, pj

PS: Why do you read? Why do you not obey what you read?

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