Monday, February 11, 2013

11 Feb 2013-978 days left-Friday is coming, then Sunday! Hope you are reading to know Him. As we were reading this AM, I thought about this great dilemma, we are near to repeating what the children of Jehovah did in the days of Moses. Has it not been said that if we don't know our history we will repeat it?

As you read today, ponder how similar the circumstances and events around the Jews with Moses, the followers/disciples following Jesus and your family in/out of the local Bible-Baptist church today. We are a stiff neck people! We are disobedient, liars, ungrateful, selfish, greedy and not bent towards obedience to Truth, but apt to get naked and play. I do not want to be negative, but I want my family and yours to seek to know God as Elohim, Jehovah, Almighty God and Saviour. What are you going to do about yourself and those of your family? What/who is FIRST in your life?

I hope you read and rejoiced today.I pray we seek to act/be/do righteousness.  We have Psalm 33:11 "The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generation", for light, illumination, wooing, warning and hope. What a promise! Read to know Him.

We must attend to the admonitions of the Proverbs and hear instructions. If we want to be "Blessed" then obedience is required. Grace to be and do are the gift of God, yet we get to apply the gift. Be warned and don't sin against God. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of The Holy is understanding. He is holy and will not "fellowship" with darkness/unholiness.

We must get right, walk in the light, if we have IT. If you do not have the "light" of redemption in your life, please seek to Him. Admit and confess that you have sinned against God. Believe that Jesus is the only way to God The Father for forgiveness/salvation. Believe that God raised Jesus from the grave the third day and thou shalt be saved. Let me know and I will show you scriptures for wisdom and assurance. It is by faith through grace, a gift from God.   luvpj

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