Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday 18 June 2013-851 days remaining, Friday will be here soon and SUNDAY is coming, Maranatha!
I hope you have been reading your Bible to kn ow God. Today we read the great 2nd account of Elijah and God on the mountain(s) tops. The first one was at Carmel and now here in a cave. I really hope you sense this recorded truth has a real life (current) application to you and your circumstances today.

Why do you want to know God??? Why do you read to know Him??? When we all realize that all men will fail us and we are in a cave alone, we (the redeemed) are NEVER alone. Read Psalm 136 and accept the FACT that His mercy endureth for ever.

You may picture yourself in chains, locked up, under the penalty of death with NO human hope as was Peter in Acts 12:1-23. but GOD. Focus on He who controls the circumstances and not the circumstances. Solomon gave us the final conclusion in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Look it up, read, hear, believe IT and act it out! Get right, Be right, Do right and by God's grace don't quit.

Read your Bible before the newspapers and "infonewsmercials" and you will see how God's recorded history of the kings of Israel is before us today in our politicians. Look at the life of King Ahab and weep. Look at the life of Elijah and shout for joy. You may be the very person GOD will use to bring someone to the sure knowledge and assurance of forgiveness and salvation. OR God may use someone to visit with you and share TRUTHS from the Scripture so that you may be saved and become a child of The KING!

Keep on reading to know The ONLY True GOD and His ONLY Son Jesus who is the Messiah and soon coming Lord, Maranatha (1st Corinthians 16:22).  Respond to the wooing of The Holy Spirit of Truth so that you can become a son of God, John 1:12, Romans 10:9-13. AMEN.  Even if I don't write, you read, luvpj.

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