Mon 30 Isaiah
60:1-62:7;How many names of God did you read? How do these promises for the
Jews impact your concept of God?
Philippians 1:27-2:18;What prophecy did you consider from chapter 1? How
does our conversation cause others to have joy? How do you relate to v13?
Psalm72:1-20;How do you practice v18-20? Proverbs 24:11-12;Does this describe
Tue 1 Isaiah
62:8-65:25;What truth did you learn about God in chapter 62? How did God
describe himself in chapter 63? How does chapter 64 affect your prayers? What
promise(s) did you see in chapter 65? Philippians 2:19-3:3;What warning is
given here to believers? Psalm 73:1-28;What is the condition for the first
promise mentioned? When did you first believe v24-28? Proverbs 24:13-14;How
does this relate to Psalm 62:5?
Wed 2 Isaiah
66:1-24;How does God describe God? How do you see His attributes in the reading
and in your life? Philippians 3:4-2;Have
you written out your "Personal Testimony"? Husbands, men have you
said v17 to your family? Don't go to the church, get right at home FIRST, then
tell someone else. Psalms 74:1-123;When you pray how often do you adore God
before you confess your sins? Proverbs
24:15-16;All will fall. Who will pick you up?
** Jeremiah; Halley's Bible Handbook, Classic
Edition, pg 307, God's Final Effort to Save Jerusalem. Jeremiah lived about a
hundred years after Isaiah. Isaiah had saved Jerusalem from Assyria. Jeremiah
tried to save it from Babylon, but failed. "Jeremiah was called to the prophetic
office (626B.C.), Jerusalem was partly destroyed (606), further devastated (597);
finally burned and desolated (586).
Jeremiah lived through these terrible forty years, "the close of
the monarchy," "the death agony of a nation"; a pathetic ,
lonely figure, God's last measure to the Holy City which had become hopelessly
and fanatically attached to Idols; carelessly crying that if they would repent
God would save them from Babylon. Thus,
as Assyria had been the background of Isaiah's ministry, so Babylon was the
background of Jeremiah's ministry."
Thu 3 Jeremiah
1:1-2:30; What traits, attributes and promises of God did you see today? How is John 3:12 demonstrated today? What
evils have you committed today? Philippians 4:1-23;What advice did you take
away from these verses? Psalm 75:1-10;How is stewardship described today?
Proverbs 24:17-20;How is Psalm 73 & 37 shown today? What promise did God
make to the lost man?
Fri 4 Jeremiah
2:31-4:18;How did Judah forget God? How does this impact your concept of God?
What promises did God offer? What conditions did God outline to be followed?
Colossians 1:-19; Have you ever written a letter like this? If not, why not?
Have you prayed this as a prayer to your Lord? Psalm 76:1-12;How does this
remind you of Noah? What present(s) have you brought to God? Proverbs
24:21-22;How ought man to mind his business?
Colossians is one of the four epistles penned
by Paul while in prison and the accepted theme is given at verse 3:11
"Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision,
Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."
Some key words are: mystery, knowledge, wisdom, fulness, perfect, all, faith ,
body, love and prayer. Consider v2:20 and 3:1 and meditate on these facts.
Sat 5 Jeremiah
4:19-6:14;How does what you hear bother you, that you pray as did Jeremiah?
What impact did v5:30 have on your prayer life? How did God describe His
feelings at v6:9-14? Colossians 1:20-2:7;What favor did Jesus do for you? Is
v2:6-7 so in your life? Psalm 77:1-20; Do you read, stop, pause and re-read
when you see Selah? Proverbs 24:23-25;Do you have these things in your daily
Sun 6 Jeremiah
6:15-8:7;When was the last time you were ashamed and blushed because of your
sins? How have you amended your ways because you have read to know God? How sad
to you are v7:16 and v23-24? Colossians 2:8-23;What protects you from being
spoiled by vain deceit? How did the operation of God changed your life? Psalm
78:1-25;What did your father tell you about God? What have you told others
about God and His ways? Proverbs 24:26;How do you respond to this directive?
Because you have read, do you consider yourself to be a "servant" of Jehovah co-laboring with Jesus Christ? Are you acting as a minister of reconcilation (2Cor 5:17-21) using God's Word of reconcilation with sincereity and love? Salute to all of you who read to know God in the USA, Poland, Russia, India, Panama, Turkey, Ukraine, Australia, France, Taiwan, Germany, Greece and Malasia. Maranatha (1Corinthians 16:21-24) and prosperity as per 2Corinthians13:11-14.