I've attached Lesson # 38,One Year-365 Bible Class, as we read 16-22 September.
Why should we consider Proverbs 23:24-25 as an admonition
for King Hezekiah or ourselves? Makes
notes of remembrance as you read and hear the names of God this week. Believe
what you read.
Mon 16 Isaiah 22:1-24:23;How are you impressed by
the titles God as recorded by Isaiah? What impressions did you take from
prophecy at v20-25? What attributes of Elohim did you find in chapter 24? Galatians 2:17-3:7;How real is v19-20 to your
conversation? How may any one protect himself from being fooled? How do you
separate your faith from your works? Psalm 60:1-12;How do you pray when you
sense God is apart from you? How do you praise when you sense His presence? Proverbs
23:15-16;How may a child encourage his parent?
Tue 17 Isaiah 25:1-28:13;How has your prayer life
been changed because you read? What name did you discover of God in chapter
26?How does chapter 27 change your concept of God? How is God described at
chapter 28? Galatians 3:8-22;How does this reading impact your concept of
justification with God? How does v22 give you confidence? Psalm 61:1-8;What is the plea, promise and
condition for this prayer? Proverbs 23:17-18;How does envy of others impact
your fellowship with God?
Wed 18 Isaiah 28:14-30:11; Has your
"hearing" improved because you have read? What p[prophecy did you see
at v16-28? What promise(s) did God make in chapter 29?How did you see Adam
& Eve in chapter 30? Galatians 3:23-4:31;What promise(s) did you see in
chapter 3? How does chapter 4 cause you to have joy? What warning is given at
v22-32? Psalm 62:1-12;What do you mean when you pray back v5 to God? Proverbs
23:19-21;How do you employ this matter of separation from people described in
this saying?
Thu 19 Isaiah 30:12-33:12;How is Psalm 62 similar to
chapter 30? What picture did you make of God because of v25-28? How is God
going to defend Jerusalem? What is the impact of man's greed in chapter 33? Galatians
5:1-12;How did you apply these verses? Psalm 63:1-11;What happens when we
forget God and do not seek Him early each day? Proverbs 23:22;How does this
relate to God's commandments?
Fri 20 Isaiah 33:13-36:22;What admonition did God
give in this chapter? How is chapter 34 similar to Revelation 3? What assurance
did you gain at v34:16?How can you use chapter 35 to witness? What form of
warfare was used against the Jews? Galatians 5:13-26;How do we keep from
misusing our liberty in Christ? What Psalm 64:1-10;How has God protected you
today? Proverbs 23:23;How does this stewardship impact your life?
Sat 21
Isaiah 37:1-38:22;What Truth(s) did you learn about God today? Galatians
6:1-18;How do you comply with this given responsibility in your life? Are you a
good steward of the gospel? What truth(s) did you learn in this reading? Psalm
65:1-13;What is the first promise/condition mentioned in this psalm? What
attributes of Elohim did you see? Proverbs 23:24-25;How does a child make his
parents glad?
conducted his three missionary trips o/a 47-56AD. While imprisoned at Rome
(58-61AD)he penned the prison epistles: Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon and
Philippians. Ephesians focuses on Christ and the Church, our heritage(1:4) and
our life(3:20). Consider chapter 2:8-10 in the matter of salvation.
Sun 22
Isaiah 39:1-41:16;How does the misuse of a blessing bring a curse? How
is chapter 40 similar to the appearance of John The Baptist? How is the Alpha
and the Omega described in chapter 41? Ephesians 1:1-23;How ought we to be and
do because of our redemption by Jesus Christ through His blood? How are you
thankful as you apply v8, 17-23? Psalm
66:1-20;Do you "really" believe v18? If so, how do you pray
differently?Proverbs 23:26-28;Whose hand do you see in this saying?
The critical issue before all people is when they die and stand before Elohim, Creator God and He ask the,"Why should I let you enter into heaven?" what will your reply be?
Read Hebrews 9:27 and admit/agree that you will die and you will be called into account for what you did in response to Jehovah's offer of salvation in view of Jesus' birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. Read Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 5:5, 6:23, 10:8-13 and John 1:12. Read to know God. Believe what you read from the King James Bible.
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