Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday 25 November 2013, the summer is gone and some are not yet saved, Friday is closer AND Sunday is coming. Yea, are you ready to answer God's greatest question??--- Why should I let you into heaven?? Look at Hebrews 9:27. At the door when this question will be asked there will be no other opportunity to prepare. You will know and have the ONLY right response or you WILL NOT. Prepare to meet The Lord God Almighty!

Please read your Bible first each day to know God before you consider the lesson. Lesson # 47,One Year 365 Bible Class was presented at Victory Baptist Church, Weatherford, TX, 24 November 2013.
HINT:  Thanksgiving Day will be later this year on Thursday the 28th. Spend some time and prepare a list of your blessings that God has bestowed on you and your family since last year.  List them in columns as "yesterday", "last week", "last month" and even since the day you were born again into the family of God, then count your blessings and name them 1 by1. Take time to be grateful as you practice YOUR stewardship. Bless someone who you think does not deserve to be blessed. Read to know God.  If you are a son of God, act right.
Mon 18 Ezekiel 37:1-38:23;How is God's grace manifested in this chapter? What promise did God make using the stick parable? How does chapter 38 compare to Revelation 20:7-10? How did God describe himself at v18-23? James 1:19-2:17;How does v25 direct your conversation? How do you practice chapter 2 in church each Sunday? Psalm 117:1-2;Why do you praise The LORD? Proverbs 28:1;How are you bold as a lion?
Tue 19 Ezekiel 39:1-40:27;How did you see God preparing for Israel's restoration? Has God's glory returned to earth? What attribute of God did you note today? James 2:18-3:18;How is v2:17-20 misunderstood? How do you pursue wisdom? Psalm118:1-18;What fact and promise did you gain today? Proverbs 28:2;How do you impact decisions of others?

Wed 20 Ezekiel 40:28-41:26;What trait, characteristic and attribute did you see in these chapters? James 4:1-17;How do people ask amiss of God? What admonition did you take from these verses? Psalm 118:19-29;Do we always use the blessings we ask for and receive for God's glory only? How has v17 impacted your concept of God? Proverbs 28:3-5;How/why are you able to understand all things?
Thu 21 Ezekiel 42:1-43:27;What was to happen on the eight day? James 5:1-20;How does this relate to 1stCorinthians 16:22?What promise did you undertake from these verses? Psalm119:1-16;Why do you want to walk in God's ways? How do you strive to keep His commandments? Proverbs 28:6-7;Does God consider you a law-keeper?

Extra notes:  1st and 2nd Peter should cause us to want to live our life, even in horrible trials, in view of the second coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, Maranatha.  Focus on 1st Peter 5:10 and  2nd Peter 1:16 as you meditate on 3:18 "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen."    This is the day, please prepare yourself to meet GOD.
Fri 22 Ezekiel 44:1-45:12;How did God order the worship to be accomplished? 1st Peter 1:1-13;Why do believers lose their joy? Psalm 119:17-35;How do you pray these verses back to God? Proverbs 28:8-10;How does this relate to Psalm 1, James 4:17 and Psalm 119:165?

Sat 23 Ezekiel 45:13-46:24;Why does God dictate that an animal being used for an offering must be without blemish? What aspect of worship did you gain in v46:9?  1st Peter 1:14-2:10;How do you comply with v15? As one of the chosen generation how should we shew God's glory? Psalm 119:36-52;Has your trust of God and His Word increased because you read? Proverbs 28:11;How does this explain your stewardship?
Sun 24 Ezekiel 47:1-48:35;Who will serve the city? What separates the Sons of Zadok from the sons of Levi? What does v35 indicate? 1st Peter2:11-3:9;How do you live out v2:17? How does chapter 3 dictate conduct in the family? Psalm 119:53-70;What vow or promise have you made to God? How do you delight in God's Word? Proverbs 28:12-13;Is there glory when righteous men rejoice? How is your prosperity?  Are you prepared to meet with God today?  Does 1st John 1:1-10 bring you peace and joy?

Congrats to those reading who live in the USA, Poland, Russia, India, Panama, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Australia, France, Taiwan, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Bermuda and places that I'm not aware of today, READ to know God, get right, Be saved, do right and don't quit.

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