Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sunday 5 January 2014 This could be The Day-Rapture, Maranatha! Read today expecting to hear from God that you might know Him. If you like what you are reading and this is beneficial to you post at your comment. 

As you read this week to know God, read aloud even if you are reading by yourself.  Look at 1stJohn 1:1-10 and get a sense of what you have in your hand and what God would have you appreciate.  Look for Truths as you see them for the first time and seek to have them impact your concept of God.

Make a "snapshot(mental picture)" of what you see and throughout the day reflect on what you have enjoyed. Look ahead to Psalm 119:9-11 and practice what you have read. Discipline yourself to apply and practice for your lifestyle Micah 6:8..."to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."

PLEASE READ The Bible first then consider the questions.  Reading for this week will be:

Sun 5Jan  Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12 & Proverbs 1:24-28.
  Be sensitive to God's leadership.  Pay attention to the lifestyle of a believer given by Jesus.  Practice the Psalm 5:11. Be warned by the Proverbs
Mon 6Jan  Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10 & Proverbs 1:29-33.
  Be careful at the opportunities before you, choose wisely, seek The Lord's leadership. Don't listen, HEAR what The Lord says. Develop a true reverential fear of God.

Tue 7Jan  Genesis 16:1-18:19, Matthw6:1-24, Psalm 7:1-17 & Proverbs 2:1-5.
  Develop a confident faith that God hears and knows best. He will show you the path to follow-obey. Stewardship begins in the heart of man. What is in your heart will show up in your hand/lifestyle. trust in The LORD if He is your God. Hear, believe and receive God's words.

Wed 8Jan  Genesis 18:20-19:38, Matthew6:25-7:14, Psalm 8:1-9 & Proverbs 2:6-17.
  Let Gen 8:23-33 impact your concept of the mercy, holiness and justice. God hate SIN and loves the sinner, yet the wage of sin is death. Let Matt 6:31-34 guide you each day.  Develop your list of the names of God as you learn His traits and attributes. Read and believe the promises given in the proverbs and be alert to the conditions associated with each promise.

Thu 9Jan  Genesis 20:1-22:24, Matthew 7:15_29, Psalm 9:1-12 & Proverbs 2:18-22.
  How has God dealt with you in the integrity of your heart? Is He not Omniscient?  How are we to determine and be wary of false prophets today? We MUST know the Truth in order to recognize a lie. Have you and did you say AMEN to Psalm 9? Be alert, walk in the way of a good man.

Fri 10Jan  Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20 & Proverbs 3:1-6.
  Is there anything too hard for The Lord God Almighty? Your answer will dictate your life. O to be as the eldest servant of Abraham as recorded at v24:27. Do you have or want to have faith as did the centurion?  How do you begin your prayers? What is the focus of your prayers? Make a great effort to read, learn and practice Proverbs 3:6-8.

Sat 11Jan  Genesis 24:52-26:16, Matthew 8:18-34, Psalm 10:1-15 & Proverbs 3:7-8.
  What did you learn about yourself as you read about Rebekah's faith in action at v24:58? How will the truth given at v26:2-5 impact your concept of God? What happens to our trust when we say "yes,but" to The Lord? What have you missed? How was God's holiness shown in the psalm?

We read that we might know God. He has recorded His truths so that all men might know Him. Faith is a demonstration of what we believe. If we believe that God wants all men to hear and know Him and we do not go and tell or spend and send what kind of follower are we? Tell someone today! If you do not know Him as your Saviour, let us assist you in the scriptures. If you are not going to tell, get in a local church and support the missions activities. We have The Good News!! But it is not good news if it does not get there on time, before it is tooooo late. We are responsible.

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