Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday 8 December 2014 Hope you all have been blessed and also prompt in giving thanks unto God for His provisions for you. You are either with God as His sons or you are still lost in our sins and the Devil is our father. If you have not responded to God for salvation, please do. God uses "men" to carry or tell the Truth according to the scriptures and He uses The Word to confront and comfort. Except The Spirit of God draw a man they can not be saved. God uses the divine tripod to win the lost. read your Bible to know God.

Lesson # 50 One Year Bible  Comments for 7-13 December 2014.  We welcome your comments and questions at  
Follow the web page for additional information. Read to know God. Read the Scriptures before you consider the comments. Read and pray.
12-7  Hosea 6:1-9:17, 3rd John 1:1-14, Psalm 126:1-6 & Proverbs 29:12-14. What attributes of God did you see in the Proverbs today? What did God desire from the children of Israel that applies to us? Did you note how Israel made a detour instead of an about face in their response to God? What should you of the church of today learn from 3rd John? How have you told and shown God you believe Psalm 126?

12-8 Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Psalm 127:1-5 & Proverbs 29:15-17. Because you have read Hosea do you pray differently for America and the lost World? How did you see the attribute of jealousy in God today? Did you gain wisdom and compassion to serve others from Jude? How do you practice stewardship applying Psalm 127 in your life? Do you believe and practice “literally” Proverbs 29:15-17?
12-9 Joel 1:1-3:21, Revelation 1:1-20, Psalm 128:1-6 & Proverbs 29:18. After reading Joel 2:12 did you weep and cry for your family and friends? Have you updated your concept of God today?  What promise came so in your life today because you read? Have you made a “journal” about your reading experience this year? Do you remember where you were in 2012? Compare Psalm 128 and Psalm 1. Do you believe the Proverb 29:18? How has your life been changed because you have read your Bible this year?

12-10   Amos 1:1-3:15, Revelation 2:1-17, Psalm 129:1-8 & Proverbs 29:19-20. What did you learn about God today? How is Revelation 2 similar to Amos 1-3? How ought men to respond to God’s commandments? How do you use the name of God to bless people?
12-11   Amos 4:1-6:14, Revelation 2:18-3:6 Psalm 130:1-8 & Proverbs 29:21-22. What confidence did you gain at Amos 4:2? Did you see God as both Elohim and Jehovah today? How does the phrase “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” apply to you and your church today? Does Psalm 130 cause you to worship and pray differently? Look for benevolence and stewardship in the Proverb.

12-12   Amos 7:1-9:15, Revelation 3:7-22, Psalm 131:1-3 & Proverbs 29:23. When you see the name “Lord GOD” in scripture how does it impact your fear, love and respect of God? Pay attention to the various ways the scriptures use different ways of spelling His name. What did God say about Himself to the church at Laodicea? What promise did God give today? How is your heart? Stay humble and flee pride.
12-13   Obadiah 1:1-21, Revelation 4:1-11, Psalm 132:1-18 & Proverbs 29:24-25. How did God show His attribute of Omniscience today? When we are in distress, how should we speak and pray?  Must we be in “The Spirit” to order to come into the presence of The Lord GOD Almighty? How did the psalmist deny himself so that he might God?  How did the promise at Proverbs 29:25 comfort you today?     

Read your Bible to know God.  Maranatha.   Be prepared to meet God. If you have doubt about salvation, please let us assist you in the scriptures.

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