Friday, February 26, 2016

Fruiday26 March 2016 and I'm back. We have had a journey deep in the valley of the shadow and The Lord guided us through to green grass and still water. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. We have been on our daily reading target every day this year even in some pain, but always gaining insight and knowledge. Remember Knowledge of the Holy and understanding the Scriptures direct our paths and make pain the will of God.

Since we were diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and reacting to the news, The Lord directed me to Psalm 119:71-80. Please read these verses we me daily and pray for you to have a better understanding of how the Lord is dealing with you and me. One of my dreams is that one day you will be glad to see me because we have hoped in his word. Each day we get to seek God's face and ask for the merciful kindness be our comfort because we are his servant. Yea, thank God for his tender mercies so that we might live and that his law would be our delight. When in doubt or in the dark, recall what "you KNOW" about God.

As we have been reading through the Book of Leviticus and concentrating on the presentation of the animal for sacrifice, how much care is taken in selecting the animal before it is slain. Review the work required by the priest in catching the blood and then cutting up the parts for use and those for burning as waste outside the camp. Now compare that to what we as sons of God get to say as we approach our Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus as our High Priest. Please be grateful for the finished work of Jesus as our suitable and acceptable sacrifice for our sins. Today we read in Proverbs 10:17 "He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth."

Read your Bible to know God. I pray you be saved to Be right, then obey and love the LORD to do right and then don't quit.

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