Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday, 30 April 2017 and we are still waiting for the CALL, Shout, Trump of God. Are you prepared to meet The LORD? Hebrews 9:27, James 4:17, John 3:12, 16 & 36. Ephesians 2:8-19, II Corinthians 5:16-21, 1st John 1:1-10 and II Timothy 3:16-17.

Lesson # 19  One Year 365 Bible Class (read 1-7 May)      VBC   7 May 2017  Be Know Do
Mon 1  How does Judges 13:1 impact your concept of God? How is the birth of Samson similar to the birth of John the Baptist? How does v14:4 cause you to see The Hand of God? What statement did John use to identify Jesus? What attribute of Elohim did Jesus display at v1:48? What traits of Jehovah or attributes of Elohim are shown in Psalm 102? Are you considered by God to be prudent?

Tue 2  How did Samson accomplish Judges 15:4? How did God assist Samson in the slaying of 1000 men in chap15? How is "LSD" of James 1 shown in Judges 16? How did Jesus perform the miracle of John 2? What trait of God did Jesus show at v2:24? What promise is given in Psalm 103? Are you really prudent?
Wed 3  Did Micah worship God in Judges 17, if not, how did he worship amiss? What is sad about Judges 18:1 and 30?  How has John 3:12 changed your daily conversation? How is the Old Testament cross referenced in this chapter? What choices are given at v20-21? According to Psalm 104 what is the world full of today. Do you have many friend and are you happy for the Bible reasons?

Thu 4  Compare Joshua with Judges; if we saw in Joshua " Joy"  what did you see in Judges  s_____, Heavenly vision -E_______, Victory-d________, Progress- de__ _______, Faith-Un __________,  Freedom- se________. How does Judges 19 :1 and 30 relate to the horrible acts recorded in the chapter? How does chapter20 impact your concept of God? How have you used John 3:36 to share the gospel? Do you practice Psalm 104:33-34? What advantage is it to do good?
 Fri 5  What is the last verse of the book of Judges? How does this fact describe the book? HOW has your concept of God been impacted by this book?  Look for the kinsman redeemer in the Book of Ruth. Look for Jehovah as the provider-Jireh, the healer-Rapha, peace-Shalom, deliverer-Saboath, the hope-Shammah and the sanctifier-M'kaddesh. What form of government was in place in the time of Ruth? What caused Elimelech to flee to Moab?  How did Naomi say they left? How did Jesus demonstrate mercy in John 4? What was the impact of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman? Do you believe and practice Psalm 105:7? How is Proverbs 14:25 linked to II Corn 5:17-21?   Read to know Him.

Recall the last verse of Judges 21:25* and beware.  Read, pray, believe what you read and then act out the Truth.  Be right, do right and don't quit.  Have you responded to the call from our Lord about service?  Are you a  missionary or a mission field? Consider writing out your testimony and your prayer.
This week, 6-12 May,  you have read Ruth 2:1-4:22; I Sam 1:1-13:23; John 4:43-7:30; Psalm 105:16-108:13 Proverbs 14:26-35 & 15:1-4.

Sat 6  Why is linage important? What did Ruth desire? How does v3 impact your concept of God? What does Obed signify? How does John 4:48 connect to John 3:12? How did Jesus show Omniscience today? What does Psalm 105:19 teach you about faith? How does Proverbs 14:26-27 relate to Proverbs 9:10?
History is to be continued in 1st & 2nd Samuel.   This is the record of the two kings after the judges.* Consider the difference between Theocracy and Monarchy. Samuel records the transition from judges  to monarchy. A key verse is 11:15. Look for the phrase "before the LORD". How do you relate to Samuel?

Sun 7   What godly characteristic did Hannah demonstrate? What attribute did The LORD show Hannah? What is sad about v2:12? What miracle did Jesus perform in John 5? What should all men do? What does Psalm 105 teach about stewardship? How are mercy and slow to wrath different/ similar?
1stSamuel1:1-2:21, John 5:1-23, Psalm105:37-45 & Proverbs 14:28-29. How did Eli and his sons offend God? How is Hannah’s prayer and vow different than that of Jephthah? How did Jesus treat the impotent man at the sheep market’s pool? Why did the LORD bring forth his people from Egypt?
Read to know God. Believe what you read. Act out Truth being led by The Holy Spirit for the glory of God so that your joy may BE FULL.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday 24 April 2017, getting ready for the rapture. Hope you have been reading the Bible to know God. If you do not have a One Year 365 Bible, click on the blog for the Bible. The lessons are presented to provoke you to consider what you have read "FIRST" from the Bible and then thought about to change your life. Read, believe, heed or Be, Know, Do and then don't quit.

Lesson # 18 fort the One Year 365 Bible Class  (all read 24-30 April 2017) at Victory Baptist Church to be conducted on Sunday,  30 April 017. Why are you reading the Bible every day? 
Mon-24- What 5 things are plain in Judges 2:11-12? Did you see the sin cycle at v16-18? Why were idols so bad in God’s sight? Why do people “co-mingle” truth with old habits/ways? Who was Shamgar? What three events happened in Luke 22? What traits and attributes of God did you see in Psalms 92 & 93? How is the walk of a man describe in the Proverbs?
Tue-25-Who is the hero in Judges 4? Why did God choose a woman to lead His people? Why did God curse Meroz in chap 5? How did you see God in Luke 22? Take time to compare Luke 23:34 and Mark 14:30 and evaluate according to 2nd Timothy 3:16-17. How is Jehovah Elohim described in Psalm 94? How can we see “the who” is wise?

Wed-26- What history lesson is repeated in Judges 6? How did Gideon respond to the angel of the LORD? What name is used at v22? Who is Jerubbaal? Was Gideon testing God when he put out the fleece, or was her simply asking God for more encouragement? How many times did Peter deny knowing Jesus in Luke 22? Who did Jesus say he was? What did Pilate not find in Jesus? What does Psalm 95 encourage us to do? Is Psalm 96 a song for the missionary? Are you faithful?
Thu-27- In Judges 7 why did Jehovah send so many away? How was Gideon able to worship while so close to the enemy? What is the key shout for Gideon? What truth did you gain in chap 8? How do you relate to Barabbas? As you read Luke 22 what did you learn about Jehovah, Elohim an Adonai? Review the sayings of Jesus while He was on the cross. What does Psalm 98:2 summarize?

Fri-28-Where is Shechem and how has it impacted Israel? How did the blessing become a curse in Judges 8? Why is Jotham important and what is the meaning of his parable? What riddle was used to describe the enemy? How does Luke 23 show the Trinity? What prophecies are fulfilled in Luke 24? Why did the women bring spices to Jesus’ tomb? How does Psalm 99 describe God? What ought we to know about self?
Sat-29-What happens when men put their confidence in man? Who are the Ammonites? (Gen 19:30-38) How is Proverbs 6:16-19 shown in today's reading? What may//can happens when men meet The Master along the road? What are we when we are slow of heart to believe the Old Testament? What does v44-52 charge you to be and do? Why is the resurrection so important? How do you practice Psalm 100? Is there a promise in Proverbs 14?

Sun-30- Why did Jephthah make his vow? How can a "password" be deadly?  The Book of John portrays Jesus as The Christ, the Son of God.  Look for the key word of "believe". How is this Book different from Matthew, Mark and Luke?  How do you use John 1:1-12 to witness? What does “the Word became flesh” mean?  How do you apply Psalm 101 in your home? Are you satisfied from yourself?
   Spend some time this week as you read to know God and develop your prayer of adoration. After you spend time adoring Jehovah, then admit your short comings, sins, and acts of disobedience-come clean to Him who sees all. Accept His forgiveness, allow Him to cleanse and repair you as you are thankful, grateful and renewed, made wholly holy. Then if you need to, tell Him what you need, as if He was not aware of your needs and wants. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.  He loves His own !

Invite an unchurched friend to come to our class. Be prompt to share your testimony and start when and where God, through Jesus Christ, redeemed you according to the scriptures.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday 20 APRIL 2017. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. All men get wisdom and faith from the Bible. If any person looks for wisdom apart from God's Word he will not be satisfied and he will not have godly faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing The Word of God.

Lesson #17 One Year 365 Bible (read 17-23 April)  VBC 23 April 2017.
Take time as you read this week to know God and look for evidences of the gospel. Be attentive for instructions relative to missions. Continue to focus on the traits and attributes of the most high over all the earth whose name is JEHOVAH. Ask not to be stirred, but to be changed to be more like The Saviour.
Because this is the opening for the mission conference adult classes will meet in the auditorium at 9:45. When you read look for the teaching that is appropriate for stewardship and applicable for missions. Read to know God.
Mon-17- What are the borders of the territory for Judah? What is unique about the tribes of Caleb and Joshua? How, when or why did you act out Luke 18:18? Do you believe v 27? What do you consider v31-33 to be? How does v29 encourage you? Pray back Psalm 86. Are you considered by God to be wise and how is your lamp?
Tue-18-  What is sad about 16:10? How are choice and compromise demonstrated in chap 17? What document did Joshua require be made? What is important at  19:49-51? Why were cities of refuge appointed? Are you still grateful for Luke 19:10? What stewardship truth did you gain in Luke 19? Where is the city of God of Psalm 87? Is stewardship mentioned in Proverbs 13?
Wed-19- Why was no territory given to the tribe of Levi? What fact is recorded at v21:43-45? What warning did Joshua give at 22:4-6? Refer back to Num 32:16-32(21 Mar) as you consider the near war among the tribes. Can a good thing done wrong, even if is an altar? What attributes of Elohim did Jesus demonstrate in Luke 19:28-48? In Psalm 88 why does Jehovah separate us from our friends/family? Did you get a promise at Proverbs 13:12-14? If not, why not?
Thu-20- What do we tell our family about how Jehovah has blessed us? Does Psalm 116:65 apply to this situation? Why do you believe that Jesus has the authority to teach and preach the gospel?  What principal of stewardship did you read in Luke 20? Do you sing of the mercies of the LORD? Does Psalm 89 offer any promises? If a man is not prudent, what is he?
Fri-21- Do you have an "Ed" in your family? What form of government did The LORD want the Israelites to have and maintain, and how does 23:15-16 apply? Luke 20:38 declares what truth? What ought we to be wary of today? Are you a good judge of people? What will we find we look into the throne of God? What attributes of God are shown in Psalm 89? How does II Timothy 3:16 relate to Proverbs 13:17-19?
Sat-22- Joshua gives a summary of  God's blessings, warnings and curses. As you read 25:5-15 who do you sense is speaking? What trait did you learn about Elohim at v27?  How does Romans 6:23 apply to this chapter? According to Luke 21 what is the key to stewardship? What promise/condition did you see in this chapter and how is Maranatha expressed? Did you see any attribute of God in Psalm 89? What promise/condition did you learn from Proverbs 13?
Sun-23- What first did you see at v3? What blessing turned to a curse at v7? What advantage did Judah have that Benjamin did not have? Who appeared in 2:1? What is sad about 2:10? What eternal truth is given in Luke 21? What trait is shown in chap22? What request is made in Psalm 990?What promise is given in Psalm 91? How ought we to train our children?
 Read, pray,  believe and then act out the Truth.  Where were you with Jehovah and Adonai this day 2015? We will be reading about the time after the death of Israel's leaders until that of King Saul. Note how the government changes. Pay attention to the cycle of events of good, bad, crying, pleading, good men, prosperity, disobedience, then sin again, again and again. Learn how to be and do right and don't quit.    FIRST, look at Judges 2:13-16 for a "snapshot" of a stark reality of the conduct of God and His people.  Look back to Deuteronomy12:8 and link to Judges17:6 and 21:25 for a book overview. Look to see the traits and attributes of The LORD as the Deliver-Judge or Jehovah Sabbaoth.
Have you responded to the call from our Lord about service?  A missionary or a mission field.  Let 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21 be true.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Saturday 15 April 2017, Friday is gone but Sunday is coming. Around the world via Radio, TV, internet, print and testimony of believers the conversation will center around the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

 To all of you in Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam God sets before you blessings and cursing's, choose blessings.
Suggest you read these Bible verses to know God. Start at 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, 2nd Peter 1:12-21, Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-13, Luke 24:1-9, John 20:1-31, Acts 1:1-11 and 1st Corinthians 15:1-22.

If you read these verses , believe what you read, admit your sin of unbelief, repent from self unto The LORD, ask God to forgive your sin and give you the gift of eternal life for Jesus' sake, believe, receive the GIFT and be grateful. GOD CANNOT LIE.

He loves you unconditionally. He is Holy, Holy, Holy and only those who have been born again and made Holy will be with God in heaven for eternity. ALL unbelievers will be separated from God and spend eternal life in Hell. It is your choice.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wednesday, 12 April 2017, and this could be The Day! I know it was not yesterday. If not today then surely tomorrow. Only The Father knows when The Son will come, but we need to be ready, prayed up, prepared and taking some one with us to the Kingdom of God. Read your Bible to know God.

Lesson # 16 for the  One Year 365 Bible Class  (Read 10-16 Apr) to be held at VBC 16 April 2017. But, there will be no Sunday School Classes—Sunday 16 April—Easter Sunday-- Combined worship 10:30 AM.   Stay current in your daily reading in Deuteronomy 1 thru Numbers 34, Luke 13-18, Psalm  and Proverbs. After you have made things right with The LORD, read and prayed with thanksgiving, time permitting consider these questions or statements.
Mon 10 What attribute of Jehovah did you learn in Deut 34? What promise did The LORD give the Jews? Who is Joshua? How does the charge given to Joshua apply to you today? What authority is given to Joshua? What advice for living did Luke record? How often ought men to do good? How does Psalm 79 describe the times of the Romans? Why does Elohim help any person? What hampers the righteous?

Tue 11 What promise did God make to Joshua in chap 3? What miracle did Jehovah do at the Jordan River? Where were stones to be stacked? Why are the stones important? What principal did Jesus teach in Luke 14 concerning courtesy? What did Jesus tell the people about choice, cost and consequence in v26-35? What pleas were made in Psalm 80? What advantage does the righteous have over the slothful?
Wed 12 What happened in the wilderness that had to be resolved after crossing the Jordan? What promise did Jehovah make at Joshua 5:9? Who did Joshua meet at Jericho? How were the Jews to war as recorded in chap 6? What sin and mistake were made in chap 7 and how is LSD shown? What three parables are given in Luke 15? What key to obedience is given in Psalm 81? Are you a wise son?

Thu 13 What happened at the valley of Achor and what attribute of Jehovah is demonstrated? In chap 8 what battle plan did Jehovah give Joshua for AI? What did Joshua read to all the people? What stewardship principal is given in Luke 16? What is highly esteemed by men but is an abomination before God? How is Elohim described in Psalm 82? How can a man save himself from destruction?
Fri 14 How was Joshua deceived in chap 9? How does v14 record this event? Who was the first king of Jerusalem? What and why did Joshua pray in v10:12? What promise did Joshua remind the people of concerning Jehovah at v25? Luke 16 tells the story about what two men? What did the rich man desire? What principal for forgiveness is given in Luke 17? How do you apply v17:10? Why ought we to pray for the enemy to be destroyed as per Psalm 83? Are diligent and is your soul fat?  Hope to see you in class.

Sat15 Why are people gullible? How does a blessing become a curse? What advantage do we gain because we obey God and Truth? Does 11:13-20 impact your concept of Elohim and Jehovah? How did the Hivites influence Joshua/Israel? Where is the kingdom of God according to what Jesus said in Luke 17? What is to happen when the Son of man is revealed? How do you apply v33 in your life? Do you believe and practice Psalm 84:12? Are you an upright man?
Sun 16 Will Jehovah deal with us as He dealt with Joshua? What did you see and learn from 13:13? What do you admire about Caleb? What will the Son of man look for in men's life? How is your prayer life/style? May v17 be misunderstood, how? What do we want from God to cease?

Refresh yourself as you read and SELAH, then select some verses that have changed your concept of God and meditate on these throughout the day. Consider the ramification of Maranatha.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday 3 April 2017 and we are waiting for the shout. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. The One Year 365 Bible is on our blog so that you can be current with your reading and follow along with our lessons. PLEASE read the Bible first.

Lesson # 15 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 3-9 Apr)   will be held at  VBC on 9 April 2017. We have taped the class, but have not managed the way to provide this to you as a part of this blog-yet.
As you read, be disciplined, take time to seek The LORD your Lord, and allow The Holy Spirit to have control, and seek to be holy. Read Amos 3:3, Selah, repent and confess.  Then read and apply 1ST John 1:9 and follow the instructions. We need to be specific in our request for healing.
We have been warned "take heed lest thou forget".  We've read the Ten Commandments and now we continue to read the related commandments.  We get to Choose and then consequences will be given so that blessings may become a curse. We are the stewards of Jehovah's provisions.                                   Why did Moses not get to enter the promise land?     *** We do not get to choose the consequence nor the timing of when it happens. ***
Mon 3   How did they enforce the constraints of Deut 23? How may we apply the guidelines of chap 24? How is history to be passed to the children/ How does Luke 10:20 impact your concept of God? Who is your neighbor? According to Psalm 75 where do promotions come from? Do you enjoy fruit or trouble?
Tue 4 How did Deut 26 and 27 impact your concept of God? How are you like Martha and or Mary in your dealings with Adonai? How do you apply the instructions about praying given in Luke 11? How do you pray around Psalm 76:6-9? As in Proverbs are you prudent and give counsel showing righteousness?

Wed 5   How are blessings derived in Deut 28? How do blessings turn to curses? Does 28:58-68 impact your concept of Jehovah? How does Luke 11:23 sound similar to Duet 28? How is John 3:12 expressed in Luke 11:28-36? Did you "TRY" to pray back Psalm 77?
Thu 6   What great thing did Jehovah do for Israel in chap 29?  Where do men go when they turn away from Jehovah Elohim? How does chap 30:15-20 affect your concept of God? What does Jesus say that offends you? Note the name at Luke 11:49. What is the leaven of the Pharisees that we are to beware of and not practice? Did you receive any warning at Psalm 78? What is in your heart?

Fri 7   What did you learn about obedience in Deut 31? Did you see Isaiah 59 in 31:16-21? How is adoration shown in chap 32? What attributes of Elohim and Jehovah did you see in chap 32? What sin was shown at Luke 12:10? Is John 3:12 expressed in chap 12? What attribute is magnified in Psalm 78: 26-45? Are you prudent? If not, why not?
Consider Jesus as the Prophesied King in Matthew, in Mark as the Obedient Servant and in Luke as the Perfect Man.  Hopefully you know Him as your personal savior. 

Sat 8 How does 32:31 encourage you? Does v46-52 impact your concept of Jehovah as to how He treats His servants? Is your attitude towards preparation to serve impacted because of Luke 12? Did you note John 3:12 at Luke v56? Did the people provoke the most high Elohim in Psalm 78? Did you gain a truth at Proverbs 12:24?
Sun 9 What attributes and names/titles of Jehovah and Elohim did you learn in Deut 33? How may you use Luke 13:3 to share your testimony? What attribute of God did you learn at v12? How did you see Jesus in Psalm 78? Have you claimed v72 for your life? What makes you glad?

** Joshua is the first of 12 books of history recorded that note the entrance into the Promised Land and will conclude with the return from captivity in Nehemiah. Joshua is a book of conquest. Possess is the key word in Joshua and v11:23 is a key verse. Numbers records the journey, Deuteronomy the preparation for entry and Joshua is entering and the promise land won. ** Have you prepared your testimony?
To all of you in Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam read your Bible to know God.