Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wednesday, 12 April 2017, and this could be The Day! I know it was not yesterday. If not today then surely tomorrow. Only The Father knows when The Son will come, but we need to be ready, prayed up, prepared and taking some one with us to the Kingdom of God. Read your Bible to know God.

Lesson # 16 for the  One Year 365 Bible Class  (Read 10-16 Apr) to be held at VBC 16 April 2017. But, there will be no Sunday School Classes—Sunday 16 April—Easter Sunday-- Combined worship 10:30 AM.   Stay current in your daily reading in Deuteronomy 1 thru Numbers 34, Luke 13-18, Psalm  and Proverbs. After you have made things right with The LORD, read and prayed with thanksgiving, time permitting consider these questions or statements.
Mon 10 What attribute of Jehovah did you learn in Deut 34? What promise did The LORD give the Jews? Who is Joshua? How does the charge given to Joshua apply to you today? What authority is given to Joshua? What advice for living did Luke record? How often ought men to do good? How does Psalm 79 describe the times of the Romans? Why does Elohim help any person? What hampers the righteous?

Tue 11 What promise did God make to Joshua in chap 3? What miracle did Jehovah do at the Jordan River? Where were stones to be stacked? Why are the stones important? What principal did Jesus teach in Luke 14 concerning courtesy? What did Jesus tell the people about choice, cost and consequence in v26-35? What pleas were made in Psalm 80? What advantage does the righteous have over the slothful?
Wed 12 What happened in the wilderness that had to be resolved after crossing the Jordan? What promise did Jehovah make at Joshua 5:9? Who did Joshua meet at Jericho? How were the Jews to war as recorded in chap 6? What sin and mistake were made in chap 7 and how is LSD shown? What three parables are given in Luke 15? What key to obedience is given in Psalm 81? Are you a wise son?

Thu 13 What happened at the valley of Achor and what attribute of Jehovah is demonstrated? In chap 8 what battle plan did Jehovah give Joshua for AI? What did Joshua read to all the people? What stewardship principal is given in Luke 16? What is highly esteemed by men but is an abomination before God? How is Elohim described in Psalm 82? How can a man save himself from destruction?
Fri 14 How was Joshua deceived in chap 9? How does v14 record this event? Who was the first king of Jerusalem? What and why did Joshua pray in v10:12? What promise did Joshua remind the people of concerning Jehovah at v25? Luke 16 tells the story about what two men? What did the rich man desire? What principal for forgiveness is given in Luke 17? How do you apply v17:10? Why ought we to pray for the enemy to be destroyed as per Psalm 83? Are diligent and is your soul fat?  Hope to see you in class.

Sat15 Why are people gullible? How does a blessing become a curse? What advantage do we gain because we obey God and Truth? Does 11:13-20 impact your concept of Elohim and Jehovah? How did the Hivites influence Joshua/Israel? Where is the kingdom of God according to what Jesus said in Luke 17? What is to happen when the Son of man is revealed? How do you apply v33 in your life? Do you believe and practice Psalm 84:12? Are you an upright man?
Sun 16 Will Jehovah deal with us as He dealt with Joshua? What did you see and learn from 13:13? What do you admire about Caleb? What will the Son of man look for in men's life? How is your prayer life/style? May v17 be misunderstood, how? What do we want from God to cease?

Refresh yourself as you read and SELAH, then select some verses that have changed your concept of God and meditate on these throughout the day. Consider the ramification of Maranatha.

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