Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tuesday 25 July 2017-A Great Day-This could be The DAY that Jesus comes in the clouds and the dead in Christ will be resurrected and (you and me) we will be "caught up" in the air to be with our Lord for ever. AMEN. Maranatha. The Blessed Hope!
PLEASE read your Bible every day to know God. Proverbs 19:27
Follow the daily reading plan of the One Year Bible. The on-line version is at the blog site.
Lesson #31 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 24-30 July)      VBC                30 July 2017

Mon 24 What caused some Jews to move into Jerusalem as recorded in 2nd Chronicles 11?  How would you describe King Rehoboam? What is significant about 12:14? What Truth did you learn about God in chapter 13? How is Romans 8 similar to Hebrews 11? According to Psalm 18 what things has God given to his children? Have you used Proverbs 19:27-29 to witness to and or counsel your family?

Tue 25 Why was the land quiet for 10 years when Asa was King according to 2nd Chronicles 14?  According to chapter 15 what requirement were given to King Asa for continual peace?  What fault was shown by King Asa in chapter 16? Why was Paul so burdened for the Jews at Rome? Why did God raise up Pharaoh? Has Psalm 19 affected your daily routine of prayer? What is the impact of strong drink?

Wed 26 What lifestyle did King Jehoshaphat display in 2nd Chronicles 17 that is similar to yours? How did blessing become as curses in chapter 18? Who is described at Romans 9:29? What names of God did you find in this chapter? As you write to your family express a desire for them to be saved? Is the Omnipresence of God shown in Psalm 20? How is your conduct?

Thu 27 Does 2nd Chronicles 19:2 impact your concept of God? When you are beset with fear do you do as Jehoshaphat did in chapter 20:3? What do you find fascinating about Romans 10:13? What is the conflict between grace and works? Psalm 21 should impact how we rejoice. Why do you trust God more than man? What does Proverbs 20:5 caution you about?

Fri 28   why did King Jehoram walk in the ways of the kings of Israel? How did Jehovah show His judgment against the king and Judah? How does v21:19 tell the traits of Elohim? How did God use Jehoiada in recovering Judah? How does Romans 11:13 impact your testimony? Take time to read all of Psalm 22:1-31 today and consider the crucifixion of Jesus. How is your "integrity" level? Does God consider you to be just?

Sat 29 How was stewardship practiced in 2nd Chronicles 24? How did God use Jehoiada to protect the kingdom? How does V24:22-25 impact your concept of judgment by God? How does v25:2-4;14-16 impact your concept of God? How have you accepted the responsibility and practice the admonitions given at Romans 12? Read Psalm 22 with all 31 verses and look for the cross and the crown of Jesus. How does v31 apply to you today? How can you use Proverbs 20:8-10 in your testimony?

Sun 30 Why did God consider King Uzziah to be a good king but caused him to become a leper?  How does this impact your concept of God? How does chapter 20:6 apply to us today? Why did God call King Ahaz's acts not right? How is Romans 13:1 applicable to the kings of Judah? How has Romans 13:1-2 affected your life? Does Psalm 23 comfort you?

Wish happy birthday to Powell and Don Sutton as they have entered (30 & 31 July 1936) into a new year, by God's marvelous grace. Congrats to all of you on your birthday. Forgive me for not making an announcement about your big day. Thanks  Amen. Maranatha.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Tuesday 18 July 2017, Salute to all who will read the Bible to know God from Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks and Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam, please believe God and be saved.

Lesson # 30 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 17-23 Jul)  will be conducted at  VBC 23 July 2017. Please read the Bible before responding to the comments in the lesson. If you do not have a One Year Bible go to the blog and click on the One Year Bible on line.com and read each day the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and Proverbs. When we read this format we read through the entire Bible in the year. It takes about 20 minuets per day to read for the day. Read aloud, read with your friend or family, read, heed, believe and respond to the scriptures as the Holy Spirit will guide and teach you to know God. Make notes for the day so that next year you can see where God has shown Himself to you in the Bible.
Mon 17 Why did David divide the Sons of Aaron into 24 lots in 1 Chronicles 24? How may a person prophesy by a musical instrument? What unusual remarks did God make about the servants in chapter 26? How did God cause Paul to use the Scriptures to describe Abraham? What does it mean to be "Blessed" as described in Romans 4? Why would God hide His face from the Psalmist? How is obedience in action demonstrated in Proverbs 19:15-16?
Tue 18 Why / how did God record the testimony / reputation of men in 1 chronicles 26? What principal of ordinariness/work did you find God used in chapter 27? What leadership trait did David practice that he learned from The LORD? What characteristic of Elohim did see in Romans 4? What promise was recorded in chapter5? Where did all the children of men go as recorded in Psalm 14? How may any man lend unto the LORD?
Wed 19 What truth did you gain in 1 Chronicles that is based on recorded history? How is "adoption" demonstrated in v6? What charge was prescribed for Solomon as the King of Israel? How is "be and do" recorded in chapter 28? Should every man/father make provision "today" for their son as did David for Solomon in chapter 29? How did God record David's life in the end in this chapter? What verse in Romans 5 do you use in giving your testimony? What evidence is expected in your life according to Psalm 15? Why ought parents to chasten their children?
**As you start 2nd Chronicles recall the history of Judah and look for a spirit of revival and reformation under the leadership of Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joash, Hezekiah and Josiah. Be amazed at the work God allowed Solomon to accomplish and yet the kingdom is divided and goes into captivity. Consider 2nd Chronicles 1:1 and 36:22 as book marks for the Jews. It has been said that this record of God's people show the splendor they enjoyed to the disaster they suffered.

Thu 20 What do you learn about Jehovah at 2 Chronicles1:1? What example did Solomon give on how to pray in this chapter? What great events occurred at Mount Moriah? How do use Romans 6 to witness? Have you prayed back Psalm 16? What learning principal(s) is in Proverbs 19?
Fri 21 How does reading 2 Chronicles 4 impact your prayer life/words? What did you learn about God at v5:9-14? What truth did Solomon give about God at v6:4 & 10? What truth did God reveal to you in Romans 7? Can you pray boldly as did the Psalmist in chapter 7? Does God consider you rich or poor?

Has reading the One Year 365 Bible changed your life? What have you discovered in the attributes and traits of Jehovah and Elohim that has impacted your concept of God?
Sat 22   When you pray, do you follow the pattern as given by Solomon in 2 Chronicles 6:14-42?  What do expect God to be and do when you recite 7:14-22?  What promise is given to believers in Romans 8? What do you gain by reading Psalm 18:1-2? What causes you to understand knowledge of God?

 Sun 23 What did you learn about Solomon's respect for God in 2 Chronicles 8:11? How was God's glory shown in chapter 9? What did you learn about government in chapter10? According to Romans 8 are you a debtor to God? Did you learn how to “better” pray because you read chapter 8? How does Psalm 18: 20, 24, 28, 30 & 31 relate to you? What is your reaction to God as you read Proverbs 19:26?

Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday, 10 July 2017. This could be the day that those who have been saved and have died and are in the grave will be called out and then we will be caught up into heaven to be with our Lord Jesus Christ forever. If you have heard the "Gospel" and the Holy Spirit confronted you with God's Truth and you said NO!, you will be left behind and be led to believe a lie and accept the mark of The AntiChrist, to die in your sin of unbelief forever. Please believe God's WORD. Read your Bible to know God and be saved.
This Lesson # 29  for our One Year 365 Bible Class (read 10-16 Jul) will be conducted at our VBC 16 July 2017. PLEASE Read the Bible 1st. and then consider the questions or comments of the lesson. The One Year Bible is on line at the blog site so that you can read every day to know God.
Mon 10 What did you learn about Elohim while reading the genealogies and work responsibilities as recorded in 1 Chronicles 9? How does chapter 10:13-14 impact your concept of God? Why did the people choose DAGON? What history lesson and prophesy did you learn in Acts 27? Is Psalm 8 a new beginning? Have you shown yourself friendly this week? Did someone befriend you?
Tue 11 What traits of the mighty men do you strive for in your life so to be like Jesus Christ? How did The Holy Spirit show Himself that is different from today as He deals with us? How did God bless Paul before the barbarians in Acts 28? How is Psalm 9:10 so in your life? Does Jehovah see you walk in your integrity each day?
** Soon we will begin reading the book of Romans and some have said that this book portrays Jesus Christ as our Righteousness. As you read determine who wrote this letter, when, why and by whom and how did it get to Rome? Look for the person of the good news. Look and see the power of God. Realize where you would be if you had not heard, believed and received this Truth. Do you share this NEWS?
Wed 12 What were the demonstrated qualities of the men who came to David in 1Chronicles 12? What leadership quality did David demonstrate that honored The LORD in chapter 13?  Why did Uzza die? What did you learn about God at v14:10? What principal for life did you gain from Romans 1:1-17? How did the Romans get the gospel? Did Psalm 9 impact your concept of God? What is the future for a false witness?

Thu 13 What did God teach you about how to treat His ARK in 1Chronicles 15?  What Psalm(s) did David deliver in chapter 16?  When did God give the covenant shown at 16:15-18? What did you learn about God's hatred for sin in Romans 1:18-32? How does Psalm 10 similar to Romans 1? From whom do seek for favors?
Fri 14 What did you learn about God's ways at 1Chronicles 16:40?  Where did the Jews worship? What traits and characteristics did you learn about Jehovah in chapter17? What future did you see for Israel and David in chapter 18?  Does Romans 2:1, 11, 13 &15 impact your testimony as you witness? What “Truth” did you gain from Psalm 10:16? Does God consider you a good and true witness?

How has reading the (One Year 365) Bible changed your life? As you discover the attributes/traits or new names of Jehovah or Elohim, be thankful and think on these Truths.

Sat 15 What causes a person to say 1Chroniciles 19:13 to another when they are in dire situations? What surprised you in chapter 20 about David's conduct? What surprised you about God in chapter 21? What stewardship lesson did you see/learn in this chapter? According to Romans 2:29 does God consider you a Jew?  How does Psalm 11 impact your concept of Jehovah? How does Proverbs 19:10 direct your response to others that are critical of you?
Sun 16 How does David's conduct at 1 Chronicles 22:5 impact your long term goals? Who gave Solomon his name? What is the difference between priests and Levites? How does chapter 23 impact your concept of God?  What eternal Truth(s) did you get from Romans 3:9-31? Why does God save us by “faith” alone? What emphasis did Psalm 12 make referring to purity? Are your parents happy with you according to the 12th Psalm and Proverbs 19:13-14?
More than 7000 page hits by people from 30 different Nations.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Tuesday, 4 July 2017-YEA! Happy 241st birthday of the USA. The world is a better place because of the people of the USA have served and protected the innocent and underprivileged. God has blessed many people of the world and those of us blessed we ought to be a blessing to others. The greatest blessing any person may give to another is the gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. You must be born again. Read in the Old Testament Psalm 19 and in the New Testament the book of John 3:1-36.

Lesson # 28 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 3-9 Jul) will be conducted at VBC, Sunday       9 July 2017.  Congrats!
Mon 3  How were you surprised at reading 2kings 22 concerning their find of the scriptures? How does God's cursing of the Jews affect your concept of Him in chapter 22 and blessing in 23?  What do you learn at v23:27? How does Paul's testimony in Acts 22 compare to yours? Is your understanding of Psalm 1 better today? How is stewardship shown in Proverbs 18:11-12?  CONGRATS on reading the 150 Psalms.
Tue  4**After you read your Bible,  POP your Firecrackers, wave your Flag, Pray for peace, salute and thank a veteran and praise The LORD. Who is ruling in Jerusalem in 2Kings23? Why did God cause Judah to be taken into captivity? How did God protect Paul in Acts 23? How does Psalm 2:2 describe God? What did you learn at Proverbs 18:13 about judging?
** 1st and 2nd Chronicles will show again the genealogy and lineage of David, the history of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin up to captivity and also the importance of the temple, priesthood and manners of worship.  Good verses to consider are 1Chronicles 29:10-19. We will read again the acts of Solomon and his successors showing the splendor to disaster of a kingdom. Note verses 1:1 and 20:30 of 2Chronicles.
Wed 5  What trait/attribute/characteristic or name did you learn about Elohim by reading 1 Chronicles? Did GOD favor Paul with grace that is not available to you today? How does Psalm 3 describe Jehovah to you? How does the Comforter minister to you by Proverbs 18:14-15?
Thu 6  How does God's record keeping of the genealogy of man comfort you today? Are you prepared to give an account of the history of God along with your testimony as did Paul in Acts24? Do you believe that Psalm 4:3 is true for you today?  How is stewardship shown in Proverbs 18:6-8?
Fri 7  How does the prayer of Jabez, at 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, encourage you? How does chapter 5 impact your concept of God and his mercy? What impact does the record of Festus and Paul's conversation in Acts 25 encourage you to witness? Have you prayed back Psalm 5? Has your brother offended you?
What traits, attributes names of Jehovah, Elohim and Adonai have you added to/into your conversation? 
Sat 8  How dos 1stChronicles 5:18-20 cause you to want to trust God more today that yesterday? How does the choice and consequence record of the blessed people impact your conversation? What example is demonstrated by Paul in Acts 26 when giving his testimony? Have you prayed back Psalm 6? How is your appetite?
Sun 9  What did you learn about men at 1st Chronicles 7:11 & 40? Was the choice to set sail in dangerous times the will of God even though Paul advised against sailing? How does Psalm 7 shed light on your prayers? What ought husbands to say to God and to their wives?
Read the Bible first. It is not necessary to read my questions or comments before you read the scriptures. If you do not have the One Year Bible to read go to the blog and read on line each day. To all of the readers, believe God. Be right (get right), know right, do right and don't quit.

God bless America! God bless you where ever you are to the point of repentance, belief and salvation through Jesus Christ The Lord unto eternal life.  I sincerely hope to see you in heaven, perhaps today.