Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tuesday 25 July 2017-A Great Day-This could be The DAY that Jesus comes in the clouds and the dead in Christ will be resurrected and (you and me) we will be "caught up" in the air to be with our Lord for ever. AMEN. Maranatha. The Blessed Hope!
PLEASE read your Bible every day to know God. Proverbs 19:27
Follow the daily reading plan of the One Year Bible. The on-line version is at the blog site.
Lesson #31 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 24-30 July)      VBC                30 July 2017

Mon 24 What caused some Jews to move into Jerusalem as recorded in 2nd Chronicles 11?  How would you describe King Rehoboam? What is significant about 12:14? What Truth did you learn about God in chapter 13? How is Romans 8 similar to Hebrews 11? According to Psalm 18 what things has God given to his children? Have you used Proverbs 19:27-29 to witness to and or counsel your family?

Tue 25 Why was the land quiet for 10 years when Asa was King according to 2nd Chronicles 14?  According to chapter 15 what requirement were given to King Asa for continual peace?  What fault was shown by King Asa in chapter 16? Why was Paul so burdened for the Jews at Rome? Why did God raise up Pharaoh? Has Psalm 19 affected your daily routine of prayer? What is the impact of strong drink?

Wed 26 What lifestyle did King Jehoshaphat display in 2nd Chronicles 17 that is similar to yours? How did blessing become as curses in chapter 18? Who is described at Romans 9:29? What names of God did you find in this chapter? As you write to your family express a desire for them to be saved? Is the Omnipresence of God shown in Psalm 20? How is your conduct?

Thu 27 Does 2nd Chronicles 19:2 impact your concept of God? When you are beset with fear do you do as Jehoshaphat did in chapter 20:3? What do you find fascinating about Romans 10:13? What is the conflict between grace and works? Psalm 21 should impact how we rejoice. Why do you trust God more than man? What does Proverbs 20:5 caution you about?

Fri 28   why did King Jehoram walk in the ways of the kings of Israel? How did Jehovah show His judgment against the king and Judah? How does v21:19 tell the traits of Elohim? How did God use Jehoiada in recovering Judah? How does Romans 11:13 impact your testimony? Take time to read all of Psalm 22:1-31 today and consider the crucifixion of Jesus. How is your "integrity" level? Does God consider you to be just?

Sat 29 How was stewardship practiced in 2nd Chronicles 24? How did God use Jehoiada to protect the kingdom? How does V24:22-25 impact your concept of judgment by God? How does v25:2-4;14-16 impact your concept of God? How have you accepted the responsibility and practice the admonitions given at Romans 12? Read Psalm 22 with all 31 verses and look for the cross and the crown of Jesus. How does v31 apply to you today? How can you use Proverbs 20:8-10 in your testimony?

Sun 30 Why did God consider King Uzziah to be a good king but caused him to become a leper?  How does this impact your concept of God? How does chapter 20:6 apply to us today? Why did God call King Ahaz's acts not right? How is Romans 13:1 applicable to the kings of Judah? How has Romans 13:1-2 affected your life? Does Psalm 23 comfort you?

Wish happy birthday to Powell and Don Sutton as they have entered (30 & 31 July 1936) into a new year, by God's marvelous grace. Congrats to all of you on your birthday. Forgive me for not making an announcement about your big day. Thanks  Amen. Maranatha.

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