For those of you from the 31 different Nations, thanks for making a page hit on this blog. My desire is that you will read the One Year Bible (on-line) to know God, believe what you read about sin, The Saviour and salvation. John 3:16 is direct and makes it plain- YOU must be born again.
John 3:12 challenges all to pay attention to things about you. John 3:36 leaves No Doubt, you are saved or lost right NOW. You have a choice. For assurance that God is true and wants all men to be saved please read my testimony at the blog. Read the Bible then consider the class notes for this week. Thanks. Hope to see you in Heaven.
Lesson # 49
One Year 365 Bible Class (read 27 Nov-3 Dec) VBC
3 December 2017
Congrats! For all of you that read your Bible to know God.
Mon 27
Daniel 4:1-37; 2nd Peter 1:1-21; Psalm 119:96-112; Proverbs 28:17-18;
Why was this written in Aramaic? What names of God did you discover today? Because you read Peters letter how have you
added to your faith? How was the triunity of God shown today? Do you boldly state Psalm 119:102? How ought
the saved to walk?
Tue 28
Daniel 5:1-31; 2nd Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-131; Proverbs 28:19-20;
What did you learn about man and how are we different from God? What does God
hate? How did Peter record the acts of lost man to a dog? How were you warned
by 2Peter 2:3? What is similar about Psalm 119:90, 121-122 & 132? How is
stewardship shown in the proverb for today?
Wed 29 Daniel
6:1-28; 2nd Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:132-155; Proverbs 28:21-22; How may blessings/promotions
from God cause people to hate you? How did God favor Daniel? How does Psalm
119:8-12 relate to Peter's admonition of remembrance? Does your zeal for the
LORD and His Word consume you? How is
your eye?
NOTE** 1st John is written to the believer.
This letter was an encouragement to believers to remember Jesus as God. Learn
from the warnings about people you encounter. Note the similarity with
2Corninthians 5:17-21. Note what you
learn and know from these verses.
Thu 30 Daniel
7:1-28; 1st John 1:1-10; Psalm 119:156-176; Proverbs 28:23-24; How has God used
Daniel's vision of these beasts to impacted your faith? How many times have you
used 1stJohn to get right with God since you have been saved? How do you
express your longing for God’s salvation? How do you rebuke another believer?
Fri 1Dec
Daniel 8:1-27; 1st John 2:1-17; Psalm 120:1-7; Proverbs 28:25-26; Why
did God record this dream of Daniel? How did you gain confidence in your
eternal security by reading 1stJohn? Who is the psalmist praying for in v2? Who
do you trust?
attributes of God are you seeking to find this week as you read to know God?
Consider How God used Daniel to interpret dreams of men and how angels
interpreted dreams for Daniel. Focus on
God as you read about the beasts, Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus. Why do you obey God and God's Word?
Sat 2 Daniel
9:1-10:21; 1stJohn 2:18-3:6; Psalm 121:1-8; Proverbs 28:27-28; How do you pray
after you read v9:3-23? What did you learn about your lifestyle from v10:11-15?
What promises did you gain in John's letter and the psalm? Does the proverb
impact your attitude about stewardship today?
Sun 3 Daniel
11:1-34; 1st John 3:7-24; Psalm122:1-9; Proverbs29:1; How is the vile person of
Daniel v21 showing himself today? How does v17 of John impact your stewardship?
How do you pray in agreement with Psalm 122? How do you respond to reproof from
God and also from man?
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