Saturday, April 21, 2018

21 April 2018, Saturday and Sunday is coming. Hope you have been reading the One Year Bible and are current. Read the Bible to know God. We are near the end of the book of Joshua, and will finish Luke soon. Reading in the One Year format allows us to read through the 150 Psalms twice and Proverbs' 31 chapters once.

I challenge you to read and re-read chapter 22-23 of Joshua and check the attributes of God, note his name and pay close attention to his warnings given to the Jews. This is specific for them at that time. This allows us to watch and learn how God provides, how his covenants are declared, the benefits in obedience and the regrets, even death in disobedience. God is no respecter of persons.

God has not, will not, can not lie nor change. He is to be heard and hearkened too promptly. Do you fear God? If you are not a believer you are condemned already and if you die in your sin and unbelief you will live forever away from GOD in a place called hell / hades reserved for devils. God is not willing that you are lost forever and he sent his only begotten Son to earth according to scriptures to save people from their sin and unbelief. Jesus said in John chapter 3 "ye must be born again".  Consider Proverbs 13:15-16 "Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard. Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge: but a fool layeth open his folly."

Please ask GOD to deal with you in your spirit so that you may know that you are a child of GOD or not then quickly look to John 1: 1-14 and respond to The LORD in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, ask for forgiveness and then receive the "free gift" according to Ephesians 2:8-10.

I pray God will make himself known to you today for Christ's sake and that you will trust and obey.

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