Saturday, August 11, 2018

11 August 2018 and we are still waiting for the rapture, Maranatha. Hopefully you have been reading the Bible on-line and are getting acquainted with some of the Old Testament Prophets. If you are current on the situation that has been going on for the last 70+ years in Jerusalem and how the Jews have prospered in captivity, then the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah will give you light and instruction for life. We need to read our Bible to know God and submit ourselves unto the leadership of the Holy Spirit for our edification unto salvation and good works.

Read Hebrews 10:18-39 at 11 November and determine what you should expect to experience as you hear and heed God's instruction for living today. Key in on verses 22-25 and put into action your God given gifts by serving others.

Take time to enjoy the various recorded prayers of these men of God. Read the prayer, reflect your situation, if possible find things that are common and then "PRAY BACK" the prayer unto God. Learn that these prayers generally start with much adoration of the LORD followed by a heart felt confessing of sin, sins of omission and commission. Take time to be grateful and thankful for your blessings and allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, mind and spirit for all that God has made plain to you. Consider that God is Omniscient and because He knows all things so tell Him of you hopes and dreams.

Take time to sense the connectivity of the Old to the New Testament. Ask the Holy Spirit to make plain the words of God to you so that you may read your Bible to know God. Enjoy the peacefulness of the Psalms. Be quiet. Seek HIM early while He may be found. Receive his love as a little child and be joyful as you talk and fellowship with your heavenly Father.

These are the privileges of a son of God as per John  1:1-14. Prayer is a family matter. You must be born again to be a son of God. Read John 3:1-36. Enjoy Ephesians 2:8-19 and rest in II Corinthians 5:17-21. As a son of God we have the right to come boldly to the throne of God and to confess our sins as per 1st John 1:1-10 and Isaiah 1:15-21. GOD is Holy!

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