Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 4 Friday is here and Sunday is coming.Are you getting excited about church?If not, why not?Make plans today for being prepared and on time to SS and church.

Daniel 11:35-12:13 completes the dreams and visions that The LORD caused Daniel to experience. We ought to be glad and happy that we have the full and complete will of GOD in our possession, The KJV Bible, that we get to read to know Him.We have the opportunity to see how men and kings rebel against GOD for a season, but One Day GOD will show Himself as GOD of all gods,He who rules the world.We may never fully understand this book until we are in glory and watch this all come to pass. Focus on Him who made this world, not on the world.Be encouraged that GOD is the same today.

1st John 4:1-21 warns us again to be alert.There is a difference between saved and unsaved people.Learn the evidence factors given by GOD to John and check your self. Evidence does not save us! We are saved by faith! Learn and enjoy the thought and hope provided by the Word-propitiation.Be fascinated by v21 and consider the impact of this verse in your life,"his brother".

Psalm 123:1-4 allows believers to joy in GOD.Focus on GOD and be happy in His attributes. His mercy is forever and He is our LORD and God.Trust and obey. Selah.

Proverbs 29:3-4 The people we vote into office affect our attitude.Let us be good stewards of the wisdom afforded us by The LORD to do right every day. Amen pj

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