27 March 11 Sunday! We all get to choose to worship the LORD. The LORD has specified in the Bible where,when and how we are to meet and what we are to accomplish while we are together. It does matter as to what type of "church" you go to and participate with. This is not qualifier for salvation so that your relationship is not at risk, just your fellowship. I will be glad to share several biblical examples that describe what a church should look like today so that it is "like" the church that Jesus started in the Gospels and activated in the Book of Acts.
We will be away from the work station for some days. We will keep on reading to know the Lord and when we return we will pick up the blogging. Please stay faithful and be diligent about seeking Him with all your heart.
If you find some question that bothers you and want some hints, let me assist you in searching the scriptures. Pray for The Lord to cause His glory to shine on you. Be careful and wary of your Enemy.Read, meditate, memorize and believe what you read in The Bible. Maranatha. Selah. luvpj
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
26 March 11 This is a big day for the children of Abraham, the Jews that worship on the sabbath. I'm glad we worship on Sunday,the first day of the week and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus who is our Lord and Saviour.
Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25 records the restatement of the Ten Commandments. As you compare these to those first recorded in Exodus 20 note some of the word are different, but don't be afraid, GOD has not nor did not change.It has been 40 years of wear and tear on Moses leading these children through the wilderness.Look carefully at 6:12-19 and let this be a guide for your life. Be always comes before do.
Luke 7:11-35 How has The LORD God Almighty,your Lord, had compassion on you? Were you really a gluttonous person, a winebibber and friends of publicans and sinners when Jesus found you?
Psalm 68:19-35 What type of snap shot did you make of The Lord today because you read this psalm?What attributes did you see and how did you express your thanks?
Proverbs 11:29-31 Does God consider us wise or foolish? Do you see "payday" coming to all men? Stewardship is important. luvpj
Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25 records the restatement of the Ten Commandments. As you compare these to those first recorded in Exodus 20 note some of the word are different, but don't be afraid, GOD has not nor did not change.It has been 40 years of wear and tear on Moses leading these children through the wilderness.Look carefully at 6:12-19 and let this be a guide for your life. Be always comes before do.
Luke 7:11-35 How has The LORD God Almighty,your Lord, had compassion on you? Were you really a gluttonous person, a winebibber and friends of publicans and sinners when Jesus found you?
Psalm 68:19-35 What type of snap shot did you make of The Lord today because you read this psalm?What attributes did you see and how did you express your thanks?
Proverbs 11:29-31 Does God consider us wise or foolish? Do you see "payday" coming to all men? Stewardship is important. luvpj
25 March 11 Yea it is Friday and Sunday is coming. Start making plans or arrangements so that there will be no problems about being in class on time and prepared for church.If you can read today and not be amazed, you are seriously missing a Blessing.Allow The Spirit of God to teach you Truth. Beg Him to show you your sin, agree with God, admit your guilt, each and every one He tells you about, then trust The LORD to be what He is and do what He promises.Trust and obey. Extoll.
Deuteronomy 4:1-49 Moses reminds again the words-deeds, promises and provisions of God for the children for the last 40 years plus.God has not changed, His attributes,names and traits are forever, now let v24,25-29 impact your concept of GOD. When under stress and doubt recall v31, for The LORD is and will be God.
Luke 6:39-7:10 Jesus uses the parable to teach, and we need to learn the earthly lesson first then allow The Spirit of Christ minister the heavenly truth. How does your faith impress Jesus? There is always evidence of faith.Are you on-in-attached to The Rock? If you don't want to fall, follow The Leader.
Psalm 68:1-18 records many attributes,traits and names of God.How many did you take time to be thankful for today? Practice v3 over and over again.
Proverbs 11:28 Are you flourishing or falling?Are you confident about your eternal destiny? How does John 10:28 cause you to get through the day? Selah luvpj
Deuteronomy 4:1-49 Moses reminds again the words-deeds, promises and provisions of God for the children for the last 40 years plus.God has not changed, His attributes,names and traits are forever, now let v24,25-29 impact your concept of GOD. When under stress and doubt recall v31, for The LORD is and will be God.
Luke 6:39-7:10 Jesus uses the parable to teach, and we need to learn the earthly lesson first then allow The Spirit of Christ minister the heavenly truth. How does your faith impress Jesus? There is always evidence of faith.Are you on-in-attached to The Rock? If you don't want to fall, follow The Leader.
Psalm 68:1-18 records many attributes,traits and names of God.How many did you take time to be thankful for today? Practice v3 over and over again.
Proverbs 11:28 Are you flourishing or falling?Are you confident about your eternal destiny? How does John 10:28 cause you to get through the day? Selah luvpj
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
24 March 11 We are getting closer to The Day.Hope you enjoyed today and spent some time watching and listening to GOD's creation speak. The birds and butterflies feed around the plants and feeders and have never yet nor will ever plant anything.Learn what it means to "extoll" The LORD.
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29 Moses reminds the children of GOD's plan for their future.The warnings about obedience,separation,stewardship and making war apply to us today. Let these instruction impact your concept of God. When you read the promise at 2:25 and 3:22 you will see it come to pass soon and on the other side of Jordan.Stewardship reflects our beliefs.Moses is in his last hours and soon he will see the land and then die. Did you take note of the name at 3:24?Check the spelling.
Luke 6:12-38 records the identification of the twelve disciples.We get to hear parts of "the sermon on the mount" that was first recorded in Matthew. If we have ears to hear and eyes to read we know how to be and do. We have been warned and informed as to how to live and act.
Psalm 67:1-7 Have you ever ask GOD to let you praise Him? If not,why not? We should fear Him. God,in His mercy, has and will bless His people.
Proverbs 11:27 Make sure you are diligent about doing good.Love GOD! Selah. luvpj
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29 Moses reminds the children of GOD's plan for their future.The warnings about obedience,separation,stewardship and making war apply to us today. Let these instruction impact your concept of God. When you read the promise at 2:25 and 3:22 you will see it come to pass soon and on the other side of Jordan.Stewardship reflects our beliefs.Moses is in his last hours and soon he will see the land and then die. Did you take note of the name at 3:24?Check the spelling.
Luke 6:12-38 records the identification of the twelve disciples.We get to hear parts of "the sermon on the mount" that was first recorded in Matthew. If we have ears to hear and eyes to read we know how to be and do. We have been warned and informed as to how to live and act.
Psalm 67:1-7 Have you ever ask GOD to let you praise Him? If not,why not? We should fear Him. God,in His mercy, has and will bless His people.
Proverbs 11:27 Make sure you are diligent about doing good.Love GOD! Selah. luvpj
23 March 11 Yea,Sunday is coming!Are you getting excited?If not,why not? We have read almost three months into the year and we are getting to KNOW God! Stay on schedule,but be careful with your motive for reading. We do not read to make Him happy with us,lest we develop a performance based acceptance system. He loves you and me unconditionally! We cannot make Him love us more or less because of deeds.
Numbers 36:1-13 The final chapter.Moses continues to teach and remind the children of who they are and what they ought to be and do,separation and sanctification.
Deuteronomy 1:1-46 This is the beginning of a book of rememberance of the past in light of the commandments. Key phrases will be "take heed" and "lest thou forget". Consider the location of the tribes of God and recall that 40 years ago they were this close to the promise land as they are today.Moses shows the form of command and control that will be required for success. How many times has The LORD told the tale?
Luke 5:29-6:11 Should we expect evidence of change in the life of every believer as it is demonstrated by Levi?The Sabbath was important to the Jews and Jesus met them in their synagogue to teach truth and show evidence of Himself as God in the flesh,yet they would not believe nor accept Him. A man is mad who rejects Jesus.
Psalm 66:1-20 Verse 18 is a pivotal verse and must be a part of your concept of God.Respect for The LORD's holiness is like Proverbs 9:10 in action. Selah
Proverbs 11:24-26 Stewardship is stressed.What we do reflects who we are. luvpj
Numbers 36:1-13 The final chapter.Moses continues to teach and remind the children of who they are and what they ought to be and do,separation and sanctification.
Deuteronomy 1:1-46 This is the beginning of a book of rememberance of the past in light of the commandments. Key phrases will be "take heed" and "lest thou forget". Consider the location of the tribes of God and recall that 40 years ago they were this close to the promise land as they are today.Moses shows the form of command and control that will be required for success. How many times has The LORD told the tale?
Luke 5:29-6:11 Should we expect evidence of change in the life of every believer as it is demonstrated by Levi?The Sabbath was important to the Jews and Jesus met them in their synagogue to teach truth and show evidence of Himself as God in the flesh,yet they would not believe nor accept Him. A man is mad who rejects Jesus.
Psalm 66:1-20 Verse 18 is a pivotal verse and must be a part of your concept of God.Respect for The LORD's holiness is like Proverbs 9:10 in action. Selah
Proverbs 11:24-26 Stewardship is stressed.What we do reflects who we are. luvpj
22 March 11 Yea the wind is coming and going and we are not blessed with sand in our wind.Read to know Him and look above the circumstances and seek to be in the right place at the right time.GOD favors His children.
Numbers 33:40-35:34 again we are reminded about the care and provisions from The LORD for His children as they have wandered for 40 years in the wilderness because of unbelief.Take the warning at 33:55-56 and allow this truth impact your concept of God. Learn the concept of the city of refuge and be thankful for God's mercy.We all must be careful in our conduct and be wary of accidents by doing things ignorantly.
Luke 15:12-28 What will it take for all of us to be as Levi? The LORD our Lord calls all saved-believers to follow Him.Rest in the truth at v21 and be satisfied that GOD has favored you.Trust and obey,for there is no other way to be happy.
Psalm 65:1-13 What has GOD caused you to be and do? By what authority do/can you pray?
Proverbs 11:23 Go back and compare this with Psalm 62:5. Check your motive. luvpj
Numbers 33:40-35:34 again we are reminded about the care and provisions from The LORD for His children as they have wandered for 40 years in the wilderness because of unbelief.Take the warning at 33:55-56 and allow this truth impact your concept of God. Learn the concept of the city of refuge and be thankful for God's mercy.We all must be careful in our conduct and be wary of accidents by doing things ignorantly.
Luke 15:12-28 What will it take for all of us to be as Levi? The LORD our Lord calls all saved-believers to follow Him.Rest in the truth at v21 and be satisfied that GOD has favored you.Trust and obey,for there is no other way to be happy.
Psalm 65:1-13 What has GOD caused you to be and do? By what authority do/can you pray?
Proverbs 11:23 Go back and compare this with Psalm 62:5. Check your motive. luvpj
Monday, March 21, 2011
21 March 11 Monday is a good day for some yard work and catch up.We need to pray for The LORD to favor us with energized rain showers, not only for fire prevention but also for washing of our gardens and feeding our plants.We are stewards of the earth and our work is to tend/keep our spot for the glory of God.
Numbers 32:1-33:39 The children are getting ready to cross the Jordan and enter into the promise land.Gad,Reuben and part of the tribe of Manasseh decide to occupy the land on this side of Jordon,yet were willing to fight along with their brothers so that they all might win their territory.A record is made on earth of this agreement and the 40 year history is reviewed so that all would be reminded of GOD's continual presence and provisions.
Luke 4:33-5:11 It is amazing how that the unclean spirit saw,recognized and fearfully cried out to Jesus acknowledging Him as The Holy One of God.Why did the Jewish leadership have such a hard time seeing Him as God in the flesh? We will see how many people followed because of the miracles,but did not believe,nor accept Him and receive Him as God.Jesus begins by calling some men to follow Him, and after they participated in the miracle of catching the draught of fish, forsook all and followed Him. This is "the beginning" of The Church that Jesus would organize.
Psalm 64:1-10 Are you glad about your prayer life?Do you trust The Lord?What do you want for GOD to do for you because you have prayed?Do you adore Him?Have you confessed your sin(s)specifically?Have you thanked Him? Now,what more do you need?
Proverbs 11:22 Where does a pig put his snout? Please practice discretion. luvpj
Numbers 32:1-33:39 The children are getting ready to cross the Jordan and enter into the promise land.Gad,Reuben and part of the tribe of Manasseh decide to occupy the land on this side of Jordon,yet were willing to fight along with their brothers so that they all might win their territory.A record is made on earth of this agreement and the 40 year history is reviewed so that all would be reminded of GOD's continual presence and provisions.
Luke 4:33-5:11 It is amazing how that the unclean spirit saw,recognized and fearfully cried out to Jesus acknowledging Him as The Holy One of God.Why did the Jewish leadership have such a hard time seeing Him as God in the flesh? We will see how many people followed because of the miracles,but did not believe,nor accept Him and receive Him as God.Jesus begins by calling some men to follow Him, and after they participated in the miracle of catching the draught of fish, forsook all and followed Him. This is "the beginning" of The Church that Jesus would organize.
Psalm 64:1-10 Are you glad about your prayer life?Do you trust The Lord?What do you want for GOD to do for you because you have prayed?Do you adore Him?Have you confessed your sin(s)specifically?Have you thanked Him? Now,what more do you need?
Proverbs 11:22 Where does a pig put his snout? Please practice discretion. luvpj
20 March 11 Sunday is here and we get to assemble together and worship our Lord, The LORD God Almighty. Looking forward to our class time as we review some of the Scriptures we have read this week and share how the Lord has favored each of us.
Read to know Him.If you get behind and miss a day, don't read to catch up,lest you begin to think you will please GOD if you read.Stay on schedule to form a habit.
Numbers 30:1-31:54 records the lesson given by Moses concerning vows.It is better to not make a vow, than to make a vow and not keep it.Moses organizes the camp for war against the Midianites and specifies why and how the battle was to be done.We need to allow these instructions to influence our concept of God because of the lesson concerning separation.The benefits of war are shared and offerings are made for the favor given by God.An offering begins in the heart and this pleases The LORD.
Luke 4:1-32 allows us to see how to recognize temptation, how to voice our faith during the test and how to be like Jesus.What is in the well will come up in the bucket,for this is the work of The Holy Spirit.Our job is to put the Word of God in our heart.Oh that we might walk in the power of The Holy Spirit.Jesus begins His ministry at home and expanded His influence daily in the streets and in the synagogues.One of the key concept for all that Jesus did in in v21,that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
Psalm 63:1-11 ask each of us"what do you seek and thirst after"?If we get satisfied by any thing other than GOD, we will be miserable.
Proverbs 11:20-21 warns us about companions. We need to be careful. Selah luvpj
Read to know Him.If you get behind and miss a day, don't read to catch up,lest you begin to think you will please GOD if you read.Stay on schedule to form a habit.
Numbers 30:1-31:54 records the lesson given by Moses concerning vows.It is better to not make a vow, than to make a vow and not keep it.Moses organizes the camp for war against the Midianites and specifies why and how the battle was to be done.We need to allow these instructions to influence our concept of God because of the lesson concerning separation.The benefits of war are shared and offerings are made for the favor given by God.An offering begins in the heart and this pleases The LORD.
Luke 4:1-32 allows us to see how to recognize temptation, how to voice our faith during the test and how to be like Jesus.What is in the well will come up in the bucket,for this is the work of The Holy Spirit.Our job is to put the Word of God in our heart.Oh that we might walk in the power of The Holy Spirit.Jesus begins His ministry at home and expanded His influence daily in the streets and in the synagogues.One of the key concept for all that Jesus did in in v21,that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
Psalm 63:1-11 ask each of us"what do you seek and thirst after"?If we get satisfied by any thing other than GOD, we will be miserable.
Proverbs 11:20-21 warns us about companions. We need to be careful. Selah luvpj
19 March 11 Yea for the YMCA and the people who volunteer to coach sports to children.We got to see PJ4 play soccer today and those teams were exciting to watch.The pollen in East Texas is like GA/Al, yellow and on everything.We had a safe trip home and getting ready for Sunday.Hope you are reading to know Him.
**for some first time readers,the chapter and verse numbers may vary from the older printings of The 365 Bible, just read day by day, we will all get to the end soon.
Numbers 28:15-29:40 Moses is reviewing the Law and worship concept again before he dies and the Jews enter the promise land. Note v29:39 reminds the people about their motive, that it is a heart matter, a free will offering.It is not the item being given that pleases GOD, but the heart that gives out of love,respect and obedience.
Luke 3:23-38 begins the record of the ministry of Jesus.It is important to notice the genalogy of Mary(family)for it traces back to Seth the son of Adam which is the lineage of faith.You may want to re-look the genalogy of Joseph in Matthew which shows the legal/male side.Jesus has been the head of the family and now hangs up His carpenters apron and begins showing Himself as prophet and healer.
Psalm 62:1-12 challenges us to depend"only"on GOD.We ought to read to know Him and then believe what He has said,causing our faith to demonstrate through our actions that GOD is our HOPE.Trust in/on The LORD our Lord.
Proverbs 11:18-19 stewardship, good or bad, will always produce results. Selah luvpj
**for some first time readers,the chapter and verse numbers may vary from the older printings of The 365 Bible, just read day by day, we will all get to the end soon.
Numbers 28:15-29:40 Moses is reviewing the Law and worship concept again before he dies and the Jews enter the promise land. Note v29:39 reminds the people about their motive, that it is a heart matter, a free will offering.It is not the item being given that pleases GOD, but the heart that gives out of love,respect and obedience.
Luke 3:23-38 begins the record of the ministry of Jesus.It is important to notice the genalogy of Mary(family)for it traces back to Seth the son of Adam which is the lineage of faith.You may want to re-look the genalogy of Joseph in Matthew which shows the legal/male side.Jesus has been the head of the family and now hangs up His carpenters apron and begins showing Himself as prophet and healer.
Psalm 62:1-12 challenges us to depend"only"on GOD.We ought to read to know Him and then believe what He has said,causing our faith to demonstrate through our actions that GOD is our HOPE.Trust in/on The LORD our Lord.
Proverbs 11:18-19 stewardship, good or bad, will always produce results. Selah luvpj
Saturday, March 19, 2011
18 March 11 What a great day in my life! My wife and I started our married life 54 years ago and it has been exciting. We have been saved for 33 years, receiving the calling and gift the same day. We have been reading our 365 together for 11 years.We have had all this and we have heaven to look forward to,together. We hope you have joy in your marriage, peace in your salvation and Maranatha is your theme song.We all get to read to know Him from now till Eternity.
Numbers 26:52-28:14 Stewardship is explained again about the promise land.GOD keeps records and He wants His people to know the facts,keep them straight and treat all people fairly.Moses will finish his work and God will cause Joshua to be set apart,blessed and charged to lead the Jews into the promise land.
Luke 3:1-22 records the coming out of John The Baptist. Verse 4 gives his message and his authority. Sound counsel is given to the people,publicans and soldiers. John defers all honor to"one mightier than I",referring to Jesus.We get to read about The Trinity at v21-22.
Psalm 61:1-8 take time to appreciate the titles and descriptions given of GOD.Hows do we hallow His name?Who do we trust?Why do we seek another? Selah.
Proverbs 11:16-17 causes me to be grateful and thankful for my family.There is a warning to consider. Take time to be Holy wholly. luvpj
Numbers 26:52-28:14 Stewardship is explained again about the promise land.GOD keeps records and He wants His people to know the facts,keep them straight and treat all people fairly.Moses will finish his work and God will cause Joshua to be set apart,blessed and charged to lead the Jews into the promise land.
Luke 3:1-22 records the coming out of John The Baptist. Verse 4 gives his message and his authority. Sound counsel is given to the people,publicans and soldiers. John defers all honor to"one mightier than I",referring to Jesus.We get to read about The Trinity at v21-22.
Psalm 61:1-8 take time to appreciate the titles and descriptions given of GOD.Hows do we hallow His name?Who do we trust?Why do we seek another? Selah.
Proverbs 11:16-17 causes me to be grateful and thankful for my family.There is a warning to consider. Take time to be Holy wholly. luvpj
17 March 11 A good day to visit Tyler and see the grandchildren.Hope you have a great time with your family.
Numbers 26:1-51 records the stewardship of God with His people. Recall this started with Joseph being sold into slavery and being moved to Egypt.Separation remains between the Levites and the other Jews who were being counted as men able to fight that are 20 years and upward,the total of 601,730 men.
Luke 2:36-52 records the activities of Joseph and Mary a they raise Jesus and it is simply stated that He grew,and waxed strong in spirit,filled with wisdom:and the grace of God was upon him. It is not easy to understand this TRUTH,yet we do believe that Jesus was/is ALL man AND ALL God.Take time to be amazed at this fact.When Jesus made the statement at v49 "I must be about my Father's business", He was speaking about GOD and not Joseph. If each of us would decide to make v52 as our "goal for life" we would bring great pleasure to our Father.
Psalm 60:1-12 revival begins with GOD. Salvation begins with GOD.These verses ought to impact your concept of God and encourage you as you see His names.
Proverbs 11:15 as you watch out for others how do you watch out for yourself?Stewardship is a full time work and responsibility. Selah luvpj
Numbers 26:1-51 records the stewardship of God with His people. Recall this started with Joseph being sold into slavery and being moved to Egypt.Separation remains between the Levites and the other Jews who were being counted as men able to fight that are 20 years and upward,the total of 601,730 men.
Luke 2:36-52 records the activities of Joseph and Mary a they raise Jesus and it is simply stated that He grew,and waxed strong in spirit,filled with wisdom:and the grace of God was upon him. It is not easy to understand this TRUTH,yet we do believe that Jesus was/is ALL man AND ALL God.Take time to be amazed at this fact.When Jesus made the statement at v49 "I must be about my Father's business", He was speaking about GOD and not Joseph. If each of us would decide to make v52 as our "goal for life" we would bring great pleasure to our Father.
Psalm 60:1-12 revival begins with GOD. Salvation begins with GOD.These verses ought to impact your concept of God and encourage you as you see His names.
Proverbs 11:15 as you watch out for others how do you watch out for yourself?Stewardship is a full time work and responsibility. Selah luvpj
16 March 11 Hopefully you will be encouraged today because you read to know Him.
Numbers24:1-25:18 It seems as though the Jews will never learn to obey. How many times must they be admonished and how many slain to teach them a lesson?This began with disbelief about the promise land in that all would die except Caleb and Joshua's families.In the process of time.
Luke 2:1-35 This is a beautiful story being told by GOD and He is in absolute control of every circumstance. I am fascinated by v9 when I consider the Angel of The Lord that came upon them is/was Jesus. Even the shepherds recognized Him as The Lord.Here we have prophecy,prophecy being fulfilled, history and future events being declared.Verse 32 allows us to know who He is and what He will be.This is GOD's work.
Psalm 59: 1-17 Has it ever seemed to you as you pray, GOD seems to say immediately-WHY? There is a big difference between depending upon The LORD for ALL things and just calling when we are caught in a bind.What song do you sing unto Him?
Proverbs 11:14 We all need to be careful in selecting people to give us advice. Suggest we ask what is their status before GOD and are they on praying ground?luvpj
Numbers24:1-25:18 It seems as though the Jews will never learn to obey. How many times must they be admonished and how many slain to teach them a lesson?This began with disbelief about the promise land in that all would die except Caleb and Joshua's families.In the process of time.
Luke 2:1-35 This is a beautiful story being told by GOD and He is in absolute control of every circumstance. I am fascinated by v9 when I consider the Angel of The Lord that came upon them is/was Jesus. Even the shepherds recognized Him as The Lord.Here we have prophecy,prophecy being fulfilled, history and future events being declared.Verse 32 allows us to know who He is and what He will be.This is GOD's work.
Psalm 59: 1-17 Has it ever seemed to you as you pray, GOD seems to say immediately-WHY? There is a big difference between depending upon The LORD for ALL things and just calling when we are caught in a bind.What song do you sing unto Him?
Proverbs 11:14 We all need to be careful in selecting people to give us advice. Suggest we ask what is their status before GOD and are they on praying ground?luvpj
Monday, March 14, 2011
15 March 11 How much of a warning have you been given as to your last heart beat?It has been said that a "15 minuet"warning was given to Japan before the tidal surge arrived and massive destruction and thousands of people perished. God warns all men to prepare for eternity.This could be The Day that Jesus comes in the clouds for His children. Selah.
Numbers 22:21-23:30 What do you learn about GOD by reading how animals react and respond to their Creator?The Lord//The Angel of The LORD are the same,how does that impact your concept of GOD?Observe how the Lord deals with these men,see their actions,but focus on GOD. Let v23:19 influence your thinking and meditation.
Luke 1:57-80 As GOD said.....There are many "first" mentioned recorded in these Scriptures, take note an ponder the wonder of God moving upon Mary. Consider v68 and realized "He came down" to us,as us, for us.
Psalm 58:1-11 read it all and believe v11.
Proverbs 11:12-13 What are you hiding? What do you know that makes you peaceful?Have you shared The Truth with anyone?Don't tell a tale,just tell His-story.Selah luvpj
Numbers 22:21-23:30 What do you learn about GOD by reading how animals react and respond to their Creator?The Lord//The Angel of The LORD are the same,how does that impact your concept of GOD?Observe how the Lord deals with these men,see their actions,but focus on GOD. Let v23:19 influence your thinking and meditation.
Luke 1:57-80 As GOD said.....There are many "first" mentioned recorded in these Scriptures, take note an ponder the wonder of God moving upon Mary. Consider v68 and realized "He came down" to us,as us, for us.
Psalm 58:1-11 read it all and believe v11.
Proverbs 11:12-13 What are you hiding? What do you know that makes you peaceful?Have you shared The Truth with anyone?Don't tell a tale,just tell His-story.Selah luvpj
14 March 11 Here it is Monday and already the time is short, there is much to be done and The Lord is coming ASAP.Read to know Him and then seek to walk in His precepts empowered by His favor/grace.We have all this and heaven TOOO!!
Proverbs 11:9-11 All men/people affect other men/people.Sometimes it is for the good and sometimes it is not for the best. Who do you perfer to be with most?
Psalm 57:1-11 Pay attention to the names of God.Remember the many favors God has blessed you with and take time to be thankful.This day in 1972 God used v7 to assure me that He was in charge of my health isues while I was in the ICU pending a heart cath. The Doctors appoligized to my wife for not believing the cath was not needed,for what they saw yesterday(3/13/92) was not there today(3/14/92). GOD FIXED my heart.
Luke 1:26-56 Read and believe. Let v37 be one of your anchors for your faith.Take time to be amazed at the FIRST time this had ever happened and we have a front row seat at prophecies being fulfilled.Spend time watching GOD do things contrary to the way of the world.
Numbers 21:1-22:20 Wars and wanderings,the beginning of the long and ardous years because of unbelief.We get exposed to more names/titles of God. What a beautiful picture of forgiveness of sin-salvation-protection-mercy-provision demonstrated by God when His children sinned and He sent the fiery serpents and the cure.God continues to show Himself strong as He moves in the lives of Balaam and Balak.
We need to focus on The LORD and not get caught up in the circumstances.All men have the opportunity to choose to respond to God and all men know the consequence of making the wrong choice.God is not willing tht men perish. He makes an opportunity for all to be saved,but those who will not be drawn in, will die in their sin. luvpj
Proverbs 11:9-11 All men/people affect other men/people.Sometimes it is for the good and sometimes it is not for the best. Who do you perfer to be with most?
Psalm 57:1-11 Pay attention to the names of God.Remember the many favors God has blessed you with and take time to be thankful.This day in 1972 God used v7 to assure me that He was in charge of my health isues while I was in the ICU pending a heart cath. The Doctors appoligized to my wife for not believing the cath was not needed,for what they saw yesterday(3/13/92) was not there today(3/14/92). GOD FIXED my heart.
Luke 1:26-56 Read and believe. Let v37 be one of your anchors for your faith.Take time to be amazed at the FIRST time this had ever happened and we have a front row seat at prophecies being fulfilled.Spend time watching GOD do things contrary to the way of the world.
Numbers 21:1-22:20 Wars and wanderings,the beginning of the long and ardous years because of unbelief.We get exposed to more names/titles of God. What a beautiful picture of forgiveness of sin-salvation-protection-mercy-provision demonstrated by God when His children sinned and He sent the fiery serpents and the cure.God continues to show Himself strong as He moves in the lives of Balaam and Balak.
We need to focus on The LORD and not get caught up in the circumstances.All men have the opportunity to choose to respond to God and all men know the consequence of making the wrong choice.God is not willing tht men perish. He makes an opportunity for all to be saved,but those who will not be drawn in, will die in their sin. luvpj
Saturday, March 12, 2011
13 March 11 Sunday is the most exciting day of the week.
Numbers 19:1-20:29 Rebellion has a severe cost and the penalty is death.GOD's ways are made clear and His favor is on the believer,but disobedience is not tolerated. Sin can be forgiven, but the consequence of wilful disregard for Him and His commands is harsh. It is not enough to listen, YOU MUST HEAR what thus sayeth The LORD God Almighty Our Lord.Be careful to pray for those who are different and indifferent to you.Consider the provision God made for the Miriam.
Luke 1:1-25 Is the third Gospel account of the life and ministry of Jesus. Get sensitive to the genealogies of Mary and Joseph.Spend some extra time meditating on the miracles associated with the birth of John The Baptist and Jesus,The Son of God.
Psalm 56:1-13 causes us to meditate on the names, attributes and traits of GOD. Take time to be grateful for what you KNOW that The LORD has done for you.Trust and obey for there is no other way.
Proverbs 11:8 YEA!! for deliverance out of trouble. Prayer for those in distress. luvpj
Numbers 19:1-20:29 Rebellion has a severe cost and the penalty is death.GOD's ways are made clear and His favor is on the believer,but disobedience is not tolerated. Sin can be forgiven, but the consequence of wilful disregard for Him and His commands is harsh. It is not enough to listen, YOU MUST HEAR what thus sayeth The LORD God Almighty Our Lord.Be careful to pray for those who are different and indifferent to you.Consider the provision God made for the Miriam.
Luke 1:1-25 Is the third Gospel account of the life and ministry of Jesus. Get sensitive to the genealogies of Mary and Joseph.Spend some extra time meditating on the miracles associated with the birth of John The Baptist and Jesus,The Son of God.
Psalm 56:1-13 causes us to meditate on the names, attributes and traits of GOD. Take time to be grateful for what you KNOW that The LORD has done for you.Trust and obey for there is no other way.
Proverbs 11:8 YEA!! for deliverance out of trouble. Prayer for those in distress. luvpj
12 March 11 Saturday is a good day for visiting and calling someone about being in class and church Sunday.There have been several families experiencing the passing of loved ones in the last 48 hours. Pray for The Peace of GOD to overshadow each family.Every person MUST make their own provisions for eternal life with The LORD when He calls them to receive the GIFT of GOD.His calling is His calling and the calling is not at our bidding.Hear,believe,admit-confess-repent and receive the Gospel.BE is the first phase,then do is a demonstration that our faith in acting.Read your Bible to know Him. Develop a sound biblical concept of GOD.
Numbers 16:41-18:32 It is dangerous to call GOD a killer an accuse HIM of failing to keep His promises.It is one thing to come before The LORD and express fear-doubt-anger-frustration, but it is sinful to murmur to someone less than GOD about what is happening, when that person CANNOT fix nor solve the problem.We have read about two priests bringing strange fire, Miriam claiming to be equal with Moses, now this accusation. Does the death by plague of 14,700 children of GOD get your attention?We need to know GOD! Re look Proverbs 9:10.God is no respecter of persons for Aaron and Moses are warned about their conduct.There are things and acts that GOD hates.
Mark 16:1-20 records the closing events in the life of Jesus.All of the events in the life of Jesus Christ are so that the scriptures might be fulfilled.The church that Jesus started is given the authority-responsibility-capability to do the will of The Father as is stated at v15. We now believe v19 is so and that Jesus is there ever making intercession for His children. Maranatha.
Psalm 55:1-23 allows us to know that many men hurt many men,yet The LORD knows and will make all things right at the proper time.
Proverbs 11:7 This does not apply to a saved believer. Fact!GOD is our expectation and Hope.How is your confidence in GOD's promise(s)?Read to know Him. luvpj
PS Hope to see you in class. If you do not attend a church, please consider VBC.
Numbers 16:41-18:32 It is dangerous to call GOD a killer an accuse HIM of failing to keep His promises.It is one thing to come before The LORD and express fear-doubt-anger-frustration, but it is sinful to murmur to someone less than GOD about what is happening, when that person CANNOT fix nor solve the problem.We have read about two priests bringing strange fire, Miriam claiming to be equal with Moses, now this accusation. Does the death by plague of 14,700 children of GOD get your attention?We need to know GOD! Re look Proverbs 9:10.God is no respecter of persons for Aaron and Moses are warned about their conduct.There are things and acts that GOD hates.
Mark 16:1-20 records the closing events in the life of Jesus.All of the events in the life of Jesus Christ are so that the scriptures might be fulfilled.The church that Jesus started is given the authority-responsibility-capability to do the will of The Father as is stated at v15. We now believe v19 is so and that Jesus is there ever making intercession for His children. Maranatha.
Psalm 55:1-23 allows us to know that many men hurt many men,yet The LORD knows and will make all things right at the proper time.
Proverbs 11:7 This does not apply to a saved believer. Fact!GOD is our expectation and Hope.How is your confidence in GOD's promise(s)?Read to know Him. luvpj
PS Hope to see you in class. If you do not attend a church, please consider VBC.
Friday, March 11, 2011
11 March 11 All of us should take time to be grateful and thankful for our family.Sunday is coming and I hope you are getting excited about class and church.Don't forget the set your clocks ahead tomorrow.I wish we had daylight saving time year round.The sunrise is brilliant every day so take time to watch GOD demonstrate His glory through His creation and recall Psalm 19 that we read on23 Jan.
Numbers 15:17-16:40 records the dreams that The LORD had for His children concerning their future homeland.The offerings were to represent a sense of fellowship with their brothers and their God.Be grateful for the provisions of forgiveness afforded to the people.Consider the sin problem recorded at v30-36 and allow this truth of justice and mercy impact your concept of GOD.What reminder do you have that warns you about sin?Be grateful for The Holy Sirit.How does the sin of Korah affect your concept of GOD and His Love? When I read this I wonder where the 70 men are that God blessed(Num 11:16-17,Mar 8) to help Moses.Let us learn that where/when much has been given much will be required, so let Prov 9:10 come to your recall.If GOD were to do something similar to this today in one of our church services, how would we react?
Mark 15:1-47 What a day to experience. We get to read the eye witness account of some, hear the last words of Jesus and see how GOD The Father was involved.We read how the Jews had a bad concept of salvation even though they had been exposed to all the truth necessary for any person to be saved.
Psalm 54:1-7 What has GOD done for you?Who have you told about your salvation?Is He really your helper?What did God deliver you from?Where did He put you? Selah
Proverbs 11:5-6 How is your stewardship?There are only two(2) kinds of people the wicked and the perfect.What does God consider you? Selah luvpj
Numbers 15:17-16:40 records the dreams that The LORD had for His children concerning their future homeland.The offerings were to represent a sense of fellowship with their brothers and their God.Be grateful for the provisions of forgiveness afforded to the people.Consider the sin problem recorded at v30-36 and allow this truth of justice and mercy impact your concept of GOD.What reminder do you have that warns you about sin?Be grateful for The Holy Sirit.How does the sin of Korah affect your concept of GOD and His Love? When I read this I wonder where the 70 men are that God blessed(Num 11:16-17,Mar 8) to help Moses.Let us learn that where/when much has been given much will be required, so let Prov 9:10 come to your recall.If GOD were to do something similar to this today in one of our church services, how would we react?
Mark 15:1-47 What a day to experience. We get to read the eye witness account of some, hear the last words of Jesus and see how GOD The Father was involved.We read how the Jews had a bad concept of salvation even though they had been exposed to all the truth necessary for any person to be saved.
Psalm 54:1-7 What has GOD done for you?Who have you told about your salvation?Is He really your helper?What did God deliver you from?Where did He put you? Selah
Proverbs 11:5-6 How is your stewardship?There are only two(2) kinds of people the wicked and the perfect.What does God consider you? Selah luvpj
10 March 11 Is it just Thursday? It seems like time is flying,babies are being born and old people are dying.None of these situations are unknown to GOD and He is not surprised at our actions showing either joy or sadness.Read to know Him,focus on His names,attributes and traits as you read the promises and warnings.Be glad for the indwelling/infilling of The Holy Spirit as you walk in His mercy being empowered by His favor and grace.Take time to be holy and practice His presence in your life.
Numbers 14:1-15:16 when rebellion is seething in the camp, trouble is on the horizon.What would you have said or done had you been there?Are you glad that The LORD is bound by His WORD?Read to know Him!! Learn how to act as a mediator an intercessor for others, even when they are in the wrong pray that the mercy of GOD will be real and evident.How do you understand v14:24? Is your spirit like Caleb's spirit?Be grateful that there is only one(1) law and law-giver.
Mark 14:53-72 Focus on GOD The Father as He watches and hears what His children,The Jews,sons of Israel-Jacob, are saying about The Only Begotten Son of God.Note the names at v61-62.How does the abuse of Jesus impact your concept of God?Meanwhile the drama surrounding Peter is being recorded,yet compare the reaction of Peter to those of Judas when sin is realized.Did you weep over your sin?
Psalm 53:1-6 Meditate on v1.Evaluate v2-5 to consider the frustration of God with His creation. Let v3 demand your attention, then justify yourself. Selah
Proverbs 11:4 One day all men will give an accounting of all deeds,thoughts and desires.We will give our report as a son of God or as an unbeliever. Selah luvpj
Numbers 14:1-15:16 when rebellion is seething in the camp, trouble is on the horizon.What would you have said or done had you been there?Are you glad that The LORD is bound by His WORD?Read to know Him!! Learn how to act as a mediator an intercessor for others, even when they are in the wrong pray that the mercy of GOD will be real and evident.How do you understand v14:24? Is your spirit like Caleb's spirit?Be grateful that there is only one(1) law and law-giver.
Mark 14:53-72 Focus on GOD The Father as He watches and hears what His children,The Jews,sons of Israel-Jacob, are saying about The Only Begotten Son of God.Note the names at v61-62.How does the abuse of Jesus impact your concept of God?Meanwhile the drama surrounding Peter is being recorded,yet compare the reaction of Peter to those of Judas when sin is realized.Did you weep over your sin?
Psalm 53:1-6 Meditate on v1.Evaluate v2-5 to consider the frustration of God with His creation. Let v3 demand your attention, then justify yourself. Selah
Proverbs 11:4 One day all men will give an accounting of all deeds,thoughts and desires.We will give our report as a son of God or as an unbeliever. Selah luvpj
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
9 March 11 A great day to be alive. Be is always first then do.Read to know Him and be as Christ.This may be the last opportunity to visit with and speak to our friends about The LORD our Lord.As you spend time in prayer and mediation with The Lord try to make your prayer request be the same as that of God.
Remember if your 365 was printed since 2000 some of the verse separation may differ from mine, not to worry, read to know Him.
Numbers 11:24-13:33 begins the journey towards the promise land. Consider how close the whole camp of GOD's people were to their goal yet it will take another 38 years to finally cross the Jordan River. Why do"some"men look at the circumstances and not to HIM who controls ALL circumstances?We all need to learn to believe what GOD has said and live in the Truth.We see The LORD's generosity in blessing of the 70 other men,yet it is not shown that they defended Moses in going forward.Jealousy and assuming favor do not honor GOD and this sin has a devastating impact on the person,like Miriam.All men have the capacity to do grievous sin,even"saved"people can commit the worst type of sin.It is the heart of man that is desperately wicked. Take note about Caleb and Jehoshua and follow their life through the journey.
Mark 14:22-52 what does it mean to you to "watch and pray"?We all have boasted about our dedication,but all of us have gone the way of Peter.Jesus tells the disciple both history and prophecy and still some did not hear nor believe.Read the account of Judas carefully and learn the lesson of faith,truth,love and obedience. Hear Judas' words and watch his deeds and beware.
Psalm 52:1-9 why do men boast?Read and consider the description of mankind and take heed.Who-what are you trusting in today to save and keep you from The Evil One?
Proverbs 11:1-3 Stewardship!Strive to be walk in integrity.All men should be honest.How does The Lord consider your/my conduct? Selah luvpj-Prov 9:10
Remember if your 365 was printed since 2000 some of the verse separation may differ from mine, not to worry, read to know Him.
Numbers 11:24-13:33 begins the journey towards the promise land. Consider how close the whole camp of GOD's people were to their goal yet it will take another 38 years to finally cross the Jordan River. Why do"some"men look at the circumstances and not to HIM who controls ALL circumstances?We all need to learn to believe what GOD has said and live in the Truth.We see The LORD's generosity in blessing of the 70 other men,yet it is not shown that they defended Moses in going forward.Jealousy and assuming favor do not honor GOD and this sin has a devastating impact on the person,like Miriam.All men have the capacity to do grievous sin,even"saved"people can commit the worst type of sin.It is the heart of man that is desperately wicked. Take note about Caleb and Jehoshua and follow their life through the journey.
Mark 14:22-52 what does it mean to you to "watch and pray"?We all have boasted about our dedication,but all of us have gone the way of Peter.Jesus tells the disciple both history and prophecy and still some did not hear nor believe.Read the account of Judas carefully and learn the lesson of faith,truth,love and obedience. Hear Judas' words and watch his deeds and beware.
Psalm 52:1-9 why do men boast?Read and consider the description of mankind and take heed.Who-what are you trusting in today to save and keep you from The Evil One?
Proverbs 11:1-3 Stewardship!Strive to be walk in integrity.All men should be honest.How does The Lord consider your/my conduct? Selah luvpj-Prov 9:10
Monday, March 7, 2011
8 March 11 Can you believe that it is Tuesday already and Sunday is coming?
Numbers 10:1-11:23 allows us to read about what pleases and displeases GOD.What is your fear factor and how does this record impact your concept of GOD?
Mark 14:1-21 records the last few days of the life of Jesus and allows us to know Him better by His conduct with His disciples.
Psalm 51:1-19 tells us how to meet God and how to get our heart prepared.
Proverbs 10:31-32 Pray to have good ears of hearing and wisdom to hear and recogonize truth and best.Pray to have The Lord to cause you to speak right and truth in love or to shut up.How do your lips glorify GOD today? Selah luvpj
Numbers 10:1-11:23 allows us to read about what pleases and displeases GOD.What is your fear factor and how does this record impact your concept of GOD?
Mark 14:1-21 records the last few days of the life of Jesus and allows us to know Him better by His conduct with His disciples.
Psalm 51:1-19 tells us how to meet God and how to get our heart prepared.
Proverbs 10:31-32 Pray to have good ears of hearing and wisdom to hear and recogonize truth and best.Pray to have The Lord to cause you to speak right and truth in love or to shut up.How do your lips glorify GOD today? Selah luvpj
7 March 11 Monday and windy,but the birds are hungry.Do you look for the sparrows in your yard?Look,listen,see, and HEAR the creation speak.
Numbers 8:1-9:23 records the separation of the Levites from the children of Israel for service unto the LORD. The Jews were to have a priest to take their place during the worship service and offering of sacrifices. Do you see the shadow of Jesus as our High Priest doing for us service unto GOD? We are reminded by the LORD about the passover being the"only" way to satisfy GOD's rquirement for sin satisfaction.The Jews had to practice patience as they waited on GOD to move the tabernacle.What can we learn about The Lord and ourselves in the matter of timing?We must pay attention to what He is doing for He is The El-Beth-El.
Mark 13:14-37 is written for the Jews during the period of the tribulation.We must learn to appreciate what Jesus as our Saviour has done for us in the matter of the future. Be grateful for The holy Spirit that indwells and infills the believer.Yet there is a common truth in the reading of Numbers and Mark today as to what we ought to be doing today and that is to WATCH.LOOK UNTO GOD!Read to know Him.
Psalm 50:1-23 declares the Mighty GOD!Stand back and watch!He is the Creator and Sustainer!See His attributes of power,wisdom,love and not ever changing.One day He is coming as Judge and His Justice will be applied to all unbelievers.
Proverbs 10:29-30 Facts! Truth! Reality!Today and Forever,He is The LORD. Selah luvpj
Numbers 8:1-9:23 records the separation of the Levites from the children of Israel for service unto the LORD. The Jews were to have a priest to take their place during the worship service and offering of sacrifices. Do you see the shadow of Jesus as our High Priest doing for us service unto GOD? We are reminded by the LORD about the passover being the"only" way to satisfy GOD's rquirement for sin satisfaction.The Jews had to practice patience as they waited on GOD to move the tabernacle.What can we learn about The Lord and ourselves in the matter of timing?We must pay attention to what He is doing for He is The El-Beth-El.
Mark 13:14-37 is written for the Jews during the period of the tribulation.We must learn to appreciate what Jesus as our Saviour has done for us in the matter of the future. Be grateful for The holy Spirit that indwells and infills the believer.Yet there is a common truth in the reading of Numbers and Mark today as to what we ought to be doing today and that is to WATCH.LOOK UNTO GOD!Read to know Him.
Psalm 50:1-23 declares the Mighty GOD!Stand back and watch!He is the Creator and Sustainer!See His attributes of power,wisdom,love and not ever changing.One day He is coming as Judge and His Justice will be applied to all unbelievers.
Proverbs 10:29-30 Facts! Truth! Reality!Today and Forever,He is The LORD. Selah luvpj
6 March 11 YEA,it is Sunday!What vow or commitment have you made to God? Have you read the/your church's covenant lately? We are to separated unto the God of Hosts.Hope your worship today brings God glory and makes your joy full.Read to know.
Numbers 6:1-7:89 A Jew had a choice to make, not a requirement, a choice.Jesus wascalled a Nazarene not a Nazarite.Samson was a Nazarite.How does the principal of options affect your life today?Have you chosen to separate yourself unto The LORD your Lord?IF not,why not? Read v6:23-26 and remember to favor others with this blessing.The gifts given by the tribes for the tabernacle are freely given and they are equal/alike.What caused The LORD to be present and speak to Moses? Read v7:88b-89a and find the answer.What separated man from God?SIN must be dealt with promptly and properly.
Mark 12:38-13:13 God is always watching an hearing what is being done by mankind.GOD looks into the heart and knows all men.We can not hide. God knows what we give and what we keep.Stewardship/accountability are always before Him.If you are hated,so what, why are you hated?Be and do so that we are hated for His name's sake.
Psalm 49:1-20 God is speaking, how is your hearing?Learn what is eternal and what is temporary and know GOD.Are you confident about v15?Plan and prepare for eternity.
Proverbs 10:27-28 gives all of facts about GOD.Who-what is your hope?Read to know Him and seek Him diligently and early while He may be found so as not to perish. luvpj
Numbers 6:1-7:89 A Jew had a choice to make, not a requirement, a choice.Jesus wascalled a Nazarene not a Nazarite.Samson was a Nazarite.How does the principal of options affect your life today?Have you chosen to separate yourself unto The LORD your Lord?IF not,why not? Read v6:23-26 and remember to favor others with this blessing.The gifts given by the tribes for the tabernacle are freely given and they are equal/alike.What caused The LORD to be present and speak to Moses? Read v7:88b-89a and find the answer.What separated man from God?SIN must be dealt with promptly and properly.
Mark 12:38-13:13 God is always watching an hearing what is being done by mankind.GOD looks into the heart and knows all men.We can not hide. God knows what we give and what we keep.Stewardship/accountability are always before Him.If you are hated,so what, why are you hated?Be and do so that we are hated for His name's sake.
Psalm 49:1-20 God is speaking, how is your hearing?Learn what is eternal and what is temporary and know GOD.Are you confident about v15?Plan and prepare for eternity.
Proverbs 10:27-28 gives all of facts about GOD.Who-what is your hope?Read to know Him and seek Him diligently and early while He may be found so as not to perish. luvpj
5 March 11 Thank The LORD for children and "grand" children!I am grateful for the opportunity to spend time with my crowns.I wish all parents would love their children as our heavenly Father loves His children, even those who do not know Him as Saviour.Hope to see you all in the morning.
Numbers 4:1-5:31 We are being taught how to serve GOD.GOD is HOLY wholly!!Revisit Proverbs 9:10 and meditate about who is speaking and THEN obey.Read v5:6-7 and allow The Holy Spirit to direct thy paths to God.All of us need to be careful in our conduct lest we become jealous and cause some to drink bitter water.
Mark 12:18-37 We have the opportunity to get a better understanding about heaven and how we will be known and know others.Let The Word of GOD be more influence on your concept of GOD than some words in some songs.Apply v29-31 to your daily life.We are common people,sinners saved through faith under GOD's favor and grace.
Psalm 48:1-14 Let this song be an encouragement to you,Great is the LORD!!!Take note of the God given facts and promises.One day we will be with Him in heaven. Selah
Provers 10:26 What kind of gift do we send to others?What type of person to you enjoy spending time with each day?Take a sip of vinegar and the choose. luvpj
Numbers 4:1-5:31 We are being taught how to serve GOD.GOD is HOLY wholly!!Revisit Proverbs 9:10 and meditate about who is speaking and THEN obey.Read v5:6-7 and allow The Holy Spirit to direct thy paths to God.All of us need to be careful in our conduct lest we become jealous and cause some to drink bitter water.
Mark 12:18-37 We have the opportunity to get a better understanding about heaven and how we will be known and know others.Let The Word of GOD be more influence on your concept of GOD than some words in some songs.Apply v29-31 to your daily life.We are common people,sinners saved through faith under GOD's favor and grace.
Psalm 48:1-14 Let this song be an encouragement to you,Great is the LORD!!!Take note of the God given facts and promises.One day we will be with Him in heaven. Selah
Provers 10:26 What kind of gift do we send to others?What type of person to you enjoy spending time with each day?Take a sip of vinegar and the choose. luvpj
4 March 11 Is it Friday already?Hope you have made your plans for Sunday and being on time and prepared are your dreams. If you were to meet a stranger in your neighberhood or town and they asked for directions of "how to get to heaven from here" what would you tell them? We read to know Him!We know Him that we might share.
Numbers 2:1-3:51 The Jews had the flags of their fathers to follow.The LORD is always obedient to His TRUTHS and His ordliness demonstrated to us how to have satisfaction in our lives. Be right and in your place and when called out,do right promptly as per known truths and directions.GOD sanctifies/sets apart men/tribes for a work. This does not indicate they are "better" but that have been chosen for a work.What have you been chosen for today?GOD always makes clear what He expects.God is no respector of persons. All have sinned! All can/may be saved!
Mark 11:27-12:17 did you take note of how Jesus responded to unbelievers? How does this impact your concept of GOD? Jesus reminds all of us about stewardship and accountability of all gifts given to us.
Psalm 47:1-9 Spend time meditating on the names,attributes and traits of GOD.We are in triumph!!God is Soverign, worthy to be praised and we get to exalt Him.
Proverbs 10:24 Here today and gone tomorrow.Where will you be in 100 years? luvpj
Numbers 2:1-3:51 The Jews had the flags of their fathers to follow.The LORD is always obedient to His TRUTHS and His ordliness demonstrated to us how to have satisfaction in our lives. Be right and in your place and when called out,do right promptly as per known truths and directions.GOD sanctifies/sets apart men/tribes for a work. This does not indicate they are "better" but that have been chosen for a work.What have you been chosen for today?GOD always makes clear what He expects.God is no respector of persons. All have sinned! All can/may be saved!
Mark 11:27-12:17 did you take note of how Jesus responded to unbelievers? How does this impact your concept of GOD? Jesus reminds all of us about stewardship and accountability of all gifts given to us.
Psalm 47:1-9 Spend time meditating on the names,attributes and traits of GOD.We are in triumph!!God is Soverign, worthy to be praised and we get to exalt Him.
Proverbs 10:24 Here today and gone tomorrow.Where will you be in 100 years? luvpj
Thursday, March 3, 2011
3 March 11 Today is a great day to be an American!When was the last time you touched your American Flag,stood at attention and said the Pledge of Allegiance?When you pray do you consider the troops in harm's way who are willing to die so that you and I can do..... what ever we do to defend our nation.As you read your 365 Bible to know Him, and when His way is made clear for you to take a stand or do a deed, what happens? Read John 3:12 and determine the meaning,then act like you are a believer.
Leviticus 27:14-34 completes the presentation of the commandments.Stewardship is always in play and God is keeping a detail set of books.We are considered holy,if we are saved,and we are devoted to The LORD,our Lord according to the Scriptures.
Numbers 1:1-54 God is putting His troops in order and assembling His Army.Every man has a work to do and assignments are made clear. We/they were not uninformed.
Mark 11:1-26 We get to see again that no man is asked to do any thing for The LORD,our Lord that He has not already made all necessary items ready to be used.What name do you associate with this provision?Does Jehovah-Jireh tell you about Him?When you read about the fig tree, does El-Elon(GOD over all) seem appropriate?When you see the temple scene do you sense His Holiness and Omniscience?If not,why not?Is your prayer life changed because you read today about forgiveness? Selah
Psalm 46:11 Selah is given three times to cause all of us to be more careful in our reading and cause us to think about what we have just read.Let v11"The LORD of Hosts is with us" overcome your mind and heart.Selah, consider El-Roi in watching.
Proverbs 10:23 warns all of us about being serious and thinking about holy things.Do you have GOD's wisdom? Read Prov 9:10 and meditate on these truths. luvpj
Leviticus 27:14-34 completes the presentation of the commandments.Stewardship is always in play and God is keeping a detail set of books.We are considered holy,if we are saved,and we are devoted to The LORD,our Lord according to the Scriptures.
Numbers 1:1-54 God is putting His troops in order and assembling His Army.Every man has a work to do and assignments are made clear. We/they were not uninformed.
Mark 11:1-26 We get to see again that no man is asked to do any thing for The LORD,our Lord that He has not already made all necessary items ready to be used.What name do you associate with this provision?Does Jehovah-Jireh tell you about Him?When you read about the fig tree, does El-Elon(GOD over all) seem appropriate?When you see the temple scene do you sense His Holiness and Omniscience?If not,why not?Is your prayer life changed because you read today about forgiveness? Selah
Psalm 46:11 Selah is given three times to cause all of us to be more careful in our reading and cause us to think about what we have just read.Let v11"The LORD of Hosts is with us" overcome your mind and heart.Selah, consider El-Roi in watching.
Proverbs 10:23 warns all of us about being serious and thinking about holy things.Do you have GOD's wisdom? Read Prov 9:10 and meditate on these truths. luvpj
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
2 Mar 11 What a great day to be an American where we get to choose our GOD, how we worship Him, when and where we assemble to praise Him to give our tithes/offerings freely and to be edified by the preaching of The Good News.We get to share our faith/beliefs with any one and everybody.Don't take any of these freedoms-rights-privileges-responsibilities lightly.Choose today to be holy. read to know Him.
Leviticus 25:47-27:13 We must read today the warnings from GOD very carefully so that we do not misunderstand His character,for He is HOLY. Redeeming a person is not the same as salvation from sin.We can pay a fee but we can not forgive the sin debt,only GOD. Let v25:55 be the basis for our belief system that we are His children and He expects all of us to act right.We,as were the Jews,have been given His commandments,laws ans statues so that we may know Him.Prov 9:10 gives us direction.Note how often the phrase"if ye will,then will I,but if ye will" are used to warn and advise. We, as did the children of God, get to choose how we respond even though we know the consequence of our bad choices.Remember where the Jews are in today's reading. Project where they will be the next 38 years, how long they will be in the promise land and when they will be taken captive and scattered . Time does not reduce the impact of sin, curse or blessings. We are to be stewards of The Truth today and forever.
Mark 10:32-52 Jesus teaches the Gospel again to His disciples. Greed and covetousness are present in all mankind and are always contrary to GOD.Being a servant/minister is our calling as sons of God.There will be evidence in the changed life.Are you convinced that you are and will always be a son of God?Let someone know.
Psalm 45:1-17 How does your life paint the picture that describes your Lord The LORD?How are we making known The Name(s)of GOD to this generation?
Proverbs 10:22 accept the condition established by this saying as a promise that we get to participate in with The LORD.He wants to make us rich as He is rich. luvpj
Leviticus 25:47-27:13 We must read today the warnings from GOD very carefully so that we do not misunderstand His character,for He is HOLY. Redeeming a person is not the same as salvation from sin.We can pay a fee but we can not forgive the sin debt,only GOD. Let v25:55 be the basis for our belief system that we are His children and He expects all of us to act right.We,as were the Jews,have been given His commandments,laws ans statues so that we may know Him.Prov 9:10 gives us direction.Note how often the phrase"if ye will,then will I,but if ye will" are used to warn and advise. We, as did the children of God, get to choose how we respond even though we know the consequence of our bad choices.Remember where the Jews are in today's reading. Project where they will be the next 38 years, how long they will be in the promise land and when they will be taken captive and scattered . Time does not reduce the impact of sin, curse or blessings. We are to be stewards of The Truth today and forever.
Mark 10:32-52 Jesus teaches the Gospel again to His disciples. Greed and covetousness are present in all mankind and are always contrary to GOD.Being a servant/minister is our calling as sons of God.There will be evidence in the changed life.Are you convinced that you are and will always be a son of God?Let someone know.
Psalm 45:1-17 How does your life paint the picture that describes your Lord The LORD?How are we making known The Name(s)of GOD to this generation?
Proverbs 10:22 accept the condition established by this saying as a promise that we get to participate in with The LORD.He wants to make us rich as He is rich. luvpj
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