Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 March 11 A great day to be alive. Be is always first then do.Read to know Him and be as Christ.This may be the last opportunity to visit with and speak to our friends about The LORD our Lord.As you spend time in prayer and mediation with The Lord try to make your prayer request be the same as that of God.
Remember if your 365 was printed since 2000 some of the verse separation may differ from mine, not to worry, read to know Him.

Numbers 11:24-13:33 begins the journey towards the promise land. Consider how close the whole camp of GOD's people were to their goal yet it will take another 38 years to finally cross the Jordan River. Why do"some"men look at the circumstances and not to HIM who controls ALL circumstances?We all need to learn to believe what GOD has said and live in the Truth.We see The LORD's generosity in blessing of the 70 other men,yet it is not shown that they defended Moses in going forward.Jealousy and assuming favor do not honor GOD and this sin has a devastating impact on the person,like Miriam.All men have the capacity to do grievous sin,even"saved"people can commit the worst type of sin.It is the heart of man that is desperately wicked. Take note about Caleb and Jehoshua and follow their life through the journey.

Mark 14:22-52 what does it mean to you to "watch and pray"?We all have boasted about our dedication,but all of us have gone the way of Peter.Jesus tells the disciple both history and prophecy and still some did not hear nor believe.Read the account of Judas carefully and learn the lesson of faith,truth,love and obedience. Hear Judas' words and watch his deeds and beware.

Psalm 52:1-9 why do men boast?Read and consider the description of mankind and take heed.Who-what are you trusting in today to save and keep you from The Evil One?

Proverbs 11:1-3 Stewardship!Strive to be walk in integrity.All men should be honest.How does The Lord consider your/my conduct? Selah luvpj-Prov 9:10

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