Friday, March 11, 2011

10 March 11 Is it just Thursday? It seems like time is flying,babies are being born and old people are dying.None of these situations are unknown to GOD and He is not surprised at our actions showing either joy or sadness.Read to know Him,focus on His names,attributes and traits as you read the promises and warnings.Be glad for the indwelling/infilling of The Holy Spirit as you walk in His mercy being empowered by His favor and grace.Take time to be holy and practice His presence in your life.

Numbers 14:1-15:16 when rebellion is seething in the camp, trouble is on the horizon.What would you have said or done had you been there?Are you glad that The LORD is bound by His WORD?Read to know Him!! Learn how to act as a mediator an intercessor for others, even when they are in the wrong pray that the mercy of GOD will be real and evident.How do you understand v14:24? Is your spirit like Caleb's spirit?Be grateful that there is only one(1) law and law-giver.

Mark 14:53-72 Focus on GOD The Father as He watches and hears what His children,The Jews,sons of Israel-Jacob, are saying about The Only Begotten Son of God.Note the names at v61-62.How does the abuse of Jesus impact your concept of God?Meanwhile the drama surrounding Peter is being recorded,yet compare the reaction of Peter to those of Judas when sin is realized.Did you weep over your sin?

Psalm 53:1-6 Meditate on v1.Evaluate v2-5 to consider the frustration of God with His creation. Let v3 demand your attention, then justify yourself. Selah

Proverbs 11:4 One day all men will give an accounting of all deeds,thoughts and desires.We will give our report as a son of God or as an unbeliever. Selah luvpj

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