Saturday, September 22, 2012

22 Sep 2012 What a great day to read The Bible to know God. These last few days Isaiah has shown to us many names of The LORD and has been used by God to show us our ways and the future for the believers and the lost. There are many verses that may be considered as promises for us today even though the first application was for the people of God in Isaiah's time. We have been made aware of how God does strange works yet tells us that he gives wonderful counsel and he is excellent in his working. Look at 29:14 and marvel at his marvellous work. Re-look 30:15 and attend to his names and offer of peace. Chapter 33:22 reminds all of us of the future and blessed hope. Be admonished at 34:16 and follow the instructions of seeking and reading the book.Seek to learn about pride and avoid the boasting of your things as did King Hezekiah with the men from Babylon. Consider how many times we are warned to fear not the enemies if God.Hide the word of God in your heart and rejoice.

Both Galatians and Ephesians are applicable to us and the local church today. We are to wounded healers and burden bearers sharing the good news that drew us unto The LORD by The Lord. Consider Gal 6:14 and review what you have crucified on the cross? We are the saints and we are to be faithful.We are predestined, as adopted children of God, to be accepted in the beloved. Spend some time and meditate on he promises given at Eh 1.

From the Psalms we are instructed to make joyful noises unto the LORD. Read in context Psm 66:18.Hopefully by now you are reading and praying back the psalms to The Lord, for example 64:1. How often do you just shout Psm 63:1? Who are you waiting for? Where are your expectations? If Psm 62:5 is not the answer, go back and redo.

Proverbs gives much good advice and warnings to both parents and children. If we read and do not heed, what are we???"Hear thou my son,and be wise,and guide thine heart in the way. Be not among winebibbers;among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags." 23:19-21
Is it not our goal, yea all men, to go from rags to riches? Be warned, the first drink is a potential for absolute ruin. Be warned, the first illicit sexual adventure may lead to a life of prostitution. The first cigarette may lead to COPD.  LSD=James 1:12-16 and 4:17. luvpj
Keep on reading and praying for the new class beginning 1Jan2013.

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