Friday, September 28, 2012

28 Sep 2102 Yea! It is Friday and Sunday is coming! I often wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus was crucified and was declared dead.  It seems odd that the men who took the body of Jesus from off of the cross and wrapped it for burial were not what we call disciples.I wonder if they were thinking about what was going to happen Sunday. How often do you consider the return of Jesus in the clouds calling his children up to himself-MARANATHA Anathema. Are you expecting His return today? If not, why not? What did you learn about The LORD our Lord today in your reading?

I prayed that God would keep me back from being a mischievous person. I prayed that by his grace I would avoid those people and things that devise evil. I did ask for Psalm 70:1 to come to pass for me, my wife, our children, our grandchildren, you and all those that seek to know God in sincerity.

God admonishes his children to beware, be alert, obey and believe all that he has said. God used Isaiah to show his provision for his people at 54:16-17. The Jews were told how to act at 56:1- and that advice is appropriate for us today-OBEY.

Please read to know God. Pray for our troops in harms way, our political leaders, our pastors and teachers of truth, our missionaries and yourself that all walk in agreement with God. Pray for the 365 class beginning on 6 Jan 2013. luvpj

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