Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I've created a facebook page for our use during the coming years. Please go to www.facebook.com/BarnabasImpact to join.

 31 December 2013 Tuesday, last day to get right with God this year. I've prepared these notes for a review.  Class Notes for The One Year 365 Bible Class 2013, 31 December 2013.

Thank you for participating in our class and reading through the One Year Bible.  This has been a good year.  We have read, seen and heard the Word of God more clearly and by that we have been drawn closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I sincerely hope and pray that we will discipline ourselves and continue to read daily through our KJV  Bible from 1 January 2014 until we hear the Voice calling us up into heaven, Maranatha!
Hopefully you will continue to refine and then to write out your personal testimony.  Consider starting with the day your life was CHANGED and brag on how God used scriptures to confront, convince and comfort you unto salvation. 

Read again those verses given during the year to provoke your interest.  Remember: John 3:12, James 4:17, II Corn 5:17-21, II Tim 3:16-17, Col 3:15-17, Phil 3:10, Acts 4:10-12,  John 3:36; 15:5-7,  Psalm 19; 119:9-11 &138:2, Amos 3:3, Hab 2:3, 1stChr 4:9, Jer 29:11, 1stPet 2:17, 2ndPet 1:12, 1stJohn 1:1-10, Rom 3:23;5:8; 6:23 & 10:9-13,  Hebrews 10:22-25 and 9:27.  Discipline yourself to look every day/AM to the East and say Psalm 19.  Walk every day in view of the Rapture and in II Corinthians 13:14.
A thought to consider is "Faith is the ability to feel so sure of God and His Word that no matter how dark the day, there is no doubt as to the outcome."

Each of you will be an asset to the Sunday School class you join and attend. Victory Baptist Church will be strengthened because you are more like Christ now that when we began 1 January 2013. Please remember the military personnel and their families.
Get right, Be right, Do right and don't quit. Sincerely for Christ's sake,
Powell Johnson

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