Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013, Friday is near and SUNDAY is coming. Are you ready and prepared to meet GOD? Make sure you have your ticket for the Rapture Express! As you read this week I pray you seek diligently to know God.  This lesson #49 will be discussed in our Sunday School Class at Victory Baptist Church Sunday 8 December 2013. Remember, prepare your heart and confess your sins, ask for The Holy Spirit to teach you as you READ your Bible. Be sensitive, admire God's handiwork while you focus on Him.  What attributes of God are you seeking to find this week as you read to know God?

Consider How God used Daniel to interpret dreams of men and how angels interpreted dreams for Daniel.  Focus on God as you read about the beasts,  Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus.  Why do you obey God and God's Word?

MON 2  Daniel 9:1-10:21; 1stJohn 2:18-3:6; Psalm 121:1-8; Proverbs 28:27-28;How do you pray after you read v9:3-23? What did you learn about your lifestyle from v10:11-15? What promises did you gain in John's letter and the psalm? Does the proverb impact your attitude about stewardship today?
TUE 3 Daniel 11:1-34; 1st John 3:7-24; Psalm122:1-9; Proverbs29:1;How is the vile person of Daniel v21 showing himself today? How does v17 of John impact your stewardship? How do you pray in agreement with Psalm 122? How do you respond to reproof from God and also from man?
WED 4 Daniel 11:35-12:13;1st John 4:1-21;Psalm 123:1-4; Proverbs 29:2-4;How does God's description of Satan help you in facing adversity? What did Daniel learn about the time of tribulation? How do you apply the instruction given in John 4?Did the Psalm make you feel guilty? Is the proverb applicable today?
As we read Hosea, know that he was first of the 12 minor prophets and he was a prophet unto the Northern kingdom following Elijah, Elisha, Jonah and Amos. We will read about Israel's' idolatry, wickedness, captivity and the future restoration. God hates sin but loves sinners. How did God use Hosea's family life to show Israel's sin?

THU 5  Hosea 1:1-3:5;1st John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8;Proverbs 29:5-8;Is it always easy to obey God? How is this similar to the parable of the prodigal son? Do you believe john v5:5?Did you see eternal security at v11? How do you praise God because of Psalm 124:8? Why do you sing after reading the proverb?
FRI 6 Hosea 4:1-5:15; 2nd John 1:1-13; Psalm 125:1-5; Proverbs 29:9-11;How does Hosea 4:6 apply to "us/USA" today? What attribute of God is shown at v5:15? What restriction did you note in 2ndJohn? How do you pray for others using Psalm v4? How may the wicked influence our lifestyle?

SAT 7 Hosea 6:1-9:17; 3rd John 1:1-14; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 29:12-14; What did God discover in Ephraim? What did you learn about God at v8:14? How did God use John to instruct the church? How is stewardship shown in the psalm? How does God judge the king?

SUN 8  Hosea 10:1-14:9; Jude 1:1-25;Psalm 127:1-5;Proverbs 29:15-17;How does Hosea 10:12 influence your conduct? How does God judge Israel in chapter 12? How is Jehovah shown in chapter 13? Why did Jude want his people to earnestly contend for the faith? Do you believe Psalm 127? Do you enjoy rest and peace in your soul?
Pray for the lost. Apply 1Peter 2:17. If you are SAVED, waiting for the RAPTURE, read 1stJohn 1-5 and believe these Truths are for you today.  Maranatha.                              Remember: Get right/Be right-DO right and don't quit. pj  see you in heaven any day now.

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