Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday 19  March 2014, Friday is coming and then Sunday. Hope you have a Bible to read. If we can be of any spiritual help, please make your notes at facebook as per note at the end of the lesson.

 Lesson # 12, One Year Bible Comments, prepared 16 March 2014.
It is God that gives truth and fills men with His Holy Spirit so that they may influence others for the glory of God. No man will nor can prosper apart from the Bible. The King James Version of the Holy Scriptures is the best, preserved and most accurate Bible for English speaking people today. Read God’s Word to know God. Jesus is The only God Man, born of a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life, willingly gave his life as a ransom for many, was crucified, died and was buried and resurrected on the third day according to the scriptures. The Lord Jesus Christ showed himself with many infallible truths and ascended into heaven as he had promised. We who have believed and received God’s gift of forgiveness (John 3:36) and eternal life are waiting for his return, Maranatha (1stCorinthians 16:22-24)!     READ the Bible first.
Sun 16Mar Numbers 24:1-25:18; Luke 2:1-35; Psalm59:1-17 & Proverbs 11:14. What miracles did you see God use dealing with Balaam? Look for the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of God then and today. What did you learn about His mercy concerning the plague and the brazen serpent? How has the miracle of Genesis 3:15 been accomplished in Jesus? Do you consider God to be your “only” defense? Connect Psalm1 to this Proverb 11:14 today.
Mon 17Mar Numbers 26:1-51; Luke2:36-52; Psalm60:1-12 & Proverbs 11:15.  God records the history and family genealogy so that the world is informed as to His provisions and protection. There is nothing hid from Omniscient God. What qualities and traits did you see in Jesus? Did you develop personal goals for your life based on those of Jesus’? What promises did you gain from Psalm 62?

Tue 18 Mar Numbers 26:52-28:14; Luke3:1-22; Psalm61:1-8 & Proverbs 11:16-17. What truths did you learn from Numbers 16:63-65? The wage of sin is death as per 17:14. How do these facts impact your concept of Holy God?  How has or will Luke 3:6 come to pass even as Psalm 19 is so today? What vow have you made to God? Please apply the Proverb 11:16-17 today to a friend and others.
Wed 19Mar Numbers 28:15-29:40; Luke3:23-38; Psalm 62:1-12 & Proverbs 11:18-19.How many animals are required to meet the annual requirements of worship for the Jews? How do you see God as the Provider? How do you worship your God? Consider how God was and is involved in the genealogy of ALL/each man. He is Omniscient! Rest in the truths and promises of Psalm 62 and apply v5 as the manner of life-Hope in Him. Pursue God.

Thu 20 Mar Numbers 30:1-31:54; Lule4:1-32; Psalm 63:1-11 & Proverbs 11:20-21. What application did you make because of 30:1-2? How have you made atonement for your soul? Are you full of the Holy Ghost? Are you saved? Are the promises given to Jesus applicable to “Believers “today?  Is Psalm 63:1 so in your life today?  What truth and promise is given in the Proverb 11:20-21 today?
Fri 21Mar Numbers 32:1-33:39; Luke4:33-5:11; Psalm 64:1-10 & Proverbs 11:22. What application do you make in your life because of Numbers 32:23? Why does God repeat the history lesson again and again for the children of the Jews? Where are the Ten Commandments today? Have you been impressed with the words, acts and power demonstrated by Jesus? Have you forsaken all to follow Him? Do you expect God to preserve your life for Jesus’ sake? Be glad in the Lord. O, that all women were fair and discrete.

Sat 22Mar Numbers33:40-35:34; Luke 5:12-28; Palm 65:1-13 & Proverbs 11:33. Note the prophesy at Numbers 33:50-56 and attend to the promise and condition. Be warned for God is not mocked. God assigned leaders for the crossing of the Jordan River and the wars to follow. Be thankful for the provisions of cities of refuge. Attend to the truth given at Luke 5:21 and realize its application to yourself. Why do you praise God for His acts? What do you desire?
Do you know Him as your Lord and Saviour? If not, let me guide you in the scriptures. Please post at your comments or questions.  Do you want to hear God?







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